The human brain

From Anthroposophy

The human brain is part of Man's head or nerve-sense subsystem. It is part of the nervous system, worked upon by the human astral body. As a physical organ, it structurally represents a picture of the heavens at birth, and floats in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) in the head. The brain is the physical organ for waking consciousness of space and the thinking of the head, the logic and intellect. Thoughts are not formed in the brain, but the human brain works as a reflecting apparatus that throws back the soul-activity so this becomes visible to itself as thought.



  • Man is born out of the universe. The human brain is a picture of the heavens at birth, the structural organization of the brain maps to the starry heaven above one's birthplace.
    • "our brain is really a picture of the heavens, and we each have a different picture depending on where and when we were born. ... No two people have the same brain. If we could take a picture of the entire brain with all of its details visible, we would get a different picture for each person. If we photographed a person's brain at the moment of birth and took a picture of the sky directly above his or her birthplace, the two pictures would be alike. The stars in the photograph of the sky would be arranged in the same way as certain parts of the brain in the other picture. (1911-06-08-GA015) - see Astrology#1911-06-08-GA015
  • central white matter and surrounding grey matter (1924-07-24-GA319)
    • grey matter: surrounds the white, is a substance which is far less delicately organised, much more connected with nutrition (.. and inner accumulation of substance)
    • white matter: "is in a much greater degree a foundation for the spiritual"
  • brain-substance as something in which the astral body has essentially the largest share, and the etheric body only a lesser one. Brain substance is so constituted that its structure and formation could not arise if this substance had not been worked upon, not only by the etheric body, but also by an astral body. The astral body permeates and works upon the brain-substance, and there is nothing in the brain-substance or the nerve-substance upon which the astral body, in cooperation with the etheric body, does not work (1912-04-10-GA136, see Spiritual scientific physiology#1912-04-10-GA136)
  • the male brain goes deeper into matter and is less pliable than the more flexible forms of the female brain (1910-03-09-GA116)

cerebrospinal fluid

  • CSF is a clear, watery fluid that surrounds the brain and spinal cord, providing cushioning, removing waste, and helping to maintain stable pressure within the brain. The fluid is produced mainly in structures called the choroid plexuses within the brain's ventricles and circulates around the central nervous system.
  • the brain floats in cerebral fluid (CSF) and due to its etheric functioning has a strong upwards lifting force, which is why a brain of say 1500 gram only weights about 20 gram in a living human being (1924-02-02-GA234)
  • was sometimes referred in early anatomical studies by the old term 'brain dew' to describe the fluid secretion in the brain

consciousness and thinking

  • 'Man in the mirror'
    • The brain works only as a reflecting apparatus, whereby it throws back the soul-activity and this becomes visible to itself. ... That the brain forms the thought ... is about as true as to say when one looks into a mirror that the mirror has 'made' the face. In fact, the face is outside the mirror; the mirror only reflects the face, throws it back. (1914-01-23-GA151 - see: Waking Consciousness#1914-01-23-GA151)
  • it's actually more complicated, see oa
  • soda and phosphorus are inside the human brain as necessary enablers for the thinking process (1923-10-20-GA351)

pineal and pituitary glands

  • see Etherization of blood and oa Schema FMC00.354
  • Man's new organ: a new organ developed in the period between the 16 and 19th centuries, it is a gland in the brain above the root of Man's nose, that can be used to take in and let spiritual scientific knowledge work on Man's etheric body. This organ will develop in the future to faculties of clairvoyance and memory of earlier incarnations (Past life memories). If the organ is not used by people, it will give rise to terrible epidemics and nervous diseases far worse than any yet known to Man. (1913-05-01-GA152).
  • secretion of brain sand by pineal gland:
    • "the pineal gland .. secretes out of itself the so-called brain sand, minute lemon-yellow stones which lie in little heaps at one end of the pineal gland, and which are the mineral element in the human head."(1923-10-28-GA230)
    • in mental under-developed human beings, the pineal gland can be very small as these people cannot secrete the brain-sand required for normal I-consciousness development (1923-10-28-GA230)
    • 1922-08-09-GA347 (see Matter is destroyed in the brain#1922-08-09-GA347) describes the process of continuous depositing and destruction of minerals ('brain-sand', more also in 1922-09-09/16-GA347) - see also Schema FMC00.513 on Spiritual scientific physiology
    • 'brain sand' is also known as corpora arenacea or 'acervuli', refers to calcified mineral deposits (calcium, magnesium, and other mineral) in the pineal gland that accumulated and may looks like 'sand' as they are visible as small specks or grains on imaging studies like X-ray scans. The calcifications are not yet understood by medical science.
  • secretions
    • The pineal gland primarily secretes melatonin following a daily rhythm, a hormone that plays a crucial role in regulating the body’s sleep-wake cycle.
    • The pituitary gland is divided into two main parts - anterior (front) and posterior (back) lobes, and each releases different hormones
      • Anterior: Growth Hormone (GH): Stimulates growth, cell repair, and metabolism; Adrenocorticotropic Hormone (ACTH): Stimulates the adrenal glands to produce cortisol, which helps respond to stress; Thyroid-Stimulating Hormone (TSH): Stimulates the thyroid gland to produce thyroid hormones, which regulate metabolism; Follicle-Stimulating Hormone (FSH) and Luteinizing Hormone (LH): Regulate the reproductive organs and are essential for processes like ovulation and sperm production.
      • Posterior Pituitary Hormones: Antidiuretic Hormone (ADH), also called vasopressin: Helps regulate water balance by acting on the kidneys; Oxytocin: Plays a role in childbirth, milk ejection during breastfeeding, and also affects emotional bonding and social interactions.


