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Earth's atmosphere and outer spheres - detailed schema by Günther Wachsmuth's from his reference work 'Erde und Mensch' (1945, image from fourth edition of 1980).  +
Illustrations on the developmental journey for humanity and spiritualization or the re-ascent.  +
a Schema by DL, who made this up - some inspiration for meditation. ''What was there before our solar system, as described in spiritual science? What happened before Old Saturn? Why do we start there, with what is described?'' Imagine the divinity as [[The three Logoi]], it has as its intrinsic nature that <u>it wants to know itself</u>, and it is characterized by <u>a [[cosmic breathing]] pulse</u>. Through this breathing, the [[logoic principle]] gives rise, in consecutive cycles, to a new combination of [[Three dimensions of evolution|consciousness, life and form]], which is called a [[Spiritual Hierarchies|spiritual hierarchy]]. The Seraphim are still closely tied to the nature of the third logos (L3), then follow Cherubim and Thrones. The triad is characterized by a threefoldedness in how the natures of the three hierarchies interrelate (between themselves), and relate to the three logoi: consciousness, a rhythmic life pulse, and an extension which gives it form. In following cycles <u>a ladder is led down of such triads</u> (see upper left of the drawing) thereby extending a ladder of currently [[Twelve Conditions of Consciousness]]. In each cycle, an additional hierarchy is added below in an extension of complexity of the [[Cosmic fractal|Cosmic Fractal.]] This can be mapped to the start of our [[Overview of solar system evolution|current solar system evolution]] (lower right) starting with the Thrones sacrificing and the angels being the last hierarchy, and we find back the stages of [[Old Saturn]], [[Old Sun]], [[Old Moon]]. See Schema FMC00.077 and variants. A 'linking pin' chain element closely ties the lowest hierarchy of triad N and the highest of the next triad N+1. The drawing is only a high level sketch of a complex multi-dimensional dynamic. Below the horizontal line, the future is developing. Within our solar system 'cycle' of the spiral, one could say the horizontal line on the lower right corresponds to the CoC=4 'human stage' type of consciousness, but one can also imagine that the nature or complexity of the condition of consciousness shifts with each spiral arm, so it jumps with steps of 4. Compare the three triad blocks on the lower right corner for Old Moon stage, to the same block on Schema FMC00.077B. Extending the horizontal line on the lower right, one sees that Earth and Future Jupiter are two intermediate stages that reach a sort of cycle conclusion stage on [[Future Venus]] - see also [[:File:FMC00.022.jpg|Schema FMC00.022]] on that page. This is maybe also why Rudolf Steiner says that no human mind or language can today imagine Vulcan, and hence why it is not talked about: creation and the state of consciousness is beyond what we can take in scope for grasping with current intellectual thought and [[Waking Consciousness|waking consciousness]]. The spiral and ladder of consciousness is not fixed or stable, but very relative, as one can look at it in many ways. For example in the next three planetary stages, humanity will be in the roles represented by the colour green on Schemas FMC00.077 A and B. After that comes a graduation to become creator at a higher level, emanating substance through sacrifice; to get an idea: like the Thrones gave rise to the Archai on Old Saturn. See again Schemas FMC00.077 A and B - this schema does not show this (but it could be depicted in a future grid version).  
