Seeds for future worlds
This topic page is about an image: to see Man and his life's actions: thoughts feelings and actions, as directly influencing and contributing to the future, as seeds for the future worlds that are to come. Specifically it captures the relationship of how Man today co-creates the kingdoms of Future Jupiter.
This has a huge moral implications in terms of responsability for Man to lead the best life possible, as directed by his conscience. Because he himself will be born again in the future world, as will his children. Therefore, given his free choice, he should be acting responsibly as co-creator of the future worlds. It is a stretch indeed to see, in Man's daily down-to-earth functioning, to see in those seemingly mundane things, the co-creator in cosmic development, yet it is so. That is why this site is called as it is, see Meaning of Free Man Creator.
This topic connects with various aspects:
- the theme of reincarnation, where this becomes more visible as Man sheds off his bodily garments and contributes to the universe
- the functioning of Man, and how he writes into the spirit world with his I, how his thinking feeling and willing soul actions create something new (into the fourth layer of devachan, the spirit world).
- Man's 'soul functioning' - like acting, speaking, thinking .. is through the higher hierarchies, as Man is made up of these and they 'enable' our conscious functioning .. and as they evolve, so do our actions 'go along' in this process and influence future creation (1905-10-12-GA093A)
- the vision of Future Jupiter, the next incarnation of our current planet Earth .. and how we can link the various aspects of humanity's activity to what we will find on Future Jupiter, what it will be constituted of
- the impact of the Christ Impulse and the Mystery of Golgotha on the above (see 1921-10-09-GA207 below) as well as enlivened images and Christ Module 10 in the study of the Christ
Man currently creates thoughts in the Elementary Kingdom in the Higher Spirit World, during Future Jupiter and Venus Man will create images with it, in Future Vulcan Man will be able to emanate and eject out what was created and evolved as an independant entity. See also Twelve Conditions of Consciousness, Meaning of Free Man Creator and Sacrifice.
- in the current stage of evolution, Man has individual action, but not yet individual speech or thoughts. Our speech and thought are connected to shared higher hierarchies (folk souls at archangel level, archai) and concern a larger group of human beings to the whole human race. In the future Man's individuation will separate these faculties off as well so Man will become an individual creator (1905-10-12-GA093A)
- for reference: Rudolf Steiner uses the literal expression 'seeds for future worlds' in 1921-09-24-GA207 and 1921-10-09-GA207. The first lecture is an introductory mention, the second elaborates. (see reference lecture extracts below)
Man during incarnate life
- Man's inner soul life has in it the germs for Future Jupiter, its form constitution and kingdoms, see Schemas FMC00.357 and FMC00.364
- interplay between the hierarchies as part of weaving creation together along the evolutionary path (see Three dimensions of evolution). So the hierarchies 'make up our constitution', they are active in us and our thinking-feeling-willing fields of soul activity nurture the hierarchies through the higher worlds - see Schema FMC00.213 on Thinking Feeling Willing. The three meetings of the current Human 'I' are like in-process touchpoints for development of the Higher Self
- how the archai lie at the origin of Man on Old Saturn, 'carried' the seeds of this Elementary Kingdom along in their evolution, and on Earth were able to release it when Man became individualized. See The elementary kingdoms - schemas FMC00.147 and FMC00.143A. The Archai remain connected to humanity, though at a higher level, see Schema FMC00.357
- how the angels were breathing out what helped Man develop on Old Moon (1915-01-03-GA275, see Schema FMC00.364)
- the so-called 'reverse ritual' referring to the trans-substantiation from the earthly, created by Man, to the future spiritual. Man's conscious life as Free Man Creator in thoughts, feelings, acting, represents a form of communion. (see Schema FMC00.323 below and reverse ritual)
Man during process between death and a new birth
- after death, Man lays off the lower bodies or repositories as 'fruits of the earth' and 'seeds for cosmic worlds we bear'
- this image shows how we are the drop as part of the ocean, and the microcosm is making up the macrocosm
Pralaya process between Earth and Future Jupiter
- the soul contents of human beings comes together in the regions of spirit land, these regions are not about one individual but about superhuman realm consisting of 'categories, strata, groupings' of moral qualities. After the major pralaya, between planetary incarnations, the kingdoms of the previous planetary stage are lifted 'one up' (and the rest down), so Man will enter in such a realm with his nature during Future Jupiter (1921-10-09-GA207)
- Man's soul contains the germs of the future form and forces of Future Jupiter. Man will transform his body and spiritualize through working upon his soul, his body becomes "an outward image of the soul which has taken Christ into itself" .. and all these bodies together united in a single cosmic globe will make up Future Jupiter. (1908-06-26-GA104)
Inspirational quotes
Buckminster Fuller
We are called to be architects of our future, not its victims.
