Creation by the three Logoi

From Anthroposophy

With reference to schema FMC00.067 below (see also: Cosmic breath of Brahma), The three Logoi have three outpourings:

  • in the 1st outpouring or outstreaming, the Third Logos through sacrifice of its higher consciousness streams out its own substance to create the five planes below the nirvana plane .. giving Form
  • with Substance already existing .. in the 2nd outpouring, the Second Logos gives it Life
  • in the 3th outpouring, the First Logos fructifies by adding spirit and higher conscious awareness: form and substance exist so it is about observing and generating and emanating images. .

The three Logoi give rise to the Seven creative spirits, and these give rise to the 21 Prajapatis. Each of them acts as an original Logos, giving 21 creators of a solar system (see Schema FMC00.400B).


  • the relevation of the Trinity in the physical world, or three logoi as world-sound, world-light and world-aroma (1907-02-11-GA266/1, 1907-11-23-GA266/1)
  • link to AUM and first logos: smell, matter; second logos: sight, picture (image), third logos: hearing, movement (1906-12-18-GA266/1)
  • symbols for the logoi (see Schema FMC00.010A below and Mystical Lamb#Note .5B1.5D - Symbol of the Mystical Lamb)

Inspirational quotes


Humanity looks for the logical reasons, law or trigger for what caused creation, re teleology and cosmogony. This is studied in spiritual science, but there is one important element to be considered, see below. For full quote see: IAO#1903-11-16-GA090A

We cannot investigate the reason for God's devotion .. it is an act of freedom ... the highest act of freedom of the Creator is this gratuitous devotion to the world out of love. There is no compulsion .. there is no "logical" reason (for us within the great spirit).



Schema FMC00.067 shows Creation by the three Logoi as three outpourings by The three Logoi. See also IAO


Schema FMC00.067A: provides a conceptual infographic of the logoic principle. The traditional theosophical schema on the left is explained and drawn differently on the right.

The fruits of a previous evolutionary period are in-breathed back in the Logos at pralaya, and represent the seed of the next out-breathing, where it will be blended with the available soil made up of the available cosmic dust. When 'ready' at the middle of a cycle, there is a divine intervention that fructifies it with a higher consciousness.

Like a car jack, this way the logoic principle moves up creation by one level along the CoC-ladder of Conditions of Consciousness, and an extension is woven onto creation, which thereby expands in ever more complex and sophisticated forms of self-consciousness.


Schema FMC00.067B: connects the conceptual picture of Schema FMC00.067A to the planetary stages of evolution.

For 'divine impulse', see Schema FMC00.185 and Schema FMC00.190. Compare also with Schema FMC00.400 on Cosmic breath of Brahma

connects the conceptual picture of Schema FMC00.067A to the planetary stages of evolution. For 'divine impulse', see Schema FMC00.185 and Schema FMC00.190. Compare also with Schema FMC00.400 on Cosmic breath of Brahma

Schema FMC00.067C depicts a drawing by Rudolf Steiner, explaining Schema FMC00.067A using sanskrit terms used in theosophical terminology.

Contemplate together with FMC00.067A and FMC00.067B.



Schema FMC00.568: illustrates the great cosmic principle also described by IAO or the ouroboros (Schema FMC00.328), the principle of 'the highest divinity who wants to know itself' as the ultimate underlying principle of creation, the cosmos, or the cosmic fractal. Or put differently with the concept of Mahat: the whole gives its essence to each of its parts.

At the core and heart is the ultimate property of the highest divinity, acting out of selfless devotion to the world out of love as an act of freedom (1903-11-16-GA090A).

What this means is further covered in spiritual science by the study of evolution, and a pathway of development for spiritual beings reaching I-consciousness and evolving along a ladder of twelve conditions of consciousness, as depicted on Schema FMC00.329.

illustrates the great cosmic principle also described by IAO or the ouroboros (Schema FMC00.328), the principle of 'the highest divinity who wants to know itself' as the ultimate underlying principle of creation, the cosmos, or the cosmic fractal. Or put differently with the concept of Mahat: the whole gives its essence to each of its parts. At the core and heart is the ultimate property of the highest divinity, acting out of selfless devotion to the world out of love as an act of freedom (1903-11-16-GA090A). What this means is further covered in spiritual science by the study of evolution, and a pathway of development for spiritual beings reaching I-consciousness and evolving along a ladder of twelve conditions of consciousness, as depicted on Schema FMC00.329.