adds some quotes to Schema FMC00.534 about the next millennium with the [[Future Oriphiel age|future age of archangel Oriphiel]] (between approx. 2235 and 2590), and the very dark period that humanity will face in the transition phase before the [[Sixth cultural age]] in the period of approx. 3000 to 3500.  +
bundles illustrations from various lectures where Rudolf Steiner uses the 'onions sheaths' depiction of [[Man's bodily principles]] to illustrate - in different contexts - how consciousness relates to the lower bodily sheaths. For this type of presentation, see also Schema FMC00.575, Schema FMC00.356; and similarly for the development of the lower bodies themselves before, Schema FMC00.574.  +
captures how 'the decaying spiritual wave that crashes into mineral matter' (1911-12-31-GA134, see Schema FMC00.582) gives rise to different types of matter depending on how [[Man's bodily principles]] are balanced (left), and how the spiritual structure was created by the different [[Spiritual Hierarchies|spiritual hierarchies]] and is now filled with physical matter as a result of the [[Luciferic influence on Man|Luciferic infection]] (right). For the description, see reference lecture extract [[The nature of atoms#1911-12-30-GA134]]. Also compare with related schemas FMC00.514, FMC00.392, FMC00.492.  +
captures main references and relevant statements showing the relation between the cosmic clock of movement of the aptides and precession of the equinoxes (and their link to the ice age at the end of the [[Atlantean epoch]], and the year 1250 - as explained on [[Macroscopic rhythms]]), and the spiritual hierarchies. The schema contains explicit quotes linking macrocosmic rhythms observed astronomically, with the [[Spiritual Hierarchies|spiritual hierarchies]]. Indeed these statements link the described movement to the underlying rhythms of the evolution of the spiritual hierarchies. For context, consider the equivalent [[:File:FMC00.413.jpg|Schema FMC00.413]] (for the [[Old Saturn]] stage of evolution) that depicts this 'passing the baton' or change in leadership influence of the various hierarchies in the different [[Three dimensions of evolution|Conditions of Life]] of an evolutionary stage. This is what the [[Transition between 4th and 14th century|Transition between the 4th and 14th century]] on Earth is about, and it corresponds to the fact that the hierarchies withdrew and the human being was set free, as illustrated by[[:File:FMC00.612.jpg|Schema FMC00.612.jpg]].  +
combines two illustrations by Dankmar Bosse showing the living [[Earth]] as it chrystallized with gradual densification in the previous [[Earth's seven epochs|Earth epochs]] to the current mineral Earth we know today. The two illustrations were combined to support contemplation of the evolutionary process and the formation and deposition of minerals that can be found in geological layers.  +
connects the conceptual picture of Schema FMC00.067A to the planetary stages of evolution. For 'divine impulse', see Schema FMC00.185 and Schema FMC00.190. Compare also with Schema FMC00.400 on [[Cosmic breath of Brahma]]  +
connects the process between death and a new birth, before and after the [[midnight hour]], to the mother and the father. The organization of the [[Human astral body|astral body]] draws one to the mother, the [[Human 'I'|'I']] to the father, and the two poles of the human being then meet through mother and father. For a visualization see also Schema FMC00.593 and Schema FMC00.321. For the process between fertilization and birth, see also Schema FMC00.331 on [[Embryo in the womb]].  +
connects three levels of viewing evolution: at the level of planetary stage of evolution to [[Twelve Conditions of Consciousness|Condition of Consciousness]] for the spiritual hierarchy of humanity, how this develops on the [[Evolution of Earth|fourth planetary stage Earth]], and how we can follow this evolution for [[Man - the human being|the human being]]. The high level cosmic principles such as Mahat ([[:File:FMC00.568.jpg|Schema FMC00.568]]) and the principle of [[Creation by the three Logoi|creation by the three logoi]] (Schema FMC00.067A and Schema FMC00.067B) are connected to the development of [[Man's bodily principles]] and how this can be followed with [[Stages of clairvoyance|clairvoyant spiritual vision]] in the [[Human aura|aura of the human being]] (Schema FMC00.569). Note this is an ambitious schema in terms of conceptual scope, this first implementation of the idea is probably suboptimal. For now, this Schema will make sense and come to life when studying seven lectures together, as presented on [[:File:FMC00.570A.jpg|Schema FMC00.570A]].  +
