Project:Schema listing

From Anthroposophy

This page provides a list overview of all the Schemas on this site.

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You can use the web browser functionality 'Find on page' and type any number to quickly go to that Schema; however note this also works by just typing any schema number directly in the main search box of the site.

Note: the description field is not yet filled consistently for all Schemas. For those Schemas where the field is (currently still) empty, that description does exist but it is on the topic pages where the Schema is used (instead of in the SemanticWiki database).

FMC00.001.jpgFMC00.001Evolution of principles of Manis an example of a schema that Rudolf Steiner himself presented, as a way to use schemas to capture spiritual scientific perspectives for study. It represents the different aspects of the 'I' we have today on Earth, and how this I-consciousness evolves across the stages of the solar system evolution. Note Steiner comes back to the (upper part of) this schema in the lecture of the next day 1915-01-10-GA161. Compare with Schema FMC00.036 on the I-organization and superimpose the latter on Schema FMC00.289 below.table
FMC00.001A.jpgFMC00.001AEvolution of principles of Man - originals from archivescontains the original schemas from various original lecture notes and typoscripts of 1915-01-09-GA161.image
FMC00.002.jpgFMC00.002Goethe reading Kirchweger's Aurea Catena Homeri (golden chain)shows symbolic imagery from Anton Josef Kirchweger's book 'Aurea Catena Homeri' (1723), with underneath the relevant quotes of the lecture 1909-03-11-GA057 called 'Goethe's secret revelation'.

Left: ouroboros, see Schema FMC00.328 on IAO topic page

Right: Homer’s Golden Chain
FMC00.003.jpgFMC00.003Earthly and planetary spheres and ethersprovides an overview of the Earth embedded further into the planetary spheres.table
FMC00.003A.jpgFMC00.003AEarthly and planetary spheres and ethers - illustrationsillustrates the Earth with its inner layers or strata, and the etheric spheres or girdles beyond the atmosphere.
FMC00.004.jpgFMC00.004Interior of Earthprovides a synthetic study table, summarizing how Rudolf Steiner described the nine inner layers or strata of the Earth, and linking this to the explanatory evolutionary framework by Iwer Thor Lorenzen.

Lorenzen (1969, 1976) explains how the different strata arise as a polarity of contrary forces is working (outwards, inwards) in the solar system macrocosmos, and how the freeing of the different layers in the spirit and astral world corresponds to the formation of these strata alongside the development of the outer etheric spheres of the planets of our solar system (and the physical planets as a result of the opposing spiritual hierarchy). This is linked to the evolutionary pathway of the Earth and its bodily principles, and the 'incarnation' or development of the Earth's 'I' in stages that correspond to the development of humanity's 'I'.

It is recommended to read Lorenzen's two book references listed below to gain an understanding of what is shown in this table.

Also consider Schema FMC00.006 as related to the lectures on the Earth's evolution (eg Book of Genesis).
FMC00.004A.jpgFMC00.004AInterior of Earth - simplified versiongives a simple reference overview table of the nine layers or strata of the Earth.table
FMC00.005.jpgFMC00.005Planetary influences on Man
FMC00.006.jpgFMC00.006Spectrum of form appearances
FMC00.006A.jpgFMC00.006ASpectrum of form appearances - put in perspective of 3th recapitulation in physical round
FMC00.007.jpgFMC00.007Three subsystems in Man
FMC00.008.jpgFMC00.008Physical manifestations of different worlds in nature's kingdoms
FMC00.009.jpgFMC00.009The working of the Elementals of Nature in the plant kingdom
FMC00.009A.jpgFMC00.009AThe working of the Elementals of Nature in the plant kingdom - with ethers added
FMC00.010.jpgFMC00.010Three logoi, seven planetary stages and Three dimensions of evolution
FMC00.010A.jpgFMC00.010AThree logoi, seven planetary stages and Three dimensions of evolution - clean digital version
FMC00.011.jpgFMC00.011Hauschka's experimental data 1934-1940 for transmutation confirming von Herzeele: weight changes of sprouting seeds in a closed system
FMC00.012.jpgFMC00.012Examples potentization curves
FMC00.013.jpgFMC00.013Current epoch and cultural ages with impact MoG and evolution clairvoyance wisdom
FMC00.014.jpgFMC00.014Overview solar system development of Free Man Creator
FMC00.015.jpgFMC00.015Fine and coarse breathing
FMC00.015A.jpgFMC00.015AFine breathing of ethers across threefold being and four bodily principles (DL schema with quotes)image
FMC00.016.jpgFMC00.016Yggdrasil - Man as the bearer of the Human 'I'
FMC00.017.jpgFMC00.017Life of Christ-Jesus on Earth and coverage in fifth gospeltable
FMC00.018.jpgFMC00.018Lucifer and Jehovah
FMC00.019.jpgFMC00.019Birth of Luciferic spirits on Old Sunimage
FMC00.020.jpgFMC00.020Twelve apostles and subraces
FMC00.021.jpgFMC00.021Last Supper by Leonardo Da Vinciimage
FMC00.021A.jpgFMC00.021ALast Supper by Leonardo Da Vinci - mapping apostles to cultural agesshows an attempt towards interpretation (by DL) of the symbolism of the apostles in Da Vinci's Last Supper painting.

It includes FMC00.169A and FMC00.020 for ease of reference. See also with Schema FMC00.021B on Last Supper by Leonardo da Vinci.

Additional notes: On the right of Christ-Jesus on the painting, apostle number 7 puts the finger in the air. One might relate that with the egyptian obelisks, and the relation to the third Lemurian epoch where Man became erect. Apostle number 8 has the arms open, representing duality. One may relate this with the ancient persian cultural age where this duality arose in the culture. On the left, apostle 2 connects and puts his hand on apostle 4, this might depict that the new Sixth epoch connects with the sixth cultural age. In other words, we see an impulse being carried on, similar as what is happening on the outer right with apostles 12->11->10. Also apostle 4 himself connects with his hand to apostle 6. The intriguing element is that apostle 4 representing John is shown next to and symmetrical with Christ-Jesus (and so not in position of the sixth cultural age), whereas apostle 6 representing Peter does not stay in his place but is in movement behind apostle 5 (Judas), and we have the mystery hand and knife at his position. More on the mystery hand and knife on Schema FMC00.021E.
FMC00.021B.jpgFMC00.021BLast Supper by Leonardo Da Vinci - high resolution imageimage
FMC00.021C.jpgFMC00.021CLast Supper by Leonardo Da Vinci - before and after restorationimage
FMC00.021D.jpgFMC00.021DLast Supper by Leonardo Da Vinci - geometrical aspects (1)image
FMC00.021E.jpgFMC00.021ELast Supper by Leonardo Da Vinci - mystery hand with the knifeimage
FMC00.021F.jpgFMC00.021FLast Supper by Leonardo Da Vinci - geometrical aspects (2)image
FMC00.021G.jpgFMC00.021GLast Supper by Leonardo Da Vinci - the two best historical copies of Da Vinci's Last Supper frescoshows the two best historical copies of Da Vinci's Last Supper fresco, that had been deteriorating quickly already decades after it was finished in 1498. These two high quality copies are nearly identical and were originally (nearly) full size canvas versions, that have been used as reference for restauration of the fresco. Studies have shown that these faithful copies were produced in Leonardo's studio by his best students within 20 years of the original, probably under supervision by Leonardo. Research has shown that (with high likelihood), the Tongerlo (Belgium) version was ordered by the King of France directly from Leonardo after seeing the original fresco (see paper by Isbouts and Brown). Its original size (462x828) was nearly exactly that of the fresco (460x880). The London (UK) version was slighly smaller and further reduced in width with the upper part cut (to the current 300x780). Double click further to get high resolution version. More details in Last Supper by Leonardo da Vinci#Note 1 - Copies of Da Vinci's Last Supper.
FMC00.021H.jpgFMC00.021HLast Supper by Leonardo Da Vinci - several of the best known copiesgathers a number of the best known copies of the Last Supper by Leonardo da Vinci from the early 16th century, all but the Vespino version dating from early 17th century. Note that though these are also famous copies, several of which were also by or attributed to students or followers of Leonardo, the interior architecture and colours are not faithful to the two reference versions and original. Also the sizes vary greatly, some are scaled like two thirds of the original, other are much smaller like 77x132 cm (Saint Petersburg) or 121 × 268 cm (Milan Brera d'Oggiono). The names used here are a combination of the city and museum (abbreviated) where the works are located, in some cases adding the artist as this is how these copies are referenced (Vespino, d'Oggiono). Double click further to get high resolution version. More information Last Supper by Leonardo da Vinci#Note 1 - Copies of Da Vinci's Last Supper
FMC00.022.jpgFMC00.022Development of micro and macrocosmos and Christ principleimage
FMC00.022A.jpgFMC00.022ADevelopment of micro and macrocosmos and Christ principle - from original lecture notesimage
FMC00.023.jpgFMC00.023Three meetings (of Man's higher self with H3) and three rhythmstable
FMC00.023A.jpgFMC00.023AThree meetings with H3 and Man's higher triad structureimage
FMC00.024.jpgFMC00.024Ascent of the Blessed by Hieronymus Boschimage
FMC00.025.jpgFMC00.025Seven miracles of Christ-Jesus as a gradual increase of the working of the Christ power in Jesustable
FMC00.026.jpgFMC00.026Three subsystems in Man - various aspectstable
FMC00.027.jpgFMC00.027Three meetingsimage
FMC00.028.jpgFMC00.028The descent of the cosmic intelligence, coming down to Earthimage
FMC00.029.jpgFMC00.029Zodiac wheelimage
FMC00.029A.jpgFMC00.029AZodiac wheel - originals from lecturesimage
FMC00.030.jpgFMC00.030Three forces of nature, and link to planetary stages and greek godstable
FMC00.031.jpgFMC00.031Old Sun as the appearance of light (ether) and darkness (element air)image
FMC00.032.jpgFMC00.032Principle of consciousness happening at blood nerve interfaceimage
FMC00.033.jpgFMC00.033Damming up between head and heartimage
FMC00.033A.jpgFMC00.033ADamming up between head and heart - with quotes and illustrations streamsimage
FMC00.034.jpgFMC00.034The heart's two blood circuitsimage
FMC00.034A.jpgFMC00.034AFirst Goetheanum floor plan - for comparison with the heart's two blood circuitsimage
FMC00.035.jpgFMC00.035Bhagavad Gita - elementals and rhythms of day, moon, suntable
FMC00.037.jpgFMC00.037Man's most important questions - various illustrations incl. painting Gauguinimage
FMC00.038.jpgFMC00.038Biodynamic preparations (Lievegoed)table
FMC00.039.jpgFMC00.039Indexes and lexicons to Rudolf Steiner's GAtable
FMC00.040.jpgFMC00.040Study scope - GA, secondary literature, indexes and lexiconsimage
FMC00.041.jpgFMC00.041Feeding of the 5000 and 12 baskets - bread and fishestable
FMC00.042.jpgFMC00.042Zodiac signs 5 and 7image
FMC00.042A.jpgFMC00.042AZodiac signs 5 and 7 - zodiac streams table from 1908-GA102table
FMC00.042B.jpgFMC00.042BZodiac signs 5 and 7 - illustrations from Isis Unveiledimage
FMC00.043.jpgFMC00.043Two Jesus childrentable
FMC00.044.jpgFMC00.044Etherization of blood
FMC00.045.jpgFMC00.045Matter destroyed in brain void
FMC00.046.jpgFMC00.046Development of the I, trickling in
FMC00.047.jpgFMC00.047Cultural ages of current epoch - overviewtable
FMC00.047A.jpgFMC00.047ACultural ages of current epoch - extended versiontable
FMC00.048.jpgFMC00.048Twelve Conditions of Consciousnesstable
FMC00.048A.jpgFMC00.048AConditions of Consciousness - terminology and explanationprovides a variant of Schema FMC00.048A with, on the left, the different names used by Rudolf Steiner for the seven first Conditions of Consciousness, and on the right an explanation for how the pattern of evolution and the Three dimensions of evolution unfold as a repetitive pattern, and how we can know them in the human being. At CoC-1 level there is the consciousness part of the planetary spirit or dhyan chohan, like humanity was 'part of' Old Saturn. The source lecture is from notes of an undated private lessons in the 1903-1904 period, published in GA089. Besides GA089, other such early esoteric lessons were published for example in GA091, and these contain unique material not available in later lectures or writings. Due to thestenographic nature of the notes they provide insights when meditating on with, one the student is well versed in the base concepts and materials of spiritual science.table
FMC00.049.jpgFMC00.049Christ Study Modules 1 to 7image
FMC00.049A.jpgFMC00.049AChrist Study Modules 8 to 14image
FMC00.050.jpgFMC00.050Being of Christ - jumpboard overview of 19 stages with referencestable
FMC00.050A.jpgFMC00.050ABeing of Christ - jumpboard overview of the different stages (drawing)image
FMC00.051.jpgFMC00.051The two etheric streams
FMC00.052.jpgFMC00.052Fifth epoch and Two astronomies with 747 years deltatable
FMC00.052A.jpgFMC00.052AFifth epoch and Two astronomies with 747 years delta - BBD on positioning drawingimage
FMC00.053.jpgFMC00.053Perspectives to connect Free Man Creator and Man's most important questions: quest for insight
FMC00.054.jpgFMC00.054The Mystery of Golgotha - before and afterrepresents the blackboard drawing by Rudolf Steiner in the lecture of 1919-10-17-GA191 on the impact of the Mystery of Golgotha, see Moral ideals#1919-10-17-GA191. See also variant Schema FMC00.054A with text excerpts from the lecture, and related Schema FMC00.612.

It depicts:

  • on the left, the old mystery wisdom and clairvoyance dying out.
  • In the middle in orange, the Mystery of Golgotha.
  • On the right, the new beginning through the Christ Impulse of spiritualization and the new clairvoyance and wisdom.

Lectures that talk to this same subject are:

FMC00.054A.jpgFMC00.054AThe Mystery of Golgotha - before and after - annotated versionshows the blackboard drawing by Rudolf Steiner from Schema FMC00.054, with text excerpts from the lecture of 1919-10-17-GA191 as a legend to explain what is depicted here: the dying out of the old human consciousness inspired by the spiritual hierarchies, the Mystery of Golgotha, and then a new start where Man is set free with the development of the consciousness soul and - at first - a new mineral thinking from the 15th century onwards (see also Schema FMC00.612] However alongside there is a new type of supersensible spiritual knowledge that is and will be developing based on a new conscious clairvoyance, and this will bring the moral impulses that are totally missing in the current materialistic mineral science. These moral impulses are essential to social initiatives and the development of the good in humanity.
FMC00.055.jpgFMC00.055Man receiving and creating in seven planetary stages with pivotal I and spiritualization
FMC00.055A.jpgFMC00.055ASeven planetary stages of evolution and Conditions of consciousness mankind - simple version
FMC00.056.jpgFMC00.056Man's bodily principles schematic (3 4, 7 fold) with pivotal I
FMC00.057.jpgFMC00.057Chain of CoC-CoL-CoF and prajapatis
FMC00.057A.jpgFMC00.057AOne planetary stage of evolution (CoC) and chain of CoL-CoF
FMC00.057B.jpgFMC00.057BOne planetary stage of evolution (CoC) and chain of CoL-CoF - positioning drawings Mars and Mercury transitions
FMC00.057C.jpgFMC00.057CEarth stage of evolution (CoC) and chain of CoL-CoF, highlighting recapitulation (colours)
FMC00.057D.jpgFMC00.057DChain of CoC-CoL-CoF and prajapatis - with textual explanation
FMC00.058.jpgFMC00.058Threefold Man - subsystems and three worlds, forces and substance link to spiritual hierarchies
FMC00.059.jpgFMC00.059History symptoms of spirtual currents - fable convenu and truth
FMC00.060.jpgFMC00.060Three Logoi relational buildup
FMC00.061.jpgFMC00.061Three Logoi - seven states and three gunas (tamas rajas sattwa)
FMC00.062.jpgFMC00.062Three Logoi, seven creative spirits before throne, and prajapatis on various planes
FMC00.063.jpgFMC00.063Seven intrinsic quéalities of the three logoi
FMC00.064.jpgFMC00.064Three logoi - outstreamings and map to CoC, CoL, CoF tabular
FMC00.065.jpgFMC00.065Four influences working on Man's bodily principles, leading to current form and gender
FMC00.066.jpgFMC00.066Planetary stages and justice truth beauty morality
FMC00.067.jpgFMC00.067Three outpourings by three logoi schematicimage
FMC00.067A.jpgFMC00.067AConceptual infographic of the logoic principleprovides a conceptual infographic of the logoic principle. The traditional theosophical schema on the left is explained and drawn differently on the right.

The fruits of a previous evolutionary period are in-breathed back in the Logos at pralaya, and represent the seed of the next out-breathing, where it will be blended with the available soil made up of the available cosmic dust. When 'ready' at the middle of a cycle, there is a divine intervention that fructifies it with a higher consciousness.

Like a car jack, this way the logoic principle moves up creation by one level along the CoC-ladder of Conditions of Consciousness, and an extension is woven onto creation, which thereby expands in ever more complex and sophisticated forms of self-consciousness.
FMC00.067B.jpgFMC00.067BLogoic principle and planetary stages of evolutionconnects the conceptual picture of Schema FMC00.067A to the planetary stages of evolution. For 'divine impulse', see Schema FMC00.185 and Schema FMC00.190. Compare also with Schema FMC00.400 on Cosmic breath of Brahma
FMC00.067C.jpgFMC00.067CIllustration logoic principle and ancient hindu terminology
FMC00.068.jpgFMC00.068Mystical Lamb symbol
FMC00.068A.jpgFMC00.068AMystical Lamb symbol - seven planets and eyes
FMC00.068B.jpgFMC00.068BMystical Lamb symbol as pentagram and hexagram
FMC00.068C.jpgFMC00.068CMystical Lamb symbol - relation to planetary stages of evolution
FMC00.069.jpgFMC00.069Offspring of hierarchies: planetary spirit, SoRT, group souls, elementalstable
FMC00.070.jpgFMC00.070Daily path through the zodiac signs
FMC00.071.jpgFMC00.071Twelve guiding spirits and seven planetary stages
FMC00.072.jpgFMC00.072No of volumes published yearly in the GA (Gesamtausgabe)
FMC00.073.jpgFMC00.073Cumulative number of volumes published in GA
FMC00.074.jpgFMC00.074Appearance of alchemical processes and colour of blood in planetary stages of evolution
FMC00.075.jpgFMC00.075Ancient illustration of Golden chain and Emerald tablet (and alchemical mapping)image
FMC00.076.jpgFMC00.076Creation of a new solar system, after fixed star evolution to zodiac
FMC00.077.jpgFMC00.077Planetary stages and CoC - evolution of hierarchiestable
FMC00.077A.jpgFMC00.077APlanetary stages and CoC - evolution of hierarchies - seven levels and roles (coloured)table
FMC00.077B.jpgFMC00.077BPlanetary stages and CoC - evolution of hierarchies - three logoi focustable
FMC00.078.jpgFMC00.078Wheel of planesimage
FMC00.079.jpgFMC00.079Planes of consciousnesstable
FMC00.080.jpgFMC00.080Human bodily structure of Christ-Jesustable
FMC00.080A.jpgFMC00.080AHuman bodily structure of Christ-Jesus - extended version with quotes and referencestable
FMC00.081.jpgFMC00.081Christ etheric faculties (and references)
FMC00.082.jpgFMC00.082Christ experience in cultural ages of this epoch
FMC00.083.jpgFMC00.083Life of Christ on Earth compared to life of Manpresents the earthly phases of the Christ being, with milestones during these Three years of Christ Jesus, mapping these to the equivalent phases of the current life of a human being on Earth.
FMC00.084.jpgFMC00.084Spectrum of elements and ethers
FMC00.085.jpgFMC00.085Kalevala as example of ancient knowledge bodily principles and threefold soul
FMC00.086.jpgFMC00.086Man's bodily principles and three, five, seven, nine foldedness
FMC00.087.jpgFMC00.087Etheric heart as astral recorder
FMC00.088.jpgFMC00.088Bodily experience of the two interpenetrating triangles of the hexagram symbolimage
FMC00.089.jpgFMC00.089Spiritual economy Christ-Jesus bodily principles
FMC00.090.jpgFMC00.090Names of Christ
FMC00.091.jpgFMC00.091Eightfold pad of Buddha
FMC00.092.jpgFMC00.092Development of 16-petalled throat chakrasketches the natural timeline of anticipated development of the throat chakra. Note the link with the twelve subraces or cultural ages represented by the twelve apostles, that end with the second cultural age of the sixth epoch. Lecture 1906-10-04-GA091 describes this exact period for the Christ to come fully into power and humanity starts to understand Christ. For the development of the faculty of memory, see 1914-03-07-GA152 on Walking Speaking Thinking.
FMC00.093.jpgFMC00.093Five levels of evolutionary cycles and their terminology (CoC, CoL, CoF, epoch, age)
FMC00.094.jpgFMC00.094Meaning of life - not just the physical world
FMC00.095.jpgFMC00.095Lord's prayer and rose cross symbol
FMC00.096.jpgFMC00.096Seven lotus flowers or chakras
FMC00.096A.jpgFMC00.096AChakras and nadis - various representationsshows various more detailed illustrations of, on the left, the main chakras (with tattvas and symbols), and on the right the main nadis. Taken from various publicly available sources that include Joan S. Harrigan and Shuang Yan Guan Zhu.Image
FMC00.097.jpgFMC00.097Two Jesus children (babies)image
FMC00.098.jpgFMC00.098Two Jesus children at age 12 in the templeimage
FMC00.099.jpgFMC00.099Last Supper: John puts head on breast / heart of Christ-Jesusimage
File:FMC00.099A.jpgFMC00.099ALast Supper: John puts head on breast / heart of Christ-Jesus - various art illustrationsimage
FMC00.100.jpgFMC00.100Mysteries before and after MoG drawing
FMC00.101.jpgFMC00.101FMC fields: evolution, spiritual hierarchies, Man
FMC00.102.jpgFMC00.102The four gospels and the perspectives they represent
FMC00.103.jpgFMC00.103Yearly cycle: three festivals and trinity
FMC00.104.jpgFMC00.104Golden buckets interchanging - archangelic influences in year cycle and seasons
FMC00.105.jpgFMC00.105Seven sub races of Atlantean epoch
FMC00.106.jpgFMC00.106Year cycle - archangel imaginations and four festival moods
FMC00.107.jpgFMC00.107Year cycle - as lemniscate with festivals
FMC00.108.jpgFMC00.108Solar analemma
FMC00.109.jpgFMC00.109Group souls and separate bodies - drawing Pythagorean schools
FMC00.110.jpgFMC00.110Grail symbol illustrations - flower sunbeam spear cup
FMC00.111.jpgFMC00.111Threefold Man as an inverted plant
FMC00.112.jpgFMC00.112Threefold nature of Man - the three subsystems
FMC00.113.jpgFMC00.113Christ Impulse - meeting of two streams
FMC00.114.jpgFMC00.114Arthur Grail Parsifal table
FMC00.115.jpgFMC00.115Grail opposition: Klingsor, Iblis, Kundry
FMC00.116.jpgFMC00.116The grail in the starry script - the moon sickle
FMC00.117.jpgFMC00.117White Lodge masters and incarnations (references)
FMC00.118.jpgFMC00.118Main aspects for study of the Grail
FMC00.118A.jpgFMC00.118AMain aspects for study of the Grail - extended version
FMC00.119.jpgFMC00.119Three books for study of the Christ and MoG
FMC00.120.jpgFMC00.120Rudolf Steiner lectures and availability of source notes
FMC00.121.jpgFMC00.121Christ study modules 1 to 7 schema from parsing base lecture (example)
FMC00.122.jpgFMC00.122Christ study modules 1 to 7 schema from parsing base lectures (extended)
FMC00.123.jpgFMC00.123Transformation Man's body to head between Old Moon, Earth, Future Jupiter
FMC00.124.jpgFMC00.124Rudolf Steiner life-line overview - tabular form with highlights and number of lectures
FMC00.125.jpgFMC00.125Asking questions and waiting for answers
FMC00.126.jpgFMC00.12625920 and breath cyclestable
FMC00.126A.jpgFMC00.126A25920 - main BBD drawingimage
FMC00.126B.jpgFMC00.126B25920 - various BBD drawingsimage
FMC00.127.jpgFMC00.127Zodiac Man - ancient illustrationsimage
FMC00.127A.jpgFMC00.127AZodiac Man - signs and body parts in tabular viewprovides lecture references and a more granular description for the mapping of zodiac signs to the parts of the human physical body.

