Future Venus

From Anthroposophy

Future Venus is a future planetary stage in the evolution of our solar system, after the current stage Earth and the following stage Future Jupiter.It is thereby the sixth of seven stages after Old Saturn, Old Sun, Old Moon, the current Earth stage, and Future Jupiter.

The developmental goal for humanity on Future Venus will be the life-spirit or budhi principle (Schema FMC00.130). Future Venus will be the closing stage of the impact of the Christ Impulse, and represent the final stage of evil, whereby the human beings that have resisted normal evolution fall away with the separation of the Eight Sphere.


development of Mankind

  • central theme for Mankind during the Future Venus stage will be the development of the life spirit (or budhi), see Schema FMC00.130 on Man's transformation and spiritualization
  • there will be three human kingdoms, differing in degrees of perfection, and a lower animal kingdom
  • see sixth CoL or round on Earth as a forebode for the Future Venus condition, see Schema FMC00.298 on Earth rounds perspective
  • consciousness
    • Man will attain the level of self-conscious object consciousness or supra-psychic consciousness and be ruler over the creative forces of other worlds: he will not only perceive and influence beings, but he himself will create. See also CoC=6 on Schema FMC00.048.
  • faculties - capabilities
    • Mankind will develop the creative power of speech.
      • "Today speech arises inwardly and is sent out only into the air. In the future, the spoken word will not fade away into the air but will continue to exist, and with it a Man will create actual forms. During the Future Jupiter stage Man will have power to shape himself by his thoughts; during the Future Venus stage Man will give form to the world around him. During the Future Venus existence creative feelings will arise, creative speech, and the feelings that create through the word. If during the Future Venus-existence — when all substance will be as fine as air — he utters an evil word, something like a repulsive plant-form will come into being. Hence a man will be surrounded by the creations of his own speech." (1923-08-30-GA227, see Walking Speaking Thinking#1923-08-30-GA227)
      • see also: Schema FMC00.367 and first apocalyptic seal on The human heart as a future organ
  • physiology
    • the shoulder blades and the knee caps will become two more craniums or brains on Future Venus (1914-10-06-GA156)

kingdoms of nature

  • all mineral matter, also the whole plant kingdom will no longer exist, " of all you see today Man himself alone contains anything that in accordance with law continues beyond the Future Venus existence" and "this glowing sphere of the Sun will not exist beyond the Future Venus stage; it will then disappear (1918-08-24-GA183)
  • the plant kingdom will have disappeared, the lowest will be the animal kingdom, metamorphosed a second time. Above it will be three human kingdoms, differing in degrees of perfection.

cosmic bodies during the Future Venus stage

  • Future Venus will remain united with the Sun, so there will no longer be a departure and reunion.
  • a distinct cosmic body will break away, containing all the beings who have resisted evolution and constituting a so-called 'irredeemable moon' or 'unredeemable moon' (1909-GA013). See also Eighth sphere

Christ impulse

  • The Christ Impulse will have its influence until the first half of the Future Venus cycle (see Schema FMC00.022)

Inspirational quotes


Man will give form to the world around him with creative speech: feelings that create through the word. If during the Future Venus-existence — when all substance will be as fine as air — Man utters an evil word, something like a repulsive plant-form will come into being. Hence a Man will be surrounded by the creations of his own speech.


Schema FMC00.143 is a schema developed by Maximilian Rebholz in his book published in 1936, and further elaborated upon in his essays on the Elementary Kingdoms in 1948 and 1950. It also appears in a GA091 lecture of 1905 which was published for the first time in the GA in 2018.

The schema shows that on Old Saturn, the thoughts of the archai created the human phantom in the first elementary kingdom (blue). With each planetary stage - and the Three dimensions of evolution, these 'thoughts of a hierarchy' ripple down from higher to lower spirit world where they are developed into form, then clothed into astral, etc. As a result we currently have a mineral physical body on Earth(blue). And Man has become fourfold, with an etheric body developed 'down' from 'thoughts of the archangels' on Old Sun (green), and an astral body developed from the initial 'thoughts of the angels' on Old Moon (red). On Earth, Man is also developing thoughts through his I. The seeds for future worlds that Man is creating today will also develop further to form the basis of future developments in the next planetary stages of evolution.

