
From Anthroposophy

Schema FMC00.584: provides a overview and synthesis table over the Earth's seven epochs and the overall evolutionary pathway for Earth and humanity, as a map for orientation across the many separate topic pages and Schemas. For a more graphical presentation, see Schema FMC00.486. This is a first tentative version, to be iteratively improved in the future. Click one to three times to enlarge or go to page for download at full resolution.

provides a overview and synthesis table over the Earth's seven epochs and the overall evolutionary pathway for Earth and humanity, as a map for orientation across the many separate topic pages and Schemas. For a more graphical presentation, see Schema FMC00.486. This is a first tentative version, to be iteratively improved in the future. Click one to three times to enlarge or go to page for download at full resolution.


Note DL 2024-02-27

1/ As a disclaimer: a summary table as is the ambition to present here is very difficult, given the vast changes that happen even in one epoch due to eg the separation of Sun and Moon in the Hyperborean and Lemurian epochs. As a result, there is no way to capture a description concisely in a single statement, because reality and the changes are so huge.

Nevertheless this table format is a logical must-have or expectation for a package with study materials such as this FMC wiki site. Therefore a tentative table was initialized, with the aim to refine and improve it. (another version has each epoch split in three rows). It is also logical to 'think' in this format when reading lectures as the ones below, for example.

2/ Hereby some first references of lectures that provide an overview description of how Man evolves across epochs, starting with volumes GA090A and GA090B. These lectures provide a good basis for starting study of this Schema.

  • 1904-07-26-GA090A
  • 1904-XX-XX-GA090A
  • 1905-03-06-GA090B
  • 1905-04-09-GA090B

3/ In a next version, the Schema references could also be cross-linked for the epochs in the rows, but at this stage this has not been done because the topic pages are the obvious reference, and there are many Schema views per epoch.

4/ A table necessitates choices, so many dimensions have not been included, eg Brahma-Vishnu-Shiva (1904-07-26-GA090A), the Three Magi, etc.