All that we see round us with our eyes, or that we hear with our ears all that we perceive around us with all our senses, will, when the Earth reaches the Future Venus stage, be non-existent; but out of that nothingness the possibility will be given for the Ideals of modern humanity to become the external Ordering of Nature. ... It is of immense significance that Man should at the present time, have this illumination: that the Ideals of the present constitute the Nature of the future.
[in sleep] .. this air you breathe out brings you continually the secrets of your inner life. You perceive these, although this perception is, of course, unconscious for the untrained sleeping consciousness. This exhaled air ‘sparkles forth’ from you and its appearance leads you to say: That is I myself, my inner human being, sparkling out into the universe.
[after death] .. The world gives us much and we hold it together .. and the moment we die the world takes back what it has given. But it is something new that it receives, for we have experienced it all in a particular way. The world receives our whole experience and impresses it upon its own ether. ... we are not only here for ourselves; the universe has its own intentions in regard to us. It has put us here that its own content may pass through us and be received again in the form into which we can transmute it.
... The universe needs us because, through us, it ‘fulfils’ itself — fills itself again and again with its own content. ... We are not here for ourselves alone; we are here for the sake of the universe.
Schema FMC00.593: illustrates how the human being sheds off his lower bodies after death, and gives off the cosmos the fruits of the Earth. As a result of the incarnate life on Earth, Man contributes the seeds for future worlds, that are taken up and carried by the higher hierarchies. Thoughts and feelings create fields of activity for the Third Hierarchy (H3) and Second Hierarchy (H2).
The process of death like an exhaling out into the cosmos. A new birth is like an inhaling, bringing down the spirit germ into the physical body carried by the stream of heredity (see Schema FMC00.321 and Schema FMC00.331 and on Embryo in the womb).
During incarnated life on Earth, the forces from the higher worlds keep working in the human being, see also the double.
Schema FMC00.630: shows how Man's bodily principles is made up of the spiritual hierarchies, and how Man contributes the seeds for future worlds to the Third Hierarchy after death of incarnate life on Earth (see also Schema FMC00.593).
The table is an improved variant of the drawing with 1911-12-17-GA265A based on the various notes of this private study hour.
- Substance and form relate to the pillars of the Tree of Life and the logoic principle (Schema FMC00.067A and FMC00.067B)
- Regarding the spiritual hierarchies, compare also with a.o. Schema FMC00.058.
Schema FMC00.563: is a (temporary draft) notebook drawing for a Schema called 'Durchgang' to Maximilian Rebholz’ essay ‘Der Durchgang der Weltgedanken durch den Menschen‘ (1946-47). The drawing represents the scope and flow covered in this essay.
- How Man on Earth was brought forth as a result of cosmic world thoughts, that crystallized down with Earth from etheric points (see eg Schema FMC00.570) in the first half of the Earth planetary stage of evolution (see also Adam Kadmon and Giant Ymir)
- How the human being carries, in its I-consciousness and faculties of Thinking, Feeling and Willing (TFW) the seeds for future worlds.
- How the cosmic breathing process of in- and out- breathing takes place, with in the middle the pralaya, see also Occult Atom (and the future plan for humanity).
- How the old is dying, as the result of what has been generated by the out-breathing.
- How the Christ Impulse gave the injection of the new for a spiritual future as the old was and is dying (see ao Schema FMC00.400 and Schema FMC00.190)
- How Christ as Second Adam is the future group soul that will be the essence or seed that will carry over to form the basis for what is to come, in the next planetary stage of evolution Future Jupiter - see also Transition between Earth and Future Jupiter
- How what Man is contributing is part of what is ‘breathed in’ by the hierarchies (see eg Schema FMC00.593).
