- clouds
- rain
- sunlight
- fog and mist
- storms
- effects of thunder and lightning
- hurricanes and tornadoes
- droughts
- examples: Europe: 1770-1840 (Dalton minimum); Asia 1876-1879 (Great Famine in India and China); China 1928-1930
- floods and tsunamis
- aurora that light up the skies of the poles,
- climate change
- science to predict the weather
Lecture coverage and references
see long extract on: Atlantean epoch#1910-12-31-GA126
discusses the natural rhythm related to the Spirits of Form, and links it to the ice ages, see more on Macroscopic rhythms
Once one has grasped that what is a meadow today was not a meadow in, say, the 13th century, but that there was another meadow there which has perished in the meantime, one gets an idea of the mission of snow: It is the bearer of a continual dying process.
One gets more snow every year, and ice is continually renewed from above, as nature dies into this whole, elementary shaping process that is present in the dynamics of snow and ice formation.
This is the way things are in our time. However, this state of affairs will eventually change. We will say more about this shortly.
Related pages
- Lightning
- Earth
- Rhythm of a day
- Macroscopic rhythms
- Scientific research into the etheric formative forces
References and further reading
- Friedrich Doldinger editor: 'Weisheit der Wolken : Gedanken und Gedichte vom Erleben des Wolkenreiches' (1930)
- Gerhard Schmidt: 'Wolken und Wetter'
- Ernst Lehrs, Luke Howard: 'The language of the clouds' (Lehrs), 'Essay on the modification of clouds' (Howard) (1987)
- Dennis Klocek
- 'Weather' (1987)
- 'Weather and cosmos' (1990)
- Climate: Soul of the Earth (2011)
- C. Donald Ahrens, Robert Henson: 'Essentials of Meteorology: An Invitation to the Atmosphere' (1993)
Photography books on weather
- Storm Dunlop: 'Weather: Spectacular Images of the World's Extraordinary Climate' (2006)
- The Royal Meteorological Society: 'Weather: A Force of Nature' (2022)