D00.001 - topics of gender and sexuality
This is a Discussion topic page, to capture and share notes in support of an online discussion on the broad subject.
In this case: sexuality related topics in a context of spiritual science.
The goal of this page is to bundle information for orientation and come up with a written statement that provides some clarity and comprehensive views on some of the topics below, and brings together various perspectives that can help to raise our conscious understanding. Subtopics (see list below) are separated for coverage in separate Discussion Notes for clarity, allowing also for adding structured interactive discussion.
The following related topics, and mostly about their meaning in a spiritual scientific perspective and impact on soul development
- gender and sexuality
- the forces of sexuality - how to be better describe specifically the forces that work in the lower astral body at puberty (GA201?)
- relation to love
- homosexuality
- pornography and sexual aberrations
- link with creation of elementals (see eg IIH)
- link with asuric influences?
- sexuality and abstinence or celibacy
- in relation to the spiritual path
- is there a link with lower chakras and kundalini energy?
- link with principle of renunciation, suffering and sacrifice, as well as Man's transformation and spiritualization. See 1908-10-26-GA107
- in relation to the spiritual path
- Gender and sexuality
- Model for hereditary physical body
- Fall and redemption - original sin and grace
- Physiological perspective:
- the dual nature of the human astral body, see Schema FMC00.278 and Schema FMC00.134 (and File:FMC00.326.jpg)
- the formative forces in Man, and Kundalini energy
- the threefold soul and human I aspect
Inspirational quotes
from an internet forum:
.. we bear the responsibility, for our sakes, and that of our children and grandchildren, to educate ourselves through spiritual insights on this subject, to inform wisely, counteracting what in the main the younger generation is exposed to, even coerced into mimicking, like lambs to the slaughter, with regards the aberrations and misuse of sexual forces.
Rudolf Steiner extract and quotes by Andrei Belyi in the essay 'The Man, Rudolf Steiner' (see below)
Sex is not in itself these spiritual forces inherent in and at work in sexuality .. sex is only the form in which they make their appearance. It is dangerous to confuse the source of these forces, and the form in which they are manifested .. [from this arise sexual aberrations]
.. the [spiritual] forces of sex are like branches that stretch themselves heavenward, their outward form is like the roots of the tree.
[The transformation of the powers of sex takes place through the intensification of the functions of that part of the tree that is above the Earth, the foliage which is consciousness and which also provides nourishment for the roots.]
The true evolution of sex is its transformation .. the transformation of the spiritual forces within sex through the powers of the I
Reference extracts
1907 - Karl Bandler-Pracht
in 'Lehrbuch der Entwicklung der okkulten Kräfte im Menschen' or 'A Textbook for the Development of Spiritual Powers'
There is yet another passion that causes negative results as far as the exercises are concerned, namely, excessive sexual love.
It is, of course, a natural need for both genders to satisfy their sexual urges, and when this occurs, provided it does not happen too frequently, it is beneficial for our health. But in this respect, many foolish and unreasonable people overindulge in sexual intercourse as well! This is not only detrimental to themselves, but they also inflict this passion on all future generations. All our strong, stimulating foods and beverages, such as heavily spiced foods, coffee, tea, and alcohol, etc., force us also into a life of sexual pleasures to such a degree that when we honestly examine ourselves we must admit that our whole being is imprisoned by these stimulants and foods. Reflections, concentrating one's thoughts and wishes, the pursuit of happiness, and all the struggles that most people spend all their time on are mainly directed towards extensively satisfying their passions, among which animalistic love has the highest priority. The only purpose of sexual love is the propagation of the human race. Nature had nothing else in mind when we were bestowed with this urge, and it definitely has no greater significance than all the other functions of the physical body. The exhilaration of our senses, which accompanies the act of sexual intercourse, is only the means to an end. This can be compared to the magnificent colors of flowers and their strong fragrance, which are only bait with which the blossoming flowers attract the insects, so that they carry out a courier service and transfer seeds. They, in turn, are rewarded with pollen, honey, and nourishment. However, humankind has looked from time immemorial at the means as the purpose. The satisfaction of our sensual pleasures is considered to be the purpose, and propagation, which is connected with this act, is only a troublesome side effect.
From the point of view of the occult sciences, the frequent satisfaction of the sexual urge cannot be sanctioned, because the physical body loses too much Od. Any kind of sexual stimulation or excitement causes an increase of the Od emanation. However, if you allow yourself to satisfy this urge, then you squander a large amount of this vital element, the nature of which we shall go into details in another chapter of this textbook. The Od is the physical basis for the activation of the occult powers.
Whoever withdraws a large amount of Od because of the sexual act, cannot expect any results when he exercises to attain astral abilities or if he wants to employ his astral abilities. He must wait at least a few days before he has the necessary amount of Od reestablished in his body. A person who subscribes to the modern corrupt concept of sexuality and indulges in living his life in all aspects to the fullest extent, will find it completely impossible to develop his occult abilities. In a later chapter, we shall be instructed that the Od is the carrier of vital energy, and it is also the lead wire for all kinds of psychic and corporeal conditions.
and goes to explain 'odic blending' during sexual intercourse and it's side-effects
1921 - Karl Bandler-Pracht
in 'Geheime Seelenkräfte' - Unterrichtsbriefe zur Entwicklung der Willenskraft und der okkulten Fähigkeiten; ein erprobter Lehrgang in 10 Stufen
computer translation
Furthermore, the pupil, whether single or married, must abstain from all sexual intercourse from now on until he is fully developed.
To this end, it is necessary to maintain complete self-control at all times. The sexual instinct is the strongest in man and is one of the heaviest chains that bind him to earthly things. Anyone who does not learn to control himself completely in this respect will not be able to complete his development, because the sexual instinct and the associated emission of Od and distraction of thought have a downright inhibiting effect on the activity of our occult powers.
Of course, this strict prohibition only applies for the duration of development. The married disciple, when he has reached a certain degree of development, can again meet his marital needs with wise moderation. The ethical height he has then attained will prevent him from doing too much in this respect and will not allow him to sink down again to an exclusive man of pleasure. He will know how to appreciate the purpose of this process and will only tribute to his earthly nature in a way that corresponds to this purpose.
The pupil may learn the reason why he has to keep so strictly away from everything sexual during the greater part of his developmental period.
Every sexual arousal is synonymous with an enormous release of Od. This in itself would be a reason for denial, because Od serves us as a psychic mediator for the transcendental level, so this source of power must not weakened.
In the sexual union of two sexes, however, there is also a mingling of the Od emanations which is so intense that both parts influence each other completely. One takes on the Od of the other and remains with it for a longer period of time connected. The great danger, however, lies in the fact that the Od of man is psychically colored. The Od of an angry person corresponds to these vibrations, the Od of a disharmonious person is disharmonious and so on. If, for example, a disciple who has to free himself from all passions were to mix sexually with a person whose soul is still dominated by such evils, he would have to take on these qualities of Od which are hostile to him. But not only would he himself then sink down again, his occult exercises would also be a source of continual spiritual danger for him, for as he enters into contact with other planes he is also exposed to all their evil influences. If he is influenced in anger, he will attract beings, which correspond to this passion - if he is saturated with strong sensual passion, then images and feelings will force themselves upon him during his exercises, which by no means serve him for good; yes, even temporary obsession could be his fate.