In the future, Man will further develop (down on the third column from left on this chart) into different Conditions of Consciousness. On Future Vulcan, Man's I - the core of Man's being, see Man's higher triad - will have developed into the mineral kingdom.


Schema FMC00.022 shows the development of the macrocosmos, and sketches the impact of the Christ Impulse will be until the first half of the Future Venus cycle.

Compare with the CoC and outbreathing cycles of the Logoi on Schema FMC00.077A (which does not show the weaving, at the end of the cycles, of the monad of the higher self by the Thrones, Cherubim and Seraphim).

Schema FMC00.022A shows the research underlying the schema, based on the original manuscripts of the people attending the lecture, and the typoscripts by the consecutive editors. In some lectures a topic is covered and clarified which is not to be found in any other lecture for which notes are available. In such cases it is important to understand the exact wordings and nuances. In some cases there are important details in the drawings, or major changes in the edits through consecutive editing and publishing cycles.


Lecture coverage and references


quote A

The next condition of consciousness to which Man develops on a further planet, Future Venus, is distinguished from the previous one by the fact that the soul can now create not only images, but also objects and beings.

This occurs in the self-conscious object consciousness or supra-psychic consciousness.

Through the image consciousness man can perceive something of supersensible beings and objects, and he can influence them through the awakening of his image conceptions.

But in order for that to take place which he desires of such a supersensible being, at his instigation, this being must use its own forces. Thus Man is the ruler over images, and he can produce effects through these images. But he is not yet lord over the forces themselves.

When his self-conscious object consciousness is developed, he will also be ruler over the creative forces of other worlds. He will not only perceive and influence beings, but he himself will create.

quote B - GA013 - Chapter 6

In the Future Venus stage of evolution the plant kingdom too will have disappeared. The lowest will then be the animal kingdom, metamorphosed a second time. Above it will be three human kingdoms, differing in degrees of perfection.

During the Future Venus stage the 'Earth' will remain united with the Sun. In Future Jupiter stage, on the other hand, there will come a time when the Sun will separate again and Future Jupiter will be receiving the solar influences from without. Then, after Sun and Future Jupiter have again become united, the transition to the Future Venus state will gradually be accomplished. [separation of Eight sphere] From Future Venus, at a certain stage, a separate celestial body becomes detached. This - as it were, an “irreclaimable Moon” - includes all the beings who have persisted in withstanding the true course of evolution. It enters now upon a line of development such as no words can portray, so utterly unlike is it to anything within the range of Man's experience on Earth.

The evolved humanity on the other hand, in a form of existence utterly spiritualized, goes forward into Vulcan evolution, any description of which would be beyond the compass of this book.

Merriam-Webster meaning for 'unredeemable': not capable of being cured or reformed, not capable of being repaired, regained, or undone

.. in other words, some kind of evolutionary 'trash'

quote C (longer)

see: Evil#1909-GA013


During the Future Venus stage the Earth remains united with the Sun ..

During that stage a special cosmic body splits off that contains all the beings who have resisted evolution, a so to speak 'irredeemable moon', which now moves toward an evolution, for the character of which no expression can be found because it is too dissimilar to anything that man can experience on earth.

The evolved mankind, however, advances in a completely spiritualized existence to the Future Vulcan evolution .

1911-10-01-GA130 RSH:

Concerning the corpse of the earth: “As the residue of Moon we have our present moon... Similarly, there will be a residue of the earth, which will circle around Jupiter. Then these residues will gradually dissolve into the universal ether. On Venus, there will no longer be any residue. Venus will manifest, to begin with, as pure warmth, and then it will become light and then pass over into the spiritual world. The residue left behind by the earth will be like a corpse. Man must not accompany the earth, for he would thereby be exposed to dreadful torments along this path. But there are beings who accompany this corpse, since they themselves will by that means develop to a higher stage.”


Question: What happens to the Earth's corpse?


  • As the residue of the Moon-evolution we have our present moon which circles around the Earth.
  • Similarly there will be a residue of the Earth which will circle around Future Jupiter. Then these residues will gradually dissolve into the universal ether.
    • The residue left behind by the Earth will be like a corpse. This is a path along which Man must not accompany the Earth, for he would thereby be exposed to dreadful torments. But there are beings who accompany this corpse, since they themselves will by that means develop to a higher stage.
  • On Future Venus there will no longer be any residue. Future Venus will manifest, to begin with, as pure warmth, then it will become light and then pass over into the spiritual world.

link to the DE version online

machine translation

The line of development of the macrocosmic principles is as follows:

  • First macrocosmic principle of development Thrones.
  • Second macrocosmic principle of development = Cherubim
  • Third macrocosmic principle of development = Seraphim
  • Fourth macrocosmic principle of evolution = Christ


The Christ principle thus continues to develop through the Future Jupiter stage and is fully developed only around the middle of the sixth, the Future Venus stage.