So the essay centers on the Earth stage and positions Man as to where he came from, and what will be his future. But also how Man contributes to the future cosmos as as Free Man Creator, carried by and through the spiritual hierarchies.
Schema FMC00.515 is a BlackBoard Drawing (BBD) by Rudolf Steiner depicting how - in blue - Man’s structure with lower bodily principles of physical, etheric and astral bodies - the result of evolution in previous planetary stages of evolution upto Earth - are but a vehicle for development of consciousness and the Human I experience, which is the pivotal developmental goal for our current Earth stage of evolution. Currently, the faculties of waking consciousness are - in white - the soul faculties of Thinking Feeling Willing. As a scaffold, these lower bodies (in blue) will vanish at the end of the Earth stage of planetary evolution. The activity of the conscious human I experience (in white) however makes up the seeds taken and carried by the spiritual hierarchies into Future Jupiter (in red).
Schema FMC00.492 illustrates how Man's structure contains substructures developed during the previous planetary stages Old Saturn, Old Sun and Old Moon and the current Earth, corresponding to Man's bodily principles (such as physical, etheric, astral bodies and I) active in the Spectrum of elements and ethers that was created during each stage. The human I uses these structures for the activities of the threefold soul with different levels or conditions of consciousness: for a bridge to human Thinking, Feeling and Willing and the various ethers, see Schema FMC00.245.
However, as Man's constitution consists of the spiritual hierarchies (see also Cosmic Fractal), it is the Third Hierarchy which lives in these bodily structures and soul activities, and they will carry further 'Free Man Creator's contributions through the developments of future worlds.
Schema FMC00.364 complements Schema FMC00.357 and can be read together with Schema FMC00.238, showing the influence of Man's activities today on the future world of Future Jupiter.
Schema FMC00.357 shows how Future Jupiter's kingdoms will arise through Man's soul activities, carried over by the spiritual hierarchies. The three lower kingdoms will arise from Man's thinking, feeling, and will based soul activities that nurture the third hierarchy H3. The upper right cell explains how the rise of the hierarchy of the archai through and after the pralaya transforms their impulses.
Schema FMC00.323 provides an infographic shows, on the right, the meditation text provides by Rudolf Steiner, with the explanatory quotes taken from the lecture reference shown. Through conscious thinking and the powers of the soul, Man becomes Free Man Creator: and this trans-substantion from the earthly to the future spiritual represents a form of communion. It is called 'reverse ritual' because Man now offers his contribution to the spiritual worlds, instead of performing a ritual with a receiving symbolism. See also: reverse ritual.
Lecture coverage and references
We are living now in the epoch of evolution that may be called the mineral epoch; and our task is to permeate this mineral world through and through with the spirit within us.
Think of what this means.
You are building a house. You fetch the stones from a quarry and hew them into the shapes required by the building, and so on.
What are you inculcating into this raw material obtained from the mineral kingdom?
You are inculcating human spirit into the raw material.
If you construct a machine, you have laid the spirit that is part of you, into that machine; the actual machine does, of course, perish and become dust; not a trace of it will survive.
But what you have done, what you have achieved, passes into the very atoms and does not vanish without a trace. Every atom bears a trace of your spirit and will carry this trace with it. Whether an atom has at some time been in a machine, or has not been in a machine, is not a matter of indifference. The atom itself has undergone change as a result of having once been in a machine, and this change that you have wrought in the atom will never again be lost to it.
Moreover, through your having changed the atom, through the fact that you have united the spirit in you with the mineral world, a permanent stamp has been made upon the general consciousness of mankind; just so much consciousness goes with you into the other world.
Future evolution must be prepared for. What Man already produces from himself, as preparation for the future human being, is the word, speech. What man speaks remains in the Akashic Record. It is the germinal beginning for the future human being.
Today Man sends out words: they are inscribed into the Akasha. There they remain, even though the airwaves vanish. Out of these words the Future Jupiter will later be formed. When therefore Man today uses evil, blasphemous language, then on Future Jupiter terrible formations will be brought about. This is why one should be so very careful of what one says, and why it is so immensely important that Man should be master of his speech.