It is not easy, especially for the male student, to force himself to absolute abstinence, therefore the following rules are given, by the application of which the great struggle is made easier.
Most sexual arousal is rooted in an impure world of thoughts. This is where the main leverage must be applied. Every sexually stimulating thought must nipped in the bud immediately; under no circumstances should such thoughts be allowed to grow, but they must be sent back immediately. The best way to do this is to immediately give space to the opposite thought with great energy and to hold on to it for a longer period of time. The student has already learned this.
The viewing of arousing images must be scrupulously avoided, but if, for professional reasons and where it cannot avoided, it must nevertheless be done, then one should try with all one's might to divert one's thoughts from the earthly and to transfer them to the spiritual. Immediately force yourself to think of transience; if the pupil is too strongly influenced by the beauty of a woman, imagine her dead and think of the process of decay.
Students of both sexes will do well to always go to sleep with the will to absolute chastity; the thought of purity of soul and body should always be the last thought before closing one's eyes.
Then never sleep on your back - this position usually leads to pollutions during strict abstinence. Do not socialize too much with the opposite sex. Married couples should limit their physical affection for each other and let their love for each other radiate more spiritually.
In the next stage, when the student already become accustomed to sexual abstinence for some time, he will taught to find a better use for the sexual energies that he has stored up in his body. These latent energies can and should be released, but not for the satisfaction of sensual pleasure, but to support the spiritual powers, to sharpen the intellect.
1924 - Georg Lomer
in 'Seven Hermetic Letters' (original in DE ''Dr. Lomers Lehrbriefe. Teil I. bis VII. Briefe zur Entwicklung höherer Seelenkräfte'), from the first letter (along with abstinence of alcohol)
2/ Any kind of sexual intercourse weakens you; at this time you require all your energy for higher purposes.
You must also abstain from erotic thoughts, because these weaken you just as much as the actual intercourse; for some people, even more so. Avoid sensuous reading material and conversation; do not listen to any obscenities or stories on the subject.
Should you experience nightly seminal discharges without any action on your part, do not worry about it. It is the given form by which nature expels any excess, and, as a rule, only that much is expelled as nature can spare. When the number of such discharges is too great, the reason is a pathological over-stimulation. Consider a seminal discharge of two times a week a healthy limit. Should you exceed this limit, seek medical advice or try a cool sitz bath before bed to have an effect on the reproductive centers. (Most people do not have these frequent discharges. )
1937 - Napoleon Hill
Think and Grow Rich, Chapter 11: The mystery of sex transmutation
Andrei Belyi quoting Rudolf Steiner
The following extract is by Andrei Belyi in the essay 'The Man, Rudolf Steiner' taken from the book 'Meeting Rudolf Steiner' (classics from the Journal of Anthroposophy, No 75 of Fall 2005)
The way in which Steiner dealt with the problem of the sexes was markedly chaste. His formulation of the question was far removed from Freud's. Professor S. N. Bulgakov said to me once, "Steiner's ideology is sexless." That is not true. Steiner never closed his eyes to the significance of the sexes.
He said, "The spiritual forces at work in sexuality ..." or "The spiritual forces inherent in sexuality ..."
He merely emphasized that sex is not in itself these "forces," but is only the form in which they make their appearance.
He stressed that it is dangerous to confuse the source of these forces and the form in which they are manifested. From this arise sexual aberrations.
He compared the forces of sex with the branches that stretch themselves heavenward, and their outward form with the roots of the tree.
Indulging one's interest in sexual problems he considered idle curiosity that lays the roots bare. He never denied the roots themselves.
But he stressed that the ascetics as well as the followers of sexual philosophy have an exaggerated interest in the bared roots. The tree that is planted roots uppermost dies.
The transformation of the powers of sex takes place through the intensification of the functions of that part of the tree that is above the earth, the foliage, which also provides nourishment for the roots.
The foliage is consciousness.
[end image]
Steiner's seemingly abstract idealism is very concrete. He stood for the transformation of the spiritual forces within sex through the powers of the I, for shifting the focal point of sexuality.
The true evolution of sex is its transformation.
In daily life he was free and independent, and he welcomed all independence. It was whispered that he destroyed marriages. This criticism, like any distortion, was not altogether unfounded. The falsity of middle-class marriage that is no marriage at all, but an arrangement upon a sexual or economic basis, made him indignant. Ungenuine middle-class marriages burst at every seam when they came in contact with anthroposophy. He did not take people who separated out of a love of freedom and drag them back by the ears into marriage. Every true marriage he greeted with enthusiasm.
An example of his independent attitude in matters of love: A married man complained that when his wife had asked Steiner whether she should return to her husband, she had been advised against it. Later the Doctor said to this man,
"I know that you have been angry with me because I did not say to your wife, 'Go back to him'. But please think it over. Could I really have said that! You still love her, but your wife asked. If you love, you do not ask."
Thereupon the husband, an admirer of the Philosophy of Freedom, understood him. His reproach against the Doctor changed into warmest gratitude.
In his kindness, the demands he made upon himself were unending.
"Compassion has its limits," Mariya Yakovlevna said to him. But he replied: "No, compassion has no limits."
Of love he said:
"It is a giving faculty. The more one gives, the more one has to give."
Every true love, according to his words, has the quality of infinite extension. He extended himself.
1966 - Elisabeth Haich
book "Sexual Energy and Yoga' (1966)
- The purpose of this book is to introduce the concept of transmuting the physical, emotional, mental and psychic energies people normally disperse in sexual activity. This process assists in uniting with the higher Self or God.
- Topics include: The Creative Primal Serpent; Sexual Energy in Its False & True Light; The Magical Powers of Suggestion; Hypnosis; Mediumship; The Urge For Unity & Its Corruptions ; The Sun Creator & Destroyer of Life; The Magic Flower
- "The Transformation of sexual energy into spiritual, divine, creative power, is the resurrection from death to eternal life".
The book goes into how inadvisable it is to practice celibacy until one is ready to mentally and emotionally, for physical abstention alone is insufficient to grow. It is the transformation and sublimation of that energy by thought and will that is necessary, not mere abstention.
Also Harold W. Percival says it has to be only for a seeker that is ready for it, it should not be forced, or a whole lot of neurosis and harmful effects might come to the surface. When a seeker is ready, Life Herself, the Holy Spirit shifts a seeker’s life in order to start.
197X - Shelly Trimmer
in an interview with Ray Grasse in 1977-78, see 'An Infinity of Gods' - see More sources on the topic of initiation; extracts SWCC
When you breathe with Kriya, you're turning the Scorpio part of your third chakra upward, so to speak, and pouring energy upward from there. That energy is normally directed downward towards the sex organs, but in the Kriya system we're circulating the energies in the opposite direction from where they normally go.
If you're really breathing your Kriya correctly, there is a cessation of all desire in the sex organs. The energy's going up; it ain't going down into the organ. Your creativity is pointed in the reverse direction of the natural flow, it's now going up. In other words, when you breathe upward in Kriya, you're going from Capricorn to Sagittarius to Scorpio. So you're turning Scorpio upward, and it's not dissipating itself in the sex organ, it is going up to the head.