This mapping is very ancient knowledge, one reference added is from Marcus Manilius 'Astronomica', written in the 1st century AD (ca. 30-40 AD). It was rediscovered ca. 1416–1417 and published in English 1674-1697.

For the left columns, see also Schema FMC00.256 for a visualization of three groups of zodiacal influences on Man.
FMC00.128.jpgFMC00.128Planes of Man's bodily principles and Iimage
FMC00.129.jpgFMC00.129Development of chakras, clairvoyance in relation with threefold soul
FMC00.130.jpgFMC00.130Evolutionary development goals per planetary stage and epoch
FMC00.131.jpgFMC00.131Third hierarchy H3 working in Man's soul faculties
FMC00.132.jpgFMC00.132Structure of Man between death and a new birth (interwoven with H3)
FMC00.132A.jpgFMC00.132AThe 'starry configuration' of Man during death and rebirth, and as belonging to H3depicts the 'starry configuration' of the human being during death and rebirth, as belonging to a group of many angels and archangels, that are overlapping but still (slightly) different for each soul. The text on the left was shortened without contents change (SWCC) from 1918-03-26-GA181. On the lower right a similar visualization from the description in 1917-01-22-GA174.

Above this two schemas to illustrate what is described, that Man is still in the process of individuation, and separation during incarnate life is through the physical body, but human beings are still connected at the level of the granular group souls of humanity (see green dotted rectangle) that can be imagined as being in the process of crumbling down into smaller fragments.

The lecture provides the underlying explanation for the bridge between the living and deceased souls, see also Interaction with deceased souls.
FMC00.133.jpgFMC00.133Man's bodily structure and IIH steps Rawn Clark Gra Tree of Lifeshows a schema by Rawn Clark mapping the ten steps in Bardon's IIH's system for self-initiation to the Gra Tree version of the Tree of Life.


FMC00.133A.jpgFMC00.133AGra Tree of Lifeshows presentations of the Gra Tree of Life by Rawn Clark in the Book of Taurus and Book of Aries. Compare also with Schema FMC00.133 on the Initiation into Hermetics IIH topic page.Image
FMC00.134.jpgFMC00.134Evolution of astral body since 3000 BC
FMC00.135.jpgFMC00.135Relation astral body - nervous system and threefold Man's I-organization and blood
FMC00.136.jpgFMC00.136Spirit world - higher and lower with seven regions and experience between death and new birth
FMC00.137.jpgFMC00.137Man getting upright posture in mid Lemurian epoch
FMC00.138.jpgFMC00.138Metals - their link with planets, principles and disease treatmentstable
FMC00.139.jpgFMC00.139Three suns - drawing by Johanna von Keyserlingkimage
FMC00.140.jpgFMC00.140Man's bodily principles across the planes - theosophical illustrations (Powell, Leadbeater, Bailey)
FMC00.141.jpgFMC00.141Golden chain principle of downstreaming (flow downwards across the planes)
FMC00.141A.jpgFMC00.141AGolden chain principle of downstreaming (flow downwards across the planes) - original pencil drawingimage
FMC00.142.jpgFMC00.142Golden chain - spiritual entities at work in the four kingdoms of nature
FMC00.142A.jpgFMC00.142AGolden chain - Elementary Kingdoms
FMC00.142B.jpgFMC00.142BGolden chain - Kingdoms of nature and previous planetary stages
FMC00.142C.jpgFMC00.142CGolden chain - Elementals
FMC00.142D.jpgFMC00.142DGolden chain - Plant kingdom
FMC00.142E.jpgFMC00.142EGolden chain - Overview A-B-C-D
FMC00.142F.jpgFMC00.142FGolden chain - Man's bodily principles and the EK forces
FMC00.143.jpgFMC00.143Elementary kingdoms across planetary stages of evolutiontable
FMC00.143A.jpgFMC00.143AElementary Kingdoms - evolution arrows across planetary stagestable
FMC00.143B.jpgFMC00.143BElementary Kingdoms - link with hierarchy creating at CoC4table
FMC00.144.jpgFMC00.144Books on elementalstable
FMC00.145.jpgFMC00.145Elementals of nature - names of the elemental beings of the four elements
FMC00.146.jpgFMC00.146Elementals of nature - structural buildup and bodily principles
FMC00.147.jpgFMC00.147Relationships between nature kingdoms and hierarchies (across planetary stages)provides an overview to contemplate how the four kingdoms of nature on Earth originate in previous planetary stages of evolution.table
FMC00.147A.jpgFMC00.147ARelationships between nature kingdoms and hierarchies (across planetary stages) - extended versiontable
FMC00.147B.jpgFMC00.147BMain roles of hierarchies on planetary stages, and in relation to Manis an older pivoted variant of Schema FMC00.147 that summarizes how Man owes everything to the spiritual hierarchies, how he has been created by them, and how they remained connected in his being. Relate this to the roles of the hierarchies at a certain CoC in Schema FMC00.077A on Creation of solar system.
FMC00.148.jpgFMC00.148Franz Bardon's books availability in various languagestable
FMC00.148A.jpgFMC00.148ABardons first book, titles and versions since 1956table
FMC00.148B.jpgFMC00.148BBardons first book - various covers since 1956
FMC00.149.jpgFMC00.149Evolution table of Man and nature kingdoms across planetary stagesgives a tabular synthesis showing the development of the Spectrum of elements and ethers and the development of our current Four kingdoms of nature as well as Man's developing Condition of Consciousness, see also Schema FMC00.583 on Man and nature's kingdoms in evolution

It shows how the plant and animal kingdoms evolved from the planetary stages of evolution: part of the development lagged behind and was not able to develop the next structural bodily principles, such as the astral on Old Moon, and the human 'I' on Earth.

Note: this schema has a Schema Commentary page, right click the schema number hyperlink to open in a new tab window.
FMC00.149A.jpgFMC00.149ABBD of planetary stages with mention kingdoms of natureimage
FMC00.150.jpgFMC00.150Illustration of the four elements in the Plant
FMC00.151.jpgFMC00.151Four processes in Man - carbon, oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen (illustration Paul Scharff)
FMC00.152.jpgFMC00.152Pictures of experimental setup of potentization experiments (Kolisko, Pelikan)
FMC00.153.jpgFMC00.153Rudolf Hauschka's framework for the cosmic nature of Earth's substances or elements
FMC00.154.jpgFMC00.154Alchemical processes language correspondence to spiritual scientifictable
FMC00.155.jpgFMC00.155Fluids circulating in Man, correspondence with spiritual beings of the various planets, and their impact on Man
FMC00.156.jpgFMC00.156The Sun and sunspots - drawings by Walter Russell
FMC00.157.jpgFMC00.157Man's red and blue blood circuits and lung-liver-kidney-heart
FMC00.158.jpgFMC00.158The four human temperaments
FMC00.159.jpgFMC00.159The two poles of blood and nerves
FMC00.160.jpgFMC00.160Overview esoteric physiology: organs and Man's bodily principles
FMC00.161.jpgFMC00.161Seven life processes and the etheric influences of the planets
FMC00.162.jpgFMC00.162Alchemy: salt mercury and sulphur processes between four elements
FMC00.162A.jpgFMC00.162Avariant with mapping to the zodiac signs by Jean Dubuis, from his course notes on alchemy, taken from Spagyrics Course Lessons 11 and 25. Compare with Schema FMC00.556B
FMC00.163.jpgFMC00.163Alchemy: solve et coagula (salt and niter)image
FMC00.163A.jpgFMC00.163AAlchemical illustration of the two opposing triangles (salt and niter)image
FMC00.164.jpgFMC00.164Man's higher self or triad - illustration with references
FMC00.165.jpgFMC00.165The cross at Golgotha (after Emmerick and Neumann)
FMC00.166.jpgFMC00.166Development and initiation of the Individuality of Christian Rosenkreutz
FMC00.167.jpgFMC00.167Transition between 4th and 14th century
FMC00.168.jpgFMC00.168Recapitulation - epochs and cultural ages
FMC00.169.jpgFMC00.169Overlapping evolutionary periods
FMC00.169A.jpgFMC00.169AOverlapping evolutionary periods - Seed for next epoch taken in the previous one
FMC00.169B.jpgFMC00.169BOverlapping evolutionary periods - Theosophical illustration
FMC00.169C.jpgFMC00.169Cshows the blackboard drawing made by Rudolf Steiner in the lecture of 1905-11-04-GA093A. On the right some examples from notes by people attending the lecture, on the left the version from the GA, here updated for consistent terminology. Different lecture notes typically include nuances that needed to be arbitrated by the editors of the GA in the process of compiling a single best version.
FMC00.170.jpgFMC00.170Force substance representation - polarity between 'center and periphery' and 'pralaya and mantavara
FMC00.171.jpgFMC00.171Force substance representation - unity and three logoi
FMC00.172.jpgFMC00.172Force substance representation
FMC00.172A.jpgFMC00.172AForce substance representation - duality of force and substance
FMC00.173.jpgFMC00.173Link between three cosmic principles, the kingdoms of nature, and symbolism bread and wine
FMC00.174.jpgFMC00.174Man in force substance representation - descent and ascent
FMC00.175.jpgFMC00.175The Elementary Kingdoms - reference tabletable
FMC00.175A.jpgFMC00.175AThe Elementary Kingdoms - simplified summary tabletable
FMC00.176.jpgFMC00.176Future Man - illustrations mapping GA091 sketch and Gichtelimage
FMC00.176A.jpgFMC00.176AFuture Man - four colour illustrations Gichtelimage
FMC00.177.jpgFMC00.177Four group souls
FMC00.178.jpgFMC00.178Human senses - passive and active
FMC00.179.jpgFMC00.179Human heart systole and diastole (illustration by E. Pfeiffer)
FMC00.180.jpgFMC00.180The heart as a sun space in the inverted human being (comparison with plant, re O. Whicher)
FMC00.181.jpgFMC00.181Old Moon to Earth and Moon comparison
FMC00.182.jpgFMC00.182Group souls from Old Moon to Earth
FMC00.183.jpgFMC00.183Man's consciousness experience before and after MoG (and the development of the human I)image
FMC00.184.jpgFMC00.184Evolution across epochs of formative forces and their orientation
FMC00.185.jpgFMC00.185Three main impulses between third and sixth epoch: Jehovah, Christ, Father
FMC00.186.jpgFMC00.186The human races and link with bodily principles and greek types
FMC00.187.jpgFMC00.187Giving and receiving (1904-11-GA089)
FMC00.187A.jpgFMC00.187AGiving and receiving (1904-11-GA089) - base schema
FMC00.187B.jpgFMC00.187BGiving and receiving (1904-11-GA089) - step 1
FMC00.187C.jpgFMC00.187CGiving and receiving (1904-11-GA089) - step 2
FMC00.187D.jpgFMC00.187DGiving and receiving (1904-11-GA089) - step 3
FMC00.187E.jpgFMC00.187EGiving and receiving (1904-11-GA089) -illustrations from original lecture notes
FMC00.188.jpgFMC00.188A new center gets created (1904-11-GA089)
FMC00.188A.jpgFMC00.188AA new center gets created (1904-11-GA089) - illustrations from original lecture notes
FMC00.189.jpgFMC00.189First and second Adam
FMC00.190.jpgFMC00.190Earth evolution between third and sixth epochs - separation and reunion sun and moon, three impulses and MoG
FMC00.190A.jpgFMC00.190AEarth evolution between third and sixth epochs - separation and reunion sun and moonimage
FMC00.191.jpgFMC00.191BBD drawings of cup and host as symbol of transubstantiation in mysteriesdepicts several BBD drawings of the monstrance or sanctissimum (or 'sanctum sanctorum') as symbol of the transubstantiation: the shining, like a small Sun, in the sanctissimum wherein the host is carried on a crescent cup.

The monstrance represents the Sun and the Moon, and the symbol shows the sun (the Christ, the spirit) gains victory over the moon (the physical, as the influences that gave human beings their physical form come from the moon) through the Mystery of Golgotha.

What is currently merely an empty symbol, was once a reality in the (semi-)ancient mysteries. The priest initiate experienced how preserved fermenting substances in sacred crystalline vessels became transformed in such a way that he saw a small sun or a small natural monstrance in the crystalline vessel, as the substances spread sunshine around them. The priest saw how the substances and forces shone in the sacred crystalline vessels, and knew how the transubstantiation occurred. (1924-09-05-GA346 - see Greek mysteries#1924-09-05-GA346).

Today the sanctissimum in the Mass shows the rays of the Sun, but the connection of the Christ with the Sun and the reality behind the symbol have been totally lost. (1924-07-11-GA237)

Compare with the symbol of new moon at Easter and Schema FMC00.116 on Holy Grail : the spiritual sun Christ (host) shines in the 'crescent cup'. The GA343A lecture uses this description of sunlight and moonlight (see also 1908-05-20-GA103).

Also (not as a symbol but conceptually): on Schema FMC00.468 on Christ Module 5 - Initiation and spiritualization .. the physical holder or cup is Man's lower bodily structure, and the Christ Impulse fructifies this and so through "not me, but the Christ in me" .. Mankind and future Earth become a Sun. More on this 'starting to shine' on Christ Module 7 - Cosmic dimension
FMC00.191A.jpgFMC00.191AIllustrations of cup and host, and monstrance or sanctissimumshows illustrations, on the right, of the roman catholic symbol of the monstrance or sanctissimum, and left the cup and host as the central ritual of the roman catholic mass. The deep meaning of this symbol of Christianity and transubstantiation as part of the ancient mysteries has been lost, but has been elucidated by Rudolf Steiner in various lectures (references see Schema FMC00.191) The roman catholic insignia IHS means Jesus. IHS comes from the Latinized version of the Greek ιησους or (in capitals) ΙΗΣΟΥΣ, hence IHSOUS in Latin letters, of which the first three letters in capitals IHS(ous). The Greek name is transliterated as and pronounced iēsous, the Hebrew name is transliterated and pronounced yeshūa, in Latin it becomes Iesus. More correctly would be Christ or Christ-Jesus.image
FMC00.192.jpgFMC00.192Astral body of the plant kingdomshows two illustrations with short descriptions by Rudolf Steiner of the astral body of plants. On the left, the illustration made in the lecture 1908-02-24-GA098, and on the right the BlackBoard Drawing (BBD) of 1922-07-02-GA213.
FMC00.193.jpgFMC00.193Sacrifice of Thrones on Old Saturn - pictorial imagery
FMC00.194.jpgFMC00.194Spiritual hierarchies embedded in elements and ethers - across planetary stages (illustrating Old Saturn & Old Sun)
FMC00.195.jpgFMC00.195The plant - working of elementals of nature and ethersimage
FMC00.196.jpgFMC00.196Overview solar system evolution and planetary chain - various illustrations from different sources
FMC00.196A.jpgFMC00.196AOverview solar system evolution - Conrad
FMC00.196B.jpgFMC00.196BOverview solar system evolution - Hagemann's paper schema
FMC00.196C.jpgFMC00.196COverview solar system evolution - Gordon
FMC00.196D.jpgFMC00.196DOverview solar system evolution - modern poster
FMC00.196E.jpgFMC00.196EOverview solar system evolution - Conrad (EN translated)
FMC00.196F.jpgFMC00.196FErnst Hagemann's Overview Schema of solar system evolution (highres version)shows a digital high resolution version of Ernst Hagemann's overview schema of solar system evolution, titled: The evolution of the spiritual beings and the kingdoms of nature in context of the Earth stage of evolution. Four digit numbers are Rudolf Steiner lecture references using the Schmidt numbering, that hence provide immediate punctual reference links to any element on the schema.Image
FMC00.197.jpgFMC00.197Man's higher triad - positioning the threefold soul, sheaths and divine selfhood
FMC00.198.jpgFMC00.198The elementary kingdoms and their formative workings - Rebholz
FMC00.199.jpgFMC00.199Old Saturn evolution - seven CoL and breathing spiritual hierarchiestable
FMC00.199A.jpgFMC00.199AOld Saturn evolution - O'Neil schemaimage
FMC00.200.jpgFMC00.200Old Saturn drawing creative spiritual beings of H1image
FMC00.201.jpgFMC00.201Old Saturn formation imagery - blackberry or mulberryimage
FMC00.202.jpgFMC00.202Influences working from the center (physical, I) and the periphery (etheric, astral)
FMC00.203.jpgFMC00.203Six planetary stages with their seven CoL and the main CoL for humanity
FMC00.204.jpgFMC00.204Five main human races - origin and characteristics
FMC00.204A.jpgFMC00.204AIllustration of race migration and characteristics
FMC00.205.jpgFMC00.205Map of migrations sub-races from Lemuria and Atlantisimage
FMC00.205A.jpgFMC00.205AMap of migrations from Lemuria and Atlantis - other version from Wachsmuthimage
FMC00.205B.jpgFMC00.205BMap of migrations from Lemuria and Atlantis - other version from Wachsmuth (coloured)image
FMC00.205C.jpgFMC00.205CMap Atlantean migrations and relationship with Noah's sons Shem, Ham, and Japhethimage
FMC00.205D.jpgFMC00.205DAtlantean oracles (map Wachsmuth)image
FMC00.206.jpgFMC00.206Map of evolution of Earth's continents across epochs - various authorsimage
FMC00.206A.jpgFMC00.206AMap of evolution of Earth's continents across epochs (incorrect, for didactic purposes)image
FMC00.207.jpgFMC00.207Medallion of VITRIOL of Basil Valentineshows the alchemical VITRIOL medaillon illustration by Basil Valentine (1394-1450) showing Homer's Golden Chain.

Explanation by Jean Dubuis from his Mineral course, Lesson 9.

