Creation of solar system

From Anthroposophy

In general: When a fixed star evolves to a next stage or Condition of Consciousness (CoC) whereby the highest (triad) hierarchy is able to stream out its own substance in sacrifice, this hierarchy evolves to a zodiac and can lie at the start of a new solar system.

In the case of our solar system: after a previous evolution in another system and the following maha-pralaya, the First Hierarchy of Thrones, Cherubim and Seraphim was able to start a new creation. The sacrifice of the Thrones' warmth was the basis for the creation of Old Saturn.

In terms of coordination: A solar system is created by highy developed spirits that are below the three Logoi and Seven creative spirits, called Prajapatis. They coordinate the process and state transitions between Conditions of Consciousness, Life and Form, see also: Three dimensions of evolution.

The solar system evolution serves the continuous evolution of all spiritual hierarchies along a 'ladder' of Twelve Conditions of Consciousness, see also Schemas FMC00.077 and FMC00.077A below. The constitution of a solar system follows the evolutionary needs of all spiritual hierarchies, hence environments are created for various populations at different stages of development. As a result, the constitution of the bodies in the solar system changes through the solar system lifecycle and the Three dimensions of evolution. At various stages, planets get created, split off, or merge again.

For example: both on Old Moon, as in the current Earth planetary stage, there was a separation followed by a reunion of the Sun with the planetary body.

Regarding the solar system with the physical planets we see today with our senses, as studied by mineral science: this was created only recently in the fourth stage of our Earth cycle (1909-06-09-GA109). See also FMC00.298 on Earth rounds perspective.


Schema FMC00.076 shows at a conceptual level what happens with the creation of a new solar system.


Schema FMC00.077 and variants

Schema FMC00.077 gives a more elaborate view on the process of growth or development for all spiritual entities involved. See also the Twelve Conditions of Consciousness.


Schema FMC00.077A is an extended version that provides additional perspectives for personal contemplation (see Discussion area below).

See also Schema FMC00.207 for a summary table with the roles of the hierarchies at a certain CoC in relation to Man.

Schema FMC00.077B is a simplified variant of FMC00.077A to highlighting the 'moving up the ladder' in context of IAO and the three Logoi.

It shows how the fourth Earth stage represents a new IAO cycle. The First Hierarchy has fully flown back, see also the Wheel of Planes Schema FMC00.078. See Note [1] in the Discussion area below.

Also shows how the spiritual hierarchies constituting the zodiac change (to relate, see eg 1914-04-25-GA266/3).



What before Old Saturn

Schema FMC00.564: a Schema by DL, who made this up - some inspiration for meditation.

What was there before our solar system, as described in spiritual science? What happened before Old Saturn? Why do we start there, with what is described?

Imagine the divinity as The three Logoi, it has as its intrinsic nature that it wants to know itself, and it is characterized by a cosmic breathing pulse. Through this breathing, the logoic principle gives rise, in consecutive cycles, to a new combination of consciousness, life and form, which is called a spiritual hierarchy. The Seraphim are still closely tied to the nature of the third logos (L3), then follow Cherubim and Thrones.

The triad is characterized by a threefoldedness in how the natures of the three hierarchies interrelate (between themselves), and relate to the three logoi: consciousness, a rhythmic life pulse, and an extension which gives it form. In following cycles a ladder is led down of such triads (see upper left of the drawing) thereby extending a ladder of currently Twelve Conditions of Consciousness. In each cycle, an additional hierarchy is added below in an extension of complexity of the Cosmic Fractal.

This can be mapped to the start of our current solar system evolution (lower right) starting with the Thrones sacrificing and the angels being the last hierarchy, and we find back the stages of Old Saturn, Old Sun, Old Moon. See Schema FMC00.077 and variants. A 'linking pin' chain element closely ties the lowest hierarchy of triad N and the highest of the next triad N+1.

The drawing is only a high level sketch of a complex multi-dimensional dynamic. Below the horizontal line, the future is developing. Within our solar system 'cycle' of the spiral, one could say the horizontal line on the lower right corresponds to the CoC=4 'human stage' type of consciousness, but one can also imagine that the nature or complexity of the condition of consciousness shifts with each spiral arm, so it jumps with steps of 4.