  • the current cerebellum is a remnant of the Old Moon stage of evolution, on Old Moon the cerebrum's pineal and pituitary glands were what the lung and heart are in Man today (1914-07-14-GA266 - see Schema FMC00.123)

Inspirational quotes


the brain is the physical organ for the thinking of the head, the logic and intellect .. ... the brain is a physical symbol for the consciousness of space


Schema FMC00.135 shows (left) the nervous system as the instrument of the human astral body, interfacing with the blood and I-organization (right).


Schema FMC00.036, see also Chapter 6 in 'Extending practical medicine' (see references below), and schema FMC00.135 on the human astral body and on Blood and nerves to see the interrelationships. The table on the lower left is important to contemplate, as the various bodies interpenetrate so this represents a cumulative 'and' effect of the bodily principles working in the nervous system.


On this table, one can contemplate - along the amber spinal column - the astral senses (see sushumna on FMC00.096 on development of the chakras) and how that spinal column will develop in the future (see 1905-09-29-GA093A and Blavatsky quotes on Man past and future).

Compare with Schema FMC00.135 on Human astral body or Nerve-sense-subsystem. Another perspective to contemplate onto this schema is the role of the pituitary and pineal glands (see Schema FMC00.044 on the Etherization of blood) and how astral images are imprinted on the etheric.

Lecture coverage and references


notes from memory by Mathilde Scholl (in GA264)

Gabriel was the one who, in the 16th century, prepared the human brain through selected births so that an organ was formed therein (to be sure, not perceptible to investigation by natural science), which nevertheless makes the present-day brain appear different from that of a person of the 13th or 14th centuries.

The human brain has undergone a distinct change since the 16th century and has the purpose of enabling humanity eventually to understand Christianity in its full significance.


as a result of the preparation accomplished by Gabriel in the 16th century, of a new organ in the frontal globe of the human brain, it became possible during the last third of the 19th century for what we call spiritual science to be infused by the White Lodge so that the significance of the Mystery of Golgotha could be brought home to humanity in all its implications. When a person now crosses the threshold at earth it is possible for each human being to discover his or her own great Master, now available to anyone in a living physical body who seeks him.


If people had even the smallest inkling of what it means to think in the spirit, to live in the spirit, using the physical body only as an instrument, — so that one does not feel firmly fastened into it, identifying oneself with it — they would sing psalms about the misery of having to use a male body in an incarnation, for of course these material effects have also filtered into the brain.

One observes that the forms of the male brain, through having been deeper into matter, are more difficult to manage than the more flexible forms of the female brain.

It is truly a more difficult matter to train a male brain for the ascent into the higher worlds, and to translate the truths into thoughts, than it is to train a female brain for the same purpose.

For this reason it is not surprising to people who think, when a new conception of the world arises such as that of spiritual science, it is more easily grasped by the more manageable female brain; for it is more difficult for the male brain, being less pliable and obedient, to free itself from certain thoughts which it has absorbed.

Hence spiritual science will not find an easy acceptance amongst the men who are today the leaders of culture and of the cultured ideas prevalent in our day. We must realise how awkward an instrument is the brain of a learned man today, not only for the acceptance of spiritual science, but also for thinking along those lines.

But we must not look at these things in a wrong way and draw our own conclusions — rather should we look upon it as all the more significant that there are so many men whose brains are so pliant that they have become intimately acquainted with spiritual science.


short linking extract, full lecture extract see: D00.003 - Systemic aspects of the study process#1910-03-30-GA119

Admittedly we cannot say in the same sense that in our physical heart we have an instrument for the logic of the heart. For that is something far more spiritual than the logic of the head, and the heart is not to the same degree the physical organ for the thinking of the heart as is the brain for the thinking of the head.



