Christ Module 8 - Resurrection

From Anthroposophy

For many the Resurrection is central to Christianity. However, and remarkably, in the one, three, five main introductory lectures that Rudolf Steiner gave on the Mystery of Golgotha, that theme was not even touched on. Instead focus was on the unification of humanity (see also Christ Module 1 - Unification of humanity).

As will become clear through these study modules, the 'unification of humanity' can be seen as the 'what' essence of Christianity, the 'resurrection' is a key to the 'how'.

To understand the resurrection, not only as a 'one-off historical event' but as a 'cosmic event with consequences for the whole of humanity' requires an understanding of the true nature of the Human physical body. Today we mainly consider our mineral physical matter as our body, but in fact the true physical body it is a spiritual body that originates from the Old Saturn planetary stage. As such it is the oldest of Man's bodily principles, and was adapted in every planetary stage to accomodate the higher principles, resulting in the miraculously complex structures of our body today. We need to distinguish that spiritual structure from the mineral matter with which this form was filled. The spiritual structure is referred to by the (rather unfortunate) terms 'phantom' or 'resurrection body'.

A second key to understanding is to realize the impact of the Luciferic influence on Man that happened in the Lemurian epoch. That influence brought good things to Man, such as true freedom, as opposed to being dependent on the guidance of higher spiritual beings. However, it also caused an infection of the human astral body, but also - as these influences work their way downward - of the etheric body and physical body. This means that these bodies require cleansing or purification in order to re-acquire their purely spiritual characteristics (see the process of Initiation or Man's transformation and spiritualization.

In Christ-Jesus this happened for the first time, and not just a singular human level, but at a cosmic level because of the Christ. This is why Christ-Jesus could 're-appear' after his death at Golgotha in the resurrection body. The detailed interpretation of this event is one area of study.

The other aspect is the investigation what its implications are for mankind as a whole, and yourself in particular.


Therefore the scope of this module encompasses:

Inspirational quotes

1 Cor. 15:54

"Death has been swallowed up in victory. "


.. the resurrection of the body is a reality ... [on Future Jupiter] .. we shall rise again in the body, in the earthly body that has condensed out of the separate incarnations

see extract on: Future Jupiter#1914-07-16-GA155

Lecture coverage and references

Paul - First Epistle to the Corinthians - 1 Cor. 15:54

50 I declare to you, brothers and sisters, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God, nor does the perishable inherit the imperishable. 51 Listen, I tell you a mystery: We will not all sleep, but we will all be changed -

52 in a flash, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, the dead will be raised imperishable, and we will be changed.

53 For the perishable must clothe itself with the imperishable, and the mortal with immortality.

54 When the perishable has been clothed with the imperishable, and the mortal with immortality, then the saying that is written will come true: “Death has been swallowed up in victory.”

55 “Where, O death, is your victory?

   Where, O death, is your sting?”

56 The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law. 57 But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.

58 Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain.


... one might say that Thomas was challenged by the risen Christ, when He appeared to the disciples, to feel the scars with his hands ... then it must be supposed that the scars were still there — that Christ had come to the disciples with the same body which had been resolved to dust.

No! Imagine that some one has a wound: then the etheric body contracts in a special way and forms a kind of scar.

And in the specially contracted ether body, from which were drawn the constituents of the new ether body with which the Christ clothed Himself, these wound-marks were made visible — were peculiarly thickened spots ... so that even Thomas could feel that he was dealing with a reality.

This is a remarkable passage in the occult sense. It does not in any way contradict the fact that we have to do with an etheric body, condensed to visibility by the Christ force; and that then also the Emmaus scene could occur. We find it described in the Gospel, not as an ordinary receiving of nourishment, but a dissolution of the food directly by the etheric body, through the Christ forces, without the cooperation of the physical body.


Solovyov's quote of and the strength of the words of Saint-Paul is provided with commentary

If Christ had not risen the world would be senseless, therefore Christ has risen

Daskalos in MOS

SWCC, in the context of materialization

`When Jesus was resurrected, did He dematerialize Himself?'

Certainly. He dematerialized his body completely.

You may ask, had He not dematerialized Himself before? No. He put His body in a state of sleep somewhere and then carried out his OBE (exomatosis). He would then collect etheric matter and materialize a new body which became visible.

After the Resurrection it was something quite different. He dissolved every cell of his material body. He became spirit, absolute spirit, and could at any moment, as a complete self-conscious personality, recon­struct a body identical to the physical body he had before, even with the marks of the wounds from the Crucifixion.

This is different from OBE (exomatosis).

An advanced Master will be able to know this when he materializes himself while he is still in a physical body. When such a Master dies he may be able to materialize his body anywhere on the planet. There is a great difference.

Descent into Hades


For the descent into Hades (three days in the grave) and the battle with Lucifer and Ahriman and the link to the judgment day on Future Jupiter, see 1915-04-03-GA161 in the section on the full planetary chain, link: Christ Impulse at planetary chain level#1915-04-03-GA161


notes from memory by Mathilde Scholl (in GA264)

At the moment when the blood flowed from the wounds, when Christ started his journey into the spiritual world, he appeared in the spirit world (devachan). That was the spiritual mirroring in the heavenly world of the physical events in the world below.



Gustav Mahler

Gustav Mahler (1860-1911) wrote his second symphony, unofficially called 'Resurrection', in the period 1889-1895. The dynamic of destruction and redemption is developed from the first movement (with memories of life of the deceased), to the resolution of the finale. Halfway through the final movement, the choir comes in with the words: ‘Rise again! Yes, rise again will you, my dust, after a short rest!’ Mahler borrowed the first eight lines of Friedrich Gottlieb Klopstock’s poem 'Die Aufersterhung' (The Resurrection) poem and wrote the rest of the text himself.

See also:

Related pages

References and further reading

  • Maximilian Rebholz: essays on resurrection and phantom body
  • Max Hoffmeister: The Resurrection Corporeality: A Contribution to Understanding Christ Jesus (unpublished translation by FMC project), original: Die Auferstehungsleiblichkeit Ein Beitrag zum Verständnis des Christus Jesus (1992)
  • Frank Linde: Auferstehung: Band 1 und 2: Die Auferstehung im Werk Rudolf Steiners (2015)