From the middle of the Atlantean epoch on, the Christ principle can only work in the first germ beginnings. In Man this happens through the creation of the first I germ. The first direct, real influence happened in our time in the revelation on Sinai, where the Christ revealed himself to Moses under the name of Yahweh or Jehovah. Then the direct connection of the Christ with the Earth happened through the baptism of the Jordan and the three years in the bodies of Jesus of Nazareth. Thus, the Christ impulse entered humanity at the same time as the I impulse. Christ therefore means the macrocosmic I.

The further development of the fifth, sixth and seventh principle on Earth can therefore only be possible inwardly like a kind of premonition. No higher body can be given to man than the physical body built up with the fourth macrocosmic principle. Only on Future Jupiter we receive the fifth and on Future Venus the sixth body and so on


is the lecture on human and cosmic I

development of buddhi


Luciferic beings that remained behind on the Moon develop their fifth, sixth or seventh members on earth, while they incorporate in human bodies and make the human beings concerned "obsessed". These become important human leaders, genii, etc. These beings, particularly those who develop the sixth and seventh members will also be the leaders of the human beings in future epochs of the earth to the development of manas, buddhi, and atma. However, these members will not be the property of the person like the ego but anticipations of future planetary stages.

Compared with the microcosmic luciferic beings Christ is a macrocosmic being who already remained behind in wise foresight on the Sun and has developed up to the macrocosmic ego. “Thus the Christ-Being is a being who resembles to the human being in a certain sense, except that the human being is microcosmic... But his evolution had proceeded in a way that meant He had grown very great and significant through the full development of this Ego that he brought down onto earth. And He did not yet have the fifth and sixth macrocosmic principles, for He will develop these, so that He can give them to the human being on Jupiter and Venus.“

The luciferic beings tower above Christ, indeed, only microcosmically. Therefore: “A time will come when people elevate the most powerful and important of these luciferic spirits – who will try to lead the human beings beyond himself – to a position of great honour and distinction, regarding him as a great leader of humankind.... and people will say: He surpasses Christ; because Christ was in reality nothing more than the one who enabled us to develop the fourth principle, however, this spirit enables us to get as far as the seventh principle during earth evolution!... Thus, will the Antichrist gain ascendancy over Christ in the future. In addition, we will be able to make no objection to this with our outward reason and insight. For it will be possible to point to many things in which the Antichrist demonstrates greater intellect and genius than the deepest human Christ principle increasingly flowing into the soul. Christ brings us the fourth macrocosmic principle which … is infinitely more important than all microcosmic principles.

quote A

Thus the Christ Being is a Being Who in a certain sense is like the human being, only that man is microcosmic and has brought his four principles to expression microcosmically, and hence has his I also microcosmically as Earth-I — but the Christ as Cosmic I. His evolution was such that he was great and significant because of the perfect development of this I, which he brought down to Earth. And he had not the fifth macrocosmic principle, and not the sixth, for he [Christ] will evolve these on Future Jupiter and on Future Venus, in order that he may give them to Man.

The Christ, then, is a four-membered Being, including His macrocosmic I, just as Man himself is microcosmically a four-membered being. And as man during the earth time has as his mission the development of his I, in order to be able to receive, so the Christ had to develop his I, in order to be able to give. When He descended to earth His whole being was employed in bringing His fourth principle to expression in the most perfect possible form. Now each macrocosmic principle has an inner relationship to the corresponding microcosmic principle; the fourth macrocosmic principle in the Christ corresponds to the fourth microcosmic principle in man, and the fifth in the Christ will correspond to the spirit-self in Man.

Thus the Christ entered upon his earthly course in that he brought down to man out of the macrocosm what man was to evolve microcosmically — only the Christ brought it as a macrocosmic principle. He entered the Earth evolution in such a way that during its course He would not have a fifth, sixth and seventh principle as His personal possession, just as Man in his way does not possess them.