In times to come man will send out his feelings, bring forth into his surroundings what he feels. This will be imparted to the fluid element. The entire fluid element of the planet which will follow next, Future Jupiter, will be an expression and result of the feelings of Men on Earth.
- What Man speaks today will give Jupiter its form;
- what he feels will engender its inner warmth;
- what he wills determines the separate beings inhabiting Future Jupiter.
Future Jupiter will be constructed out of the basic powers of the human soul.
- Just as today we can trace the rock formation of the Earth back to earlier conditions, so will the rock formation of the Future Jupiter be the result of our words.
- The ocean of Jupiter, the warmth of Jupiter, will arise out of the feelings of present-day humanity.
- The beings of Jupiter will arise out of human will.
Thus the inhabitants of a previous planet create the basic conditions for its successor. And beings who today still [Gap in text ...] hover over the Earth, as was once the case with the Monads, will enter into incarnation on the Future Jupiter. There will then exist a kind of Jupiter-Lemurian race. Beings will be there which we have created as the Pitris did. Just as we inhabited the grotesque forms of the Old Moon, so these beings will inhabit the forms which we develop by means of our pineal gland.
What the human being experiences on the physical plane is the skeleton of his creative activity; the foundation for the following periods of evolution. Through his contact with the outer world, faculties are formed within him according to which later planetary activity is ordered, after man himself will have become a planetary spirit. In our speech we create the foundation for later planetary conditions. What we speak today will actually be present there as foundation, just as the rocks and stones form the foundation of the earth. In one sphere the experiences pass through an involutionary process so that in another sphere they may be able to evolve. An individuality is divine in so far as he is able to breathe out again what he has taken in. The Devas become Devas as soon as they are able to give back again what they have previously absorbed.
In occultism we differentiate in man firstly his actions, in so far as by actions we understand everything which proceeds from any kind of activity connected with his hands; secondly speech and thirdly thoughts. Everything which in this sense he accomplishes with his hands brings about its karmic results in his next earthly existence. What we speak concerns not only ourselves alone, but also a group of human beings having the same language, and this affects the karma of the group or race.
In words lies a greater responsibility than in deeds alone: for with them we are preparing the configuration of a future race.
What we think works on even into a new formation of our Earth. We therefore distinguish three stages.
- Firstly: Human action is individual, with the exception of those actions in man that arise from nothingness.
- Secondly: Man cannot speak for himself alone; words concern a group of human beings.
- Thirdly: Thoughts are the concern of the whole of humanity.
With this, something else is connected.
[goes on to continue how this works, our 'functioning' is through the higher hierarchies as Man is made up of these and they 'enable' our functioning .. and as they evolve, so do our actions 'go along' in this process and influence future creation]
see: Enlivened images#1905-10-24-GA093A
And ..
- just as our inner being was prepared in the Earth,
- in the same way, in that which we shall have developed as our new body when the Earth has reached its goal, do we carry within us the form which the future planet, the future embodiment of our Earth must assume.
Today Man works upon his soul; in this way he makes his body more and more like the soul, and when the Earth has arrived at the end of its mission, his body will have become an outward image of the soul which has taken Christ into itself.
Such a Man will survive and implant in the next embodiment of our Earth the forces he has thus developed.
Future Jupiter will have an appearance such as men are able to bring about by constructing it out of their own bodies. This Future Jupiter will, to begin with, receive its form from that which Man has made for himself.
Imagine that all the bodies you have fashioned are united in a single cosmic globe; that will be Future Jupiter. In your soul you have the germs of the future form of Future Jupiter, and of the forces it will contain. And out of Future Jupiter will be born the Future Jupiter beings.
- do read in full
... maps the three parts in Man to the future kingdoms on Future Jupiter:
- the 'deep sleep consciousness' (like current minerals) Old Saturn-Man part in us, through the archai, to the mineral kingdom on Future Jupiter
- man, in his deep sleep, gives the archai the material, the means to create intuitions.
- the 'dull consciousness' (like current plants) Old Sun-Man part in us, through the archangels, to the plant kingdom
- what man experiences in sleep, the archangels inspire.