But if you let the natural flow go, the energy descends into the sex organs and is causing a buildup of the glandular secretions. And a man always knows what's wrong with him when his glands become full. See, a woman does not have glands that get filled up in quite the same way, to let her know something is wrong. She will get nervous and irritable and not know that she needs to be made love to. But a man always knows what he wants.
in an interview with Steven J. Cozzi (taken from the document Kriyayoga 2002, in PDF on public internet)
If a person wants to work real magic they have to become celibate for a period of time. .. You see it’s almost impossible to work magic unless you have a reserve of energy. The woman holds the power, they are the battery ... .
The way things are set up the men have a more difficult time. The pressure builds up and presses against certain nerve endings. Unless he can lift that energy in meditation he is going to relieve that pressure. When he does this he dissipates his power and temporarily breaks the loop of energy around him. Even masturbation will do this.
When you can lift the energy to the higher centers you just won’t feel it as much. The physical pressure will not continue to build up. You are closing off the loop so that it does not activate the solar plexus.
198X - Daskalos
in the book by Markides: Homage to Sun (HTS), 1987 - based on visits summers 83-84-85 and period 85-86
... for the advanced mystic food is nothing more than a necessity in keeping the body alive. Sexuality, too, is not an end in itself, but a means for cooperating with the Absolute in the process of creation.'
I pointed out that to me what he had said about sexuality sounded like a doctrine for the ascetic life.
Not so: the ascetic aims to subdue his desires, whereas the advanced master has transcended his desires.
I am not at all suggesting that sexual desire should be suppressed. It is a need for you. I cannot demand that you abstain. You are at a phase of your existence when sexual pleasure is a necessity.
I am not urging you not to cook delicious gourmet food which you have a craving for. ...
You may say that pleasures of the flesh are illusions. For those who need them, however, they are good and beautiful illusions that can create harmonious relationships between human beings, men and women. I am not underestimating physical desires. But as for myself, I am not enamored of them.
A true mystic .. overcome[s] the illusion and passion for ownership. Our real possessions are not the amounts of material things we own, but what we have stored within ourselves. Attachment to material objects, therefore, is an impediment to one's spiritual advancement.
I do not have to own flowers in order to enjoy them. When I enjoy beautiful flowers, the gardens of the whole world are mine. I need not own them. What I possess in reality is what I can behold, not what I own. The moment that you grab something and call it "mine," you are a very poor man. The moment you open your palm and say, "everything is mine," without restricting what is yours to what is in your hand, you are truly a rich person.
2024-08-20 - Rawn Clark
from video by this initiate; to be put in context with practice of Bardon's IIH steps 1 and 2, especially the soul mirror introspection and taking control of the subconscious/unconscious drives, desires, habits and transforming or transmuting them into something better
edited transcript (SWCC) from Rawn Clark: 'Musings #4: Addiction & Pornography'
below: draft full transcript to be cleansed (tmp copy)
Question: do you have any advice for someone who wants to to free themselves from pornography?
The simple answer is yes, but it'll take me a while to get there, so you got to bear with me
- now let's start out by saying : in this discussion we are removing shame from this discussion okay? if you have a porn addiction, you do: so what? okay? there's no shame here
- I've gotten this question just a million times it seems .. all from men ... all from men young men, old men, doesn't matter age but strictly from men .. I've never gotten this question from a woman so I will speak to you as a man because obviously I am a man
[societal control]
at the root of this question is not pornography, it's not sexuality, at the root of this question is control
it's no wonder that you have a porn obsession, because society pushes us to this ... your addiction is caused, is created by our society, much like alcohol ... an addiction is created by the society in which we live
it doesn't negate the fact that it is up to us to deal with it, once we have experienced it, or become subject to it
so: in what way is a porn addiction about control?
societies have always had ways of enforcing a code of behavior upon its members .. this is how societies and cultures continue: by imposing a set of behaviors
- now most common is culture: our culture we're brought up with acceptable behaviors within our culture .. it's different from culture to culture
- another big force is religion: religion enforces a set of behaviors, it does so in a different way than a culture does: religion works with shame as the primary motivation ... shame and fear
now in our modern society of internet, phones, television, of screens .. our whole reality is shaped by these sort of mythological ideas about how to behave .. and each of these media is manipulative, they are all manipulating us at emotional levels, at ideological levels .. they manipulate us with emotion, with sound, with color, with images, and with sex
sex is everywhere in in our media and it is everywhere in our culture .. it is the basis upon which we treat each other in our society ..
(we treat women as sexual objects .. it seems like we always have, as men, relegated women to the the status of possession .. you are here to service my needs as a man ... that's the basis .. that's the basis of so much in our societies at this point in our evolution ... you know, it wasn't always this way, but it has grown into this .. we see it from the extreme to the subtle, everything in between .. we treat each other as men also on the basis of our sexual prowess)
sex pervades everything in our cultures .. it's always brought to our our attention .. by the way we dress, by the way we act, etc .. I mean it's just everywhere .. so it's never not presented to our awareness .. we are always presented with sexuality everywhere
pornography is the a great manipulator, a great tool to manipulate people ..
primarily men, but also women since approximately the 1920s say when women got the vote .. the men who were running everything realized that "oh we've got to snag the women with this sexual cue in the same way that we have snagged the men" .. because up to that point, men had been manipulated with sex .. for centuries before that .. so now it was time to bring the women into it too .. so we had the Hollywood idol, the musical idol .. so it was a really a soft core sort of pornography ... men had access to hardcore pornography .. and now
.. with media, with movies, with news, with advertisement .. it became all softcore pornography for everyone .. attractive men and attractive women were everywhere .. selling everything .. everything we buy is sold to us by beautiful people
and now with the advent of the internet .. well first it was VCR tapes: you could get pornography on VCR tapes so easily at the local video store, so we started getting more and more access to pornography .. and now with the Internet it's everywhere: it's cropping up softcore pornography - almost to the extent of hardcore - it's showing up .. you know .. it's everywhere
so the magic of pornography as a tool of control .. this is the most powerful thing in all of human history really .. in terms of psychic, psychological control of a populace
[schism and shame]
the part of pornography that is not spoken is masturbation .. cause what do you do with pornography? you masturbate to pornography, plain and simple .. now there's nothing wrong with masturbation but there's all this societal shame: religious, political, cultural, shame associated with pornography, with masturbation specifically and sex .. secondarily sex ..
this is it: the schism, the psychic schism by the way that society treats sex to to begin with, this is this utterly natural part of being: a living human being is the sexual urge . that is part of being in these bodies .. but we are shamed for our sexual urges: "a woman is a whore", a man is just like "your dick leads you everywhere" .. we are all always shamed for our sexuality, and this creates a schism that is in every one of us modern Western human beings .. this schism of the shame that we experience for something that is undeniable unavoidable and completely natural completely .. no reason to be ashamed of but .. we are ashamed for it
so we have this schism at the basis of this manipulation
add to that masturbation which is an even bigger taboo [than sexuality] .. but something that again is completely natural: every every sexual being masturbates .. modern science has looked at all these other species of animals that are sexual and they all masturbate .. every one of us does this and every one of us hides it .. we don't talk about it .. well for the most part .. there are of course parts of our culture that do, that celebrate it, that revel in it, but that's not 'the norm' and we're talking here about 'the norm' ..
