Kikis L. Christofides

From Anthroposophy

Kikis L. Christofides (1941-2016) was an initiate and Daskalos' closest and most advanced disciple, who studied and practiced with him for over 20 years. He appears in Kyriacos C. Markides first four books (with the first two focusing on Daskalos) as 'Kostas'. Christofides had his own groups since 1972, alongside the circle around Daskalos, and one was free to go to both teachers who had both a different style and offering.

Editor note:

To date, we have not been able to trace back records or notes from his lectures at Erevna or before. Therefore the information on this site is limited to quotes and excerpts from Kyriacos C. Markides' books. Very little further information is available on Christofides who was shying away from public attention and media, and did not want any books published.


  • biographical information
    • studied civil engineering in the UK, worked for Shell Oil, lost everything due to the Turkish invasion of Cyprus
  • Individuality
    • claimed that in one of his incarnations he was a knight in the court of Richard Lionheart and took part in the crusades (MOS p 136)
  • Regarding the Erevna organization and Christofides role
    • was established by Daskalos with his blessings, and Kikis Christofides as head and legal representative and as a secretary Yianoulla Venn. Main reason was that after the success of the books of Markides;, thousands of visitors from around the globe started coming to Cyprus to meet Daskalos. Daskalos asked Kikis to take some weight from his shoulders and be the head of his circles in Limassol through Erevna. [source: info from internet, anonymous source present at Stoa in Strovolos in 1989 when the announcement was made]. Apparently Daskalos and Christofides remained in close contact (despite the so-called published 'separation' in the media]
    • Christofides never got any financial benefits from this and declined offers for books about him.


Lecture coverage and references

Kyriacos C. Markides

in Riding with the Lion (RWL). In Markides' books, Kostas refers to Kikis L. Christofides

... I had further opportunities to meet with Kostas .. often at his gas station where, in be­tween customers, we would engage in endless philosophical discus­sions. He never failed to astonish me with his penetrating insights into esoteric knowledge, even if on occasion we would disagree on some particular detail.

My real work is not this," he reassured me one day while engrossed in a pile of legal documents. He had just returned from a two-day business trip to London to sort out his affairs with Shell Oil Company management. He did not have to explain to me the meaning of his words since I knew that Kostas' conception of his mission in this life was not to pump gasoline but to be a healer and to disseminate esoteric wisdom through Erevna.

Yet Kostas, a devoted husband and father of two, had to work in the ordinary way to make his living. His wife, too, who as it hap­pened was a cousin of Emily's, was particularly emphatic in not wanting her husband to turn into a revered and distant full-time guru. Already their lives have been affected by the endless influx of  visitors not only from Cyprus but from all over the world seeking healing and spiritual wisdom.

In spite of all the international atten­tion there was this dignified, I would say heroic, stubbornness on the part of Kostas, who was determined not to fall into the trap of guru worship.


source: public information taken over from another website

Whatever we give with our heart without expecting anything in return - that is the way.

Just by speaking out the problem, healing can happen.

Condemning a fellow human being is (hypocrisy or) an attempt to hide one's own faults and weaknesses.

Thoughts without feelings are perfect. Then they are no longer thoughts, but contemplation. Normal thoughts cannot express the qualities of contemplation.

Time and space are only meanings, but not realities.

Agapi means love in the sense of "life itself". It means embracing everyone and everything indiscriminately, without reason and without expecting anything in return.

Reality is lived mechanically by Man. People constantly have experiences without realizing them.

Never think positively about something negative. Forget the negative - then it forgets you too.

Everyone is on the same path as you. They take the same steps and their legs tire as they walk through life, just like yours.


Not exhaustive, but as a starting point, the links below point to some quotes based on and taken from the books by Markides, here excerpted and put in topic context:

and also on


Related pages

References and further reading