Note: with such ancient images, sometimes small changes were made as part of the copy process, see eg the change below (reversal of clouds & heaven) on the copy on the left. For another example see Schema FMC00.537.
FMC00.208.jpgFMC00.208Workings of the first and second hierarchy in the elements and ethers
FMC00.209.jpgFMC00.209Geological time periods and their mapping to the spiritual scientific epochs of evolution
FMC00.209A.jpgFMC00.209AInternational stratigraphic chart - reference
FMC00.209B.jpgFMC00.209BOther version of stratigraphic chart - for mapping to FMC00.209 main
FMC00.210.jpgFMC00.210Poppelbaum diagram for evolution of nature kingdoms and Man in four epochs of evolution
FMC00.210A.jpgFMC00.210APopular illustrated version of Poppelbaum diagram
FMC00.210B.jpgFMC00.210BDescent of animals and Man across epochs of evolutionshows a translated version of the original drawing by Rudolf Steiner in the lecture of 1907-11-22-GA100. This drawing and lecture has been misinterpreted outside of a spiritual scientific framework and understanding by groups and forces whose aim is to accuse anthroposophy and Rudolf Steiner's teachings of racism. See 'Further reading' section on the Human races page for an extensive coverage of sources who correct these wrongful attacks. For this reason specific details on the Scheme are added. The two blackboard sketches part of this lecture have been merged, and terminology has been adapted to contemporary language versus the terms used over 100 years ago in context of an audience who had another understanding of these words as part of a larger knowledge framework of human races. Specifically: the word 'epoch' has been added to the evolutionary periods; an explanation has been added in light grey for the 'monera'; the term 'Indianer' has been replaced with 'ancient American Indians' (not to be confused with native americans as we know them today, as here the remnant of the Saturn sub-race of the Atlantean epoch is meant - see Schema FMC00.186 and Schema FMC00.204); and the term 'dekadente Abzweigung' is translated by 'declining branch(ing)', as it branches off in a declining fashion relative to the main evolutionary pathway (see Schema FMC00.546).
FMC00.211.jpgFMC00.211Changing geographical location of and influences on key period in evolution (epoch and age)
FMC00.212.jpgFMC00.212Earth evolution schema - seven epochs
FMC00.213.jpgFMC00.213Thinking Feeling Willing, Truth Beauty Good, and the three worlds
FMC00.214.jpgFMC00.214Maps of last part of Atlantis
FMC00.214A.jpgFMC00.214ALocation and form of Atlantis - description Rudolf Steiner
FMC00.214B.jpgFMC00.214BAtlantis evolution of continent - overview maps Scott-Elliot
FMC00.214C.jpgFMC00.214CAtlantis evolution of continent - detail maps Scott-Elliot
FMC00.214D.jpgFMC00.214DMaps Atlantis - from 'The first principles of Theosophy'
FMC00.214E.jpgFMC00.214ELocation atlantean subraces based on Powell (maps Scott-Elliot)
FMC00.214F.jpgFMC00.214FLegend to the maps from William Scott-Elliot's book based on Leadbeater
FMC00.214G.jpgFMC00.214GSimulation of reduced ocean water levels - Doggerland and Poseidonisshows how simulation of reduced ocean water levels by NASA based on satellite data brings to life, on the right, Doggerland (see Schema FMC00.622) just a few hundred meters below current sea level, and in the middle, how Poseidonis arises in the Atlantean ocean at around 3000m below current water level (see maps from Schema FMC00.214 on the left).

Such maps can also be used to position other areas where underwater remains have been found, such as Bimini Road near the Bahamas, or Yonaguni Monument east of Taiwan - both less than 100m under current sea levels (see also Schema FMC00.545). Relatively little to no research seems to have been done at deeper levels due to high costs and technical limitations. An exception were the sonar images showing structures around 600-800m before the Cuban cost (around 2001, see the work of Paulina Zelitsky).

Note however such finds definitely do not necessarily relate to the Atlantean culture given the transition between epochs and the long history of 10.000 years in the Current Postatlantean epoch between approx. -8000 BC and today. Doggerland is an illustration.
FMC00.214H.jpgFMC00.214HYonaguni Monument locationillustrates how Yonaguni Monument, approx. 100 kilometres east of Taiwan and discovered only in 1986, lies only some 30m below current sea level. Simulation of lowered sea levels shows (map by NASA, below middle) shows that an ‘arc’ land connection, currently under water, once connected Taiwan with south Japan, and was in fact a seaside mountain range. The map on the right below is at some 3000 m level below the current sea level, see also Schema FMC00.214G. Just like doggerland on that Schema, these images build an appreciation for how cultures inhabited different parts of the Earth between the Atlantean epoch and today, and much remains unknown of the last 10.000 years of our current Postatlantean epoch and the first cultural ages (eg period 8000 to 5000 BC).Image
FMC00.215.jpgFMC00.215Group souls and the human beingimage
FMC00.216.jpgFMC00.216Primeval Man-animalimage
FMC00.217.jpgFMC00.217Adam Kadmon in early Lemuriaimage
FMC00.218.jpgFMC00.218Man's bodily principles - overview table
FMC00.218A.jpgFMC00.218AMan's bodily principles and planetary stages of evolution (RS)
FMC00.219.jpgFMC00.219Earth evolution - courses of Mars and Mercury
FMC00.220.jpgFMC00.220World map - distribution of the main human races
FMC00.221.jpgFMC00.221Evolution of Man and animalimage
FMC00.221A.jpgFMC00.221AEvolution of Man and animal - original in DEimage
FMC00.222.jpgFMC00.222Twofold Man on Old Sun
FMC00.223.jpgFMC00.223Hierarchies on Old Sun CoL
FMC00.224.jpgFMC00.224Overview Old Sun stage of evolution
FMC00.225.jpgFMC00.225Four elements and their spiritual meaning as linked to hierarchies and stages of evolution
FMC00.226.jpgFMC00.226Human consciousness - principle - spiritual influences and astral backbone
FMC00.227.jpgFMC00.227Paintings by Rembrandt - said to show Christian Rosenkreutzimage
FMC00.228.jpgFMC00.228Apocalyptic seal 4 - The two pillars Jachin and Boaz - the Trees of Knowledge and Lifeimage
FMC00.228A.jpgFMC00.228AVarious designs of the fourth apocalyptic seal
FMC00.229.jpgFMC00.229Human consciousness - memory and love
FMC00.230.jpgFMC00.230Human consciousness - how cosmic inspiration flows into our subconsciousness behind our conscious sensory perception.
FMC00.231.jpgFMC00.231Human consciousness - how we form inner experience of perception of the outer
FMC00.232.jpgFMC00.232Humanity is getting younger
FMC00.233.jpgFMC00.233Man's I development between 3th and 6th epochtable
FMC00.233A.jpgFMC00.233AMan's I development between 3th and 6th epoch - horizontal timeline versiontable
FMC00.234.jpgFMC00.234Overview table: the two pillars Jachin and Boaz - the Trees of Knowledge and Lifetable
FMC00.235.jpgFMC00.235Man's lunar nodes in life (Roder, Lievegoed)
FMC00.236.jpgFMC00.236Man's seven year periods in life - overview tableprovides an overview of the septennia or seven year periods, and how Man develops his bodily principles corresponding to the planetary spheres due to the work of the various spiritual hierarchies.table
FMC00.236A.jpgFMC00.236AMan's seven year periods in life - BBD illustrationsimage
FMC00.237.jpgFMC00.237Man's seven year periods in life - human life biography chartimage
FMC00.238.jpgFMC00.238Old Moon, Earth, Future Jupiter: emerging and lagging beings in second and first half (Luciferic and Ahrimanic)image
FMC00.238A.jpgFMC00.238AOriginal picture as drawn straight from mental image or insightimage
FMC00.239.jpgFMC00.239Archangel regent periods in fifth epoch
FMC00.240.jpgFMC00.240The two halves of an evolutionary period (and relation with strength of influence of spiritual beings)
FMC00.240A.jpgFMC00.240AThe two halves of an evolutionary period - as in and out breathingimage
FMC00.241.jpgFMC00.241Overview reference table of KR lectures (chronological) and personalities (KRID)table
FMC00.241A.jpgFMC00.241AReference table: KRI individualities and their KRL lecture coveragetable
FMC00.242.jpgFMC00.242Overview table karmic exercicestable
FMC00.243.jpgFMC00.243German idealism karmic relationships network - key people with some bio infoimage
FMC00.243A.jpgFMC00.243AGerman idealism karmic relationships network - people connections graphimage
FMC00.244.jpgFMC00.244Man's I development during life today, with the Luciferic and Ahrimanic influences
FMC00.245.jpgFMC00.245Man's fourfold bodily constitution and consciousness
FMC00.246.jpgFMC00.246MoG and three pre-MoG interventions of Christ
FMC00.247.jpgFMC00.247Walking Speaking Thinking (WST) and their corresponding spiritual experience between death and birth
FMC00.248.jpgFMC00.248Three levels of sleep or sleep states SLStable
FMC00.249.jpgFMC00.249Alchemy of nature's yearly cycletable
FMC00.249A.jpgFMC00.249AYearly cycle of the four seasons as an in and out breathing (colour annotated)
FMC00.250.jpgFMC00.250Human aura of body, soul and spirit - overview table
FMC00.251.jpgFMC00.251Human aura characteristics and colours or temperament, spiritual maturity, and moods
FMC00.252.jpgFMC00.252Illustration of human aura and higher self triad
FMC00.253.jpgFMC00.253Size variations of human auraimage
FMC00.254.jpgFMC00.254Human etheric body illustrationimage
FMC00.255.jpgFMC00.255Four types of lawfullnesstable
FMC00.256.jpgFMC00.256Three groups of zodiacal influences mapping to threefold Manimage
FMC00.257.jpgFMC00.257Twelvefold zodiacal forces building physical, and sevenfold planetary influences building the etheric life body of Man
FMC00.258.jpgFMC00.258Book of Revelation - overview stages mapping to spiritual scientific evolutionimage
FMC00.259.jpgFMC00.259Apocalyptic seal 7 - holy grailimage
FMC00.260.jpgFMC00.260Four main groups of spiritual influences - from elements to zodiacimage
FMC00.260A.jpgFMC00.260ASpiritual influences sketch - detail planets and zodiacimage
FMC00.260B.jpgFMC00.260BFour main groups of spiritual influences on Man - tabletable
FMC00.261.jpgFMC00.261Astral world - seven layerstable
FMC00.261A.jpgFMC00.261AAstral world - seven layers and human virtuestable
FMC00.262.jpgFMC00.262Truth beauty and morality and how they stream into Man's bodily principlesimage
FMC00.263.jpgFMC00.263Configurations of zodiacal influences over time w/ prototypesimage
FMC00.264.jpgFMC00.264Zodiacal influence prototypes and zodiac clock (Wachsmuth)image
File:FMC00.265.jpgFMC00.265Reference table for chronological listing of Karmic Relationship lecturestable
FMC00.266.jpgFMC00.266Physical and spiritual sun - mirroring illustrationtable
FMC00.267.jpgFMC00.267Threefold sun across the ages tableimage
FMC00.268.jpgFMC00.268Nature kingdoms transforming ether into elementals of naturetable
FMC00.269.jpgFMC00.269Three (25920) rhythms as breath cycletable
FMC00.270.jpgFMC00.270Conceptual illustration of Man's I development and spiritualization, link with chaste plant and luciferic influenceimage
FMC00.270A.jpgFMC00.270APlant and Man - concept drawing A for grail principle and Christ impulse with textimage
FMC00.270B.jpgFMC00.270BPlant and Man - concept drawing Bimage
FMC00.271.jpgFMC00.271Creation of a planet: observation of spiral arms in AB Aurigae star systemimage
FMC00.271A.jpgFMC00.271ACreation of a planet: comparing astronomical observations with spiritual scientific explanation
FMC00.272.jpgFMC00.272Walter Russel on dual vorticesimage
FMC00.272A.jpgFMC00.272AIllustration centripetal compression and centrifugal decompressionimage
FMC00.273.jpgFMC00.273Reference table - overview of spiritual hierarchytable
FMC00.274.jpgFMC00.274Spiritual hierarchies H1 and H2 - manifestation and functional viewtable
FMC00.275.jpgFMC00.275Worldview aspects and key questions - comparing four viewstable
FMC00.276.jpgFMC00.276Progression and contribution of spiritual hierarchies in CoL across planetary stages - as mapping to Man's structure and bodily principlestable
FMC00.277.jpgFMC00.277Human centaur - various art illustrationsimage
FMC00.278.jpgFMC00.278Man's bodily principles in mid Lemuria (merger of higher and lower)visualizes the description in 1905-10-16-GA093A and the situation in the Lemurian epoch before the impuls of the Spirits of Form, see also Schema FMC00.137, and how the upper and lower parts of Man merged into a new dual structure with a higher spiritual and a lower physical part, with the resulting dual nature of the human astral body, see Schema FMC00.134. The dual nature is referred to as the human Centaur.table
FMC00.279.jpgFMC00.279Cosmic influences and Man - heart chakra and headimage
FMC00.280.jpgFMC00.280Threefold Man (microcosm and macrocosm) - illustrations from Fluddimage
FMC00.281.jpgFMC00.281The progressive purification of the lower bodily principles of Jesus through a few key milestone events (Heidenreich)table
FMC00.282.jpgFMC00.282Threefold Man relations with oa past/future, I3table
FMC00.283.jpgFMC00.283Group soul archetypes and link planetary stage, element, and physiological componenttable
FMC00.284.jpgFMC00.284Two astronomies: moon&stars vs slower suntable
FMC00.285.jpgFMC00.285Elementary kingdoms in Man's blood - day and nightimage
FMC00.286.jpgFMC00.286Partial reverse recapitulation during Earth development of Mantable
FMC00.287.jpgFMC00.287Overview reincarnation cycle below (incarnate) and above (between death and a new birth)image
FMC00.288.jpgFMC00.288Meta view positoning Man's breathing (day/night), single life, and solar system evolutionimage
FMC00.289.jpgFMC00.289Man's I in the three worlds, and the principle of waking I consciousness in the physical worldimage
FMC00.289A.jpgFMC00.289AMan's development during life, and transformation, mapped to the three worlds
FMC00.289B.jpgFMC00.289BMan's higher and lower self, and coupling processes of sleep and reincarnation, in relation to the three worlds esp. the spirit world
FMC00.290.jpgFMC00.290Man's I-consciousness in the mineral physical body - snake biting its tailimage
FMC00.291.jpgFMC00.291Principle of two etheric streams (Old Saturn, Old Sun, Earth)image
FMC00.291A.jpgFMC00.291ATwo etheric streams: meta-scheme providing link with hierarchies and ethers
FMC00.292.jpgFMC00.292The double - art illustrationsimage
FMC00.293.jpgFMC00.293Big history - the spiritual scientific versiontable
FMC00.294.jpgFMC00.294Threefold Man and rhythmic balance between wintery cold nerve-sense and summery warm metabolic subsystemsimage
FMC00.295.jpgFMC00.295Sensitive flames - illustrations of vowels, music instrumentsimage
FMC00.296.jpgFMC00.296Luciferic and Ahrimanic soul influences - polarity right and duty, and love of dutyimage
FMC00.297.jpgFMC00.297Luciferic and Ahrimanic influences link to hierarchies and spheres, and influence on Man and Earthtable
FMC00.298.jpgFMC00.298Earth stage - overview Conditions of Lifetable
FMC00.298A.jpgFMC00.298AEarth stage - overview Conditions of Life - simplified top level view of table only
FMC00.299.jpgFMC00.299Book of Genesis first creation in Lemurian epoch (seven days)table
FMC00.300.jpgFMC00.300The tetrapolar magnet and the electric and magnetic fluidsimage
FMC00.300A.jpgFMC00.300AFour elements - BBD of Rudolf Steiner lectureimage
FMC00.300B.jpgFMC00.300BFour elements - comparison Steiner and Clarkimage
FMC00.301.jpgFMC00.301Representative of humanityimage
FMC00.301A.jpgFMC00.301ARepresentative of humanity - placement in Goetheanumimage
FMC00.301B.jpgFMC00.301BRepresentative of humanity - plaster model and sculpture processimage
FMC00.301C.jpgFMC00.301CRepresentative of humanity - facial countenance detailsimage
FMC00.302.jpgFMC00.302Three macroscopic substages in an evolutionary period - here CoLF over seven epochstable
FMC00.303.jpgFMC00.303Creation by the three logoi, outpourings, the seven creative spirits, prajapatis, twelve guiding spiritsimage
FMC00.304.jpgFMC00.304Overview solar system evolution - linking dimensions of CoC, CoL&CoF, hierarchies, kingdomsimage
FMC00.305.jpgFMC00.305Four levels in the spiritual scientific worldview, bridging our reality experience to the language of spiritual hierarchies and evolutiontable
FMC00.306.jpgFMC00.306Meta schema on spectrum of elements and ethers and link to evolution and hierarchiesimage
FMC00.307.jpgFMC00.307Greek Mysteries - overview map with referencesimage
FMC00.308.jpgFMC00.308Various perspectives on Luciferic and Ahrimanic influences and their workings in elements and ethers, elementals of nature, nature and Manimage
FMC00.309.jpgFMC00.309Portraits of masters Koot Hoomi and Moryaimage
FMC00.310.jpgFMC00.310Twelve masters of the White Lodgeimage
FMC00.311.jpgFMC00.311A widespread picture of the Count de Saint Germainimage
FMC00.312.jpgFMC00.312Man's bodily principles and the I's reality experienceimage
FMC00.312A.jpgFMC00.312AMan's bodily principles and the I's reality experience - with FMC schema numbersimage
FMC00.313.jpgFMC00.313Three classes of Buddhastable
FMC00.314.jpgFMC00.314Solar system evolution - tree-form representation with five levelsimage
FMC00.314A.jpgFMC00.314ASolar system evolution - tree-form representatio with 49 CoF and CoL in one planetary stage and CoC
FMC00.315.jpgFMC00.315Ring of Fire as the scar resulting from the separation of the Moon in the Lemurian epochis an illustration depicting the 'Ring of Fire' as the scar resulting from the separation of the Moon in the Lemurian epoch.image
FMC00.316.jpgFMC00.316Illustrations of ichtthyosaurs, plesiosaurs, and megatheriumimage
FMC00.317.jpgFMC00.317Early stage of Earth: Sun with Earth and Moon as one bodyimage
FMC00.318.jpgFMC00.318Earth before the Separation of Moonshows a BBD (Black Board Drawing) by Rudolf Steiner illustrating the descriptions of the Earth before the Separation of Moon, in the lecture of 1922-09-27-GA347.image
FMC00.319.jpgFMC00.319Illustrating the narrative sketch of dragon birds in fiery air with bolts of lightning, and ichthyosaurs and pleasiosaurs in muddy earthimage
FMC00.320.jpgFMC00.320Planetary seals (modern rendering)image
FMC00.321.jpgFMC00.321Reincarnation: descent of Man and path to incarnationimage
FMC00.322.jpgFMC00.322Overview three paths of initiation: oriental yoga, christian gnostic, rosecruciantable
FMC00.323.jpgFMC00.323Reverse ritual: meditation text by Rudolf Steiner with explanation from lecturetable
FMC00.324.jpgFMC00.324Four elements and two trianglesimage
FMC00.325.jpgFMC00.325Overview table chakras or lotus flowerstable
FMC00.326.jpgFMC00.326Rudolf Steiner notebook entry on kundalini fire and heartimage
FMC00.327.jpgFMC00.327IAO - the eternal I Am as Alpha and Omegaimage
FMC00.328.jpgFMC00.328Various illustrations of the ouroboros symbol depicting a serpent biting its own tailshows various illustrations of the ouroboros (greek: ouro-boros for tail-eating), an ancient symbol depicting a serpent biting its own tail. The symbol is found in Egyptian iconography, in the Greek magical tradition, up to rosecrucian teachings (lower left, and right). Rudolf Steiner describes its origin back to the second Persian cultural age and the teachings of Zarathustra, see also Schema FMC00.627.

The upper left BBD by Rudolf Steiner is part of the GA206 lectures explaining the nature of the Human 'I', see Schema FMC00.290 on that page.