'the enforced norm' is ashamed when it comes to masturbation .. they do it in private .. all boys have little horror stories of growing up, worried that their parents or their brothers and sisters are going to catch them masturbating and they felt bad about it .. we've all grown up with this shame we have this schism and this schism, what it does is: it separates layers of awareness .. the natural layers of awareness, the layers of our bodies' awareness, the sub- and unconscious levels of awareness
what that schism does is: it separates us from the higher mind .. it focuses us in the sub and unconscious parts of our awareness .. in which we have very little power .. and which are so open to manipulation
this is the magic of advertisement: it separates these layers of our awareness, and it speaks directly to our sub- and unconscious minds telling us: "you have to buy this" "you want this" "you can't live without this" "this is how you should feel" "this is how you should think"
so pornography is a great tool for opening us up to that level of awareness that can be programmed so that we can be told how to behave in society
now .. because we are manipulated at that level of awareness .. all the time, everything around us, is manipulating us in this way .. we are particularly vulnerable, at this point .. we are particularly vulnerable ..
until we start recognizing what's going on and saying "fuck you .. "I don't want to be manipulated in this way anymore .. I choose to instead think for myself and decide for myself" .. and that is what is required in dealing with any addiction, but porn addiction in particular .. to take back ... control .. because the addiction is the sign that you are out of control .. that some other force has control over your life, over who you are choosing to be
so there are several components to a porn addiction:
- one component is sexual: sexual gratification, horniness .. which of course is totally normal and nothing to be ashamed of .. we've got to remove shame from the equation because that is the primary primary latch that they have gotten a hold of and are manipulating you with .. is your shame .. it's totally irrelevant, totally unnecessary .. you look into it and you will see that there is nothing unnatural in being horny, in being sexual, and having sexual urges .. it's part of a healthy human being .. okay so one component is sexual, the shame of being sexual
- another component is masturbation, which again: there's nothing to be ashamed of
- third component is our attraction:
- now we each have specific body forms .. body shape size color .. all the things that compose what for us is 'the ideal of attraction' .. (now some scientists say that this is all based on genetics .. that it is a genetic urge, a genetic matching up that is occurring .. feromones hormones ... visual input all of it goes into forming this ideal
- so pornography plays with that it presents you with something approaching your ideal so there's this extra layer of attraction .. it grabs you
[spiritual perspective] so to break free of what you are calling an addiction to porn (and we have to really define what we mean by addiction but we'll get to that) .. to break free of that ..
- you have to identify all the ways in which you are being manipulated, all the handles that this power of pornography is grabbing hold of to manipulate you
- in other words: you have to bring your higher mind into what is happening with you and pornography: you've got to really examine what is happening .. you've got to identify all the different ways that you are being bound, that you are being bound to this pornography .. what ways is it latching onto you ..
- (1) - look at what specific things are attracting you at a sexual level ... look at what things are attracting you at an emotional level, because at the root of all of this is is our emotional need for connection with other .. that's the emotional part of sexual urges that need for connection with other .. so in what way is it trying to fake this emotional connection that you really desire ..
- (2) - look at the people involved in the pornography itself, and the pornographic images in front of you: feel try to feel, get inside of their state of mind: what is the state of mind of someone doing this sexual act on screen for others to observe? what is the mindset of someone who would do that with their lives? who would do that with their body, with their sexuality? what sort of psychological twists and turns does it take .. for you to be that person on the screen? .. so you have to examine the personal consequences of this pornography, not only just on you .. but on the person doing it. What impact is this going to have on their lives .. 30 40 50 years from now .. when they look back at this point in their lives .. when they were .. prostituting themselves basically? because that's basically what pornography is: its prostitution. The give and take is a little different than ordinary prostitution person to/in person prostitution .. but it comes down to the same thing
- (3) - What we are doing through pornography is .. objectifying the people that are participating in the pornography .. they become objects solely for our own sexual gratification .. so you have to look at (like I said) not only what's happening in the minds, the lives of the people on screen but also .. how you are treating other human beings? do you want to really objectify people in this way? [editor: not just physical but spiritual perspective: thoughts are things, are real in the higher worlds]
- (4) - you also have to look at the fact of the manipulation that is happening to you .. the division of your awareness, the separation of these layers of awareness and its manipulation .. it is direct manipulation of your subconscious and unconscious levels of awareness and really recognize: what happens with the higher mind when you're involving yourself with pornography? where do you go in those moments? [editor: see also the two parts of the human astral body, the Centaur, and the lower chakras]
[on deeper spiritual causes underlying and driving these mechanisms]
so examine what's happening .. what is happening to you? .. and why in the world would anybody want to place you in that position? why would anybody want to open you up to manipulation in this way? what is the motivation?
.. beyond just making money .. obviously there's big money involved in it, but that's just the side effect of it .. the cause of it, the root reason for its existence has nothing to do with making a buck off of the pornography .. it's much deeper than that, much bigger than that and much more about your whole life, not just your life in relation to pornography
[practically ..]
when you realize all of this going .. it places you in a different relationship with the pornography
doesn't mean you're not going to be attracted by it .. but you're in a different place now .. you are taking hold of your awareness .. the wholeness of your awareness, as you experience of pornography .. so you're not being manipulated anymore .. especially when you let go of the shame involved in both pornography, sexuality masturbation
so several things to sort of juggle here, but juggle them you must: you must break up this habitual reaction to pornography, because that's where the addiction lies .. in the habitual nature of the subconscious and unconscious mind
[another aspect of pornography]
another aspect of pornography is that it takes sexuality from its proper place in your body to your mind
pornography is all this mental thing, it's all about mental fantasy .. mental .. it's all mental .. yes there is a physical component, and it's that satisfaction of the physical component with this mental tag that makes it so addictive ..
[editor: the mental part is an elemental that is connected to you and part of you, and that one can not get rid off but one can only 'starve' .. as it feeds on our life energy, it gets stronger as we feed it ever more with our desires and fantasies]
so you need to break this dynamic .. you need to take your sexuality back from 'being this totally mental thing' to 'back in your body':
make your sexuality about your body, not about your mind
because your mind can go 24 hours a day .. t it can be addicted all the time. Your body can't be, that's the thing: when you masturbate with pornography, once you have reached your orgasm, the desire ends .. that connection ends, it's over, until the next time when it builds ..
that is another key in breaking an addiction to pornography
so what I recommend is that .. when you are drawn to pornography, when your natural response in that moment will be to flip on some bit of pornography and masturbate .. that instead .. you just masturbate - instead of watching the pornography to bring you to that orgasm through all these visual cues- ... go back to your sexuality being just in your body .. and it really is that simple .. that's really the most simple way of ending your addiction .. or at least taking control ..
pornography can have its place in one's own sexuality .. especially if one is single
but this is now where we come to that definition of addiction
is it something that you feel compelled to .. participate in it .. that you really can't resist .. that you end up spending hours with .. just automatically? if it's just something you partake in once in a while .. that's not an addiction .. but if it is something that takes all or most of your time .. a large part of your time .. [or nearly] every day .. that is addiction
however you feel about it: address it .. address the shame .. address the discomfort .. and address that schism internally, that separates the layers of your awareness and discards your higher mind
you've got to repair that, whether it is an addiction or not .. we all have to repair that in regard to our sexuality as human beings
we all have to address the ways in which our behavior is shaped and manipulated by external forces
we have to look at why and who these are important questions for the modern human being
who? why? where? when? .. ask .. ask questions, just always ask questions - it's the most powerful thing you can do, is to question everything, and especially the things that we feel shame around
[editor: see also Parsifal attitude of asking questions and using inner intuition as characteristic of the consciousness soul, the virtue of discernment, etc.]