contains the original schemas from various original lecture notes and typoscripts of 1915-01-09-GA161.  +
depicts a possible or probable structure of the large unified arch-continent with granite-gneiss crust called Pangaea at the end of the Paleozoic era, the Permo-Carboniferous period (see also Schema FMC00.209). View from the Sun after the [[Separation of Moon|separation of moon]] in the [[Lemurian epoch]]. This large unified arch-continent would have covered about one third of the spherical surface of today’s Earth. The dashed lines give the later fracture boundaries, double-dashed show future narrow zones of high mountain belts. Illustration from the excellent reference work by Dankmar Bosse 'The mutual evolution of Earth and humanity' (2002), after H.G. Owen 'Atlas of Continental displacement' (1983).  +
depicts contemporary western teachers of humanity of end 19th to end 20th century; from left to right: [[Helena Blavatsky]], [[The life of Rudolf Steiner|Rudolf Steiner]], [[Beinsa Douno]], [[Franz Bardon and initiation|Franz Bardon]], [[Daskalos]]. Pictures at younger age, see also Schema FMC00.609B.  +
depicts several BBD drawings of the [[Holy Supper symbolism - bread and wine#Monstrance|monstrance]] or sanctissimum (or 'sanctum sanctorum') as symbol of the transubstantiation: the shining, like a small Sun, in the sanctissimum wherein the host is carried on a crescent cup. The monstrance represents the Sun and the Moon, and the symbol shows the sun (the Christ, the spirit) gains victory over the moon (the physical, as the influences that gave human beings their physical form come from the moon) through the Mystery of Golgotha. What is currently merely an empty symbol, was once a reality in the (semi-)ancient mysteries. The priest initiate experienced how preserved fermenting substances in sacred crystalline vessels became transformed in such a way that he saw a small sun or a small natural monstrance in the crystalline vessel, as the substances spread sunshine around them. The priest saw how the substances and forces shone in the sacred crystalline vessels, and knew how the transubstantiation occurred. (1924-09-05-GA346 - see [[Greek mysteries#1924-09-05-GA346]]). Today the sanctissimum in the Mass shows the rays of the Sun, but the connection of the Christ with the Sun and the reality behind the symbol have been totally lost. (1924-07-11-GA237) Compare with the symbol of new moon at Easter and [[:File:FMC00.116.jpg|Schema FMC00.116]] on [[Holy Grail]] : the spiritual sun Christ (host) shines in the 'crescent cup'. The GA343A lecture uses this description of sunlight and moonlight (see also 1908-05-20-GA103). Also (not as a symbol but conceptually): on [[:File:FMC00.468.jpg|Schema FMC00.468]] on [[Christ Module 5 - Initiation and spiritualization]] .. the physical holder or cup is [[Man's bodily principles|Man's lower bodily structure]], and the Christ Impulse fructifies this and so through "not me, but the Christ in me" .. Mankind and future Earth become a Sun. More on this 'starting to shine' on [[Christ Module 7 - Cosmic dimension]]  +
depicts the 'starry configuration' of the human being during death and rebirth, as belonging to a group of many angels and archangels, that are overlapping but still (slightly) different for each soul. The text on the left was shortened without contents change (SWCC) from 1918-03-26-GA181. On the lower right a similar visualization from the description in 1917-01-22-GA174. Above this two schemas to illustrate what is described, that Man is still in the process of individuation, and separation during incarnate life is through the [[Human physical body|physical body]], but human beings are still connected at the level of the granular [[group souls of humanity]] (see green dotted rectangle) that can be imagined as being in the process of crumbling down into smaller fragments. The lecture provides the underlying explanation for the bridge between the living and deceased souls, see also [[Interaction with deceased souls]].  +