The currently known pictures of the serpent biting its own tail only came to be used much later as a popular presentation of the actual ancient symbolic images that were carefully guarded secrets in the groups. The more complex picture had the serpent not merely biting its own tail but swallowing it, thus representing spiritualization (of as much of the tail that enters into the mouth). This part was painted in subtler colours, as a kind of aura, versus the serpent itself painted in strong colours. (see: Spiritual science#1921-09-02-GA078)
FMC00.329.jpgFMC00.329IAO meta schema relating to three logoi and solar system evolutionimage
FMC00.330.jpgFMC00.330Two streams of mankind & The building of Solomon's templetable
FMC00.331.jpgFMC00.331Spiritual view on incarnation process from conception to birthimage
FMC00.332.jpgFMC00.332Embryo in the womb - formation of germ from chaosimage
FMC00.333.jpgFMC00.333Process of individualization of the physical body based on a hereditary 'model'image
FMC00.334.jpgFMC00.334Schematic representation of the Sun with generation of elements and ethersimage
FMC00.335.jpgFMC00.335The 'mother' of core anthroposophy with the various application areas 'children'image
FMC00.336.jpgFMC00.336Meta overview on Free Man Creator domains and how they relateimage
FMC00.336A.jpgFMC00.336AMeta overview on Free Man Creator domains and how they relate - original pencil drawingsimage
FMC00.337.jpgFMC00.337Original sin and the hereditary physical bodyimage
FMC00.338.jpgFMC00.338Soul disorders through I-organization if Man's bodily principles are not in balanced cohesionshows the effects of disorders in the human bodily constitution, if Man's bodily principles are not in balanced cohesion. On the left: the I-organization in a healthy balanced constitution, with the human 'I' that imprints that on astral body through the nervous system, then down the astral body on the etheric body, at various points of contact in the physical body. If these imprints, for reasons of incorrect or unbalanced development (see 1917-01-01-GA174B as well as the sixteen paths of perdition in Schema FMC00.233), cause one of the bodily principles to be loosened and released, this leads to various soul diseases as a result.table
FMC00.339.jpgFMC00.339Rudolf Steiner's notebooksimage
FMC00.339A.jpgFMC00.339ARudolf Steiner's notebooks - four examples of notebook entriesimage
FMC00.340.jpgFMC00.340Helene Finckh and sample stenographic notes of Rudolf Steiner lectureimage
FMC00.341.jpgFMC00.341Illustration of process from lecture notes to publicationimage
FMC00.342.jpgFMC00.342Published blackboard drawings (BBD)image
FMC00.342A.jpgFMC00.342AIllustration of BBD on display at exhibitionsimage
FMC00.342B.jpgFMC00.342BPublished blackboard drawings (BBD) per GA volumetable
FMC00.343.jpgFMC00.343Battle for the soul of Man: Luciferic and Ahrimanic beings in threefold Manimage
FMC00.343A.jpgFMC00.343ABattle for the soul of Man: Meta-link evolutionary positioning Luciferic and Ahrimanic beingsimage
FMC00.344.jpgFMC00.344The representative of humanity between Ahriman and Lucifer (from Goetheanum coupola)- painting by Gerard Wagner of the Slavic motifimage
FMC00.344A.jpgFMC00.344AOriginal picture giving a partial view on the paintings of the small cupola of the first Goetheanumimage
FMC00.344B.jpgFMC00.344BPastel sketch by Gerard Wagner of the middle motif of the representative of humanity between Ahriman and Luciferimage
FMC00.345.jpgFMC00.345Fall of the spirits and war in heaven - Bosch tryptich and Cranachimage
FMC00.346.jpgFMC00.346Fall and redemption - original sin and grace Christ impulseimage
FMC00.347.jpgFMC00.347World map regions and ethers (at high level)image
FMC00.347A.jpgFMC00.347AEtheric climate map for Central Europeshows the etheric climate map by Ernst Hagemann included in his main work Vom Wesen des Lebendigen (1963). Another included Schema is Schema FMC00.196B.Image
FMC00.348.jpgFMC00.348Apocalyptic seal 2 - group souls of humanityimage
FMC00.349.jpgFMC00.349Adoration of the mystical lamb (by Van Eyck)image
FMC00.350.jpgFMC00.350Apocalyptic seal 3 - trumpets and horsemenimage
FMC00.351.jpgFMC00.351Evocation of the kabiri deities in Samothracian mysteriesimage
FMC00.352.jpgFMC00.352Spirit of gravityimage
FMC00.353.jpgFMC00.353Man's new organ for the Michael age (pineal & pituitary gland)image
FMC00.354.jpgFMC00.354Grail overview (meta schema explaining meaning)image
FMC00.355.jpgFMC00.355Manly Hall illustration grailimage
FMC00.356.jpgFMC00.356Handover SoF to Archai - Man becoming free in the second half of Earth evolutionimage
FMC00.357.jpgFMC00.357How Future Jupiter's kingdoms will arise through Man's soul activitiestable
FMC00.358.jpgFMC00.358Year calendar of the soul - O'Neilimage
FMC00.359.jpgFMC00.359Three years of Christ Jesus on Earth mapped to Man's life cycletable
FMC00.360.jpgFMC00.360Thirteen holy nights - calendar and mappingtable
FMC00.360A.jpgFMC00.360AThirteen holy nights - zodiac sign mappings by various sorucestable
FMC00.361.jpgFMC00.361The etheric is more than formative forcesimage
FMC00.362.jpgFMC00.362Souls descending from the various planets based on their stage of spiritual developmentillustrates the process of souls descending from the various planets based on their stage of spiritual development, for the process of developing the human 'I' principle and the pipeline for the Tenth hierarchy. See more on: Planets hosting beings at various stages of evolution

The schema cross links to various other perspectives:

FMC00.363.jpgFMC00.363Group soul influences and SoF across epochs developing curring Manimage
FMC00.364.jpgFMC00.364Seeds for future worlds: Future Jupiter and Man's TFWtable
FMC00.365.jpgFMC00.365Rudolf Steiner - table with biography bookstable
FMC00.366.jpgFMC00.366Rudolf Steiner - table with books of personal memoriestable
FMC00.367.jpgFMC00.367Apocalyptic seal 1 - Man Creator with the wordimage
FMC00.368.jpgFMC00.368Apocalyptic seals - overview of all sevenimage
FMC00.369.jpgFMC00.369The esoteric fish symbol or ichthysimage
FMC00.370.jpgFMC00.370Humanity between the third and sixth epochs: the big pictureimage
FMC00.371.jpgFMC00.371Living the Christ and Man's state of soul: wonder, compassion, consciencetable
FMC00.372.jpgFMC00.372GA source check - Michael and Adam sister soulimage
FMC00.373.jpgFMC00.373Christ Impulse and zodiacal signs schematic (Lion to Gemini with Libra, Fishes, Virgo)image
FMC00.373A.jpgFMC00.373AChrist Impulse and zodiacal signs - vertical timeline view zodiac clock with notes lecturestable
FMC00.373B.jpgFMC00.373BChrist Impulse and zodiacal signs - horizontal timeline view zodiac clock with notes lecturestable
FMC00.374.jpgFMC00.374Apocalyptic seal 5 - woman with sunimage
FMC00.374A.jpgFMC00.374AWoman with sun - various artwork illustrationsimage
FMC00.374B.jpgFMC00.374BWoman with sun - from Beatusimage
FMC00.375.jpgFMC00.375Remembrance - as underground channels between cultural agesimage
FMC00.376.jpgFMC00.376Christ Impulse synthetic overview per epoch and age: intervention, working, manifestation, observationtable
FMC00.376A.jpgFMC00.376AChrist impulse from 4th to 7th cultural age of fifth epochtable
FMC00.377.jpgFMC00.377The Adam sister soul and the being of Elijah - relationship sketch (pencil conceptual)image
FMC00.377A.jpgFMC00.377AThe Adam sister soul and the being of Elijah - relationship sketch (digital, with FMC links)is an alternative presentation of Schema FMC00.377 showing various steps for the coordinated guidance of the development of the I, with the three pre-MoG interventions of the Christ, the preparatory working of the Krishna impulse and the being of Elijah, and the great enactment by Christ-Jesus and John the Baptist where the Adam sister soul worked as part of Christ-Jesus' structure and also 'from outside'.

The same colour code mapping is used for the green and blue streams as in Schema FMC00.377. The dark green box connecting John the Baptist and Nathan Jesus refers to 1912-09-19-GA139 and Schema FMC00.381.

See also related (but not yet on this schema): Wotan Impulse
FMC00.378.jpgFMC00.378Planetary hours for the weektable
FMC00.379.jpgFMC00.379Plant growth and etheric breath cyclesimage
FMC00.380.jpgFMC00.380Before and after MoG: outward-in and inward-out (Grail/Parsifal, sattva tavas)image
FMC00.381.jpgFMC00.381GA source check - John Baptist relation Nathan child during birth processimage
FMC00.382.jpgFMC00.382Ragnarok - Loki, Fenris wolf and moretable
FMC00.383.jpgFMC00.383Ragnarok - illustrationsimage
FMC00.384.jpgFMC00.384Lemniscatory timespace - the key principle and lecture of 1916-10-01-GA171image
FMC00.385.jpgFMC00.385Life memory tableau (when laying off the etheric body after death)image
FMC00.386.jpgFMC00.386People dying young and old, and process by angelic beings regarding etheric substance they lay offimage
FMC00.387.jpgFMC00.387Human aura awake and asleepimage
FMC00.388.jpgFMC00.388Sleeping and waking as a lemniscatory processimage
FMC00.389.jpgFMC00.389Planes of consciousness - transformation at pralaya, akashic records, lipikas and spirits EKtable
FMC00.389A.jpgFMC00.389ASimplified version planes of consciousness: akashic records and transformation at budhi layertable
FMC00.390.jpgFMC00.390The binding of Satan for one thousand years - from Beatusimage
FMC00.391.jpgFMC00.391Process of clairvoyance using the lower bodily principles - comparison with waking consciousnessimage
FMC00.392.jpgFMC00.392Threefold Man: physiology and hierarchies and spherestable
FMC00.393.jpgFMC00.393Community cultus versus the new reversed cultus (comparison)image
FMC00.394.jpgFMC00.394Esoteric symbol of ascent - feeling approach (re Parsifal)image
FMC00.395.jpgFMC00.395A map of the territory and study domain of anthroposophy - towards imaginative insightsimage
FMC00.396.jpgFMC00.396SoSoG master reference list (V1 with 20 titles)table
FMC00.397.jpgFMC00.397Blessed who believe without seeing: old mysteries and Christianityimage
FMC00.398.jpgFMC00.398History sources for last two epochs (Heyer, von Gleich etc)table
FMC00.399.jpgFMC00.399Twelve senses - reference table (tentative v1)table
FMC00.400.jpgFMC00.400Cosmic breath of Brahma and solar system evolution - Christ as regent of a new cycleimage
FMC00.400A.jpgFMC00.400ACosmic breath of Brahma and First Logos - meta-schemaimage
FMC00.400B.jpgFMC00.400BMeta schema overview on Logoi, Seven spirits and the solar system evolutionimage
FMC00.401.jpgFMC00.401Meta schema -various angles of perspective on the process of the Individuation
FMC00.402.jpgFMC00.402Illustration Book of Revelation: king on white horse steps on snake
FMC00.403.jpgFMC00.403Swarms from far and closeby to illustrate relativity of perspective for describing reality
FMC00.404.jpgFMC00.404The periodic table - Walter Russell presentation octave wave function
FMC00.404A.jpgFMC00.404AWalter Russell's periodic table wave function - conceptual explanation
FMC00.404B.jpgFMC00.404BThe periodic table - comparison of representations
FMC00.405.jpgFMC00.405Works by Ernst Hagemann as examples of study volumes
FMC00.406.jpgFMC00.406Ancient map solar system showing Vulcan
FMC00.407A.jpgFMC00.407ADaskalos - additional pictures
FMC00.408.jpgFMC00.408Franz Bardon
FMC00.409.jpgFMC00.409Beinsa Douno
FMC00.409A.jpgFMC00.409ABeinsa Douno - additional pictures teaching
FMC00.409B.jpgFMC00.409BBeinsa Douno - additional pictures at different ages
FMC00.410.jpgFMC00.410Divine properties (3 or 4)
FMC00.411.jpgFMC00.411Comparison of pictures of the Sun's path and cosmic cycles
FMC00.412.jpgFMC00.412Man's metabolic system (4 by 3) - flow of elements and ethers
FMC00.413.jpgFMC00.413Old Saturn - evolution and working of hierarchies across Conditions of Life
FMC00.414.jpgFMC00.414Overview solar system evolution vs the worlds of consciousness
FMC00.415.jpgFMC00.415Man's physical body as containing projections of the higher bodily principlesimage
FMC00.415A.jpgFMC00.415AMan's physical body as containing projections of the higher bodily principles - tabular viewtable
FMC00.416.jpgFMC00.416Stages or states of divine consciousness above the spirit world
FMC00.416A.jpgFMC00.416ADivine consciousness above the spirit world - Vedantic and Sufi terminology
FMC00.417.jpgFMC00.417Tabular overview of terminology to higher states of divine consciousness in different spiritual streams
FMC00.418.jpgFMC00.418Cosmic and earthly nutrition streams (and pineal and pituitary glands)
FMC00.418A.jpgFMC00.418ACosmic and earthly nutrition streams (and pineal and pituitary glands) - colour enhanced
FMC00.419.jpgFMC00.419Human being: higher ethers and glands
FMC00.420.jpgFMC00.420Sixteen paths of perdition - ladder frescos and iconsIllustrations on the developmental journey for humanity and spiritualization or the re-ascent.
FMC00.420A.jpgFMC00.420ASixteen paths of perdition - ladder frescos and icons (additional)
FMC00.420B.jpgFMC00.420BSixteen paths of perdition - ladder fresco detail
FMC00.421.jpgFMC00.421Cosmic and earthly nutrition streams and threefold subsystems
FMC00.422.jpgFMC00.422Humanity - three segments
FMC00.422A.jpgFMC00.422AHumanity - three segments, with textual explanation and quote
FMC00.423.jpgFMC00.423Juxtaposition silica/quartz and calcium oxides/lime
FMC00.423A.jpgFMC00.423AJuxtaposition silica/quartz and calcium oxides/lime - comparative by König
FMC00.424.jpgFMC00.424De double - BBD schematic
FMC00.425.jpgFMC00.425Future occurences of 666 per three dimensions of evolution - schematic view
FMC00.425A.jpgFMC00.425AFuture occurences of 666 per three dimensions of evolution - tabular view
FMC00.426.jpgFMC00.426The three beasts of the Book of Revelation
FMC00.427.jpgFMC00.427Evil - overview in solar system evolution
FMC00.427A.jpgFMC00.427AEvil - overview in solar system evolution - with key excerpts as legend
FMC00.428.jpgFMC00.428The human I as cardinal point between crossing streamsimage
FMC00.428A.jpgFMC00.428AThe human I and Christ Impulse - two flows of freedom and loveimage
FMC00.428B.jpgFMC00.428BThe human I and Christ Impulse - two flows of freedom and love (simplified version without texts)image
FMC00.429.jpgFMC00.429Christ's 'descent' to Earth and working of influence on Earth and humanityprovides various versions of the drawing made by Rudolf Steiner in Q&A sessions in 1909, with a description of how to imagine Christ's 'descent' to Earth, and the working of the cosmic influence of the Christ impulse on Earth and humanity. Though the Christ being took hold of and lived in the body of Jesus of Nazareth, his being was not physically limited to this. This is described by Rudolf Steiner in various ways, ao the structure of the Christ being on the two Jesus children (see Schema FMC00.080A), the relation between the physical body of Jesus and his working through a wider aura (see ao lectures of the fifth gospel GA148, see Schema FMC00.017), the loosening between the 'Son of Man' and the cosmic Christ (see Fleeting youth in Gospel of Mark), and finally Christ working as the spirit of the Earth.
FMC00.430.jpgFMC00.430Workings and historical influence of important Individualitiesis a drawing made by Rudolf Steiner, recorded by Mathilde Scholl in a private conversation where she asked Rudolf Steiner how the aftereffects of an important Individuality such as the apostle Paul were related to the effects of the Earth's inner layer called the 'shatterer'. See also Schema FMC00.004 on Earth's inner layers.

More comments under the 1905-08-13-GA091 and Holy Supper symbolism - apostles#Note 2 - The Apostles and the Christ - Schema FMC00.430

For another example of what is depicted, see Sig-Wotan on Spiritual guidance of mankind#Sig - Wotan
FMC00.431.jpgFMC00.431Human character - the I and threefold soul
FMC00.432.jpgFMC00.432Two streams of development - map of Northern and Southern
FMC00.432A.jpgFMC00.432ATwo streams of development - map with Scythian culture
FMC00.433.jpgFMC00.433Tumulus hills - various illustrationsimage
FMC00.434.jpgFMC00.434Druid stone circles -various illustrationsimage
FMC00.435.jpgFMC00.435Dolmens - various illustrationsimage
FMC00.436.jpgFMC00.436Druidic mysteries: BBD druid stone circles and dolmens
FMC00.437.jpgFMC00.437Map of greater Europe with ancient Mysteriesimage
FMC00.438.jpgFMC00.438Current Postatlantean epoch: two streams of development graphically
FMC00.438A.jpgFMC00.438ACurrent Postatlantean epoch: two streams of development graphically (notebook sketch)image
FMC00.439.jpgFMC00.439Hibernian Mysteries - description statues used in initiation process
FMC00.439A.jpgFMC00.439AHibernian Mysteries - BBD statues used in initiation process
FMC00.440.jpgFMC00.440Nerthus and Baldur myths
FMC00.441.jpgFMC00.441Two streams of development - navigation map to FMC topic pages
FMC00.442.jpgFMC00.442Current Postatlantean epoch - tabular overview with Mysteries and adepts
FMC00.443.jpgFMC00.443The logos drills holes in space and the hollow Iimage
FMC00.444.jpgFMC00.444Christ MoG event as center of spiral of cultural ages in current epoch
FMC00.445.jpgFMC00.445Mid-summer Saint-John's imagination and Druidic Mysteries
FMC00.446.jpgFMC00.446Norse Germanic mythology - terminology of counterforces
FMC00.447.jpgFMC00.447Synthetic summary of Osiris myth
FMC00.448.jpgFMC00.448Man as threefold - image from egyptian casketimage
FMC00.449.jpgFMC00.449Burning the fields as cleansing to prepare for a new future
FMC00.450.jpgFMC00.450Journey after death and relation to spiritual hierarchies
FMC00.451.jpgFMC00.451Mars iron and Mercury influences as related to epochs and ages
FMC00.452.jpgFMC00.452Two Jesus children - influences Buddha Zarathustra and union of streams
FMC00.453.jpgFMC00.453Overview three waves of migrations - overview from lectureimage
FMC00.453A.jpgFMC00.453AOverview three waves of migrations across cultural ages - tabular viewtable
FMC00.454.jpgFMC00.454Earth's centers of terrestrial etheric formative forces and relation to human races
FMC00.455.jpgFMC00.455Geographical location of epochs U-curve
FMC00.456.jpgFMC00.456From descent of planets and group soul influences to races and and current racial remnants
FMC00.457.jpgFMC00.457The descent of various populations in the Lemurian epoch - Powell diagramimage
FMC00.457A.jpgFMC00.457AVarious populations in the Lemurian epoch - cross references of Steiner lecturestable
FMC00.458.jpgFMC00.458Various old maps positioning the continent of Mu or Pan (Lemuria)
FMC00.459.jpgFMC00.459Development of archangelic folk-spirit and archai time spirits in ages and cultures of Current Postatlantean epoch
FMC00.460.jpgFMC00.460Atlantean Oracles - characteristics
FMC00.461.jpgFMC00.461Kundalini flow through chakras and the Book of Revelation
FMC00.462.jpgFMC00.462Human being before and after separation of Sun and Moon from Earthpresents the development of Man through the transitions of the separation of Sun and separation of Moon. At the end of the early text '1903-GA089 - Draft of a spiritual-scientific cosmology - Fragment from 1903/04', Rudolf Steiner describes various aspects explicitly before and after separation from Sun and Moon. This schema organizes these in tabular format, for reference and studytable
FMC00.463.jpgFMC00.463Fine breathing through the chakras
FMC00.464.jpgFMC00.464Sushumna as balance between ida and pingala nadis
FMC00.465.jpgFMC00.465Overview of chakras and their relationships
FMC00.466.jpgFMC00.466Seven life processes
FMC00.467.jpgFMC00.467Overview table of four main organic chemical elements with sulphur, silica and lime
FMC00.468.jpgFMC00.468Flower image - fructification by the Christ Impulseimage
FMC00.468A.jpgFMC00.468AFlower image - fructification by the Christ Impulse - original notes from lectureimage
FMC00.469.jpgFMC00.469Day and night - Sun and Moon - Jehovah and consciousness
FMC00.470.jpgFMC00.470Ancient illustrations of phoenix in the fire as symbol regeneration (and pelican as self-sacrifice)
FMC00.471.jpgFMC00.471Relation of Christ and Mystical Lamb to Man and spiritual hierarchies - folding telescope viewimage
FMC00.471A.jpgFMC00.471ARelation of Christ and Mystical Lamb to Man and spiritual hierarchies - working through Jehovah and Michaelimage
FMC00.472.jpgFMC00.472Development of the human I - view of spiritual hierarchiesimage
FMC00.472A.jpgFMC00.472ADevelopment of the human I - roles of spiritual hierarchies in processimage
FMC00.472B.jpgFMC00.472BDevelopment of the human I - spiritual hierarchies and space and timeimage
FMC00.473.jpgFMC00.473Third hierarchy and the four elements
FMC00.474.jpgFMC00.474Separateness and widening of time and space depending on level of consciousness
FMC00.475.jpgFMC00.475Evolution of group souls and day/night consciousness across epochs
FMC00.476.jpgFMC00.476Characterization of Northern and Southern streams of development
FMC00.477.jpgFMC00.477Evolutionary development level of Man's bodily principles
FMC00.478.jpgFMC00.478Juxtaposition of two groups of souls: shepards-magi, platonist-aristotelian, etc
FMC00.479.jpgFMC00.479Man lives in the three worlds
FMC00.479A.jpgFMC00.479AMan lives in the three worlds - with synthetic text
FMC00.480.jpgFMC00.480Milestone record: start humanity in Lemurian epoch (Dzyan & Genesis)
FMC00.481.jpgFMC00.481Christ as cosmic principle equals budhi Christos
FMC00.482.jpgFMC00.482Development of Man's higher and lower principles in the four planetary stages of evolution
FMC00.483.jpgFMC00.483Relationship of the SoF to mankind in the development over the planetary stages of evolution
FMC00.484.jpgFMC00.484Homer's golden chain - various book illustration versionsshows various illustrations of the 'Aurea Catena Homeri' or Homer's Golden Chain - see also Schema FMC00.002. On the left two copies in Latin, on the right translation to English and a simplified version For an explanation, see Jean Dubuis Mineral Alchemy course Vol 1. Lesson 20.image
FMC00.485.jpgFMC00.485Yuga ages mapping to epochs and ages
FMC00.486.jpgFMC00.486Poster development of mankind between 3rd and 6th epoch
FMC00.487.jpgFMC00.487Overview statistics on IIH questionnaire by Rawn Clark in 2002-2003shows a snapshot of a sample of 500 IIH practitioners' responses to an online questionnaire. Just so you don't feel alone ;) Whereas each individual is different (in terms of Individuality, elemental balance, spiritual maturity and karma), this table does provide a statistical sample illustrating the self-assessment feedback system in the IIH steps and consistency and repeatability in how groups of people are able to reach a certain stage of development in terms of spiritual faculties. What is meant with auto-feedback is that in Bardon's system, the candidate uses an honest self-assessment on certain criteria reached in the exercises, as a qualifier before moving to the next step. Therefore the steps can be seen to represent 'bands' in the progress of spiritual development.
FMC00.488.jpgFMC00.488Twofold nature of Man due to luciferic infection - dead and living thinking
FMC00.488A.jpgFMC00.488AArtwork illustrations of temptation by snake in paradiseimage
FMC00.489.jpgFMC00.489Map of Europe before and after WWI+IIimage
FMC00.490.jpgFMC00.490Development of the being of philosophy in 800 year periods
FMC00.491.jpgFMC00.491Book of Revelation illustration by Clarence Larkinimage
FMC00.491A.jpgFMC00.491ABook of Revelation illustration by Clarence Larkin - coloured version by Ray N. Tharpimage
FMC00.492.jpgFMC00.492Man's three inner men of Old Saturn Sun Moon and link with I3 and third hierarchy
FMC00.493.jpgFMC00.493Karmic relationship networks - Italian renaissance (15th century)
FMC00.494.jpgFMC00.494Karmic relationships - pattern between two souls in incarnations N and N+1
FMC00.495.jpgFMC00.495Karmic relationships - groups crossing through incarnation rhythms
FMC00.496.jpgFMC00.496Karmic relationships - contemporaries spanning generationsillustrates the idea of karmic groups (Schema FMC00.495) expanded with the concept of generations, as people connect with a broad circle of souls of a number of generations during the various stages of life (see eg Schema FMC00.494).