Compare the three triad blocks on the lower right corner for Old Moon stage, to the same block on Schema FMC00.077B.

Extending the horizontal line on the lower right, one sees that Earth and Future Jupiter are two intermediate stages that reach a sort of cycle conclusion stage on Future Venus - see also Schema FMC00.022 on that page. This is maybe also why Rudolf Steiner says that no human mind or language can today imagine Vulcan, and hence why it is not talked about: creation and the state of consciousness is beyond what we can take in scope for grasping with current intellectual thought and waking consciousness.

The spiral and ladder of consciousness is not fixed or stable, but very relative, as one can look at it in many ways. For example in the next three planetary stages, humanity will be in the roles represented by the colour green on Schemas FMC00.077 A and B. After that comes a graduation to become creator at a higher level, emanating substance through sacrifice; to get an idea: like the Thrones gave rise to the Archai on Old Saturn. See again Schemas FMC00.077 A and B - this schema does not show this (but it could be depicted in a future grid version).


Schema FMC00.564A shows a more structured and less graphical presentation of Schema FMC00.564. It is an extrapolation, from the perspective of the current planetary stage of evolution Earth (for the 'yardstick' of the Conditions of Consciousness CoC on the right), and with the 'evolutionary window' of our solar system of seven planetary stages of evolution (below, from Old Saturn to Vulcan) which is center on the development of Man from CoC=1 to CoC=7. Mankind is currently going through CoC=4 also called the 'human stage', and after Vulcan will reach the level CoC=8 (in blue) which corresponds to sacrifice and emanating substance (Schema FMC00.048), similar as the Thrones on Old Saturn. At that point it will be humanity who will be starting and leading 'their' creation, just like in every stage other spiritual hierarchies are doing the same. Note the threefolded pattern in this presentation. As evolution of the Cosmic fractal becomes ever more complex with every spiritual hierarchy that is woven or 'stitched', the CoC ladder extends, but above it flows back 'into' the three Logoi, see IAO.


Lecture coverage and references

Overview coverage

Main coverage is in cycles 1908-GA102 and 1909-GA110, with more detail on the process for the highest spiritual beings in GA089.

See also discussion below on FMC00.077A which is central also to the Golden Chain.


Helena Blavatsky

writes in The Secret Doctrine vol. I, (1993 version p. 265-266 and p. 369) about the maha-pralaya or great pralaya before the start of our solar system:

Not even esoteric philosophy can claim to know, except by analogical inference, that which took place before the reappearance of our solar system and previous to the last maha-pralaya.


In paranirvana - when pralaya will have reduced not only material and psychical bodies, but even the spiritual I's to their original principle - the past, present, and future humanities, like all things, will be one and the same.

Everything will have re-entered the Great Breath. In other words, everything will be ‘merged in Brahma’ or the divine unity.


see: Twelve Conditions of Consciousness#1904-01-19-GA090A


In Cosmic Memory, more is said about the spiritual beings at the start of the planetary system:

The Old Saturn Man was surrounded by eleven other kinds of beings. The four highest had had their tasks on levels of development which preceded the life of Old Saturn. When this life began they had already arrived at such a high stage of development that their further existence took place in worlds which lie beyond the realms of man. Therefore, we cannot and need not speak of them here.

The other kinds of beings, however - seven of them in addition to Old Saturn man - are all concerned in the human development. In this they act as creative powers, performing their services in a way which will be described in the following pages.

When Old Saturn development began, the most sublime of these beings already had attained a level of consciousness which man will reach only after his Vulcan life, that is, a high creative (supra-spiritual) consciousness. These "creators," too, once had to pass through the stages of man. This took place on heavenly bodies which preceded Old Saturn.

The connection of these beings with the development of mankind lasted until the middle of the life of Old Saturn.

[The Thrones are meant here ] Because of their sublime, delicate body of rays, in mystery science they are called 'Radiating Lives' or 'Radiating Flames'. Because the substance of which this body consisted had a remote resemblance to the will of man, they are also called 'Spirits of Will'.


(SWCC) provides more insight on how the Logoi and highest spiritual beings create a solar system and why that starts on the arupa plane. See also the section on the elementary kingdoms and the Golden Chain.