Note 1 - Connection between sexual energy and the ability to transform the lower within us to a higher state of being
General introduction
statement 1 - by Mark B.
(from forum)
The purification and illumination of the astral body, which results in the reformation of the astral body is fundamental to preliminary esoteric development.
This development is stunted and frustrated by desires of a physical or sexual nature and the forces required, for the purification, reformation and illumination of the astral body are corrupted and dissipated through the fulfillment of such thoughts, feelings and activities as those pertaining to our lower nature.
These forces of our lower nature are what we must sacrifice in order that higher forces might be enkindled within our nature.
This is the universal sacrificial animal, put to death upon the altar of the temple as a sacrifice to the Gods, we must sacrifice this animal self, and out of its force forge a new being.
The forces which become the generative forces are born out of the Astral body, they are light and become bound, corrupt by decent into generation and into body, they must be liberated and redeemed, by Will and Wisdom. When they are won and cultivated to refinement, through the methods of anthroposophy they become again a part of our spiritual vestment, they are woven into new formations within the Astral body.These forces enliven and strengthen us.
Dr. Steiner tells us in plain english that we fashion the higher out of the lower forces. There isn't another interpretation, and yet people will choose to ignore such statements because it is uncomfortable, and conflicts with their beliefs.
He states clearly that actually when we resist an immoral thought and impulse we increase in strength, we are granted astral forces or increase.
statement 2 - updated version by Mark B.
(edited, and suggested edits between [ brackets] )
General introduction, see also: Man's transformation and spiritualization
PART 1 - The astral body as it exists today is composed of that part which has been acted upon and conditioned by the I, and that part which has not been acted upon and conditioned by the I. The part that has been properly conditioned and acted upon by the activity of the I is called spirit-self (or manas) , this is part of the astral body has been totally spiritualised or 'spirit filled', by the activity of the incarnate I- being or I.
See Man's bodily principles, Man's higher triad, Human astral body
Each human being conciously or unconciously is already participating in this process, through spiritual science and initiation exercises we make this process concious, and it occurs more deeply and rapidly than would be the case if left to evolution (and the process of reincarnation).
This process of purification and 'ordering' of the astral body, which results in the transformation of the astral body is fundamental to esoteric development, and to the healthy development and growth of the total human being. This process of purification or Cartharsis means that through the activity of the I, certain thoughts, feelings and impulses that arise within the human being and his astral body, are in a sense corrected by the corresponding moral impulse. Each time the I conciously resists these lower impulses and acts to correct them, through what may be termed 'Strength of Will and Moral Thinking', he is strengthened.
During this process of purification of the astral body, the I must so act upon and face every single desire thought impulse that has been impressed and stored within the astral body [and is part of one's Individuality and karmic package]. Every desire or thought is faced again through this process of astral purging.
This is essentially the process of Karma Loka [kamaloka], that generally the human being experiences after death, whereby he experiences the 'burning out' or exhaustion of the forces which he has bestowed through his thinking, feeling and willing activity during life on Earth upon material desires and urges.
This astral bottle becomes the alchemical vessel within which the corrupt material or corrupt forces are cleansed by the fire, or a kind of astral combustion. As an I being, we inhabit this astral vessel, that this burning out of or combustion of the corrupt forces of the desire nature must occur within, and the greater the desire life of the individual, the more intensified this experience of astral purgation is. [re Purgatorio in Dante's Divine Comedy]
When we practice meditation and initiation excercises, this process of cartharsis is stimulated within us whilst we are incarnate in a body upon Earth. The exercises and anthroposophical literature are written with an exactly planned order and structure so as to stimulate the processes of cartharsis or astral purging).
Note: see oa Initiation exercises , Development of the chakras, Kundalini
Every time that, as I beings, we give our thoughts and forces to desires of a material nature, we are creating experiences that we must face during catharsis. And the greater force of the desire bestowed, the greater will be the intensity of the experience during the purging and cleansing of the astral body. The greater the force of the desire, the greater the 'will force and moral fortitude' that is required to redeem it.
This is one of the reasons why the individual is guided through religion, anthroposophy and philosophy to find constructive outlets for the forces that arise through his generative function.
See eg Golden rule, Sources of spiritual science
When the life is correctly ordered, and these forces applied to constructive activities,
- not only do we prevent the increase of corrupt astral content that we have to purge,
- but we are in the process of purging the existing content stored within this Astral body, and strengthening our being through the reclaiming of the forces previously bestowed upon the world of desire by our previous thoughts, feelings and actions.
These forces are claimed through 'moral thinking and strength of will' and enobled through the contemplation of spiritual knowledge, through meditation and specific initiation excercises, through artistic expression, through character development and improvement, through moral thought and action, through meeting the responsibilites and necessities of our life pattern and karma, through self sacrifice and community participation, through any dedication which results in inner growth we raise these forces up within ourselves and build this vestiture of our I, which is our astral body. We gradually develop our purified astral body into what is termed the 'pure, chaste and wise Virgin Sophia'. This is the fulfilment of the processes of astral catharsis, it means it has been totally cleansed, enobled and correctly developed.This entire process also develops the organs of supersensible cognition. At this stage we are enabled to cross the threshold of the invisible veil (that separates the astral plane from our view) and are initiated, by the illumination of our astral being by the inflowing of the Holy Spirit.
Contemplating the above, is it any wonder that there are not more human beings today endowed with Supersensible perception?
and then:
PART 2 - The above development is stunted and frustrated by desires of a physical or sexual nature and the forces required, for the purification, reformation and illumination of the astral body are corrupted and dissipated.
This occurs through the fulfillment of such thoughts, feelings and activities as those pertaining to the desires arising in our lower nature. These forces of our lower nature are what we must sacrifice, and offer up in order that higher forces might be enkindled within our nature. This is the sacrifice of the animal nature with us is the universal sacrificial animal, put to death upon the altar of the temple as a sacrifice to the Gods, we must sacrifice this animal self, and out of its force forge a new being.
see also: Sacrifice (and suffering)
The forces which become the generative forces and substances arise in the astral body. These forces act upon the etheric body to stimulate the generative processes through the nervous and endocrine glandular systems, they begin as astral and etheric force or light, and through the kind of overshadowing, activiating and stimulating the glandular structures, these forces become organised into the biochemical compounds that are involved in the generative process.
These intermingled astral and etheric forces forces which have been bound into formations as biochemical substances (various hormones and precursors) and those forces which, as a karmic heredity we have received as a generative endowment, are those which must be liberated and redeemed, by 'Will and Wisdom or Moral thinking'. When these forces are won and cultivated they enliven and strengthen us.
Rudolf Steiner tells us in plain english [well actually it was German] that we fashion the higher out of the lower forces, and it occurs in somewhat the manner described above.
2025 - Richard Cloud
post taken from facebook forum, titled 'Rosicrucian initiation based upon subjugation of the lower nature and conservation of the sex force', here edited SWCC
Other methods exist and are valid in their own right, but this is the method known and taught by the Rosicrucian stream as well as others which I’ll mention later.
Most occult students know the foundational force of magic, and true initiation centers around the procreative force. This is the Secret that is not a secret. The generative force is the battery which makes occultism possible in all its aspects.