For specific case illustrations to compare with this schema, see the tabular representations of the Florence renaissance group in Schema FMC00.493 and the German idealism group in Schema FMC00.497, both on the Karmic relationships topic page. These show how the impact of a human being is after the first period of say approx. 25 (or 21 or 33) years, in the next two blocks of 25 (or 21 or 33 years).

Also see: Thirty three years rhythm and Impulses from waves of reincarnating souls.
FMC00.497.jpgFMC00.497Karmic relationship networks - German idealism (18 and 19th century)
FMC00.498.jpgFMC00.498Overview journey between death and a new birth
FMC00.499.jpgFMC00.499Kamaloka journey in the astral world after death - fresco in Pisa, Italy - before restauration and engraving copyimage
FMC00.499A.jpgFMC00.499ABattle for the soul - art illustration with detail fresco Pisa Italyimage
FMC00.499B.jpgFMC00.499BKamaloka journey in the astral world after death - fresco in Pisa, Italyimage
FMC00.500.jpgFMC00.500FMC wiki - gratitude for moral support - accolades (part 1)
FMC00.500A.jpgFMC00.500AFMC wiki - gratitude for moral support - accolades (part 2)
FMC00.501.jpgFMC00.501Central European cultural basinillustrates the forming of the enclosure of the Central European cultural basis, which is as old as the 9th century when the conquests of the Normans brought a mixture of the Celtic and Teutonic elements. To be superimposed on this explanation is the arabic influence on the development of the intellectual soul, coming through Spain into Europe in the period of approx. 600 to 1200 AD, for more info see the topic page Reconquista.
FMC00.502.jpgFMC00.502Birth and death charts: Campanella-Weiniger
FMC00.503.jpgFMC00.503Birth and death charts: Raphael-Novalis
FMC00.504.jpgFMC00.504Overview parables in the gospels - with references to Daskalos and Steiner commentariestable
FMC00.505.jpgFMC00.505Overview sixth epoch and seven agestable
FMC00.506.jpgFMC00.506Secrets or mysteries regarding evolution of mankind - five symbolic meditations
FMC00.507.jpgFMC00.507Seven secrets or mysteries regarding evolution of mankind
FMC00.508.jpgFMC00.508Interpenetration of astral and spirit worlds
FMC00.509.jpgFMC00.509Four gospels and evangelists
FMC00.510.jpgFMC00.510KRI illustration: Darwin and Bacon KRI 6 and 7illustrates two Individualities described in Rudolf Steiner's Karmic Relationships lectures of 1924. The KRI stands for Karmic Relationship Individuality, the unique ID for each Individuality, as per overview Schema FMC00.241A.

The illustrations of these personalities were taken from the internet public domain. For ancient time periods, the representations may not always necessarily be trustworthy or documented, one can even argue they were made up (but then even more interesting the 'coincidence'), nevertheless and despite all reservations, the purely visual side-by-side may trigger a feeling of correspondence.

The series of this Schema FMC00.510 and its variants FMC00.510A etc are supporting illustrative material to the quote from 1907-05-29-GA099: "highly developed Individualities have great similarity of stature and form of the physical body from one incarnation to another .. "it is said that such a Man is not born in a different body". See also Schema FMC00.503 (Raphael-Novalis) and Schema FMC00.502 (Campanella-Weiniger).
FMC00.510A.jpgFMC00.510AKRI illustration: Spinoza-Fichte KRI 53 and Socrates Tolstoj KRI65
FMC00.511.jpgFMC00.511Leminiscate cassini curves and the boundary of space and gravity
FMC00.512.jpgFMC00.512Twelve nidanas - forces which draw Man down again into physical existence
FMC00.513.jpgFMC00.513Overview process of metabolism and organs (schema DL)image
FMC00.513A.jpgFMC00.513ATransformation of substances in intestinestable
FMC00.514.jpgFMC00.514Man's functioning and structural renewal
FMC00.515.jpgFMC00.515Evolutionary vortex and Man's Human I faculties of Thinking Feeling Willingimage
FMC00.516.jpgFMC00.516Triads of spiritual hierarchies and their degree of being perceptible or physical
FMC00.517.jpgFMC00.517Bardon's KTK - alphabet summary table by Clarkprovides an overview of the esoteric alphabet of the cosmic language of creation, tables created by Rawn Clark based on Franz Bardon's third book 'Key to True Kabbalah' (KTK). It links the letters to the four elements (left) and also shows them in configuration as multi-letter keys (right).
FMC00.517A.jpgFMC00.517ABardon's KTK - alphabet summary table by Moryason (FR)is a variant of the language of creation table based on Franz Bardon's Key to True Kabbalah. This copy in French is by Alexandre Moryason.
FMC00.518.jpgFMC00.518Four kingdoms of nature - structure and consciousness across the different worlds
FMC00.519.jpgFMC00.519Wisdom Beauty Strength for development of Man's higher triad
FMC00.520.jpgFMC00.520Human will in the hands of humanity whereas thought and feeling are regulated with the Sun
FMC00.521.jpgFMC00.521Truth Beauty Good as related to Man's bodily structure, past and future
FMC00.522.jpgFMC00.522Twelve monthly meditations on virtues
FMC00.523.jpgFMC00.523Faculties of Thinking Feeling Willing as related to Man's bodily principle and inner and outer worlds
FMC00.524.jpgFMC00.524Faculties of Thinking Feeling Willing coming forth from the life of the Human 'I'
FMC00.525.jpgFMC00.525The world as a vortex movement
FMC00.526.jpgFMC00.526Six Dhyani-Buddhasimage
FMC00.526A.jpgFMC00.526ATraditional representations of the five Dhyani Buddhas
FMC00.527.jpgFMC00.527Formative forces for different planets with capillary dynamolysis or rising picture method - books
FMC00.528.jpgFMC00.528Periodic table - alternative presentation of Russell's 'nine octave harp'
FMC00.529.jpgFMC00.529Periodic table - as a lemniscate, by Crookes
FMC00.529A.jpgFMC00.529APeriodic table - as a lemniscate, by Crookes (model)
FMC00.530.jpgFMC00.530Periodic table - three presentations by von Antropoff and Russell
FMC00.531.jpgFMC00.531Karmic balance sheet metaphoric image for karma exercises and biography work
FMC00.532.jpgFMC00.532Symbols in the physical world as pointers from the higher worlds
FMC00.533.jpgFMC00.533Important personalities in the first four centuries BC and spreading of Christianity
FMC00.534.jpgFMC00.534Nodal points in evolutionary spirals as related to hierarchies and cultural ages - the 4th centuryis a schema intended to support study of the fourth and fifth cultural ages and gain insights of the patterns underlying evolutionary development of humanity, see also Schema FMC00.059 on History. This schema has:
  • a) a lower section with key dates and phases described in Rudolf Steiner's lectures, and focus on i) the period of the 4th century (see also 325) and the Transition between 4th and 14th century (including aspects such as Central European cultural basin but also 869, the Christ Impulse - meeting of two streams, Academy of Gondishapur, and more); and ii) the period 1840 and it's relation to the new start in the age of the consciousness soul (see 1840 and 1879)
  • b) an upper section showing the inhale-exhale cycle of cosmic breathing and the two halves of an evolutionary cycle related to this. In this case focus is on a cultural age corresponding to an archai time spirit, whereby certain centuries or periods represent crucial transitions on the timeline of the development of mankind. History and evolution does not progress linearly but with jumps or step changes represented by the spiral symbol. This is linked to the activity of spiritual activities (above) and their emanation that can be observed (below).
    • For example: the year 333 is described (in 1918-10-16-GA182) as the time the intellectual soul was coming to its prime, up to then it was developing on the ascending arc, then began the arc of descent.

The Discussion Note The two halves of an evolutionary cycle#Note 1 - First and second half of a cultural age provides a narrative to the schema with explanations and relevant lecture excerpts and references, to explain the point the schema conveys, and how it helps to understand the 'jump' in Schema FMC00.535.

See also related Schema FMC00.052 and Schema FMC00.052A.

For purposes of personal study, this scaled down image on the site can be saved as high resolution JPG file and printed on A3 format for readability, so one can add personal annotations.
FMC00.534A.jpgFMC00.534ANodal points in evolutionary spirals as related to hierarchies and cultural ages - excerpt timeline focusing on next 1500 yearsadds some quotes to Schema FMC00.534 about the next millennium with the future age of archangel Oriphiel (between approx. 2235 and 2590), and the very dark period that humanity will face in the transition phase before the Sixth cultural age in the period of approx. 3000 to 3500.
FMC00.535.jpgFMC00.535Discrete timeline jump in cultural advancement - the period around the year 1840image
FMC00.536.jpgFMC00.536Illustrations of medieval spiritual worldview with hierarchies, planetary spheres and zodiacillustrates a spiritual scientific cosmogony with various representations dating from the middle ages. The various spheres represent the planes or worlds of consciousness with the seven planetary spheres and the fixed stars, the spiritual hierarchies and the Logos or 'god'.

This representation takes the human kingdom perspective on Earth as the center, and shows how creation is made up of these spiritual hierarchies and their influences from the various worlds. It is therefore a graphical way to depict, in a single picture, a worldview and understanding of the make up of the cosmos and what underlies the Cosmic fractal. All images position creation: Man and humanity (with the kingdoms of nature and Earth), in a frame (with God the creator and) main elements: (1) the planetary spheres modulating (2) zodiacal spiritual influences, as linked to (3) the spiritual hierarchies. This puts Man at the center of divine creation, solar system and cosmos, being the crown of creation rather than just another speck in the wide empty universe, as is the case in the contemporary materialistic worldview of mineral science.

Sources and commentary on the full-sized versions will be added on the Schema variants and topic page (to be added).
FMC00.537.jpgFMC00.537Alchemy and seven pointed star - three illustrationsshows a famous symbolic representation of a worldview in the esoteric language used in alchemy. The illustration appears first with Basil Valentine around 1600 and was reproduced in different versions by various authors over the centuries.

The illustration contains the male-female duality (2), the triangle of the principles sulphur-mercury-salt (3), the four elements (4), the pentagram of the alchemist (5), six by the combination of the two triangles (6), and seven pointed start or septagram shows the seven planetary influences and alchemical processes (7) modulating what is called on this site the two etheric streams sun and moon (see also Emerald tablet), condensing to mineral earth below from the single energy in the middle. The drawing thus illustrates in synthetic form the relation between key numbers. For further explanations, see Schema FMC00.537A.

The ring contains the acrostic or word composition VITRIOL for 'Visita Interiora Terrae Rectificando Invenies Occultum Lapidem' which, translated freely, means 'visit the interior of the Earth and by rectifying you will find the hidden stone' (see Schema FMC00.207 for explanation).
FMC00.537A.jpgFMC00.537AAlchemy and seven pointed star - with explanationsshows the well known illustration by Basil Valentin (1613) copied by many authors over the centuries, see Schema FMC00.537; with on the right the explanation by Jean Dubuis in his Mineral Alchemy course lesson 8. See also Schema FMC00.075A for another illustration by Basil Valentin.image
FMC00.538.jpgFMC00.538Table from Liber Naturae Apertus (The Open Book of Nature)image
FMC00.539.jpgFMC00.539The Last Judgment' and the separation of good and evil - Michelangelo and Giottoimage
FMC00.540.jpgFMC00.540Evangelists writing gospels from clairvoyant inspirationimage
FMC00.541.jpgFMC00.541Man's bodily principles and the decaying spiritual wave into mineral matterprovides a synthesic overview from Rudolf Hauschka and Ernst Hagemann describing the four main types of vitamins as the workings of the etheric formative forces (or ethers) mapping to the four elements and elementals of nature. See also Spectrum of elements and ethers.

Rudolf Steiner described vitamins as a term that contemporary mineral science came up with to denote the life-giving property beyond purely chemical analysis of mineral substances. (1923-12-01-GA351).

See Albumen and Nutrition topic pages.
File:FMC00.541A.jpgFMC00.541AMan's bodily principles and the decaying spiritual wave into mineral matter - simplified table
FMC00.542.jpgFMC00.542Working of substances in the human being - schematic
FMC00.542A.jpgFMC00.542AWorking of substances in the human being - BBD with translationshows the blackboard drawing from the lecture 1923-10-10-GA351 as a complementary illustration to Schema FMC00.542. Note text or terms do not map to drawing and arrows schematically, for this please refer to the lecture text and Schema FMC00.542 which visualizes the lecture text narrative.image
FMC00.543.jpgFMC00.543Crashing wave of the spiritual making up different levels of matter in Mancaptures how 'the decaying spiritual wave that crashes into mineral matter' (1911-12-31-GA134, see Schema FMC00.582) gives rise to different types of matter depending on how Man's bodily principles are balanced (left), and how the spiritual structure was created by the different spiritual hierarchies and is now filled with physical matter as a result of the Luciferic infection (right).

For the description, see reference lecture extract The nature of atoms#1911-12-30-GA134.

Also compare with related schemas FMC00.514, FMC00.392, FMC00.492.
FMC00.543A.jpgFMC00.543ACrashing wave of the spiritual making up different levels of matter in Man - simplified versionis a simplified version of Schema FMC00.543 showing less detail, for ease of mapping and linking with other reference Schemas.table
FMC00.544.jpgFMC00.544Yuga ages and zodiac clock of cultural ages (since beginning of time as we know it)table
FMC00.545.jpgFMC00.545Overview table with selection of historical sites with remnants from ancient cultures
FMC00.546.jpgFMC00.546Human races - visual illustrating terminology
FMC00.547.jpgFMC00.547Ascent of the soul through the spheres - visualization from 12th centuryimage
FMC00.548.jpgFMC00.548Building of new astral body during descent to incarnation
FMC00.549.jpgFMC00.549Spiral path and zodiac clock showing step change or discrete jumps
FMC00.550.jpgFMC00.550Reincarnation: the wheel of births as a spiral path (link with twelve)
FMC00.551.jpgFMC00.551Numbers and their relation
FMC00.552.jpgFMC00.552Location of incarnation for specific segments - tabular viewtable
FMC00.552A.jpgFMC00.552ALocation of incarnation for specific segments - graphical map viewimage
FMC00.553.jpgFMC00.553Meta-schema for potential association spiral movement of human development on Earth, with wheel and location of incarnations
FMC00.554.jpgFMC00.554Impact of influences and work in one life on future incarnations and human developmentdepicts, on the lower left, an illustration of 1905-06-27-GA091 titled 'the evolutionary laws of inner karma'. It shows how our Earthly life and impressions influence the human being over multiple incarnations. When Man is able to actively work upon and use his intellectual soul, it has meaning for the third-following incarnation, and so on.

This picture also 'explains' the importance of meditation and initiation, as the most valuable work carrying across into future incarnations.

And how before, "the Mystery Centers were the places in which the form of external life belonging to the next cultural age was prepared." (1915-06-15-GA159)

On the right, underneath the time bar of epochs and cultural ages, are some statements illustrating this for our current fifth cultural age.

Below right is an addition (by the author), connecting to various statements by Rudolf Steiner about the fact that the fifth and sixth cultural ages are the decisive ones, and also about the spiritualization or ascent of humanity in the Sixth epoch (see Schema FMC00.505) and the Father impulse).

See also Schema FMC00.607 for the link with how the spiritual guidance of mankind used the principle below to managing the development of castes of souls with segments of the population at different levels of spiritual maturity.
FMC00.555.jpgFMC00.555Spiritual hierarchies and their eigenperiods (sources and scope)
FMC00.556.jpgFMC00.556Tetractys - alchemical view with explanationsshows the tetractys symbol with some explanatory notes to bring the ten dots to life with meaning.

Based on 1908-02-12-GA266, 1908-02-26-GA266, 1908-03-14-GA266

As the 'mystery of number', see Schema FMC00.551 and of the Book of Ten Pages, this symbol is all about relationships and a typical example of a pyramidion symbol, with underneath a pyramid of spiritual scientific knowledge and wisdom. Keywords link to concepts from alchemy and the spectrum of elements and ethers as related to the planetary stages of evolution and the different worlds of consciousness.
FMC00.556A.jpgFMC00.556ATetractys - various illustrationsimage
FMC00.556B.jpgFMC00.556BTetractys - variant tilted presentationshows a reduced and tilted version of Schema FMC00.556 for ease of reference and comparison with other Schemas.Image
FMC00.557.jpgFMC00.557Ancient maps of Turanian empirepositions the location of Turan in more recent times. The Turanian empire is described by Rudolf Steiner as the great opponent of the Persian empire in the second Persian cultural age, some 5000 to 7000 years ago. Nevertheless the below still appears correct from geographic indications in his lectures ("Turan to the North, towards Siberia", see 1910-09-01-GA123) as these locations (like Egypt or Persia/Iran) are stable across millenia.image
FMC00.558.jpgFMC00.558Days of the week and solar system evolution - and trees of existence
FMC00.559.jpgFMC00.559Annual cycle of sun through the twelve signs of zodiac and their elemental influences
FMC00.559A.jpgFMC00.559AAnnual and daily cycles of the sun through the twelve signs of zodiac
FMC00.560.jpgFMC00.560Symbol of Life and Tree of Life
FMC00.561.jpgFMC00.561The 'chemical sky' - metals as related to planets and zodiac signs
FMC00.562.jpgFMC00.562Parable of the sower illustration - evolutionary funnel
FMC00.563.jpgFMC00.563Sketch to M. Rebholz' essay 'Durchgang'is a (temporary draft) notebook drawing for a Schema called 'Durchgang' to Maximilian Rebholz’ essay ‘Der Durchgang der Weltgedanken durch den Menschen‘ (1946-47). The drawing represents the scope and flow covered in this essay. So the essay centers on the Earth stage and positions Man as to where he came from, and what will be his future. But also how Man contributes to the future cosmos as as Free Man Creator, carried by and through the spiritual hierarchies.image
FMC00.564.jpgFMC00.564Cosmic fractal evolution from start to now (DL on 'before Old Saturn') - spiral viewa Schema by DL, who made this up - some inspiration for meditation.

What was there before our solar system, as described in spiritual science? What happened before Old Saturn? Why do we start there, with what is described?

Imagine the divinity as The three Logoi, it has as its intrinsic nature that it wants to know itself, and it is characterized by a cosmic breathing pulse. Through this breathing, the logoic principle gives rise, in consecutive cycles, to a new combination of consciousness, life and form, which is called a spiritual hierarchy. The Seraphim are still closely tied to the nature of the third logos (L3), then follow Cherubim and Thrones.

The triad is characterized by a threefoldedness in how the natures of the three hierarchies interrelate (between themselves), and relate to the three logoi: consciousness, a rhythmic life pulse, and an extension which gives it form. In following cycles a ladder is led down of such triads (see upper left of the drawing) thereby extending a ladder of currently Twelve Conditions of Consciousness. In each cycle, an additional hierarchy is added below in an extension of complexity of the Cosmic Fractal.

This can be mapped to the start of our current solar system evolution (lower right) starting with the Thrones sacrificing and the angels being the last hierarchy, and we find back the stages of Old Saturn, Old Sun, Old Moon. See Schema FMC00.077 and variants. A 'linking pin' chain element closely ties the lowest hierarchy of triad N and the highest of the next triad N+1.

The drawing is only a high level sketch of a complex multi-dimensional dynamic. Below the horizontal line, the future is developing. Within our solar system 'cycle' of the spiral, one could say the horizontal line on the lower right corresponds to the CoC=4 'human stage' type of consciousness, but one can also imagine that the nature or complexity of the condition of consciousness shifts with each spiral arm, so it jumps with steps of 4.

Compare the three triad blocks on the lower right corner for Old Moon stage, to the same block on Schema FMC00.077B.

Extending the horizontal line on the lower right, one sees that Earth and Future Jupiter are two intermediate stages that reach a sort of cycle conclusion stage on Future Venus - see also Schema FMC00.022 on that page. This is maybe also why Rudolf Steiner says that no human mind or language can today imagine Vulcan, and hence why it is not talked about: creation and the state of consciousness is beyond what we can take in scope for grasping with current intellectual thought and waking consciousness.