Pralaya is a very different kind of activity from that which occurs during a manvantara. It is necessary to go through the nirvana plane between one Condition of Consciousness and another.

There are also great pralayas called maha pralayas.

To configure a new planetary chain, the spirit must have gone through the budhi and nirvana planes 'on the other side'. Here the spirits go through the same process between planetary stages as human beings do in spirit land.

When the highest Condition of Consciousness has been reached and atman has shed all vestments [editor: shedding budhi, see Schema FMC00.077A above], it will be capable of creating a new solar system. For this, it must first go through two further planes of conscious awareness. ...

  • Our present waking CoC can have an overview of the mineral world,
  • psychic consciousness can overview life,
  • super-psychic awareness sentience, and
  • spiritual conscious awareness of all that is. Atman or 'all awareness' has then reached its highest level.

If atman is to shine out, it must first develop the ability to give everything; it must be creative. lt does so by vesting itself in budhi and manas. It can then start a new cosmic system on the arupa plane.

When conscious awareness will have reached the final level, therefore, it will still have to go through two other planes. The first plane is the one where it does not peel off budhi but adds it; this is called the 'para nirvana' plane. The plane on which the entity descends again so that it may be active on the arupa plane, is called `mahapara nirvana plane'. Two planes that are in opposite positions correspond. The lowest is the physical, its opposite nirvana.


see also Schema FMC00.077B, Twelve Conditions of Consciousness and Planetary spirit.

Our Earth is an ensouled being with lower and higher beings on it.

When a planet develops into a fixed star the beings who are embodied on it also go higher.

The best forces and beings of Old Sun became the fixed-star sun. When our Earth has gone through the Future Jupiter condition, and as Future Venus is almost a sun, the human being will be similar to the sublime beings who now live on the sun.

And then what does a sun become?

When a sun has attained maturity a zodiac forms. Zodiacs also arise and perish. Even more mighty and sublime beings work down from a zodiac than from a sun.

The sun that shines down on us now will someday shine down as the stars of a new zodiac.

The spirit beings of this new zodiac will be creative souls, creative beings at the highest stage of development.

If we look at human development we also see organs that are standing at the end of their development and are withering, and others like the heart will be a voluntary muscle in future, and the larynx will creatively speak out human descendents with the word. This will begin when the Earth planet becomes a fixed star and then a zodiac.

Beings who went through worlds before the Earth was Old Saturn sounded down the creative word when the Earth was at the beginning of its evolution. “In the beginning was the word” should be taken quite literally. At the end of evolution, Man will be a being who creates through the word. He arose from a creative Logos and he'll later be a creative logos himself.


in short:

The course of evolution is this: a Sun, which from the beginning is included in such a system, has at first to throw off its planets, being too weak to develop further without excluding them. It grows strong, absorbs its planets again, and grows into a Vulcan. Then the whole is dissolved, and from the Vulcan globe is formed a hollow globe which is something like the circles of Thrones, Cherubim, Seraphim, etc. The Sun will thus dissolve in space, sacrifice itself, send forth its Being into the Universe, and through this will itself become a circle of Beings like the Thrones, Cherubim, Seraphim, which will then advance towards new creation.

explains how a planetary system evolves to a Sun or fixed star and then rises to a Zodiac and can give rise to a new solar system, quote (SWCC)

What happens when a fixed star evolves to a further stage? Just as the Sun or fixed star existence has risen from a planetary existence, so does its evolution proceed to further stages of life in the cosmos.

.. [ed: follows explanation of the separation from the main planet for humanity with the Sun, because humanity is not yet at the level and speed of progressed, read not yet of the spiritual nature as the other beings .. this will be also the case during the Future Jupiter stage.]

.. during the Venus-condition our earth will be united permanently with the sun, and during the Vulcan-condition our earth will itself have become a sun within the sun and have something unique to contribute to the sun-evolution .. .. This Vulcan-existence is actually a higher condition than that of our present sun-existence. ..

When a planet has evolved in this way to a sun-existence, what does this sun become in the course of further cosmic evolution? ..

.. What is the further stage of such planetary evolution?

.. there arises, as a still higher stage of evolution than that of a fixed star, something what we today call a “Zodiac”.