- the 'dreaming-consciousness' (like current animals) Old Moon-Man part in us, through the angels, to the animal kingdom
- what man dreams, the angels imagine
see also Transition between Earth and Future Jupiter#1915-06-03-GA162
- Current thoughts -> mineral kingdom Jupiter
- Spiritual science -> plant kingdom
- Animal kingdom <-> a future kind of spiritual science
- ... [after the pralaya] .. everything else there is to man will be lost, dissolving into the universe once the earth has reached its goal. The minerals, plants and animals around us will pass away. Only the Saturn man you have been remains, in the form of fine dust particles. It will go over from earth to Future Jupiter existence, forming the real atoms and solid skeleton of Future Jupiter. People studying external science today, people thinking in an external way, influence their Saturn man to the effect that they produce atoms for Future Jupiter in their Saturn man.
- .. the Sun man in us only receives something from now on and into the future if men and women absorb concepts developed in spiritual science; for the concepts we absorb outside, from external science, enter into Saturn man. What we absorb by way of thoughts engendered through spiritual science enters into the Sun man. This is why spiritual science calls for greater activity. Its thoughts differ from those of external science in that they are active. They have to be grasped in a living way and it is impossible to remain passive towards thinking activity the way we do in the external world. In spiritual science everything has to be actively thought out, we have to be inwardly active. This has an effect on the Sun man in us. And if there were no Sun principle in man, the Future Jupiter of the future would be entirely mineral, with no plant world. People going through spiritual development take something across that will give rise to a plant world on Future Jupiter. Through the Sun principle in us we take across the future plant world. All we have to do to make Jupiter barren is reject spiritual science. We can establish spiritual science now in order that there shall be vegetation on Jupiter.
- .. A time will come, however, when it will be necessary for us to try and influence the dreamer in us ... Animal life on Jupiter will arise from something that is going to follow on after spiritual science. It will be based on the spiritual science of the future.
- Then something else will follow which will influence man on Future Jupiter, something which is still to come. It will provide the basis for Future Jupiter culture in the real sense.
At present, therefore, we are in a period in life where
- we prepare the mineral nucleus of Jupiter through external science and where
- spiritual science influences its plant life, providing the basis for vegetation on Jupiter.
- The future will bring the principle that influences the dreamer, and this will provide the basis for animal life on Jupiter.
Only after this will come the principle which corresponds to what man is today producing in his thinking, feeling and will activity. This is guided by higher wisdom to the effect that when earth evolution has come to an end man will be able to take himself, as man, across to Jupiter.
This is how we are involved in the evolution of the earth, and we perceive, out of our very own human nature, that we are part of the great world, of the macrocosm. We know that everything we do is of account. We know that in joining in the pursuit of spiritual science we contribute to vegetative life for Jupiter and that through the things we put in words we create what will be given to the future at the Future Jupiter stage of the world.
.. everything belonging to the mineral kingdom will disperse in the world; everything belonging to the plant kingdom will disperse; everything belonging to the animal kingdom will disperse. Nothing will continue on from the earth except for the mineral atoms coming from man, from the Saturn parts of human beings. Nothing of the mineral, plant and animal worlds passes across to Future Jupiter. ...
The above does not say where the basis for the kingdom of future Man will originate from, that is left open. Then, after reference to the occult atom description ten years earlier in 1905, the above is linked to the deeper meaning of the phrase by Christ:
A person considering all this today might ask: 'What will remain of the present world when earth evolution has come to an end?' Mineral, plant and animal kingdoms — all that disperses and passes away. What man gains today by virtue of being man, the external power of discernment he is acquiring, will pass over into the mineral kingdom of Future Jupiter. The spiritual science he gains will pass over as Sun man and establish the vegetation. What we say - the words we speak - will pass over. Anything moral that happens will pass over.
Was not the One who was to give meaning and direction to the whole of earth evolution able to say some very special words? Was he not able to say: ‘Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away’? ..
- Words coming from external science influence Old Saturn man and become the atoms of Future Jupiter.
- Words coming from spiritual science and influencing Old Sun man pass across to form the vegetation on Future Jupiter.
- That which acts on the dreamer passes across to form the animal kingdom on Jupiter.