The spiral and ladder of consciousness is not fixed or stable, but very relative, as one can look at it in many ways. For example in the next three planetary stages, humanity will be in the roles represented by the colour green on Schemas FMC00.077 A and B. After that comes a graduation to become creator at a higher level, emanating substance through sacrifice; to get an idea: like the Thrones gave rise to the Archai on Old Saturn. See again Schemas FMC00.077 A and B - this schema does not show this (but it could be depicted in a future grid version).
FMC00.564A.jpgFMC00.564ACosmic fractal evolution from start to now (DL on 'before Old Saturn') - hierarchies viewtable
FMC00.565.jpgFMC00.565Two elements in sould life: desire and judgingshows a simple schematic to the description the two main elements in soul life, and what takes place in the process of human sense perception and the creation of mental images, sensations and memory - as related to desire and judgement.image
FMC00.566.jpgFMC00.566Juxtaposition of three dimensions of evolution with integrated spiral view and Jacob's wheelimage
FMC00.566A.jpgFMC00.566AJacob's wheel spiral sequence - contemplative support with numberingimage
FMC00.567.jpgFMC00.567Parable of five foolish virgins with art illustration and explanationimage
FMC00.568.jpgFMC00.568Illustration of cosmic principle of Mahat - the whole gives its essence to its partsillustrates the great cosmic principle also described by IAO or the ouroboros (Schema FMC00.328), the principle of 'the highest divinity who wants to know itself' as the ultimate underlying principle of creation, the cosmos, or the cosmic fractal. Or put differently with the concept of Mahat: the whole gives its essence to each of its parts.

At the core and heart is the ultimate property of the highest divinity, acting out of selfless devotion to the world out of love as an act of freedom (1903-11-16-GA090A).

What this means is further covered in spiritual science by the study of evolution, and a pathway of development for spiritual beings reaching I-consciousness and evolving along a ladder of twelve conditions of consciousness, as depicted on Schema FMC00.329.
FMC00.569.jpgFMC00.569Evolution of Man's aura from Lemurian epoch to current
FMC00.570.jpgFMC00.570Depiction of clairvoyant view of evolution on Earth and Manconnects three levels of viewing evolution: at the level of planetary stage of evolution to Condition of Consciousness for the spiritual hierarchy of humanity, how this develops on the fourth planetary stage Earth, and how we can follow this evolution for the human being.

The high level cosmic principles such as Mahat (Schema FMC00.568) and the principle of creation by the three logoi (Schema FMC00.067A and Schema FMC00.067B) are connected to the development of Man's bodily principles and how this can be followed with clairvoyant spiritual vision in the aura of the human being (Schema FMC00.569).

Note this is an ambitious schema in terms of conceptual scope, this first implementation of the idea is probably suboptimal. For now, this Schema will make sense and come to life when studying seven lectures together, as presented on Schema FMC00.570A.
FMC00.570A.jpgFMC00.570AMeta schema with study approach on IAO, Logoi, Mahat with lecture referencesis a meta schema that provides guidance for approaching study, referencing three FMC wiki topic pages (in green) where the following five to eight key lecture extracts can be studied, along with the five schemas below. The goal is to grasp what is underlying Schema FMC00.570.

The Mahat principle (Schema FMC00.568) is described on the IAO topic page, and it is shows the essential nature of the three Logoi and divinity, the principle underlying the evolution of the cosmic fractal along ever greater complexity and conditions of consciousness.

On the Creation by the three Logoi, the principle of FMC00.067A and B is explained in the key lecture in blue.

That lecture is expanded upon in the two lectures on the Human aura page on the right. There, the principles covered before, are sketched concretely for the current Earth stage and the development of Man, both described evolutionary based on clairvoyant aura structures. In conclusion this can be connected to the upper right illustration, how the human being is becoming an evolving creator being, Free Man Creator, contributing to creation .. as a step along the CoC-ladder and future conditions of consciousness as a planetary spirit and as a zodiac. This then comes full circle with FMC00.568. See also: Christ Module 10 - Tenth Hierarchy.

A similar study journey can be followed after this, using FMC00.329 and FMC00.077A as a basis, linking these with FMC00.564 and FMC00.564A to gain a broader perspective on creation.
FMC00.571.jpgFMC00.571The five tattvas etheric influences or forces
FMC00.572.jpgFMC00.572Selection of key books on the etheric formative forces - various authors
FMC00.573.jpgFMC00.573Development of Man and Earth in three first epochs - view of the elements and ethers
FMC00.574.jpgFMC00.574Development of the human being on Earth - view of the elements
FMC00.575.jpgFMC00.575Two divine Jehovah and Christ impulses in the process of individuationillustrates the two major divine impulses in the process of individuation of human beings (Schema FMC00.185). Each sphere represents a human being with the lower bodily principles or sheaths. Note: these illustrations are from the two central lectures in the Guided study approach to Christ.
FMC00.576.jpgFMC00.576Man's bodily principles - 'onions sheaths' depiction of four lower bodily sheathsbundles illustrations from various lectures where Rudolf Steiner uses the 'onions sheaths' depiction of Man's bodily principles to illustrate - in different contexts - how consciousness relates to the lower bodily sheaths. For this type of presentation, see also Schema FMC00.575, Schema FMC00.356; and similarly for the development of the lower bodies themselves before, Schema FMC00.574.
FMC00.577.jpgFMC00.577Sketches by Rudolf Steiner for First Goetheanum: IAOshows three oil crayon sketches by Rudolf Steiner with IAO motifs for the work on the large cupola of the first Goetheanum. The three images were merged into the overall cupola paintings.

From left to right: the 'I': God's wrath and God's melancholy, the 'A': the round dance of the Seven, the 'O': the circle of the Twelve.

Many variants of these as well as the blended IAO exist as painted by Gerard Wagner (1906-1999), see the book 'The Goetheanum cupula motifs of Rudolf Steiner' (2011).
FMC00.578.jpgFMC00.578Sketches by Rudolf Steiner for First Goetheanum: Atlantisshows two sketches by Rudolf Steiner in 1914 for the theme 'Atlantis' as part of the motifs for the cupola illustrations of the first Goetheanum. Left an oil crayon pastel sketch, right a pencil drawing. Clearly represented are the group souls of humanity hovering above beings below.
FMC00.579.jpgFMC00.579Sketches by Rudolf Steiner for First Goetheanum: Lemuriashows two sketches by Rudolf Steiner in 1914 for the theme 'Lemuria' as part of the motifs for the cupola illustrations of the first Goetheanum. Left an oil crayon pastel sketch, right a pencil drawing. It shows a yellowish (albumen) red (fiery) atmosphere, the green face of the Earth, appearance of mountains and vulcanoes (on the right), the human face representing the start of the Human I, and various spiritual beings working their influences.
FMC00.580.jpgFMC00.580Sketches by Rudolf Steiner for First Goetheanum: Elohim working onto Man, and Jehovah and Luciferic temptationshows two oil crayon sketches by Rudolf Steiner as part of the motifs for the cupola illustrations of the first Goetheanum. Left: the Elohim or Spirits of Form working creatively onto Man and the Earth. Right: Jehovah and the Luciferic temptation.
FMC00.581.jpgFMC00.581Raphael's painting of the Sistine Madonnashows a high resolution picture of Raphael's painting of the Sistine Madonnaimage
FMC00.581A.jpgFMC00.581ARaphael's painting of the Sistine Madonna - high resolution detailshows the central detail of the Madonna with Child arising from a radiant heaven filled with angelic faces.
FMC00.582.jpgFMC00.582Matter is shattered spirit - image of spirit wave crashing into matterprovides a short description to the simple image of the left: physical matter arises due to the crashing of a spiritual wave that breaks up. Imagine for example a wave crashing on the shore with exhausted energy. This image is important to the worldview of spiritual science, as it offers the bridge between the physical material and the underlying spiritual. See also the concept of the Golden Chain.image
FMC00.582A.jpgFMC00.582AMatter is shattered spirit - hydrogen atomshows an illustration from the lecture and description of Schema FMC00.582, and shows Rudolf Steiner's sketch of the hydrogen atom (as viewed clairvoyantly) next to a modern picture of a hydrogen atom using a photoionization 'quantum microscope' (2013).image
FMC00.583.jpgFMC00.583Evolution of kingdoms of nature across planetary stages of evolutionshows two versions of the process of stratification that has led to the development of the current four kingdoms of nature in evolution. In each planetary stage of evolution, there is a segment of laggers that do not attain the full developmental potential or goal. This gives rise to, if one simplifies, a higher and lower kingdom, depending on whether the structural bodily principle (such as etheric, or astral) has been incorporated or not. This way, in each evolutionary stage a kingdom is pushed up - or down - by 'half'. Given the conditions in each planetary stage are vastly different (see left below), one should not imagine or reason about kingdoms or beings as they are in their current form. For example, on Old Saturn, Man was a physical seed in warmth. Furthermore, these schematics dramatically simplify the complete process, as Conditions of Life (CoL) and Form (CoF) with iterative recapitulations are not shown.

Within Earth's mineral CoL and physical CoF, the five epochs show (upper right) a recapitulation of all that preceded, which ultimately, after this long evolutionary pathway, results in the current physical kingdoms of nature we know. The last upper branch is the one whereby Man waited for the conditions to be right to incorporate the fourth structural bodily principle of the human 'I'. Souls that descended earlier into physical bodies under conditions that didn't allow to incorporate the human 'I', resulted in the various animal forms (see Schema FMC00.210 and variants), whereby the apes were last and hence closest to the human being. The animals were not able to separate from the astral group souls through the process of individuation, the way humanity does.

By the end of Earth evolution, current humanity will also split and divide into an upper and lower human kingdom, based on moral and spiritual maturity, which will lead to and make up two kingdoms on the next planetary stage of evolution Future Jupiter.
FMC00.584.jpgFMC00.584Summary table overview of Earth and evolution over seven epochsprovides a overview and synthesis table over the Earth's seven epochs and the overall evolutionary pathway for Earth and humanity, as a map for orientation across the many separate topic pages and Schemas. For a more graphical presentation, see Schema FMC00.486. This is a first tentative version, to be iteratively improved in the future. Click one to three times to enlarge or go to page for download at full resolution.
FMC00.585.jpgFMC00.585Organic structure in Rudolf Steiner's writings and study of heart thinkingshows a few illustrations to show the organic structure that was discovered by George O'Neil in Rudolf Steiner's books, taken from Mark Riccio's book 'The logik of the heart' (2016). As described in the book, Rudolf Steiner composed his books, chapters and sentences in organic forms resembling musical notation. Implicit are the four organic laws of metamorphosis: rhythm, enhancement, polarity and inversion. The work done by George O'Neil and his students Florin Lowndes and Mark Riccio (and their work groups) has shown that practicing this study technique can transform one's faculty of thinking, exactly as Rudolf Steiner had pointed out about the effect his work 'Philosophy of Freedom' could have. Quoting from the book: "At some point one sees the whole contents as an idea in the mind's eye as a living-painting-form." and " O'Neil suggest that at some point you can see through the text content, colors and forms, and perceive the thought beings behind a chapter. " This appears to be one of anthroposophy's well-kept secrets, though Rudolf Steiner referred to it as "heart thinking" (1910-03-29-GA119), "living thinking" (1922-09-30-GA216, 1922-10-07-GA217) or "formative (or Goethean) thinking" (1919-01-01-GA187), "thinking, using the etheric body" (1919-06-12-GA193).
FMC00.586.jpgFMC00.586Picture gallery of anthroposophists (born 1840-1879)is the first picture of a gallery (see also Schema 586 variants A to C) with a selection of about 100 souls that incarnated as part of the wave of spiritual science centered around Rudolf Steiner as a teacher; many of which are known to be important Individualities. See more on The Michaelic stream. This first gallery has 24 people.image
FMC00.586A.jpgFMC00.586APicture gallery of anthroposophists (born 1880-1899)shows a selection of people born between 1880 and 1899 - so two decades 1880s and 1890s. This second gallery has 32 people.image
FMC00.586B.jpgFMC00.586BPicture gallery of anthroposophists (born 1890-1909)shows a selection of people born between 1890 and 1909 - so two decades 1890s and 1900s. This gallery shows 23 people.image
FMC00.586C.jpgFMC00.586CPicture gallery of anthroposophists (born 1910-1929)shows a selection of people born between the 1910 and 1929 - so two decades 1910s and 1920s. This gallery shows 31 people.image
FMC00.587.jpgFMC00.587Ancient humanity's universal alphabet based on direct phonetic soul feelingillustrates the fact that humanity originally had just one phonetic language made up of sounds, or letters based on the feeling contained in speech sounds. In this universal alphabet, sounds of vowels and consonants related directly to soul experience. In later developments of language this was completely lost.

The table is compiled from descriptions in lectures by Rudolf Steiner, including examples, and is illustrative and not meant to be complete.

Also in the context of interaction with deceased souls, Rudolf Steiner speaks of this heart-language of the deceased, not based on abstract meaning of words, but of feeling content and meaning that issues from the sounds themselves.

See also the air flow forms produced by the sounds of vocals and syllables, see Speech#Visible speech - vocal flow forms
FMC00.588.jpgFMC00.588Positioning of sources of spiritual science of current postatlantean epochpositions existing sources of spiritual science in terms of written knowledge, as originating in various knowledge streams from different cultural ages and cultures. It shows how traditions originate from the time before alphabets or written language, furthermore mostly such sacred wisdom was conveyed with oral traditions. Hence the Eastern Indian scriptures are reflections of ancient traditions going back millenia before.

The goal of this Schema is to position important works in spiritual science, such as Bhagavad Gita, Book of Genesis, Sepher Yetzirah, Pistis Sophia, Book of Revelation, the gospels, etc. .. whereby the distinction needs to be made between the time when these were written down, versus the ancient wisdom stream that they reflect. Contemporary spiritual science in the current cultural age - as in theosophy and anthroposophy - offers an integrative framework for our contemporary language and consciousness, that shows how all these teachings, including ancients myths and traditions from the various cultures and ages, are all about the same knowledge.

Note the table focuses on spiritual scientific knowledge streams and existing written works. It does not include initiation knowledge from the ancient mysteries, nor the oldest of sources that originate from before the Current Postatlantean epoch, such as the Book of Dzyan or the Book of Ten Pages.
FMC00.589.jpgFMC00.589Formative forces in Man's bodily principles, with principles of healing with plants and metals and working of formic and oxalic acidshows an illustration of the formative forces in the human being.

On the left is shown how the stream of cosmic influences works from the I downwards and flows through the various bodily principles of the human structural make-up. If there are any unbalances causing illness, these can be compensated for through therapeutic substances from the plant or mineral kingdom that work on the etheric and mineral physical bodies, as represented by the small arrows. See more on healing with plants and healing with metals.

On the right is shown the working of oxalic acid that is transformed in the human body into formic acid. Both oxalic and formic acid are needed by the human etheric and astral bodies. They can be seen as representatives for the etheric and astral domains, and the plant and animal kingdom produce these substances by natural excretion. The light grey arrows show the process of the astral and etheric body transforming these organic living substances into lifeless mineral matter. What matters to the I-organization is the process of transition and the effect of the formative forces of these substances, not what they represent as mineral matter with the chemical formulas given.
FMC00.590.jpgFMC00.590Various pictures of Rudolf Steiner - at different agesshows some selected pictures of Rudolf Steiner. Left 1905 (age 44), middle 1915 (age 54).image
FMC00.590A.jpgFMC00.590AVarious pictures of Rudolf Steiner - the thinkershows various pictures of Rudolf Steiner the thinker, or 'in a thinker pose', at various ages.image
FMC00.590B.jpgFMC00.590BVarious pictures of Rudolf Steiner - as teacher, priest, clairvoyantshows a selection of pictures of Rudolf Steiner the teacher (left), the priest (middle-right), and the clairvoyant (right, clairvoyant gaze).image
FMC00.590C.jpgFMC00.590CVarious pictures of Rudolf Steiner - at younger agesshows a selection of pictures of Rudolf Steiner at young (left) and middle age (right). From left to right: a (1879, age 18), b (as a student, est. around 20 or early 20s), c (1886 in Vienna, age 25), d (Weimar period 1892-96, age approx. 31-35), e (around 1900 in Berlin, age 39)image
FMC00.590D.jpgFMC00.590DRudolf Steiner and participants in the medical course 2021image
FMC00.591.jpgFMC00.591Decisive phase for humanity between descent and ascent and third and sixth epochsshows the decisive phase for the development of humanity between the third Lemurian epoch and the Sixth epoch. In the Lemurian epoch, the spirit and group souls descended into the physical bodies that had developed to sufficient complexity to be able to develop the Human 'I'. This is shown left with the extract from Schema FMC00.210. The process of individuation through the Development of the I is still ongoing in the Current fifth Postatlantean epoch. In the next Sixth epoch, part of humanity will spiritualize again.

A bifurcation is happening with a decisive division between good and evil branches of mankind, starting today but especially the coming millenia and onwards. As a result of this, the balanced and spiritually mature (represented by the path of the Christ) will be able to continue development in non-physical changing conditions on Earth and beyond. Others will be chained to the lower material realms and ultimately make up a lower kingdom on the next planetary stage of evolution Future Jupiter. This is shown right with an extract from Schema FMC00.583 and the evolution of the kingdoms of nature per planetary stage.

The central illustration is based and inspired on Rudolf Steiner's drawings in the lecture of 1911-10-14-GA131, see also Schema FMC00.591A.
FMC00.591A.jpgFMC00.591APositioning of impact of Fall and luciferic influence on decisive phase for humanity between descent and ascentshows additional views to Schema FMC00.591, with - on the left - the rough drawings and accompanying text from lecture 1911-10-14-GA131, in the middle a visualisation of what was described, and on the right Schema FMC00.346 about the Fall and redemption - original sin and grace.

Due to the Luciferic influence, the developmental path of mankind changed considerably, see more on:

FMC00.591B.jpgFMC00.591BSketches by Valentin Tomberg on influence of higher self on ascentis a drawing by Valentin Tomberg, part of lectures held in 1939 in Rotterdam, published by Willi Seiss in the booklet 'The four sacrifices of Christ and the appearance of Christ in the etheric'. It is shared here because Tomberg uses the same visualization of Schema FMC00.591A, and because of the merit of the idea presented with the drawing on the right.

On the right, Tomberg uses this presentation to couple karmic pre-sentience (see Schema FMC00.081) and knowledge of previous lives (see Past life memories). Both are faculties of the 'new clairvoyance' referenced by and linked to 'Christ in the etheric'. Tomberg points out that in the future, the soul will naturally connect insight of 'guilt in the past' to presentience of 'karmic impact of future deeds', thus allowing for restoration of karmic balance.

On the left, as a legend for the drawing on the right (interpretation added by editor to be compatible with FMC wiki nomenclature and Rudolf Steiner's teachings): the lower 'I' is the consciousness of the senses and the physical world (and the lower astral body); the higher 'I' is Man's higher triad, the spiritual future of Man constituted by the life-spirit (or budhi) and spirit-man (or atma) parts of the monad. In the middle would then be the consciousness soul and spirit self (manas) 'bridge' between the lower incarnate life and the future spiritual life of mankind. The 'I am' and conscience labels to this drawing are misleading (as happens with secondary sources), as conscience should not be coupled only and directly to the higher 'I', and the 'I am' and pure spiritual love certainly is the higher self (re budhi Schema FMC00.481). Rather, these higher spiritual faculties 'ripple through' to the lower principles of the spirit self and consciousness soul (for principle, see also below on Schema FMC00.431 and the corresponding lecture(s)).
FMC00.592.jpgFMC00.592Strader device - pictures and sketchesshows the Strader device (upper left) and three additional devices (lower left) used in Rudolf Steiner's Mystery Dramas, and right various sketches for the construction of the models made as hints for future etheric technology, drawings by Oskar Schmiedel (1887-1959) and Hans Kuhn (1889-1977).
FMC00.593.jpgFMC00.593Reincarnation as out- and inbreathing - gives fruits of Earth to cosmos after deathillustrates how the human being sheds off his lower bodies after death, and gives off the cosmos the fruits of the Earth. As a result of the incarnate life on Earth, Man contributes the seeds for future worlds, that are taken up and carried by the higher hierarchies. Thoughts and feelings create fields of activity for the Third Hierarchy (H3) and Second Hierarchy (H2).

The process of death like an exhaling out into the cosmos. A new birth is like an inhaling, bringing down the spirit germ into the physical body carried by the stream of heredity (see Schema FMC00.321 and Schema FMC00.331 and on Embryo in the womb).

During incarnated life on Earth, the forces from the higher worlds keep working in the human being, see also the double.
FMC00.594.jpgFMC00.594Process of humanity: individuation and spiritual integration (metaphoric imagery)offers a visualization of the process that humanity goes through, from the group souls of humanity, over individuation (and fragmentation through human races and folk souls), to the future spiritualization into future group souls based on moral ideals.

The small insert on the lower left references that this is part of a universal process whereby the logos goes from one universal divinity to many, see also the theosophical 'mahat' concept on the IAO topic page.

Underlined terms reference FMC wiki topic pages. The metaphoric imagery consists of, upper left, a cake crumbling from monolithic to ever smaller pieces - like from ocean to droplets (to represent the spiritual hierarchies, each human being is connected to the archangelic and archai level); and on the lower right, small metallic particles in free chaotic order but organizing themselves, as attracted to magnets (the magnets are unifying soul qualities, hence virtues and moral ideals).

The crumbling into ever smaller crumbles is ongoing, today mankind is only physically separated into separate physical bodies, but humanity is still connected to the Third Hierarchy. Through Man's transformation and spiritualization also the other bodily principles will be separated, but also unified, as separation is an attribute of the lower worlds (from the lower spirit world downwards). In the higher spirit world, the principle of buddhi or Christos or selfless love (see Schema FMC00.481) is a vantage convergence point also called the Second Adam.

