Human capabilities beyond mainstream

From Anthroposophy

This topic page covers human capabilities outside of the mainstream, and describes what extra-ordinary human abilities are possible for a small minority outside the majority of the human population, in other words 'outside the curve' referring to the Gauss bell-curve for normal distributions.

Whereas these fall outside the experiences and capability of the majority and the cultural-societal 'norm' of what is normal, it is not because they may not be common that they are not within the realm of human potential. Another way to describe this is, what is possible when moving from 'beyond average' to 'rare' and 'exceptional' human potential.

These also be called 'magical' capabilities as they take place outside the purely physical realms that are the sole focus of the contemporary mainstream worldview based on materialistic mineral science that only considers the physical-material.

This is based on various sources who have written about these capabilities and demonstrations (a.o. Hamid Bey, Franz Bardon, Draja Mickaharic). These are hints to show people there is more than the material physical world, and the true miracle is then to affect the soul and achieve a change in thinking and create openness of mind to the spiritual and the true nature of life.

Also in Indian spiritual traditions and religions, siddhis or divine powers are paranormal/supernatural or psychic/magical powers, abilities, and attainments that are products of spiritual advancement. These include clairvoyance and telepathy, levitation, bilocation and astral projection, materialization, telekinesis, and having access to memories from past lives. They are not a means to an end, and are a consequence of spiritual advancement, their pursuit is a digression from the true spiritual path.


  • dowsing
  • Out of Body Experiences (OBE)
    • projection of the astral body, time travel, bilocation (be seen in two places at the same time), teleportation (moving physical body from one place to another), body jumping (deliberately leaving one's physical body behind before moment of physical death to enter into and take command of the body of another living human being)
    • exteriorization of only part of the astra-mental body to accomplish certain task


physical life


demonstration of 'magical' capabilities

  • as a way to show there is more than the physical materialistic worldview - see There's a crack in everything; examples are Hamid Bey, Frabato, indian sages, ..
  • Hamid Bey held demonstrations before gatherings of eminent physicians and surgeons (various sources oa Yogananda, Sep-Oct 1927; see also More sources on the topic of initiation)
    • self-imposed catalepsy: being buried alive and remain underground sealed in an air-tight casket; going into a state of catalepsy for longer periods (3h, 24h upto six days) and allowing medical controls during this period
    • control of physical body, functions of the heart and all other organs of involuntary action
      • control pulse at will, the beat appearing and completely disappearing at his will (entering physical trance - breathless and almost lifeless)
      • piercing body with long needles without bloodshed, passing needles through his throat, cheek, tongue without pain. Marks almost instantaneously disappeared after the needles were withdrawn
      • hold a thousand pounds on his chest
    • put small animals and certain types of men into the cataleptic state
    • divine a person's thoughts by touching the person's wrist


2001 - Jef C.

short quote from a forum post as illustration of true capabilities by an advanced practitioner of Franz Bardon's three books of initiation

.. when I was a young man, I would occasionally separate myself into two distinct individuals and perform different tasks ... as far back as 1975, my sponsor taught me how to stop the world by degrees, or stop just a portion of it ... I can vanish and reappear, or change my appearance, project fire from my solar plexus, or project water to put the fire out .. I have 360 degree vision and am clairvoyant and clairaudient .. can cause thunderstorms, rain, snow and earthquakes


in practice 'stopping the world' by degrees and removing oneself from everyday existence .. is living between moments in time .. it is not a trance, for physical and mental operations may be performed while in this state, but it is similar in that you are removed from normal existence

Lecture coverage and references


Related pages

References and further reading

  • Franz Bardon: Initiation (1956)
  • Otti Votavova - Frabato the Magician (see more info and download on: Franz Bardon and initiation#Frabato)
  • Draja Mickaharic: 'What's possible' (2010)
  • Marten Crawford: 'The adept magician' (2014)
    • publication of a sequence of remarkable postings on a public internet forum in the period 2001-2 by someone (anonymous, called 'Jef C.') who had followed Bardon's initiation system over three decades (since approx 1971)
    • as the book is no longer available and people have been looking and asking for this, this PDF download contains excerpts


  • Karl_Spiesberger: Levitation (1988)

Remote viewing

  • Russell Targ and Harold Puthoff : 'Mind Reach: Scientists Look at Psychic Abilities' (1977)
    • offers an insider look at the science and experiments that supported the phenomenon of remote viewing
    • Targ was co-founder of the SRI remote viewing program
  • Joseph McMoneagle:
    • 'Mind trek' (1993).
    • 'Remote Viewing Secrets: A Handbook' (2000)
      • considered one of the best instructional texts on remote viewing by another prominent remote viewer from the Stargate program, known as “Remote Viewer No. 001
  • David Morehouse:
    • 'Psychic Warrior: Inside the CIA’s Stargate Program' (1996)
    • 'Remote Viewing: The Complete User's Manual for Coordinate Remote Viewing' (2010)
  • Ingo Swann: 'Penetration: The Question of Extraterrestrial and Human Telepathy' (1998)
    • Swann, a legendary figure in remote viewing and one of the creators of the practice, shares his experiences working with U.S. government agencies on remote viewing projects.
  • Lyn Buchanan: 'The Seventh Sense: The Secrets of Remote Viewing as Told by a ‘Psychic Spy’ for the U.S. Military' (2003)
    • well written - by another former military remote viewer involved in the Stargate program
  • Russell Targ: 'Limitless Mind: A Guide to Remote Viewing and Transformation of Consciousness' (2004)
  • Paul H. Smith
    • 'Reading the Enemy's Mind: Inside Star Gate - America's Psychic Espionage Program' (2005)
    • 'The Essential Guide to Remote Viewing: The Secret Military Remote Perception Skill Anyone Can Learn' (2015)
      • former military remote viewer and participant in the Stargate program