When beings are no longer restricted to the form of existence belonging to a fixed star but have expanded their evolution so powerfully that it extends beyond fixed stars and the fixed stars lie like bodies embedded in it — then a higher stage is reached, the stage of Zodiac-existence. The forces which work from a Zodiac upon a planetary system themselves evolved, in former ages, in a planetary system and have advanced to the stage of a Zodiac.

And now cast your minds back to Old Saturn, through which the first germinal inception of our physical body was brought into being. Even at its greatest density Old Saturn was not nearly as physically dense as our earth: it was a condition of utmost rarefication where matter was the warmth which today permeates all beings.

We may picture to ourselves that around Old Saturn were the constellations of the Zodiac, but not yet as they are today. The single stars composing the Zodiacal constellations around Old Saturn were scarcely to be distinguished from each other. They glittered only very faintly, like beams of light streaming out from Saturn. The best way to picture this is to think of Old Saturn encircled by beams of light, just as our earth is encircled by a Zodiac. In the course of evolution these light-masses developed into the present star clusters comprised in the Zodiac. Hence the Zodiac has differentiated out of that original ocean of flame. And from what did this ocean of flame itself arise?

It arose from the planetary system which preceded our own. Old Saturn itself was preceded by planetary evolutions in an age which can not be described as “time” as we understand it, for its character was rather different. For the human mind today the concept is so fabulous that we have no word with which to express it. Speaking in analogy, we can say that the forces which preceded our planetary system in an earlier cycle of planetary existence went forth in the light-streams, and out of a small portion of matter gradually gathering together at the center, this first dawn-condition of Earth arose. This was Old Saturn, and the forces contained in the Zodiac radiated down upon it from the cosmic All.

Something remarkable comes to light when we compare planetary existence with zodiacal existence, and two words indicate the difference between them. Everything that is contained in the Zodiac is under the sign of “Duration”; everything that is comprised within planetary existence is under the sign of “Time.” Not even the farthest reaches of the mind can conceive of changes having taken place in the Zodiac. Each single planet may have undergone considerable change through long and greatly differing periods of evolution; the forces working in the Zodiac remain, relatively speaking, fixed and permanent. ... Changes in the Zodiac take place slowly; changes in the planetary world and even in the existence of a fixed star take place rapidly in comparison with what happens in the Zodiac. The difference is always relative. We can say that planetary existence belongs to the sphere of the Finite, whereas Zodiacal existence belongs to the sphere of Infinitude. This, as already said, must be taken in the relative sense, but for the present it is sufficiently accurate.

What has been achieved in a planetary existence and has become sun, ascends to “heavenly” existence, becomes zodiacal existence. And having reached zodiacal existence, what does it do? It offers itself in sacrifice!

Old Saturn, the first dawn-condition of the Earth, arose in a mysterious way as the result of sacrifice on the part of the Zodiac. The forces which caused the first, rarefied Old Saturn-masses to gather together were those which streamed down from the Zodiac, producing on Old Saturn the first germinal inception of physical man. This is not happening at once, it continued without cessation.

What is happening continuously is that within what we call a planetary system the forces which evolved to a higher stage, after having themselves passed through a planetary system, are sacrificed. What is at first contained in a planetary system evolves to a “sun” existence, then to zodiacal existence and then has the power to be itself creative, to offer itself in sacrifice within a planetary existence. The forces from the Zodiac “rain” down continuously into the planetary existence and continuously ascend again; for that which at one time became our Zodiac must gradually ascend again.

and this links to the concept or image of the Golden Chain


This is further elaborated in 1909-04-14-GA110 (SWCC)

.. these Beings come into the direct vicinity of the highest Godhead of which we can speak: the Trinity, the three-fold Divinity.

Beyond the Seraphim we have that highest Divinity of which we find mention by almost all cultures and religions as the threefold Divinity — as Brahma, Shiva, Vishnu, as Father, Word, and Holy Ghost.