The moral progress made by man and what he gains through words of the spiritual science of the future — that will be Man on Future Jupiter. It will be words, wisdom of thoughts. This shall endure. Everything all around us in the cosmos will perish. ‘Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away.’ So we gradually come to see words of profound wisdom flowing from this point and central place of activity we call Golgotha.
... the whole earth evolution to follow exists so that gradually men shall come to understand the words spoken by the One who went through the Mystery of Golgotha. ... We need to enter into this with our feelings if we are to get a feeling for the utter uniqueness of the Mystery of Golgotha. Through perception directed upwards to the infinite we shall gain the marvellous insight into the one thing that has given the Earth meaning from the world's beginning to its very end—the Mystery of Golgotha.
The seeds of the further future are not to be sought in the externally transient but in the human being. Christ had to descend from macrocosm to combine with these seeds and develop them.
Now, my dear friends, direct your gaze outside into the vast circumference that you can see. Look at everything, look at the whole of the kingdoms of mineral, plant, animal and man; look at all you can see in the way of stars, light-phenomena; see what happens in air and water; look wherever you like, include everything that can possibly be included in your external sense perceptions — then ask yourselves:
Where is anything in which there will remain a vestige of our present existence?
And the answer is: In no animal, in no plant, in no mineral, not in any air, or any water — nowhere but in Man: Of what you see today Man himself alone contains anything that in accordance with law continues beyond the Future Venus existence.
Nowhere else can you seek anything permanent, anything that can be referred to by the concept of eternity — nowhere save in Man. That is to say, if we are looking for the seeds of the real future of the world where have we to seek? We must seek them in Man. We cannot look for them in any other creation or any other kingdom.
But before the Mystery of Golgotha, men of old naturally in spirit — saw through the kingdoms the cosmic All. If we take the representative, the Sun, they saw a glowing ball, but through the glowing ball they saw Helios and the Good. Nevertheless this glowing sphere of the Sun will not exist beyond the Future Venus stage; it will then disappear. And everything through which Man, in ancient times, saw in a veiled way, the constituents of some spiritual existence will also disappear. And of all that is here now there will remain for the future only what is planted seedwise into man.
see: Future Jupiter#1921-09-24-GA207 or longer extract on Matter is destroyed in the brain#1921-09-24-GA207
just short quote added below here as reference to 'seeds of future worlds'
The good can arise if, instead of our instincts and impulses, which are bound to work toward the cultivation of egoity, we pour into this source of destruction, by means of a moral inclination of soul, all moral and ethical ideals. Then something new arises. Then in this very source of destruction the seeds of future worlds arise. Then we, as human beings, take part in the coming into being of worlds.
The title for this topic comes from 1921-10-09-GA207 (SWCC, DL editor 'shortened without content changes')
quote A
When we now descend to the human corporeality, it appears to us at first as if actually destined for nothingness.
- The physical body, so full of significance for the human being while he lives on earth, appears, in regard to the laws of the outer realms, to be a nothing, for in them it is dissolved. They destroy it.
- The etheric body might be said to be held together for a short time after death, but then it is spread out in the cosmos. It vanishes from the human being; it lifts itself away from him. For the cosmos it again appears to be nothing in the present time of the earth.
- The astral body, at the end of his soul journey after death, is, as it were, reabsorbed from man by the soul-spiritual existence — also like a nothingness.
- The I is given by the earth; it seems to belong to the earth. We gain no idea at first from the I what it is destined to be in the future.
If we consider these bodily members of the human being in the light of spiritual investigation, however, we discover how in the physical body, in the etheric body, in the astral body, in the I-body, there lie the seeds for cosmic worlds.
The point is merely that we should discover the way to cultivate in the right way within us the seeds we bear for future cosmic worlds, so that the seeds may flourish. You know how seeds can deteriorate, and the possibility of deteriorating lies in these seeds as it does in all others.
Our bond with the Mystery of Golgotha gives us the forces that make Christ the Gardener within us. He will not allow the seeds to deteriorate but will guide them over into a future world. When the mineral realm of the earth melts away, when the plant realm of the earth withers, when the realm of the various animal species dies away, when the present form of the human being is no longer possible, because it is an emanation of the earth, belonging therefore to the earth — when everything thus disintegrates as if into nothingness, then the seeds are still there that the Gardener is guiding over into a future formation of the earthly world, called Future Jupiter.