The differences center around the proper use (or misuse) of this force. Some schools teach the utilization of this force with a partner, as in the Hieros Gamos. Others avoid the topic altogether. Some go into the Mysteries of Eros, Baccus, Eulis, and other rites. A few, however, teach a form of “inner alchemy” wherein this force is conserved within the aspirant and used as a pabulum for self-development, as in 1st John 3:9, “Whoever has been born of God does not sin, for his seed remains in him.”
Outside of the Rosicrucian teachings, certain other Orders also acknowledge this path as well: the Grail Order of ECH Piethmann seems to be one, another is the Hermetic Brotherhood Of Luxor (HBOL).
In documents relating to the HBOL, we have an author named 'Sirius', who I have not been able to identify. Some claim it was Emma Hardinge Britten (which she denied), others think it was Max Theon himself, or possibly Thomas Burgoyne. Regardless, 'Sirius' wrote several things included in the HBOL documents. In one such document it says,
“A practical occultist may be of either sex, but must observe as the first law Inviolable Chasity - and that with a view of conserving all the viral powers of the organism. No aged person, especially one who has not lived the life of strict chastity, can acquire the full sum of the powers above named. It is better to commence practice in early youth for after the meridian of life, when the processes of waste prevail over repair, few of the powers above described can be attained; the full sum never.”
This method of initiation (meaning “initiation” into spiritual realities, not just membership in a group), is achieved through the proper use of the generative force, which is correspondent with the purification of the astral body.
[purification of astral body, and illumination - for more info on what is described below, see Kundalini#Note 3 - The process of illumination]
In ancient times, the purification of the astral body through meditation and concentration (two of the main Rosicrucian exercises) was called “katharsis”. The purpose of this process was to eliminate from the astral body everything that stops it from developing spiritual organs of perception.
Rudolf Steiner says this purified astral body, which has none of the impure impressions of the physical world, is called (in esoteric Christianity) the “pure and wise Virgin Sophia.” By means of all that we receive during katharsis, the pupil cleanses and purifies the astral body so that it is transformed into the Virgin Sophia.
Once this is achieved, a second power approaches and fills the Virgin Sophia. In esoteric Christianity this is called the “Holy Spirit.” And so the purified astral body acts somewhat like a chalice, or Grail, to receive the Holy Spirit. Therefore according to Rosicrucian doctrine, through the processes of initiation the Christian occultist creates a “Grail” within themselves. Through the purification and cleansing of the astral body we make our astral body into the “Virgin Sophia” which is then filled by the Holy Spirit.
The purification of the astral body, i.e., the creation of the Virgin Sophia within the neophyte, and the union with the Holy Spirit that fills it, is what Christian occultists refer to as the “Immaculate Conception,” or “Chemical Marriage.”
This doctrine of the Immaculate Conception, or alchemical union, is one of the most sublime mysteries of the Christian religion.
The Immaculate Conception is a true Arcana of the Mysteries. And perhaps for this reason it has suffered the most injustice by being dragged down into materialism. Various erroneous and clumsy theories have been promoted by the Church about this great mystery, often changing Immaculate Conception into the “Miraculous conception.” This popular, but mistaken idea says that around 2025 years ago Jesus was born from a mother, Mary, without the cooperation of an earthly father. And among Christians, this is looked at as a unique event. But in reality the Immaculate Conception has taken place many times in human history.
[moon and sun]
To understand this better we may consider our own evolutionary stage and our relationship to animals.
- The animals have 28 pairs of spinal nerves, which links them to what the Rosicrucians call the Lunar stage of existence. They are perfectly attuned to the 28 days of the Lunar cycle around the zodiac (it takes the moon 28 days to completely encircle the 12 signs of the zodiac). In the wild, when they are not interfered with by humans, the group-spirit of each species regulates their mating, so there is no error in their coupling. This is why during certain times female animals come into “heat”. Outside of this allotted time there is no mating between them.
- Humans, on the other hand, have progressed beyond the lunar stage. We have 31 pairs of spinal nerves, which links us to the solar month of 31 days. But through our divine free will, we can abuse the creative function and unite with a partner at any time of the year.
[the Fall and the journey of humanity - for more info on what is described below, see Fall and redemption - original sin and grace]
The bible is divided into two main parts: The Old Testament and the New Testament. In the Old Testament we learn about the “fall”. Occultists recognize this as being linked to the ignorant use of the procreative force. “Knowing” in the biblical sense referred to the sex act.
Hence we have the example that Adam “knew” Eve and she bore Able. And Adam “knew” Even and she bore Seth. This should shed light on “eating from the Tree of Knowledge”, which resulted in casting us out from the Garden of Eden. Then, in shame, humankind covered itself with the fig leaf, prompting God to ask, “Who told you that you were naked?”
Prior to eating from the Tree of Knowledge, prior to the self-realization that accompanied the “Fall”, conception was guided by divine hierarchies just as they are in the animals today. After the fall, passion entered the flesh and the purity of union, once guided by the Gods, was dragged down into sensual pleasure.
Thus, we gradually became more and more imprisoned in the flesh, and subsequently became subject to pain and death.
However, this was a necessary part of our evolution. It denotes the beginning of our evolution through matter. Since then, we have been living in a physical body which obscures the light of Heaven because of the 'pollution' of the flesh.
The spirit within us is like a rough diamond, uncut and covered by the grime of the earth. The spiritual hierarchies that help guide our evolution, are like heavenly lapidaries. They help us cut through the outer covering so the spirit within may shine through the body which surrounds it. When the lapidary holds the diamond to the grindstone it emits a scream, like a cry of pain, as the outer crust is removed. But gradually the diamond, because of the grindstone, becomes something more beautiful than if it had never met the friction of the stone.
Similarly, the hierarchies hold us to the grindstone of experience. And this painful friction of life causes the sleeping spirit within to stir and awaken. Gradually the light of the spirit begins to shine through as the rough coat is ground away. We are filled with discontent at the polutions of the flesh as we are simultaneously filled with a desire for the higher life.
The shift from the gratification of the senses to a desire for the higher life is not accomplished without a severe struggle against the lower nature. It was while wrestling with problem that caused Paul to say in Romas 7:19-24, “Oh wretched man that I am! For the good that I would do - I do not: But the evil which I would not do, that I do. Now if I do that I would not, it is no more I that do it, but sin that dwelleth in me.”
When a flower is crushed it emits a beautiful fragrance that fills its surroundings. Similarly, heavy blows of fate seem to overwhelm those who have reached this spiritual stage. But it serves to strengthen the soul, purifying it until it shines through with such beauty that it clothes the aspirant with a spiritual golden “Robe of Glory”. At this point we begin the path of initiation.
[back to initiation]
Unbridled indulgence in pleasure and abuse of the generative force imprison us in the physical body. But the proper use of that same force - in harmony with the cosmos - gradually purifies the astral body until we finally attain liberation, piercing this physical shell and uniting with the divine. This is when the divine virgin Sophia unites with the Holy Spirit; when the Holy Grail is filled with the Glory of God.
The pupil who has tasted the friction of life originating in the indulgence of pleasure and abuse of the creative force, who has drank from the cup of bitterness resulting therefrom, gradually learns to seek the higher life rather than indulgence in passion, regardless of the sophistries used to justify indulgence and the pursuit of initiation simultaneously.