From out of this highest Godhead, this most exalted Trinity, stream forth the plans for a new cosmic system. Before Old Saturn came into Being, the plan of it had grown within the divine threefold Unity. But the threefold Unity has need of Beings to execute its plan.

and continues

These Beings must first prepare themselves for the task. The Beings who are nearest God Himself, who, as is expressed in Christian Esotericism, ‘bask in the light of God's countenance,’ are the Seraphim, Cherubim and Thrones. These take up the plans of a new cosmic system streaming from the divine threefold Unity. This is of course expressed more figuratively than it really is, for we have to express in human words such sublime activities, for which our human language has not been created and is too limited.

No human words exist to express such sublime activity as that of the Seraphim in the beginning of our solar system, receiving the highest plans of the divine Threefold Unity containing the evolution which our solar system has to pass through with seven planetary stages. The name Seraphim has always signified that their task was to receive from the Trinity the highest ideas and aims for a system of worlds.

The Cherubim had the task of building up in wisdom the aims and ideas which they received from the higher gods. Thus the Cherubim are spirits of highest wisdom, who understood how to transpose into workable plans, the inspirations given to them by the Seraphim.

The Thrones had the task — very figuratively expressed — of putting things into action, so that what had been thought out in Wisdom — these lofty cosmic thoughts which the Seraphim had received from the Gods, and which the Cherubim had pondered over, is transformed into active reality. The first realisation of the divine plan occurs with the down-flow of the fire-substance of the Thrones. Thus the Thrones appear to us as Beings who have the power to transform into a primary reality that which has been first thought out by the Cherubim. This takes place because the Thrones allowed their own substance to flow from them, the substance of the primeval original world-fire, into the space, which had been chosen for the new world-system.

If we speak very figuratively we can express it thus: An old solar system disappeared and died away.

Within that ancient solar system the ranks of Seraphim, Cherubim and Thrones had evolved to the highest perfection. They then sought out, according to the inspiration received by them from the highest Threefold Unity, a Sphere within Universal space and said: ‘We will begin here.’ When the Seraphim took up the aims of the new world-system, the Cherubim worked out these aims, and the Thrones poured out of their own Being the primeval fire into that space. Thus we grasp the beginnings of our world-system.

Other Beings were also present in the former solar system, of which ours is the successor, but these Beings did not rise so high as the Seraphim, Cherubim, Thrones. They stopped at lower Stages, had come over in a condition when they still had to pass through a certain development, before they could be creatively active, before they could offer sacrifice. These Beings are those of the Second threefold Hierarchy.

And this maps directly to the topics of sacrifice, and of the Twelve Conditions of Consciousness

The main reference for this topic is in GA110:


.. when Old Saturn had transformed itself into Old Sun, the Cherubim began to be active from the surrounding circumference of the Universe. You have now to realise that those Cherubim, who were active, in the periphery of Old Sun, were also already present in the periphery of OldSaturn. Only they were not as yet called on to play their part — to put it trivially, they had not yet reached the stage when they could undertake something important, but they were present in the environment of Saturn. Still other Beings were around OldSaturn, Beings of a degree still higher and still more sublime than the Cherubim, namely the Seraphim. The Thrones also came from the same region. But the Thrones, who are one grade lower than the Cherubim, let their substance flow downwards to form the warmth-substance of Old Saturn, as we have already shown. Thus we can imagine Old Saturn as a giant globe of warmth, surrounded by circles of spiritual Beings who are of a supremely high, sublime nature. Christian Esotericism calls them Thrones, Cherubim, Seraphim. They are the Dhyanic Beings of the Eastern Teaching.

Whence do these circles of sublime Beings come? Everything in the world, everything in the Universe has evolved. And if we want to form an idea of the place whence come the Cherubim, the Seraphim and the Thrones, we shall do well to turn our thought into our own solar system and to ask ourselves: What will some day become of our solar system? We wish now to give you a short sketch of the development of our solar system.


The course of evolution is this: a Sun, which from the beginning is included in such a system, has at first to throw off its planets, being too weak to develop further without excluding them. It grows strong, absorbs its planets again, and grows into a Vulcan. Then the whole is dissolved, and from the Vulcan globe is formed a hollow globe which is something like the circles of Thrones, Cherubim, Seraphim, etc. The Sun will thus dissolve in space, sacrifice itself, send forth its Being into the Universe, and through this will itself become a circle of Beings like the Thrones, Cherubim, Seraphim, which will then advance towards new creation.