If we now look upon the spiritual realms above the human being, we see them as they were in the past and understand them according to their essential being. We know that part of their present work is to bring about what is weaving and living in our spirit. If we look upon the soul world of the human being, we find the present, we find this soul world intimately bound up with the present. In Man's bodily world we bear in us the seeds for the future.
The bodies unveil themselves to us according to the nature of their spirituality. When we see them outwardly they are just bodies, but when we penetrate to their inner being, they are force and spirit — force and spirit, however, that grow into the future.
Regarding the human being we can group past, present, and future together symbolically by saying:
- the past (see drawing, blue) comes in this direction, circling into our present spirituality;
- out of our spirituality rays forth our soul element (bright) in thinking, feeling, and willing. The thinking separates, as it were, the physical body from the etheric body; the feeling separates the etheric body from the astral body; the willing separates the astral body from the I.
- It may be said that everything is developing in a seed-like way for the future in order to form new realms (red).
We thus can put into our diagram here the various hierarchies who take an interest in us as forming part of this spiral, and we have in the picture this human vortex which as it swirls together in the center, forms the present experiences of the human being in the soul element.
See also the preceeding 1921-10-08-GA207.
In the 1921-10-09-GA207 lecture (SWCC) considers the regions in lower Spirit Land to gather characteristics for Man's structure on Future Jupiter. After the major pralaya, between planetary incarnations, the kingdoms of the previous planetary stage are lifted 'one up' (and the rest down).
quote B
Nevertheless if we wish to describe how things actually are, this must be done by relying upon the larger, outer connections of the earthly planet — by applying to what we find in the land of spirit all that we connect with our continental regions here, and doing the same in the case of the oceanic regions.
What is described as continent there, as oceanic region, as air region, as region of warmth, is seen to be permeated at the same time by what the human being carries through the portal of death as moral quality.
The moral-spiritual world is described as having directly within it the outwardly substantial, the moral element there being a kind of shadowy outline that does not, however, reach the point of creating a heavenly body, a planet. What the human I lives through there, however, is the seed of these new distributions of categories, of these overall connections, on the planet Future Jupiter. In the human I today, therefore, we have the seed of what will be the overall distribution, the common life in regions that will then look different but that will be looked upon similarly to the way we look upon the regions of continents, oceans, and so on, today.
Here we are dealing with something that, in order to get an idea of it, we must consider in another way: in this weaving in the land of spirit we see at once that we are not dealing with the individual human being: in the second region, the oceanic region, we already find human beings together in human relationships, groups of human beings together; something superhuman arises. The I is lifted higher. The I joins with other I's in human groups.
It is a characteristic of the land of spirit and something that can be described only as a realm standing above the human realm. Into such a realm the human being will enter during the Future Jupiter existence.
It cannot be described, for instance, by saying that it is an angel-human realm, that would not be quite appropriate, because when I characterize the angels that is a concept for the present time, which is characterized by the fact that the angels went through their human stage during the Old Moon evolution.
To characterize what will develop during Future Jupiter, I must say: the human being is lifted to a higher sphere; the human being in his outer bodily manifestation has developed in such a way that what today lives deep within him in his soul, then manifests outwardly. Just as today in a mysterious way Man's inner nature is revealed by the coloring of his skin, so in the future his inner nature — whether he is good or bad — will be revealed in his outer configuration.
.. in the future there will be a clear distinction between Ahrimanic forms and Luciferic forms ...
- people who cling to what is material will show it clearly in their form, they will take on Ahrimanic forms.
- A good number of those belonging to various theosophical societies, for instance, are preparing Luciferic forms: always dreaming away in the higher regions.
- There will also be forms, however, that will strike the balance. The dreamy mystics, they will take on Luciferic forms; all that will be attempted through the indwelling of Christ, however, is the balance.
In short, in the unfolding of what today is I-seed, we will have the soul-human realm.
[in sleep]
But when, as we saw just now, you are outside your body during sleep, you become extremely partial to the air you breathe out.
