Topic on Talk:Discussion pages

From Anthroposophy
LOrsatti (talkcontribs)

Hello everyone, I am relatively new to spiritual science. I know with our birth, the zodiac signs; we can calculate our previous incarnations and it has a connection to our death from life before. I know Steiner has spoken about this and we are aware of his incarnations. And I know He recommends trying to remember your first memory; critical age of up to 3 years. But I am wondering if anyone is aware of their incarnations? Would anyone be kind to help me through this method, therefore be able to understand further, on how to try to piece the past together, in away where I can understand it. Or any thoughts about this topic, would be appreciated. Thank you ! Peace by with all of you!

Diederik (talkcontribs)

Dear Laura,

For background on the main theme of your post, see the topic page Past life memories. Rudolf Steiner explained that in the 20th century indeed more people would become aware of their last incarnation(s). This has proven to be a reality, however it's a difficult subject also for several reasons, to distinguish fact from fiction (imagination). People do get imagery of previous lives trickling through, this is no longer exceptional. Regression therapy has developed approaches to engage with active imagination. However we need to distinguish such divination and working with our subconsciousness, from true knowledge of previous lives which only comes with a certain stage along the process of initiation (and the developed faculties of cognition called imagination and intuition - see IIH and also Stages of clairvoyance#capabilities).

As your question is more about the practical side of things: Rudolf Steiner gave a number of Karma exercises (that fit into Biography work), I would suggest to start from Schema FMC00.242 on that page and explore those exercises.

Note: you also mention the death horoscope, Rudolf Steiner indeed also discussed that, but it's less practical for us here and now. However see Astrology#Man is born out of the universe which includes pointers to lecture references and Schema illustrations of birth and death horoscopes for some Individualities from the Karmic Relationships lectures.

To conclude: if one commits to initiation exercises such as those in Knowledge of the Higher Worlds (KHW, by Steiner) and Initiation into Hermetics (IIH, by Bardon), the rest follows in due time along a process of transition and transformation that happens as a result of taking on what is called 'the Work' on ourselves. As part of this we are free to also engage in biography work, karma exercises, even experiment with regression and astrology, but it's all part of the larger schema and process of conscious self transformation following our free choice to 'will' this.