There is a virginity of soul that is possible independent of the body. Indulgence in passion locks the ethers of the etheric (vital) body tightly in place, which makes it almost impossible to bring about the separation necessary to acquire the golden Wedding Garment of the adept.
In olden days, the passionate nature was curbed by God-given laws. Obedience to divine commands was enforced by swift punishment. Rewards for observing the laws of God were also plentiful. The "righteous" person’s children, cattle, and crops were numerous; They were victorious over their enemies, and the cup of their happiness overflowed.
By the time of Christ, because of the Mystery of Golgotha, the passionate nature had come under the control of the will. We were no longer subject to the “sins of the father being visited upon the son” (Exodus 34:7), thus enabling the Immaculate Conception, or the Chemical Wedding to take place within us individually.
What does this process look like?
According to the Rosicrucian teachings, when we “hold the seed within”, it builds a force within that climbs the spinal column and unites with the pineal gland in the brain.
When this creative force thus reaches the pineal gland, it awakens a vibrational force which expands outward in the brain until it reaches the pituitary (think of dropping a pebble in water, wherein the ripples expand across the body of water). ... When this radiating force strikes the pituitary gland, it awakens spiritual sight in the pupil.
This is called “The Bridge”,
[maybe see also: Gustav Meyrink's book 'Green Face' and what he called ‘The bridge of Life’]
and is often accompanied by a pain that travels from the sinuses around the circumference of the head. In Rosicrucian Christianity, this is known as the “Crown of Thorns”.
The force then radiates to the extremities of the body causing a spiritual stigmata, or “crucifixion” of the pupil.
Then each of us may say “Consumatum est,” ... it has been accomplished.
Note 2 - Porn masturbation and abstinence (nofap and semen retention) .. in a spiritual context
WIP - note initialized and to be developed
The scope of this note is to provide introductory summary information and offer a spiritual scientific perspective on:
- sexuality and masturbation (physical natural) .. and shame
- sexualized society .. and mental phantasies
- addiction .. and its effects
This includes, from a spiritual scientific perspective, aspects such as:
- the effect of orgasm/ejaculation on the life force (concepts: ojas vs prana and kundalini, nature of the male semen, ..)
- the creation of elementals (re Daskalos, also Bardon on negative elementals)
as well as the following contemporary terms, concepts and acronyms:
- PMO - an acronym that stands for 'Pornography, Masturbation, and Orgasm'
- pornography as a visual drug and (dopamine) addiction
- masturbation: a natural property of the sexual human being - however this can have many different forms as it includes not just a physical but also a mental component
- orgasm: a natural sexual property of the human physical body
- NoFap (see nofap.com/about ) is a website and community forum launched in 2011 that serves as a support group for those who wish to give up pornography and masturbation. The name comes from the slang term fap, referring to male masturbation. Motivations include the overcoming of addiction to pornography or other compulsive sexual behaviours. Nofap is used here to denote the general counter reaction initiatives worldwide to PMO.
- note: an important aspect is that suppression of desires does not really work, because the elementals will resurface. Rather the process requires starvation of elemental energies, and this is best done by transmutation: to put something better in place of an old urge or habit. See Bardon's IIH step 2 astral.
- see also: Opposition to pornography and eg the anti-pornography movements in US, UK, ..
- Semen retention - the practice of intentionally avoiding ejaculation for a certain period for perceived physical, mental, spiritual benefits that may include:
- physical benefits: increased energy levels, improved stamina and strength
- mental/emotional benefits: reduced anxiety and depression, enhanced focus and clarity, increased self-confidence
- spiritual: increased spiritual energy by harnessing life force energy (re Taoism, Tantra, etc)
- quality of life: improved sexual experience, lack of loss of time and dependency on pornography and excessive sexual habits
- Edging, in context of the above, that is masturbation without orgasm or ejaculation. This still combines (a) the mental feeding of the elemental of sexual phantasy with (b) the physical arousal and stimulus. Note the variants:
- (a) can be done with or without pornography, eg only in thought images (one's own phantasies, memories, ..).
- also possible, one can have masturbation (b) physical stimulus for the physical pleasure without (a), that is: nearly in a state of vacancy of mind or where one meditatively gatekeeps purity and so does not have any artificial/un-natural mental excitement.
Reference quotes
regarding 'renunciation', see full quote on Astral world#1908-10-26-GA107
With the smallest renunciation that we take upon us, we make a step forwards in the sense that we evolve upwards to the good side of the astral world on the path of sacrifice. When one renounces the most insignificant thing, it is an inculcation of something that contributes essentially to experiencing the good side of the astral world. Hence, in esoteric traditions so much weight is laid on the test carried out by the pupil of denying oneself this or that, the exercise of renouncing.
Mark B.
Celibacy is an almost universal expectation amongst the mystery schools of old, and the true ones of today.
Initiates slay the dragon as the archangel Michael, plunging the serpent into the abyss, with a lance through its heart.
It seems as though Dr. Steiner wished to direct the minds of his pupils towards that which is true (Spirit and spirit knowledge) more so than to focus the attention upon that which is not true (the knowledge of maya, or illusion, which is knowledge if the bodies of things).
Everything that is a physical occurence has as its source of animation and existence a spiritual reality, without which it cannot exist.
Anthroposophy pertains to the religious inclinations of the human being and towards that which is moral.
That which is immoral, of which the unrestrained impulses of the lower nature are.. do not pertain to the religious impulse in Man and in fact are its antithesis.
In the above sense I also feel compelled to make the distinction that I believe all people can gain from the practice and study of Anthroposophy, Religion, Philosophy etc even those who do not practice abstinence and chastity, however the deeper teachings relating to them and the true path of Esoteric initiation and development is definitely a distinct and different story altogether and these do teach and require abstinence and chastity of the candidate.
Edited version:
The topic of chastity, and how it relates to the average individual, is an important one, and there is no 'one size fits all' pattern or universal recommendation.
However one can say it is safe to start with the encouragement of the gradual enobling of the tought, feeling and will life of the individual - from whatever stage in their overall development that they are currently at - through whatever branch of channel of moral teaching: be it religion, philosophy, or the love that comes through wisdom via spiritual science.
[When we open up ourselves and commit to spend emotional and mental energy on this, we listen to and let ourselves be guided by the voice of our own conscience. A voice that becomes ever clearer once one finds one's higher self with meditation and initiation exercises].
Commentary - Work area (WIP)
First consciousness, then will-power
Rawn Clark (see above 'Musings #4: Addiction & Pornography') starts by making the key distinction that sexuality, masturbation are all quite natural for human beings, but that they have been loaded with shame by societal systems, and that we have no choice but to undergo all these societal influences that are loaded with sexuality everywhere.
He puts forth the spiritual scientific perspective to take the self-conscious observer (re Bardon IIH step 1 mental, vacancy of mind) and use this as the stronghold to observe what is going on during our lower drives and urges of sexual nature. He formulates the invitation to take a step back and observe what is really going on, as 'bring your higher self into the equation' and 'ask yourself where is your higher self during acts of masturbation and watching pornography'. He also makes the point of de-coupling the mental fantasy part of the physical sexual part, as the sexual experience is a natural physical one, whereas the mental fantasy is an elemental connected to much deeper elements in our psyche.
When we succomb to lower drives, we are flipping out of our higher consciousness and the lower consciousness (call it subconscious/unconscious) takes over, this is the lower part of the human astral body. Man is still a Centaur, with a lower animal side to it with its natural drives.