depicts the [[Relationship between mineral and spiritual science|relationship of spiritual science to contemporary mineral science]] (or the material-physical natural sciences). The lower grey block in the middle below represents the physical world as observed with contemporary mainstream [[Waking Consciousness|waking consciousness]], as the scope of [[mineral science]]. Above it are the (overlapping) higher worlds which require other modes of consciousness and are included in scope of [[spiritual science]] (truncated or limited to the higher spirit world). On its left, the process of [[initiation]] as a path to develop (faculties latent in each human being into) higher capabilities; for example [[Franz Bardon and initiation|Bardon]]'s proven system of self-initiation [[IIH]] consists of 10 steps. Observe that any information and knowledge about spiritual realities gathered ‘above’ needs to be ‘translated down’ into human language and its cognitive limitations (as this language is for use on the physical plane with [[Waking Consciousness|waking consciousness]]). It therefore becomes a description and a projection by the person who had the experience and the knowledge (and no longer 'absolute'). The illustration outer left can serve as illustration for the fact our current physical materialistic [[worldview]] is also but a projection (re Plato's cave) looking at reality through a bandpass filter of current [[Waking Consciousness|waking consciousness]]. [[Stages of clairvoyance|Higher stages of cognition]] are called imagination ([[astral world]]), inspiration (lower spirit world, also 'hearing the music of the spheres), and intuition (of the higher [[spirit world]], or 'understanding') .. all describing different aspects of a given spiritual reality. In the picture showing imagination and inspiration, intuition would represent merging and knowing the shown object itself (knowing not just with regards to form, but with regards to essential meaning). Finally, through certain experiments it is possible to bridge between and unify spiritual and mineral sciences by testing and validating hypotheses from spiritual science ‘above’, with physical mineral science and experiments ‘below’.  
depicts various illustrations and symbols showing Mithras - Phanes hatching from the cosmic egg, with the symbolism of the zodiac and infinite time circle also represented as a snake eternally biting its own tail (ouroboros); or Man caught and wrapped in time and a snake. These symbols are some 6000 years old, and originate in the ancient Persian cultural age (approx. 5700 to 3000 BC) and the teachings of Zarathustra (Zaruana Akarana), but also in the Egypto-Chaldean cultural age (approx 2300 to 750 BC, ouroboros) and the Greco-Latin cultural age (approx 750 BC to 400 AD) with the ancient Greek Orphic Mysteries (Phanes) and the Mithras cult retained into the Roman culture upto around the 5th century.  +
depicts, on the lower left, an illustration of 1905-06-27-GA091 titled 'the evolutionary laws of inner karma'. It shows how our Earthly life and impressions influence the human being over multiple incarnations. When Man is able to actively work upon and use his intellectual soul, it has meaning for the third-following incarnation, and so on. This picture also 'explains' the importance of meditation and [[initiation]], as the most valuable work carrying across into future incarnations. And how before, "the Mystery Centers were the places in which the form of external life belonging to the next cultural age was prepared." (1915-06-15-GA159) On the right, underneath the time bar of epochs and cultural ages, are some statements illustrating this for our [[current fifth cultural age]]. Below right is an addition (by the author), connecting to various statements by Rudolf Steiner about the fact that the fifth and sixth cultural ages are the decisive ones, and also about the spiritualization or ascent of humanity in the [[Sixth epoch]] (see [[:File:FMC00.505.jpg|Schema FMC00.505]]) and the [[Mysteries of the Spirit, the Son and the Father#.5B2.5D - About the Father impulse|Father impulse]]). See also [[:File:FMC00.607.jpg|Schema FMC00.607]] for the link with how the [[spiritual guidance of mankind]] used the principle below to managing the development of castes of souls with segments of the population at different levels of spiritual maturity.  +
gathers a number of the best known copies of the Last Supper by Leonardo da Vinci from the early 16th century, all but the Vespino version dating from early 17th century. Note that though these are also famous copies, several of which were also by or attributed to students or followers of Leonardo, the interior architecture and colours are not faithful to the two reference versions and original. Also the sizes vary greatly, some are scaled like two thirds of the original, other are much smaller like 77x132 cm (Saint Petersburg) or 121 × 268 cm (Milan Brera d'Oggiono). The names used here are a combination of the city and museum (abbreviated) where the works are located, in some cases adding the artist as this is how these copies are referenced (Vespino, d'Oggiono). Double click further to get high resolution version. More information [[Last Supper by Leonardo da Vinci#Note 1 - Copies of Da Vinci's Last Supper]]  +