The idea of this schema is not to take it literally, but to imagine it at a higher level in one's mind and soul.
FMC00.595.jpgFMC00.595Effect of cosmic nutrition and formative forces by comparing growth of seedlingsshows an experiment by Rudolf Hauschka to show the effect of cosmic nutrition and the etheric formative (life) forces, by comparing growth of seedlings immersed directly into solutions of substances vs indirectly in their spheres of radiation. Graphs show average length of shoots after 10 days of experiment in solutions with different potencies D4 to D8. Above the line is shown the avg. length of leaves, below the line the avg. length of roots.

Substances on the left are brain and eye as organs of the nerve-sense subsystems. They promote growth when raying in influences from the surrounding sphere, whereas they have no effect in direct application.

Substance on the right is spleen as organ for the metabolic-limb subsystem. Take up is largest for direct immersion versus radiation influence.

Taken from the book 'Nutrition' by Rudolf Hauschka as another excellent example of experiments confirming the spiritual scientific knowledge paradigm or hypothesis in the physical lab, without any need for higher cognition. Other examples are Schema FMC00.011, Schema FMC00.012 and Schema FMC00.527.
FMC00.596.jpgFMC00.596Characteristics of metamorphosis of the human being between two incarnationsprovides an overview and selection of statements related to the metamorphosis of the human being between two incarnations in the spirit world during the process between death and a new birth. This provides a synthetic summary for reference, the lectures on the right should be read to get context and full description. Note: see also more in 1906-03-14-GA097.
FMC00.597.jpgFMC00.597Reincarnation as out- and inbreathing - mother, father and fertilizationconnects the process between death and a new birth, before and after the midnight hour, to the mother and the father. The organization of the astral body draws one to the mother, the 'I' to the father, and the two poles of the human being then meet through mother and father. For a visualization see also Schema FMC00.593 and Schema FMC00.321. For the process between fertilization and birth, see also Schema FMC00.331 on Embryo in the womb.
FMC00.598.jpgFMC00.598Metamorphosis in the plant and animal kingdomsshows metamorphosis in the plant and animal kingdoms, and the amazing transformation of form due to the workings of the laws of the astral and etheric on the mineral in the physical world. The butterfly represents a universal symbol for metamorphosis. The comparative baseline (terms in blue below) is taken from Grohmann's book 'The Plant'. He describes in comparative way the pre-dominant forces in the threefold process: how in the root, a salt process with centripetal forces is mostly active (corresponding to the head-nerve subsystem in Man); whereas in the flower a warmth process with expansive centrifugal forces is mostly active (corresponding to the metabolic-limb and digestive in Man). In the leaf, a light process is active (corresponding to the rhythmic subsystem in Man).
FMC00.599.jpgFMC00.599The large unified arch-continent called Pangaeadepicts a possible or probable structure of the large unified arch-continent with granite-gneiss crust called Pangaea at the end of the Paleozoic era, the Permo-Carboniferous period (see also Schema FMC00.209). View from the Sun after the separation of moon in the Lemurian epoch. This large unified arch-continent would have covered about one third of the spherical surface of today’s Earth. The dashed lines give the later fracture boundaries, double-dashed show future narrow zones of high mountain belts. Illustration from the excellent reference work by Dankmar Bosse 'The mutual evolution of Earth and humanity' (2002), after H.G. Owen 'Atlas of Continental displacement' (1983).
FMC00.599A.jpgFMC00.599AVisualization links between separation of moon, unified primal continent Pangaea, tetraeder structure of Earth, and ring of firelinks the separation of the moon from the Earth, and the unified primal continent Pangaea (middle), with the tetraeder structure of the Earth as described in 1924-09-18-GA354. On the middle drawing, the red lines map the ring of fire (left), whereas the blue dots map the end points from the tetraeder structure drawing. Below right: another illustration below by Hans-Ulrich Schmutz from the book 'Die Tetraeder-struktur der Erde'.
FMC00.600.jpgFMC00.600Before and after the separation of Moon and Earthshows various BlackBoard Drawings (BBD) by Rudolf Steiner illustrating the early history of the Earth in the Lemurian epoch, and the separation of the moon.

Left: before the separation of the moon (shown in yellow in the white Earth), the Earth was illuminated by the sun from one side. The fluid Earth was made up from a thick liquid substance, and in this 'Earth soup' land masses floated, huge lumps of slime (white spots under arrows). The Earth had its own reproductive energy as the moon forces in the Earth were fertilized by the sunlight (arrows shown). See also Schema FMC00.318.

Second from left (and right): from the living Earth, consisting of a thick fluid nucleus (yellow) and surrounding thick air (purple), a protuberance developed which wore away and at last split off, thereby forming an offspring that went out into cosmic space.

Right: This inverted body that was separated off (in purple) now had the thick fluid outside and the thinner air inside. It hardened only after it was outside the Earth, and became the current moon. From the hollowing out of the Earth in various places and from the receding continents one can tell that the moon separated from the Earth in the area now called the Pacific Ocean. See also Schema FMC00.315.

With the separation of moon a complete change took place, not only in what separated itself off but also in the Earth itself. The rotation of the Earth began only along with the separation of the moon, with the Sun now working on the whole body of the Earth in an alternate rhythm of day and night. The separation of forces caused a hardening of substances on Earth.
FMC00.600A.jpgFMC00.600ABefore and after the separation of Moon and Earth - additional illustrationsis an illustration from Dankmar Bosse's excellent reference work 'The mutual evolution of Earth and humanity', whereby he complements the blackboard drawings from Rudolf Steiner's lectures (above) with another visualization (below) related to the descriptions in those lectures. Taken together with Schema FMC00.600 and these descriptions, one can imagine - see below middle and right - how the denser part of Earth is on the left - turned to the Sun, before and as the rotation of Earth set in. The drawing below right then links to Schema FMC00.599A.
FMC00.601.jpgFMC00.601Plate tectonics map in context tetrahedral structure of the Earthis a map integrating work from many authors, taken from Hans-Ulrich Schmutz: 'Die Tetraeder-struktur der Erde' (Eine geologisch-geometrische Untersuchung anhand der Plattentektonik) (1986); in English: 'The tetrahedral structure of the Earth - a geological-geometric investigation based on plate tectonics'. The map provides an overview showing expansion areas in green and compression areas in dark grey. Relate the largest green areas on the right and below right to Schema FMC00.599A (and FMC00.600A).
FMC00.602.jpgFMC00.602Migrations in the Central european cultural basin as mixture of folks and merging of two streams of developmentmaps the specific description of the different folks or people across Europe and their migrations in the Central European cultural basin - as described in detail in the two lectures of 1915-07-24-GA162 and 1924-03-15-GA353 - constituting the great mixture of the Two streams of development, the Northern and Southern streams. See also Schema FMC00.501.
FMC00.602A.jpgFMC00.602AMigrations in the Central european cultural basin as mixture of folks and merging of two streams of development - BBD originalis a blackboard drawing by Rudolf Steiner that sketches Europe at the time of the spreading of Christianity, as described in the lecture of 1924-03-15-GA353. See also the perspective of folk souls (Schema FMC00.459) overlaying Migrations, in context of the impulse of the third Greco-Latin cultural age (Schema FMC00.534 on the topic page 325) and Christ Impulse - meeting of two streams (Schema FMC00.113).image
FMC00.603.jpgFMC00.603Man's bodily principles working to a different extent in Man's three subsystemsis a graphical illustration of the fact that Man's bodily principles work to a different extent in the three subsystems of Man as threefold being, as explained in 1921-04-11-GA313. The head or nerve-sense subsystem is essentially physical body only and thus the 'dying' part, opposite to which the metabolic-limb subsystem is the more spiritual coming into being part.
FMC00.604.jpgFMC00.604Pattern of incarnations of Individualities of Rudolf and Marie Steiner and Ita Wegmanprovides an overview of the information that can be found in multiple sources regarding several incarnations of the Individuality of Rudolf Steiner (KRI 36), Marie-Steiner von Sivers (KRI 59) and Ita Wegman (KRI 37), in context of Impulses from waves of reincarnating souls.

Note: as an example of connected Individualities, Wilhelm Anton Neumann (1837-1919), was connected in a previous incarnation with Thomas Aquinas (re lecture of 1888-11-09 attended by Neumann and referenced by Rudolf Steiner in 1920-05-24-GA074, 1924-07-18-GA240, 1924-09-12 and a conversation with Rittelmeyer in 1921). Also in this previous incarnation, Gunther Wagner (1842-1930) was the brother of Thomas Aquinas father and abbot Sinibaldus of the Benedict abbey of Monte Cassino (IT) where Thomas Aquinas was entered at age five to have his education (1912-03-06-GA265A and many additional research notes in appendix (incl. letter by Marie Steiner of 1907-08-18, and a letter by Rudolf Steiner to Doris and Franz Paulus 1904-05-14 who were also connected in this incarnation).

A similar diagram could be made linking Plato and Socrates who also had earlier incarnations as Silenus and Dionysus.

See also the KRI - Karmic Relationships Individualities topic page, as part of Karma research case studies and Karmic relationships.
FMC00.605.jpgFMC00.605Arnold Mindell's model of the three levels of realityshows a simple picture of Arnold Mindell's model of the three levels of reality. Though not part of the spiritual scientific worldview, one can see it as an illustration of the Golden Chain as part of the Cosmic fractal.

Below 'consensus reality', called this way because the majority of human beings are in consensus about the physical world with common contemporary waking consciousness. In the middle what is called the emergent 'dreaming level' that can be thought of as the astral world. Above the 'sentient essence' level that one can relate to the spirit world (for example Rawn Clark speaks there of 'essential meaning').

The model is used a.o. in ORSC coaching (Organizational Relationship and Systems Coaching). Another model where one finds these multiple levels of reality and soul experience is TheoryU. This illustrates that concepts from spiritual science are all around us in the world.
FMC00.606.jpgFMC00.606Living Earth with gradual densification and formation and deposition of minerals and geological layerscombines two illustrations by Dankmar Bosse showing the living Earth as it chrystallized with gradual densification in the previous Earth epochs to the current mineral Earth we know today. The two illustrations were combined to support contemplation of the evolutionary process and the formation and deposition of minerals that can be found in geological layers.
FMC00.607.jpgFMC00.607Spiritual guidance of mankind and segmentation across ages and epochsprovides an overview of how the law of evolution applies to the development and spiritual guidance of mankind, with a focus on the evolution between the previous Atlantean epoch towards the next Sixth epoch. As development is only possible through differentiation, different segments at various stages of karmic development or spiritual maturity must be separated in order to develop further. Examples of this separation were the different Mysteries and Oracles in the Atlantean epoch, and the castes in India and other areas incl. Egypt. In the future, moral castes will develop based on spiritual maturity as part of the separation of mankind into good and evil segments or sub-races (190X-XX-XX-GA097, 1908-06-21-GA104, 1910-GA013)

The Current Postatlantean epoch is a gradual training to independence for humanity. This is depicted below with a transfer of the guidance of mankind by leaders not part of humanity, that developed on other planets (see also Three Classes of Buddhas) .. to - in the Sixth epoch - the leadership of mankind by the most advanced humans who developed on Eart . The schema shows the gradual evolution of these trends across the cultural ages, and how the sixth cultural age will seed the sixth epoch with the appearance of these moral castes and the fact that the Masters of the White Lodge will become publicly known as leaders of humanity.

Notes for Schema commentary page:

  • regarding boxes on the lower left:
    • examples of priests and priest-kings: Zarathustra in the Ancient Persian cultural age, the Egyptian Pharaohs
    • further coverage of these stages in 1919-10-27-GA193 (and 1919-10-19-GA191) - see Contemporary worldview war#1919-10-27-GA193
      • first: Egyptian Pharaohs, Babylonian rulers, Asiatic rulers .. were initiates
      • then : "the priest-type emerged as ruler and was really the ruler right up to the Reformation and the Renaissance"
      • since that time: the economist has been in command, rulers are merely the handymen,of the economists.
        • has become an impersonal ahrimanic force/entity as in the 19th century due to evolution of banking
  • regarding castes in India
    • the castes in India should not be related to the first Ancient Indian cultural age .. they appeared later and lasted at least until the fourth cultural age
    • the lecture references given for the castes in India couples karma-based segmentation to the number of incarnations, hence the term 'spiritual maturity'
  • the Southern stream of development consisted of the four most advanced segments or castes from the Atlantean epoch
  • 1912-05-29-GA155 describes the Two streams of development as an excellent illustration of the two arms of the spiral of development, the need for two concurrent streams of development whereby a second one first stays behind, in order to be able to fructify and merge and grow further beyond the development of the first.
  • for the development of moral castes, see also Moral idea'"`UNIQ--nowiki-00000345-QINU`"'ls and Schema FMC00.188 and variants (on Christ Module 7 - Cosmic dimension) that depicts how 'a new center is created' through this.
  • compare this Schema also with
  • physiognomy will become more important again in the next cultural ages and Sixth epoch, as a reflection of the soul and spiritual maturity: the outer physiognomy will directly mirror one's karma (1904-11-11-GA093) .. the physical body will become a 'stamp' of one's morality (1915-10-31-GA254, 1915-11-07-GA254) and "in the sixth epoch men will show good and evil on their faces" (1908-06-25-GA104)
FMC00.608.jpgFMC00.608Spiritual guidance of mankind by the White Brotherhood and White Lodgeis an infographic illustrating what is called the white brotherhood consisting of the white lodge of twelve masters; each with direct assistants and helpers. This is to be considered when contemplating important Individualities and known teachers of mankind, for example - for the 20th century - Rudolf Steiner, Beinsa Douno, Franz Bardon, Daskalos, but also Krishnamurti, Sri M, and others. The Masters themselves are often or mostly not publicly known, but they work through others and their missions are carried into the world by their assistant 'wise men' and helpers. See also: Spiritual guidance of mankind
FMC00.609.jpgFMC00.609Four 20th century teachers from the White Lodgeshows four 20th century western teachers of humanity, from left to right: Rudolf Steiner, Beinsa Douno, Franz Bardon, Daskalos. Quote from Rudolf Steiner (1905-01-01-GA090B): ".. in the future (sixth cultural age) .. the Masters (from the White Lodge) will become publicly known as leaders of humanity." See more on: Spiritual guidance of mankind.
FMC00.609A.jpgFMC00.609AFive teachers (incl. Blavatsky) - younger agedepicts contemporary western teachers of humanity of end 19th to end 20th century; from left to right: Helena Blavatsky, Rudolf Steiner, Beinsa Douno, Franz Bardon, Daskalos. Pictures at younger age, see also Schema FMC00.609B.
FMC00.609B.jpgFMC00.609BFive teachers (incl. Blavatsky) - later ageshows four 20th century western teachers, from left to right: depicts contemporary western teachers of humanity of end 19th to end 20th century; from left to right: Helena Blavatsky, Rudolf Steiner, Beinsa Douno, Franz Bardon, Daskalos. Pictures at later age, see also Schema FMC00.609A.
FMC00.610.jpgFMC00.610Ancient illustration of the seven planetary influences - extractis a symbolic illustration for the topic page on the two etheric streams. It is an extract from Schema FMC00.610A that provides explanations on the latin terms; whereas Schema FMC00.610A links these concepts to other related study Schemas. See also Schema FMC00.537 for a second schema showing the seven planetary forces and the two influences of sun and moon.image
FMC00.610A.jpgFMC00.610AAncient illustration of the seven planetary influences - complete picture with text translationsshows the full illustration from Schema FMC00.610 (see also variant B), taken from the book 'Laboratorium Chymicorum Vulgarium (1686) by an anonymous author. On the right English translations of the Latin texts.

The schema depicts

  • above, Adonai, is ancient Hebrew plural for lord or master, used to refer to God (and appears hundreds of times in the Bible)
  • underneath the mystical lamb and its sevenfold influence
  • the angelic being blowing through a sevenfold trumpet, each one of the esoteric planets, represents the spiritual influences of the corresponding planetary spheres. Note the unusual location of Mars - also compare with FMC00.610C.
  • from the sun trumpet comes flowing 'warm and dry', from the moon trumpet 'cold and wet' (see FMC00.300B and FMC00.300B); giving rise or linked to the hexagram of two opposing triangles (see FMC00.088 and FMC00.324)
  • left and right middle, the two etheric streams or influences of sun and moon reference the emerald tablet (see Homer’s Golden Chain)
  • below are shown various historical personalities, both famous (Hermes, Paracelsus, Flamel, Thomas Aquinas) as lesser known alchemists
FMC00.610B.jpgFMC00.610BAncient illustration of the seven planetary influences - with FMC Schema links and referencesrelates the concepts of Schema FMC00.610 to various other and more modern representations and Schemas on this site. The light yellow boxed titles provide the names and links of the FMC wiki topic pages from which these excerpts are taken.image
FMC00.610C.jpgFMC00.610CSecond illustration showing sun/moon and seven planetary influencesshows a second, slightly different illustration from a medieval publication depicting the same elements, compare with Schema FMC00.610.image
FMC00.611.jpgFMC00.611Book of Revelation and the fourth and fifth cultural ages - and 600y waves of cultural impulsesillustrates two lectures where Rudolf Steiner describes historical development of the Central European cultural basin in the last two millenia in rhythms of some 150 and 600 years. In 1924-09-17-GA346 the seven seals and seven trumpets are used as language to describe time periods of some 150-160 years. In 1911-03-13-GA124 time periods of 600-650 years are used to described waves of cultural impulses and renewal.

The first lecture is an interesting illustration of the Cosmic Fractal nature, and patterns in the cycles connected with the various levels of the spiritual hierarchies: stages from the Book of Revelation are used to describe patterns at a smaller time scale of shorter cycles.

Regarding the renewal waves in 1911-03-13-GA124 (re : Reconquista#1911-03-13-GA124) against a timeline, see also Schema FMC00.534 and Schema FMC00.535

Note: view full screen on large monitor and/on download high resolution version.
FMC00.612.jpgFMC00.612Man is set free of spiritual hierarchies in 15 centuries (BBD with annotations)illustrates the start of Man's true freedom in the 15th century, after the ancient clairvoyance faded over millenia, and the spiritual hiearchies withdrew, so in the end Man was disconnected from the spirit world.

In the future, a new clairvoyance will develop in Man as a free and conscious being.

See also topic pages for Transition between the 4th and 15th century and Christ in the etheric

For a similar illustration, see Schema FMC00.054 on Christ and the Mystery of Golgotha
FMC00.613.jpgFMC00.613Cosmic clock of movement of apsides against zodiac clock (precession)illustrates, on the right, the slow movement of the apsides (in approx. 110.000 years) against the movement of the zodiac in approx. 25.920 years (see zodiac clock). This large clock modulates the various zodiacal influences at the point where the Sun is closest and farthest from the Earth, the key explanation underlying the ice ages on Earth. Illustrations from Elisabeth Vreede's essay from Jun-Jul 1930, elaborating on Rudolf Steiner's key lecture of 1910-12-31-GA126 and other lectures about the year 1250 and the ice ages.
FMC00.613A.jpgFMC00.613ASlow movement of the apsides against the movement of the zodiac (equinoxes)is another visualization by Elisabeth Vreede in her essay of 1930 on the movement of the apsides and how this related to the precession of the equinoxes.
FMC00.614.jpgFMC00.614Bely illustrations of nodal points in history due to the rhythms of various cosmic influencesshows various drawings by Andrei Bely (1880-1953, born Boris Bugaev) who was greatly influenced by Rudolf Steiner's ideas, including various statements about nodal or kink points in history due to the rhythms of various cosmic influences. For examples lecture references, see Schema FMC00.615

For example the year 1250, eg in 1911-01-29-GA130 "things have changed since the year 1250. In the thirteenth century an important, significant transformation of earthly relationships took place ... a change of direction since the Renaissance .. [due to] the change of direction of the Earth's axis at the time when the archai withdrew] (see more info on Transition between 4th and 14th century and Macroscopic rhythms).

The drawings on the upper right show Bely's main idea that the first four cultural ages are a gradual more continuous evolution, but that afterwards there are certain kink points with crises. The drawing upper right is a more worked out version, but not easy to parse without an understanding of Bely's book. Colours correspond to Man's bodily principles, smaller coloured waves represent different cultural streams (Greece, Arabs, France, etc.), and further historical references and keywords added (antiquity, renaissance, etc.). Below are two more detailed drawings showing exceptional detail.


1/ Reference: Andrei Bely: 'The History of the Formation of the Self-Conscious Soul' (1926–1931).

See also his 'Reminiscences of Rudolf Steiner', Chapter 3, Sections 15 and 16 (the last paragraph of Section 18 might be a hint regarding his historical schemas; his consciousness-soul book itself is briefly mentioned further in Section 20).

2/ Regarding these drawings and 'subjective imagination'.

In her memoirs Assia Turgenieff ('Erinnerungen an Rudolf Steiner und die Arbeit am ersten Goetheanum' - as mentioned also in 'The Green Snake' by Woloschin) a note states that Bely had rich imagination stimulated by exercises, and Steiner said Bely's dream-like creations had a life of their own and used the term 'subjective Imagination'.

Bely writes a decent amount about 'subjective Imagination' in connection with Steiner's lectures and esoteric lessons: subjective Imaginations are perceptions of one's own etheric body, a benign symptom of starting to develop Imagination proper. Among Steiner's students, subjective Imaginations weren't limited to Bely alone, and Steiner was very well aware of it. In the course of one-on-one lessons, Bely produced a ton of drawings for Steiner to examine and comment on; other people also kept diaries in the form of artist's journals, and Bely describes how Steiner analyzed different kinds of subjective Imaginations.
FMC00.615.jpgFMC00.615Positioning of year 1250 - cosmic clock of movement of apsides against zodiac clockcaptures main references and relevant statements showing the relation between the cosmic clock of movement of the aptides and precession of the equinoxes (and their link to the ice age at the end of the Atlantean epoch, and the year 1250 - as explained on Macroscopic rhythms), and the spiritual hierarchies.