What Clark explains is that society has found mechanisms to influence this lower subconscious/unconscious, whereby we become victims of these lower drives that take control. But wait: it is up to Man to be the boss in his house, to be driving the elephant, not the way around.
The battle for the soul is that each individual Human 'I' is to develop the strength to overcome the many challenges, the minefield of side-tracking black holes that pull people down. See Sixteen paths of perdition: this is where we find drugs, alchohol, pornography, gaming, social media .. addictions where people loose conscious control and freedom .. and are drawn into a sort of black hole or large ink spot that fills there life. Whereas the life time is intended and could be used to learn, grow .. by doing, experiencing in the world .. self-development .. self-initiation.
The parable of the sower is all around us: with compassion we can contemplate the souls who succomb, the seeds where this incarnation falls by the sideways.
Further reading, see also:
- Sixteen paths of perdition#Note 3 - The opium war (a story laid out in extenso by Rudolf Steiner .. after reading think of the contemporary images of those poor human beings on Tranq drugs)
- Model for hereditary physical body#Note 1 - Effects of substances
Note: this can be connected to, or from here one can make the link with - see Contemporary worldview war#Aspects:
- western brotherhoods: chaining materialistic souls to use them as an army of discarnate souls (1917-11-18-GA178, 1917-11-25-GA178, described further in 1917-11-29-GA182)
In common:
- training will-power, self-discipline
- purity of mind, thoughts and feelings (not driven by subconscious/uncontrolled lower drives and chakras)
Note 3 - Discussions on topics of sexuality within a spiritual scientific context and community
from a forum:
"Furthermore .. Here is a thought that might not be entirely accepted in the wider community, but worthy of consideration none the less."
Anthroposophy which is intended to enoble, inspire and spiritualise the human being .. what exactly does it have to do with the teachings regarding sexuality?
That which is related to the enkindling of desire and to the fulfillment of the impulses of the desire nature, which anthroposophy is supposed to metamorphose within the the human being and enoble, is essentially the antithesis of Anthroposophy or of religious instruction.
It really seems to me to be an absurdity, quite obscene. These peddlers of corruption ought to have their tables in the temple upturned, and be expelled, as Christ did in the Gospels to the money changers. Let us think about it this way.. would we expect to see the pornographers in their houses of corruption and in their visual gospels of lust and depravity to encourage morality and biblical virtue? Such a thing is as absurd as intermingling the ideas of sexuality with anthroposophy.
.. none of this is said in a sense of judgement against those who hold contrary view or opinions, or against those who live in a different manner .. but I believe there is a great risk for a kind of cancerous corruption of ideaology to enter into the last sacred institutions that we have in this world, and the anthrophosophical movement is one of those sacred institutions that must be preserved from this corruption, in my humble opinion.
One view is that sexuality, just like anything which is part of human nature and experience, is to be positioned and understood from a spiritual scientific perspective. This is useful and required for education, and so that every individual can give sexuality 'the right place' based on such understanding.
I agree that today this intention and perspective does not always come across as pure as this intention, when the topic is raised, because of how our souls and minds are influenced and maybe already corrupted by mainstream culture and media in this respect.
Hence, sexuality is enlarged to a much bigger and more important topic than it should be, given its right place in the context of the whole human being and it's task for spiritualization.
Also, in a way the more (mental) energy one gives to a topic, the larger it becomes. And in that sense it is a bit perverse to focus tremendously on matters of the lower astral and physical bodies, only .. without placing them immediately in context of the whole, because they can not be considered on their own.
What do you think, does that make sense?
This is something that is indeed apparent in threads and discussions on matters of sexuality, they are put forth as relevant. For sure they are, as example children are strugging with gender confusion - to give just one example. But at the same time media and culture is allmost promoting the sensation of the current transgender phenomena, as if feasting on it. Whether that is judged as perversion or ignorance is a matter of perspective, imho, because contemporary culture is blind and ignorant in many ways and on many or most matters, and this is no different.
One could say that the sensational aspects do speak to the lower drives of the audience and population worldwide. And those people are withheld, or not ready or interested, in the bigger picture. This is no different than pornography, or other additions such as alcohol which is also societally embedded (and culturally promoted) whereas it is a force working against spiritual development.
Another thought that occured, thinking about the above threads on anthro forums, was the question: what are people really after, or looking for. Is it a moral ethical judgement, a physiological understanding from a spiritual scientific perspective, an explanation so as to understand and accept (by 'giving it its place')?
Maybe our task, or the position in general, could be to draw the big rectangle of the whole frame, point out what matters most, and then include the physical sexuality in that bigger frame, so it has its place.
Further reading and references
on: sexual desires (and their control) - porn - celibacy or abstinence
- Sri Swami Sivananda
- 'Practice of Brahmacharya' (1934)
- online here or downloadeable PDF version 1 and PDF version 2
- 'The Science of Brahmacharya'
- 'Practice of Brahmacharya' (1934)
- Elisabeth Haich: 'Sexual Energy and Yoga' (1966)
- Gary Wilson: ''Your Brain on Porn' (2014) (scientific study on the effects of sexual indulgence and self-discipline).
various (non qualified)
- Mantak Chia
- with Michael Will: 'Taoist Secrets of Love: Cultivating Male Sexual Energy' (1984)
- with Douglas Abrams: 'The Multi-Orgasmic Man' (1996) (Taoist practices of semen retention, sexual energy cultivation, and techniques for multiple orgasms without ejaculation)
- C.J. Van Vliet
- The Coiled Serpent: A Philosophy Of Conservation And Transmutation Of Reproductive Energy (1939)
- Conquest Of The Serpent: A Way To Solve The Sex Problem (1955) - see online here
- Swami Narayanananda (1902-1988)
- Celibacy and Spiritual Life
- Brahmacharya, Its Necessity and Practice for Boys and Girls (1960)
- Sex-Sublimation (1955)
- George Collins, Andrew Adleman: 'Breaking the Cycle: Free Yourself from Sex Addiction, Porn Obsession, and Shame (2011)
- Joseph Peterson: 'Semen Retention Miracle'
on youtube
- TEDx movies (only a small selection)
- Maria Ahlin - Let’s Talk Porn (author of two books on the topic)
- Gary Wilson - The great porn experiment (author of 'Your Brain on Porn')
- Eli Nash - Escaping Porn Addiction
- individuals (only some examples, with very different styles)
- Rob Mulder - see www.youtube.com/@robmulder/
- introduction: NOFAP vs semen retention
- beyond the alchemy - see: www.youtube.com/@BeyondTheAlchemy/playlists
- focusing on oa importance, challenges and benefits of semen retention
- Rob Mulder - see www.youtube.com/@robmulder/
Examples of online discussion threads (facebook)
selection of threads on topic related to gender and sexuality
- 2011-02 - blogpost by Alicia Hamberg after discussion on yahoo forum waldorf critics
- 2018-02 - question by Alex Hemme started on the transgender phenomenon
- 2020-11-30 - question by Peter Fisher on gender
- Peter Heinze points to key lecture(s)
- 2021-01-04 - question by David Wansbrough
- 2021-07-08 - question by Niels-Peter Hammersholt Petersen on sexuality within anthroposophy
- invites to Mark Burnside and George Monoff
- 2021-08-28 - question by David Wansbrough
- invite to David W.