Not so what belongs to the head. The several parts of the brain remain stationary, so

  • the brain is in very truth a physical symbol for the consciousness of space;
  • the flowing blood, the fluid of the heart is in its circulation an image of the mobility of spiritual consciousness.



the logic of the head had to be unfolded by means of the organs of the brain and spine.


Our brain was formed out of the higher spirit world, and our spiritualised heart of the future will be formed out of the buddhi plane as we have heard, our present heart was formed out of the lower spirit world.


with illustration, see also Astrology

In that half of the brain which is found by the anatomist, and of which one may say that it is shaped like a half-hemisphere, those activities of the spiritual cosmos which proceed from the upper nuances are specially operative.

On the other hand, there is a part of the brain which is visible only when one observes the etheric body; and this is specially influenced by the lower part of the spiritual cosmos. (see Diagram 9 and Diagram 11.)

But how is it with this influencing?

Let us say of someone that with his Logicism he is placed in Sensationalism, and that with his Empiricism he is placed in Mathematism. The resulting forces then work into his brain, so that the upper part of his brain is specially active and dominates the rest.

Countless varieties of brain-activity arise from the fact that the brain swims, as it were, in the spiritual cosmos, and its forces work into the brain in the way we have been able to describe. The brains of men are as varied in kind as all the possible combinations that can spring from this spiritual cosmos.

The lower part of the spiritual cosmos does not act on the physical brain at all, but on the etheric brain.


full extract see: Waking Consciousness#1914-01-23-GA151

[the Man in the mirror]

The uncompromising materialist of our day finds it suits his purpose to say that the brain forms the thought — more exactly, that the central nervous system forms the thought.

For anyone who sees through things, this is about as true as to say when one looks into a mirror that the mirror has “made” the face.

In fact, the face is outside the mirror; the mirror only reflects the face, throws it back.

The experience a Man has of his thoughts is quite similar.

(We will leave aside for the moment other aspects of the soul.) The experience of real, active thinking no more arises from the brain than the image of a face is created by the mirror. The brain, in fact, works only as a reflecting apparatus, whereby it throws back the soul-activity and this becomes visible to itself. The brain has as little to do with what a Man perceives as thoughts as a mirror has to do with your face when you see it in a glass. But there is something more than that. When someone thinks, he really perceives only the last phases of his thinking-activity, of his thinking experience.

And now, in order to make this clear, I want to take up once more the comparison with the mirror.


see Schema FMC00.123

Our cerebellum is a remnant of the Old Moon stage of evolution; it sits there as a sign of the battles that the Gods fought for us. The cerebellum arose from what was thought on Old Moon. There were no errors in our thoughts then, for divine powers thought for us and guided our thoughts. Man had no freedom yet; divine beings directed him. Now that he's become independent .. he must be responsible for what he thinks.

There are also remnants of Old Moon in the cerebrum's pineal and pituitary glands; on Old Moon they were what the lung and heart are in Man today.

What a Man does now will form his cerebrum on Future Jupiter. What he thinks in connection with his cerebrum now will form his cerebellum on Future Jupiter.


describes the process of continuous depositing and destruction of minerals


If we examined the nerves which go out from the brain, then again the most important substance in these nerves is soda and phosphorus. Only that they are connected with each other in a different way than this seed is, that they are, so to speak, hardened with each other.

It is not at all wonderful that out of the human being also such a thing arises, which is thought. By taking over what otherwise lies only in the seed, Man processes soda and phosphorus in the nervous system.

Just as outside in the world there is phosphorus and hydrogen everywhere, so soda and phosphorus are inside in this human brain sphere.

But now you can see why we need the carbonic acid inside the head. It is because the soda is continually being converted. The carbonic acid separates from the sodium, and in the end we would get a hard skull from the sodium - which is a silvery metal - if the carbonic acid did not continuously tingle in us and the soda was not produced in us. So we absorb the carbonic acid into the sodium, so that the soda is correctly distributed in our head.

And from what is all around us, through the hair, through the skin, we absorb phosphorus, hydrogen.


And when this mineral substance disintegrates, a power of the highest order takes hold of just these products of mineral disintegration and from them builds up new worlds. The mineral element in any particular place can become of all things the most important.

When we follow the course of Earth-stage of evolution — warmth-condition, air-condition, water-condition, mineral-earthly condition — the human head has participated in all these metamorphoses, the mineral metamorphosis being the first to work outwards in the disintegrating skeleton of the head — though it still retains a certain vitality. But this human head has participated in the earthly-mineral metamorphosis in a way which is even more apparent.