When awake you did not notice what can be experienced with this exhaled air; you have only heeded the inhaled air which is the vitalising element while you and your soul are within the physical body.
But now you have the same — indeed a more exalted — feeling towards the air you so anxiously avoid when you find it accumulated in a room. You express your dislike of the exhaled air. Now the physical body cannot bear it, even in sleep, but your soul and spirit, outside the body, actually breathe in — to put it physically — the carbonic acid you have exhaled. Of course, it is a spiritual process, not a physical process; you receive the impression made by your exhaled air.
In this exhaled air you remain connected with your physical body. You belong to your body, for you say to yourself: There is my body and it is breathing out this devitalising air. You say this unconsciously. You feel yourself connected with your body through its returning the air in this condition. You feel yourself entirely within the air you have exhaled. And this air you breathe out brings you continually the secrets of your inner life. You perceive these, although this perception is, of course, unconscious for the untrained sleeping consciousness. This exhaled air ‘sparkles forth’ from you and its appearance leads you to say: That is I myself, my inner human being, sparkling out into the universe.
[see also: sensitive flame research and Hints of future etheric force technology#Morality and human breath and speech; for a good start see: Hints of future etheric force technology#1915-01-03-GA275]
[after death]
Now Man's first experience, immediately after death, is of everything that has made its impression upon him. Not only the ordinary shreds of memory which arise during earthly consciousness, but his whole earthly life, with all that has ‘impressed’ him stands before him now. But he would have to remain in eternal contemplation of this earthly life of his if something else did not happen to his etheric body, something different from what happens to the physical body through the earth and its forces. The earthly elements take over the physical body and destroy it; the cosmic ether, working (as I told you) from the periphery, streams in and dispels in all directions what has been impressed upon the etheric body. Thus man's next experience is as follows: During earthly life many, many things have made their impression upon me. All this has entered my etheric body. I now survey it, but it becomes more and more indistinct. It is as if I were looking at a tree that had made a strong impression upon me during my life. At first I see it life-size, as when it made its impression upon me from physical space. But it now grows, becomes larger and more shadowy; it becomes larger and larger, gigantic but more and more shadowy. Now it is like that with a human being whom I have learnt to know in his physical form. Immediately after death I have him before me as he impressed himself upon my etheric body. He now increases in size, becomes more and more shadowy. Everything grows, becomes more and more shadowy until it fills the whole universe, becomes thereby quite shadowy, and completely disappears.
This lasts some days. Everything has become gigantic and shadowy, thereby diminishing in intensity. Man sheds his second corpse; or, strictly speaking, the cosmos takes it from him. He is now in his I and astral body. What had been impressed upon his etheric body is now within the cosmos; it has flowed out into the cosmos. We see the working of the universe behind the veils of our existence.
We are placed in the world as human beings. In the course of earthly life the whole world works upon us. We roll it all together in a certain sense. The world gives us much and we hold it together. The moment we die the world takes back what it has given. But it is something new that it receives, for we have experienced it all in a particular way. The world receives our whole experience and impresses it upon its own ether.
We now stand in the universe and say to ourselves, as we consider, first of all, this experience with our etheric body: truly, we are not only here for ourselves; the universe has its own intentions in regard to us. It has put us here that its own content may pass through us and be received again in the form into which we can transmute it.
As human beings we are not here for our own ends alone; in respect to our etheric body, for example, we are here for the universe. The universe needs us because, through us, it ‘fulfils’ itself — fills itself again and again with its own content.
There is an interchange, not of substance but of thoughts between the universe and Man. The universe gives its cosmic thoughts to our etheric body and receives them back again in a humanised condition.
We are not here for ourselves alone; we are here for the sake of the universe.
2022-03-09 - David Paul Coleman
People ask, often helplessly, but what can we do?
War and the threat of worse seem to fill the moment. Everybody everywhere going out of their skins. You can't deny it because you can't miss it, and more importantly, denial of our darkness and its devastating, out of control power is what got us here.
We have to learn from it so as not to repeat it.
But more than this, realise that what you are thinking, feeling and doing right now is also a part of this moment, and what you are bringing to this moment, and this one, and this one, is where you find your limitless power to change it.
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References and further reading
See references under: Future Jupiter