The schema contains explicit quotes linking macrocosmic rhythms observed astronomically, with the spiritual hierarchies.

Indeed these statements link the described movement to the underlying rhythms of the evolution of the spiritual hierarchies. For context, consider the equivalent Schema FMC00.413 (for the Old Saturn stage of evolution) that depicts this 'passing the baton' or change in leadership influence of the various hierarchies in the different Conditions of Life of an evolutionary stage. This is what the Transition between the 4th and 14th century on Earth is about, and it corresponds to the fact that the hierarchies withdrew and the human being was set free, as illustrated bySchema FMC00.612.jpg.
FMC00.616.jpgFMC00.616Life saps in tree and plant and their relationship to spiritual influences - schematicis an illustration of the 1923-10-31-GA351 that explains the workings of the wood-sap (earthy-fluidic), life-sap (fluidic-airy) and cambium (airy-warmth) in the tree. See variant Schema FMC00.616A for the complementary tabular view. Compare also with Schema FMC00.195 and FMC00.009A.image
FMC00.616A.jpgFMC00.616ALife saps in tree and plant and their relationship to spiritual influences - tabular viewprovides a synthetic table summary of the visualization Schema FMC00.616, comparing the three carriers of the life processes in the tree, showing the comparison with the human being, and especially the description of the elemental environment and different spiritual influences.

Compare also with Schema FMC00.155 and the the three bodily humors in Man (chyle, lymph, and blood)

On the right, from the description of cambium added from another lecture, is the important distinction between the plant life that grows on the tree's cambium, and the plant life that springs directly out of the Earth.
FMC00.617.jpgFMC00.617From current head thinking to future heart thinking - extended tableshows the progression of the faculties of the human 'I' along the evolution of Earth and Man's bodily principles and structural make up. The current Postatlantean epoch is characterized by the faculty of thinking as part of contemporary waking consciousness. However this intellectual logic or 'head thinking' with the human brain is slowly evolving, and in the future Man will develop 'heart thinking' that will transform the faculty of memory - see stages of clairvoyance. This essence of 1910-03-30-GA119 is complemented with various quotes from other lectures below.table
FMC00.617A.jpgFMC00.617AFrom current head thinking to future heart thinking - simplified versionis a simplified reduced version of Schema FMC00.617, positioning the future evolution towards so-called heart-thinking with the future clairvoyant consciousness and transformed faculty of memory, versus the contemporary brain or head-thinking with current waking consciousness. This schema positioning and lecture is central to and connects to various perspectives covered on multiple topic pages, such as: Christ in the etheric, Past life memories, Stages of clairvoyance, Development of the chakras, and the development of the future faculty of memory, and the Transition between 4th and 14th century, the Sixth epoch, and Future Jupiter.table
FMC00.618.jpgFMC00.618Germanic mythology view on threefold soul with Wotan Wile We and link to migrationsintegrates various lectures regarding the nature of the threefold soul in ancient Germanic mythology of the Northern stream of development, and relates this to the influence of folk souls after migrations in the central european cultural basin (see Schemas FMC00.602 and FMC00.501) and the development of the threefold soul.

For an understanding of how these relate, and the columns represented in the schema, please study the respective topic pages and lectures.

Note: the various folk souls and threefold soul shown in the middle and right columns, are also illustrated on Schema FMC00.619 and discussed in relation to their timing on: 1840 and 1879#Note 1 - About renewal of cultural waves and 'discrete jumps'

See Schema FMC00.618A for the source version with direct statements from the various lectures, whereby statements that were not consistent are not included in this synthesis.
FMC00.618A.jpgFMC00.618AGermanic mythology view on threefold soul with Wotan Wile We - terminology and referencesprovides the reference version for the synthetic Schema FMC00.618, with the source materials captured with direct statements from the various lectures. Note not all columns were retained in the synthesis because of potential inconsistencies across the many lectures, see for example thinking feeling willing, and the link to Man's bodily principles - and how they do not relate to the threefold soul components as one should expect. This is left for further investigation based on original lecture transcripts.table
FMC00.619.jpgFMC00.619The U-curve of the threefold soul in the Central european cultural basin, as overlaid with the U-curve at epoch and cultural age levelis an integrative Schema that overlays various perspectives from different topic pages and no less than seven other schemas.

At the lowest level, it shows the Two streams of development, northern and southern streams. It then adds in overlay the Central European cultural basin where the two streams merged by migrations and mixing of different folks in the previous fourth cultural age.

This overview is used to illustrate the observation (see Schema FMC00.618) that the three elements of the threefold soul are geographically along a (smaller-scaled) U-curve, similar to the (larger-scaled) U-curve of the different cultural ages (in dark blue), and the (even larger scaled) U-curve shown in insert below right, between the different epochs (Lemurian, Atlantean, Current Postatlantean or Aryan, and the next Sixth epoch).

The integration of the threefold soul in the human 'I' and future spirit-self or manas is along this line, provided by the Germanic and Slavic people (1910-06-16-GA121) - whereby these terms are to be interpreted broadly in this context and not related to current nations.

On this Schema, green-boxed titles reference topic pages, relevant Schemas for each aspect are listed in seven grey-boxed Schema references.
FMC00.620.jpgFMC00.620Process overview of Jean Dubuis' Experience of Eternity methodshows a schematic overview of the Experience of Eternity (EoE) or Portae Lucis method by Jean Dubuis and the process flow to charge the fluid condensors for the four elements for the different energies, that are used in the discharge near the summer solstice.

The EoE or Portae Lucis method is an alchemical support method that gives some tailwind for spiritual advancement by using maximized natural spiritual influences for purification and restoration of one's elemental balance.

Dubuis developed this method throughout his life, inspired by his initial natural illumination as a child. Goal of the method is to optimize the conditions for spontaneous natural illumination, by using fluid condensors for the four elements at different energetic levels and using the optimized timing (and even location) as a support. The concept is that the influx of natural spiritual influences at their maxima, supported with the individually charged fluid condensors for the four elements, restores any unbalances and has a purifying effect. Depending on the spiritual maturity of the person, it facilitates the flow of energy at its maximum so as to cause natural illumination, or an experience of unity and the higher spirit world beyond space and time.
FMC00.621.jpgFMC00.621Illustrations of some locations with a long Michaelic traditionshows illustrations of just a few of the special locations with a long Michaelic tradition, known for their special spiritual energies:
  • upper left: Mont Saint-Michel (France) - dating back to the 8th century, with Benedictine abbey as of the 10th century
  • upper right: Saint Michael’s Mount (England) - with legend of 8th century and Benedictine priority as of 11th century
  • lower left: Skellig Michael (Ireland) - isolated island off the Irish coast, with 6th-century monastery
  • lower right: Sacra di San Michele (Italy) - near Turin, with abbey from the 10th century

Other examples of such special places are Sanctuario di San Michele Arcangelo, a cave in Monte Sant'Angelo (Italy) and pilgrimage destination since the 5th century, the small but beautiful San Michele Arcangelo in Perugia (Italy) also dating back to 5th or 6th century, the chapel built on the 60x120m Saint-Michel tumulus in Carnac (France) containing several dolmen of at least 5000 years old.

Note: the Irish island reminds of the more northern Scottish Isles of Iona (with monasteries going back to 6th century or before) and Staffa (with the ancient initiation site Fingal's cave) - for more information see topic page Hibernian Mysteries, and the map on Schema FMC00.622. For the link between Ireland and Scotland and the Christianization of Europe, see Central European cultural basin where Rudolf Steiner describes how Iro-Scottish monks such as a.o. Patrick, Columban, and Gallus spread Christianity in Europe in the 5th-6th centuries.
FMC00.622.jpgFMC00.622Doggerland map with landmarks of Mystery locations and Michaelic sitesshows the area known as 'Doggerland' which was part of the mainland in the late stages of the Atlantean epoch and the early stages of the Current PostAtlantean epoch - see also right on Schema FMC00.214G and compare with middle and right maps on Schema FMC00.214C

Rudolf Steiner mentions this as an important area populated during the migrations from Atlantis, and the Northern stream of development between say -8000 to -800 BC, with oa the Hibernian Mysteries (Ireland) and an important Mystery Center in Jutland (Denmark) - see Nerthus.

A number of historical landmarks have been added from the Druidic and Trotten mysteries, along with such sites that Rudolf Steiner visited, and Michaelic sites - see Schema FMC00.621 from the later spreading of Christianity by Irish-Scottish monks.
FMC00.623.jpgFMC00.623Worlds of consciousness - modernized presentation of diagram by Paracelsusshows a modernized representation of an alchemical diagram from Paracelsus book 'De Secretis Creationis' (posthumously published in 1575). On the upper right the pages from the original book, on the lower left the translated schema with points and lines added (by Frater Archer (DE)). Below are the four elements, and above one might say the spirit world, with below the formed lower spirit world (the three lowest layers sometimes called continents, ocean and atmosphere; for earth, water, and air), in the middle the warmth or creative akasha layer sometimes called secret or spiritual fire (see Spectrum of elements and ethers), and above the unformed higher spirit world containing the seeds of higher worlds.
FMC00.624.jpgFMC00.624Ten levels and descent of energy as per Jean Dubuis coursesshows various illustrations by Jean Dubuis used in his courses. Second from left, the simple view of Homer's Golden Chain, with on its right, the ten levels of energy with mapping to the planetary spheres and days of the week, and outer right a mapping to metals and atoms. On the left the Tree of Life with the ten sephiroth the descent sequence of the energy in light red, and also the snake symbol depicting the rise of the kundalini energy in Man. For reference: The main middle table is from the course Fundamentals of Esoteric Knowledge, Lesson 3. The right table is from the Mineral Alchemy course, Vol 3. Lesson 74 (on the periodic table). All courses are freely available, see more on the topic page for Jean Dubuis.
FMC00.625.jpgFMC00.625Ancient depictions of the Mithras cult symbolshows two well known ancient depictions of the Mithras cult symbol. Left a fresco from the mithraeum of Marino near Rome (Italy); right a relief in sandstone at the Mithraeum of Heddernheim near Frankfurt (Germany). Observe the consistency of key elements besides the bull, like the two guardians, dog, snake, scorpion.image
FMC00.626.jpgFMC00.626Illustrations of leontocephaline figures found in Mithraic temples - often linked to Zurvanillustrates the leontocephaline figures found in Mithraic temples: lion-headed figures with naked human body entwined with a serpent, (two or) four wings, and holding one or two keys and a staff or sword.

These images and statues are often linked to Zurvan, the creator god and personification of time and eternity in Zurvanism, generally regarded as a (later) branch of Zoroastrianism (see Persian cultural age).

Manly Hall quotes Franz Cumont and relates this symbol to boundless time and the victory over time and the god Aion or Kronos. Compare also with depictions of Phanes (such as in the Estense Gallery in Modena, Italy) showing a winged human body encircled by a serpent and holding a staff.

Note: on the right image, see the depiction of zodiac signs on the body (above) Aries? and Libra? and (below) Scorpio and Capricorn?, see also Schema FMC00.127 and variants on Zodiac man.
FMC00.627.jpgFMC00.627Zaruana Akarana - duality in Zarathustra's teachings, eternity and time, from one to twoillustrates the spiritual cosmology of Zarathustra in ancient Persia, some 6000 years ago, and the concept of Zaruana Akarana or the zodiac as symbol of eternity (or the infinity of time) and unity over light and darkness.

Rudolf Steiner explanations in 1911-01-19-GA060 are illustrated by on the right. The illustration of the Ovum Zoroastraeum or the egg of creation by Athanasius Kircher (1602-1680) is taken from ‘Oedipus Aegyptiacus’, (published in 1652-1654), whereby Kircher referenced the Zoroastrian creation in Plutarch's (ca. 46-119) ‘De Iside et Osiride’ (in English ‘Of Isis and Osiris’).

The 'egg of creation' come back in creation myths and their symbols worldwide, see for example the leontocephaline figures found in Mithraic temples (Schema FMC00.626) or Phanes in ancient Greek Orphic cosmogony, and other visualizations oa of the Petra Genetrix (the mother rock from which Mithras was born - see Schema FMC00.628B.

The concept of eternal time and link with the ouroboros (Schema FMC00.328) is also explained by Rudolf Steiner in context of IAO, see Schema FMC00.327 (and Schema FMC00.329) on the IAO topic page.
FMC00.628.jpgFMC00.628From unity and eternity to duality and time - symbols across the agesdepicts various illustrations and symbols showing Mithras - Phanes hatching from the cosmic egg, with the symbolism of the zodiac and infinite time circle also represented as a snake eternally biting its own tail (ouroboros); or Man caught and wrapped in time and a snake. These symbols are some 6000 years old, and originate in the ancient Persian cultural age (approx. 5700 to 3000 BC) and the teachings of Zarathustra (Zaruana Akarana), but also in the Egypto-Chaldean cultural age (approx 2300 to 750 BC, ouroboros) and the Greco-Latin cultural age (approx 750 BC to 400 AD) with the ancient Greek Orphic Mysteries (Phanes) and the Mithras cult retained into the Roman culture upto around the 5th century.image
FMC00.628A.jpgFMC00.628ASymbolic illustrations linking to time and eternity incl. Tarot cardshows various more recent symbolic illustrations linking to time and eternity, as shown on Schema FMC00.628.

On the left, four versions of Tarot card 21 of the major arcana 'the world' or 'the universe'. Outer left two of the oldest Tarot de Marseille decks, on the right the Wang-Regardie version (published 1977), second from right the Rider-Waite version (published 1909).

Outer right: illustration from Manly P. Hall's 'An encyclopedic outline of masonic, hermetic, cabbalistic and rosicrucian symbolical philosophy' (1928), combining various ancient elements visible also on Schema FMC00.628.
FMC00.628B.jpgFMC00.628BPetra Genetrixshows various illustrations of Mithras petrogenitus or the Petra Genetrix, the mother rock that gave birth, from which Mithras was born. Mithras is shown nakes with torch and dagger in his hands.

Above: left: from Mithraeum of Housesteads (near Newcastle upon Tyne, UK) - see also Schema FMC00.628; middle Mithras Petrogenitus of Carmumtum (Austria) - notice the snake; right: Rheinisches Landesmuseum Trier (Germany) - notice the zodiac and four heads in the corners (compare with Schema FMC00.628A)

Below: left: rock-born Mithras (Baths of Diocletian, Rome, Italy); middle: bas relief from St Clements crypt (Rome, Italy); right: from ancient Roman town Nina near Frankfurt (archaeological museum Frankfurt, Germany)
FMC00.629.jpgFMC00.629Meditation image by Rudolf Steinershows a meditation image given by Rudolf Steiner in private esoteric lessons in 1911 and 1912, mentioning it is a great meditation image for the thirteen holy nights.

Below are grouped notes from various participants regarding the image as published in GA265A. To support exploration and contemplation of the meditation image, references to supporting Schemas are given on topic pages Alchemy, Tetractys, and Golden legend.

Furthermore see also Symbol of rose cross (and Lord's Prayer) and Schema FMC00.563.

Also see another more complex meditation image from 1909 with pentagram and triangle on Schema FMC00.394.
FMC00.630.jpgFMC00.630Man's bodily principles constitution and contribution to Third Hierarchy after deathshows how Man's bodily principles is made up of the spiritual hierarchies, and how Man contributes the seeds for future worlds to the Third Hierarchy after death of incarnate life on Earth (see also Schema FMC00.593).

The table is an improved variant of the drawing with 1911-12-17-GA265A based on the various notes of this private study hour.


  • Substance and form relate to the pillars of the Tree of Life and the logoic principle (Schema FMC00.067A and FMC00.067B)
  • Regarding the spiritual hierarchies, compare also with a.o. Schema FMC00.058.
FMC00.631.jpgFMC00.631Portae Lucis by Jean Dubuis - the new Treeshows the new tree provided by Jean Dubuis for the Portae Lucis or 'Experience of Eternity' (EoE) process or ritual. Compare with other presentations of the Tree of Life such as Schema FMC00.133A (Gra Tree, Rawn Clark).Image
FMC00.632.jpgFMC00.632depicts the relationship of spiritual science to contemporary mineral science (or the material-physical natural sciences).

The lower grey block in the middle below represents the physical world as observed with contemporary mainstream waking consciousness, as the scope of mineral science. Above it are the (overlapping) higher worlds which require other modes of consciousness and are included in scope of spiritual science (truncated or limited to the higher spirit world). On its left, the process of initiation as a path to develop (faculties latent in each human being into) higher capabilities; for example Bardon's proven system of self-initiation IIH consists of 10 steps.

Observe that any information and knowledge about spiritual realities gathered ‘above’ needs to be ‘translated down’ into human language and its cognitive limitations (as this language is for use on the physical plane with waking consciousness). It therefore becomes a description and a projection by the person who had the experience and the knowledge (and no longer 'absolute').

The illustration outer left can serve as illustration for the fact our current physical materialistic worldview is also but a projection (re Plato's cave) looking at reality through a bandpass filter of current waking consciousness. Higher stages of cognition are called imagination (astral world), inspiration (lower spirit world, also 'hearing the music of the spheres), and intuition (of the higher spirit world, or 'understanding') .. all describing different aspects of a given spiritual reality. In the picture showing imagination and inspiration, intuition would represent merging and knowing the shown object itself (knowing not just with regards to form, but with regards to essential meaning).

Finally, through certain experiments it is possible to bridge between and unify spiritual and mineral sciences by testing and validating hypotheses from spiritual science ‘above’, with physical mineral science and experiments ‘below’.
FMC00.633.jpgFMC00.633Earth's atmosphere and outer spheresshows the Earth's atmosphere and outer spheres or etheric girdles.

The two images on the right are from Günther Wachsmuth's reference work 'Erde und Mensch' (1945, images from fourth edition of 1980). The coloured image second from left is from Adrian Anderson's 'Rudolf Steiner Handbook' (2013).

Compare with Schema FMC00.003A and the drawing by Rudolf Steiner from 1920-03-31-GA312.
FMC00.633A.jpgFMC00.633AEarth's atmosphere and outer spheres - detailed schema by Gunther WachsmuthEarth's atmosphere and outer spheres - detailed schema by Günther Wachsmuth's from his reference work 'Erde und Mensch' (1945, image from fourth edition of 1980).Image
FMC00.634.jpgFMC00.634Man's fourth I principle pivotal for transformation and spiritualizationuses the drawing by Rudolf Steiner in the lecture of 1908-06-26-GA104, to show how the Human 'I', as the fourth of Man's bodily principles, is pivotal to Man's transformation and spiritualization.

For the left part, see also Schema FMC00.130 (developmental targets per phase of evolution) and Schema FMC00.583 (showing the funnel and lower kingdoms that arise from this).

For the middle part, see also Schema FMC00.046 and others on Development of the I

For the right part, see also Schema FMC00.486 (overview, see especially the green text box).

Furthermore compare also with a.o. Schema FMC00.168 (recapitulation)
FMC00.635.jpgFMC00.635Character transformation and moral idealsshows a cartoon by Gavin Aung Than ( to convey the essence of character transformation and moral ideals guided by one's inner strength and conscience.

The 'feeding' of the inner wolves is our free choice of what we take in as 'cosmic breathing', meaning not just in-breathing as intake of air but also food, information and multimedia impulses (to what do we dedicate our time? what do we take in?) , as well as the out-breathing as in our speaking and actions.

This relates to what Rudolf Steiner calls the middle path of the Christ as selflessness and spiritual love between various opposing Luciferic, Ahrimanic and Soratic counterforces, and what Franz Bardon calls elemental balance in the system of self-initiation 'Initiation into Hermetics' (IIH) and the initiation exercises in the first steps of elemental balance - character transformation. Or, from another angle, by Lao Tzu: "Watch your thoughts, they become your words ... Watch your words, they become your actions ... Watch your actions, they become your habits ... Watch your habits, they become your character ... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny".

See also a.o.: Man's transformation and spiritualization, the dual nature of the human astral body, Human character - the I and threefold soul
FMC00.636.jpgFMC00.636The lesser and greater Mysteriesshows a synthesis of Rudolf Steiner's comments on the ancient Mysteries and what was called the lesser (outer) and greater (inner) Mysteries in the Mystery School tradition in previous cultural ages. For context, see also Schema FMC00.607 on Spiritual guidance of mankind.

On the right: Initiation changed with the Mystery of Golgotha.

On the left: in current times from the 20th century onwards, the lesser Mysteries have become public with a.o. theosophy and anthroposophy, and the greater Mysteries have evolved to self-initiation in the current age of the consciousness soul (see also Parsifal).

Rudolf Steiner was a teacher of the lesser Mysteries, and these teachings are now available worldwide in the public domain many languages for self-study and working in groups. Franz Bardon was a teacher of the greater Mysteries, and his three books with the first pivotal self-initiation guide are also available in the public domain.

In today's societal systems and social life, there is no longer the need for an established school structure, guru or initiator. It is now up to humanity and each soul for themself, based on freedom of conscious choice and actions (Schema FMC00.612), and based on each soul's spiritual maturity.

This Free Man Creator wiki site has as goal to provide information on these two angles to the spiritual world, and provide a useful support tool for earnest seekers worldwide.
FMC00.637.jpgFMC00.637Bardon's system of initiation and Rawn Clark booksprovides a simple overview of the advanced initiation pathway with - on the left - the three books with the proven system of self-initiation by the adept Franz Bardon, from the very first steps to adeptship to the language of creation. Added on the right are two books by Rawn Clark (who followed Bardon's system) and provides additional paths the initiate can follow once he/she reached the required level with step 8 of Bardon's first book.Image