[secretion of brain sand by pineal gland]

In the centre of the human head within the structure of the brain there is an organ shaped like a pyramid, the pineal gland. This pineal gland, situated in the vicinity of the corpus quadrigemina and the optic thalamus secretes out of itself the so-called brain sand, minute lemon-yellow stones which lie in little heaps at one end of the pineal gland, and which are in fact the mineral element in the human head. If they do not lie there, if Man does not bear this brain-sand, this mineral element, within him, he becomes an idiot or a cretin. In the case of normal people the pineal gland is comparatively large. In cretins pineal glands have been found which are actually no larger than hemp seeds; these cannot secrete the brain-sand.

It is actually in this mineral deposit that the spirit-man is situated; and this already indicates that what is living cannot harbour the spirit, but that the human spirit needs the nonliving as its centre-point, that this is above all things necessary to it as independent living spirit.


The human brain floats in cerebral fluid and due to its etheric functioning and nature has a strong upwards lifting force. This is why a brain of say 1500 gram only weights about 20 gram in a living human being, this upthrust is an example of the etheric forces.


[in context of treatment of migraine]

In the head-organisation we observe, first of all, the continuations of the sense-nerves which are most wonderfully intertwined and interwoven. The nerves as they continue on into the centre of the brain from the senses, form a marvellous structure. It represents the highest point of perfection in respect of the physical organisation, for there the I of man impresses the most intense form of its activity upon the physical body. The way in which the nerves pass inwards from the senses and are linked together, bringing about something like an inner articulation within the organism, places the human organism at a much higher level than the animal. And it is possible, just because the I-organisation must take hold at this point in order to control this marvellous structure, that it may occasionally fail and then that part of the physical organisation gets left to itself. It may happen that the I-organisation is not powerful enough to permeate this so-called “white matter” of the brain or to organise it thoroughly.

Now the white matter of the brain is surrounded by the grey matter — a substance which is far less delicately organised but which is indeed regarded by ordinary physiology as being the more important of the two. This it is not, for the reason that it is connected much more with nutrition. We have a far more mobile activity in respect of nutrition — of inner accumulation of substance — in the grey brain-matter, than in the white matter which lies in the middle and which in a much greater degree is a foundation for the spiritual.

Now everything in the human organism belongs together, for every member works upon every other.

Directly, therefore, that the I begins to withdraw to some extent from the central — the white brain-substance — the grey matter becomes disordered. The astral body and the etheric body can no longer take proper hold of the grey matter; and so the whole of the interior of the head gets out of order.

The I-organisation withdraws from the central brain, the astral organisation withdraws more from the periphery of the brain; and the whole organisation of the head is dislocated.

The central brain begins to be less serviceable for the forming of concepts, more akin to the grey matter, developing a kind of digestive process which it ought not to do; the grey matter begins to unfold an excessively strong digestive process.

And then foreign bodies are absorbed; a strong excretory process permeates the brain. All this reacts upon the finer breathing processes, principally, however, upon the rhythmic processes of the blood-circulation. Thus we get, not perhaps a very deeply penetrating, but still a very significant disorder arising in the human organism and the question is:

How are we to restore the I-organisation to the system of nerves and senses?

How are we to drive the I back again to the place it has left — into the central part of the brain ?

This we can do if we administer a substance of which I spoke in the earlier lectures, namely, silicic acid. If, however, we were to give only silicic acid, we should, it is true, send back the I into the central nerves-and-senses system in the head, but we should leave the surrounding part, i.e., the grey matter of the brain, untouched.

Thus we must at the same time so regulate the digestive process of the grey matter that it no longer ' overflows,' that it incorporates itself rhythmically into the whole organisation of the human being. Therefore we must simultaneously administer iron which is there in order to regulate these connections — so that the rhythmic organisation shall be placed once more in its right relation to the system lying at the basis of spiritual activity.


Related pages

References and further reading

  • John Eccles, Daniel N. Robinson: 'The wonder of being human : our brain and our mind' (1985)
  • Klaus Jensen: 'Gehirn und Denken : Beiträge zum Leib-Seele- Problem' (1995)
  • Jens Heisterkam (Urs Pohlmann et al.): 'Geist und Gehirn : Beiträge zu einem monistischen Verständnis' (1999)
  • Andreas Neider (Gerald Hüther et al.): 'Wer strukturiert das menschliche Gehirn? : Fragen der Hirnforschung an das Selbstverständnis des Menschen' (2006)