The Christ is a being who had evolved macrocosmically up to the fourth principle, and the evolution of his fourth principle during the earth course consists in his bestowing upon man everything which will enable him to evolve his I.


see also: Spectrum of death#1913-02-20-GA140

What about the souls who here on Earth suffer such a fate, who perish in the flower of their youth, who are destroyed early by epidemics?

What about these souls, when they pass through the portal of death into the spiritual world before their time?

We learn the fate of these souls when with the eye of the seer we penetrate, so to speak, into the occupation of the spirits who give a forward impulse to the evolution of the earth, or to all evolution. These beings of the higher hierarchies have certain forces, certain powers to further development; but they are in a certain way limited with regard to these forces and powers. Thus the following becomes manifest:

The completely materialistic souls, those who lose all sense of the supersensible world, are in fact already in this our era threatened by a kind of blight, a kind of cutting off from progressive development. And in a certain way already in our era the danger exists that a large portion of humanity may not be able to keep up with evolution, because they are, so to speak, bound to the earth by the heaviness of their own souls, being completely materialistic souls, so that they are not taken along for the next incarnation. But this danger is to be deflected according to the decision of the higher hierarchies.

The truth is that the hour of decision for the souls who, having cut themselves off completely, are not carried along with the evolution, that the hour of decision does not come until the sixth period — actually, not until the Future Venus planetary stage of evolution. Souls must not fall prey to the downward pull of gravity to such an extent that they are compelled to remain behind. It is actually according to the decision of the higher hierarchies that this must not happen.

But these beings of the higher hierarchies are in a certain way limited in their forces and capabilities. Nothing is unlimited, even among the beings of the higher hierarchies. And if it were only a question of the forces of these higher hierarchies, then completely materialistic souls, through themselves, would have to be already cut off in a certain way from progressive evolution. The beings of the higher hierarchies really cannot alone by themselves save these souls — so an expedient is used.

Namely, the souls that die here an early death have, as souls, a possibility before them. Let us say they die through some catastrophe; for instance, they are run over by an express train — then indeed the bodily sheath is taken from such a soul; it is now free from its body, denuded of its body, but it still contains the forces which might be active in the body here on Earth. By going into the spiritual world such souls carry up very special forces, which in fact still might have been effective here on Earth, but which have been prematurely diverted. Forces, especially applicable in helping, are carried up by those who die early. And the beings of the higher hierarchies use these forces to save the souls whom they could not have saved by their own power.


is on the future of Man, (p60):

the transformation of current elements of the physical body is described, and how the shoulder blades and the knee caps will become two more craniums or brains on Future Venus. Reference is made to the praying position with hands folded and sitting on knees.

.. just as once we only had pieces of the cranium here in front on the forehead, we now have lying flat behind our shoulder blades what will eventually enclose our future brain ..

.. there are yet other organs of the human organism that are pieces of a further cranium .. these are the kneecaps .. they will become a thought organ ..

.. the human being has in fact three craniums: one is fairly well formed and closed off on all sides, the second is so far present only in two pieces (the shoulder blades), the third consists of nothing more than the kneecaps. ..


.. we know of the Old Saturn, Old Sun, Old Moon and Earth stages of planetary evolution.

Nothing of what is now called matter and energy will pass beyond the Future Venus evolution.

Hence the most lasting kind of matter, that which reaches Future Venus, will then come to an end.

We have just passed the middle of our world-evolution, as we view it, and are in the fifth period of the Earth-evolution, beyond the middle of that; and we are already living in the setting.: that is, in the time of devolution, in which the vanishing of matter and energy comes to pass. The right you take as we studied physics and chemistry would be this — that the knowledge acquired through these sciences bears only upon the transitory, which at latest will disappear from the universe with the Future Venus-stage. In the whole purview the present-day science there is nothing which deals with the permanent; because by means of the ideas and concepts that can be “proved” in a manner favored today, it is impossible to discover only what in this sense is transitory. Man moves only in the transitory.


see: Seeds for future worlds#1918-08-24-GA183


Work area

GA11-11: suprapsychic consciousness

GA99-25: shades in animal kingdom

GA104-25: transformation of physical body

GA156-03: spiritual human organ

GA177-02: moral development

Related pages

References and further reading

  • Richard Seddon: The future of humanity and the earth, as foreseen by Rudolf Steiner (2002)