Why are the Thrones enabled to give out of their substance what Old Saturn needs? Because they have prepared themselves in an earlier system, through seven conditions like those our solar system is now going through. Before a system of Thrones, Cherubim, Seraphim can be evolved, it must have been a solar system at an earlier stage; which means, that when the Sun has got so far as to be reunited with its planets, it becomes itself a Zodiacal circle. That which we have come to know in the Zodiac, those great, sublime Beings, are the results that have come over to us from an earlier solar system. That which has formerly evolved within a solar system can now send down its influence out of universal space, and produce a new solar system, created out of itself. The Seraphim, Cherubim and Thrones are for us the highest Hierarchy among divine Beings, because they have already passed through their solar system evolution and have risen to mighty cosmic deeds of sacrifice.

Hence it is that these Beings have come into the actual direct vicinity of the highest Godhead of which we can speak at all: the Trinity, the three-fold Divinity. Beyond the Seraphim we have to see that highest Divinity of which we find mention by almost all nations as the threefold Divinity — as Brahma, Shiva, Vishnu, as Father, Word, and Holy Ghost. From out [of] this highest Godhead, this most exalted Trinity, stream forth the plans for a new cosmic system.

Glancing back at Old Saturn we say to ourselves: before any of this Old Saturn came into Being, the plan of it had grown within the divine threefold Unity. But the threefold Unity has need of Beings to execute its plan. These Beings must first prepare themselves for the task. The Beings who, are so to speak, nearest God Himself, who, as is beautifully expressed in Christian Western Esotericism, ‘bask in the light of God's countenance,’ are the Seraphim, Cherubim and Thrones. These take up the plans of a new cosmic system streaming from the divine threefold Unity. This is naturally expressed more figuratively than it really is, for we have to express in human words such sublime activities, for which, in truth, this human language has not been created. No human words exist to express such sublime activity as that, for instance, when the Seraphim, in the beginning of our solar system received the highest plans of the divine Threefold Unity containing the evolution which our solar system has to pass through, namely Old Saturn, Old Sun, Old Moon, Earth, Future Jupiter, Future Venus and Future Vulcan.

  • Seraphim is a name which for those who understand it in its true sense, even in that of ancient Hebrew esotericism, has always signified that the task of the Seraphim was to receive from the Trinity the highest ideas and aims for a system of worlds.
  • The Cherubim, the next lower rank of the Hierarchies, had the task of building up in wisdom the aims and ideas which they received from the higher gods. Thus the Cherubim are spirits of highest wisdom, who understood how to transpose into workable plans, the inspirations given to them by the Seraphim.
  • And the Thrones, the third grade of the Hierarchies, counting from above, had the task — naturally very figuratively expressed. — of putting things into action, so that what had been thought out in Wisdom — these lofty cosmic thoughts which the Seraphim had received from the Gods, and which the Cherubim had pondered over, should be transformed into active reality.


On a small personal note, just not to forget with the years, with gratitude for the Easter inspiration allowing me to 'see' FMC00.077 (and variants), and similary the holy nights period for FMC00.564.

Note 1 - The IAO cosmic fractal

See also IAO and Cosmic fractal topic pages.

1/ The GA011 quote above mentions a list of spiritual beings in the Old Saturn stage:

  • seven beings concerned with development of Man: H3+H2+Thrones
  • four highest beings: Cherubim, Seraphim and two others

This note is about standing still on this quote. Consider Schema FMC00.077A: it shows the two boxes above the Seraphim. This leads into the highest the layers of the Three Logoi. FMC00.077B highlights this.

To appreciate FMC00.077B, this needs to be considered on the foreground, with on the background projected: a consideration the three Logoi in the context of IAO and the wheel of planes (links given above with the Schema).

The goal of this schema is to illustrate that with the Earth stage of evolution, a new start is made, and an old cycle has been finished in this IAO cycling as the whole first hierarchy has flown back up, and the wheel has made one turn.

As per 1904-11-10-GA089: "on the mahapara-nirvana plane is the creative conscious mind of the Logos". And "only the first logos is able to take up again anything that has fallen into the eight sphere."

Now contemplate: Schema FMC00.240A and Schema FMC00.170 on Cosmic breathing, and what you see is an image of the cosmic breath of Brahma that ends his in-breathing again. After the maha-pralaya which represents the start of our solar system

2/ Contemplating the schema and 1904-11-10-GA089 may indicate that, what happens at the level of the Three Logoi and the highest planes cannot be mapped simply to Conditions of Consciousness or hierarchies. When a hierarchy 'rises' in consecutive steps, and passes the sacrifice of 'shedding buddhi' it can then reach the 'reversal' stage after which it is able to start a solar system. This is a flowing back to the Father, (in)to the Logos.

Note, the scarce information available however does not explicitly state how the seven creative spirits relate to the 21 prajapatis and in their functioning relates to the different planes and Logoi (though some info is available).

Furthermore on that scheme, on Future Vulcan: Man will be able to create entities (re what advanced magicians are able to do using the creative language as in Franz Bardon's 'Key to True Kabbalah'), but Man will not yet be able to emanate substance from own being.

3/ Schema FMC00.077A also illustrates a perspective on Free Man Creator: it shows how Man on Earth graduates from the lowest levels of CoC (produces by combining existing elements) to the second outstreaming and a higher step of creation: 'letting new structures with new life content arise from existing foundations'.

Between Earth and Future Jupiter therefore Man makes a major upgrade as Creative spiritual hierarchy. As the second half cycle in a planetary stage is where this happens, the MoG also represents this pivotal point where the 'receiving' ends and now an infusion is given whereby Man starts his - albeit very early pre-development in the next cultural ages and epochs - into the higher stages of development that are to develop structurally in the next planetary ages.

See also Schema FMC00.400 on Cosmic breath of Brahma

4/ Observe on Schema FMC00.077 that seven levels above the human self-consciousness level CoC=4 contribute to the development, see the sevenfolded structure of beings, eg see Man's bodily principles.

Many other quotes by Rudolf Steiner fit the FMC00.077 and variants, eg

  • that Christ entered via the gate of the SoW during his approach to Earth: the SoW are indeed the seventh and highest level in the Earth column
  • the quote from 1904-GA011 Cosmic Memory above, that "On Old Saturn, Man was surrounded by eleven other kinds of beings. The four highest had had their tasks on levels of development which preceded the life of Old Saturn." In the Old Saturn column we count indeed eleven levels above Man, and we see why Rudolf Steiner separates the four highest from the seven lowest. The highest of these seven are the Thrones and are key to the creation of Old Saturn, laying the foundation of warmth for the new solar system.
  • the fact that the zodiac is a stage after the fixed star (see Schema FMC00.076), is also apparent: the fixed star is the CoC=8 level of sacrifice. Beyond that, from level CoC=9 onwards, we are in the third outstreaming, see the upper level of the three highest CoC called 'emanating'.

Note 2 - Schema representations in language of the hierarchies

This note provides additional comments on FMC00.077 and variants. This schema appears to be popular in downloads, and so it is worthwhile to comment on it and stitch a 'lesson' on it through additional links.

Indeed the schema can easily be misunderstood as of course there is no such thing as a simple single column for each planetary stage. That is just a huge oversimplification of the stage a hierarchy reaches. However things are much more complex, see eg Schema FMC00.203 which shows the most important CoL for Mankind, however at the same time all hierarchies are evolving at the same time as part of a complex dynamic called the Cosmic fractal. This is illustrated by FMC00.413 that shows this for Old Saturn.

A number of additional schemas link into this mode of presentation:

1 - situation on Earth

These can be used to see what is meant with the green on FMC00.077, the role of H3 who 'carry' Man's higher members (see eg Three meetings) and are also stakeholders, as the activities of Man's I represents 'food for archai'. (see Third Hierarchy).

2 - Christ and Michael (in that same context of Earth stage)

Note that these represent a snapshot at the planetary stage level. The Logos was 'busy preparing' this situation already on Old Sun through the archangelic being Christ, which became the Sun God Christ at SoF level on planetary stage Earth. See Christ on Old Sun.

3 - Within a given planetary stage of evolution

.. the situation is much more complex as CoC, CoL and CoF are 'intertwined' as Three dimensions of evolution and only presented by human consciousness in a way we can grasp and reason about it.

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References and further reading