Schema FMC00.010 is the original drawing from 1906 (published in GA089 and later in GA046)

Schema FMC00.010A is the english digital version of the original FMC00.010, and links the three Logoi to the Three dimensions of evolution.

See also the '1904-10-25-GA089 quote' section in the Discussion area on that page.


Schema FMC00.077B is a simplified variant of FMC00.077A to highlighting the 'moving up the ladder' in context of IAO and in purple the three highest states of the three Logoi For more info, see Creation of solar system.


Schema FMC00.062 depicts the spiritual entities involved in creation of cosmic systems like our solar system. Our solar system is described as everything upto the spirit world, with the spiritual hierarchies involved in a great dynamic interaction as explained in the Golden Chain. The spirits described in this schema are above that, and operate from nirvana and buddhi planes, orchestrating the changes at the highest level including transitions between the Three dimensions of evolution: stages of consciousness (CoC), conditions of life (CoL) and conditions of form (CoF).

Note: The evolutionary dynamic is ongoing at all times for all hierarchies simultaneously and in parallel (see Cosmic fractal). In terms of the guidance for the development of humanity, it is also from these higher planes (buddhi and nirvana planes), that the White Lodge circle of Bodhisattvas and Buddhas operate and guide this evolution of Mankind, see the Occult atom.

Schema FMC00.062 shows the main creative entities at the highest level (as per GA089) - see also Schema FMC00.400B.


Schema FMC00.303 is a meta schema for purposes of study and contemplation


Schema FMC00.400B is, like FMC00.400A, another attempt or way to assemble into a meta-schema some other Schemas and capture one idea. That idea is that the Cosmic breath of Brahma is one of a 'Great Being' one can call God or the Logos (or The three logoi), which has given rise, due to its threefold nature, to a Cosmic Fractal, at the basis of which lie the 'seven spirits before the throne' and the spiritual hierarchies. The 3x7=21 spirits (in roles called Prajapatis) are underlying and maintain the Three dimensions of evolution .. they are an intertwined evolutionary dynamic of form, life and consciousness.

The result of this process is that all hierarchies are part of the logoic principle, they are like strands that are woven in a fractal manner. With every hierarchy an additional layer of complexity is added. With every breath and pralaya between planetary stages of evolution, one can imagine that a tooth gear jumps one step further, as the ladder of the Conditions of Consciousness is extended with the evolutionary development of 'all', of all other spiritual hierarchies that are part of this great interwoven dynamic.

The essential building block of this process we can call the logoic principle. Imagine a spiritual hierarchy of beings at any planetary stage of evolution. The logoic principle can be phrased as consisting of substance or soil (L3), being brought to life and becoming a seed (L2), which is then fructified to do a step change in consciousness (L1). The latter fructication is what is meant with the divine intervention.

Regarding how these steps link to other content and topic pages on this site:

  • The union of soil and seed (L3+L2) is studied under the Creation of solar system and Overview of solar system evolution
  • The fructification and divine intervention is the Christ Impulse and Mystery of Golgotha (MoG).
  • The process of exhaling and inhaling maps to the Golden Chain, which explains how it gives rises to the Four kingdoms of nature.
  • See also the IAO concept and topic page which depicts closure between Alpha and Omega, and infinity. A simple way to think about that is that all that gets exhaled, gets inhaled again. So whatever is created, gets sucked in again or flows back into the highest level of this creation, which is denoted by God, the Trinity, or the Three Logoi.

Lecture coverage and references

Overview coverage

The best way into this subject matter is to read a number of lectures in the descriptive story they unfold:

  • 1903-L3-GA088 of summer 1903
  • 1903-10-30-GA089
  • 1904-08-8H-GA091
  • 1904-11-10-GA089 is the best lecture to explain the creation of a new solar system
  • 1905-08-12-GA091

as well as

  • 1905-10-30-GA093A (and 1905-10-12-GA093A)
  • 1906-06-09-GA094 .

Note 99 in GA089 provides a list of lectures in which Rudolf Steiner spoke of the three Logoi

Reference extracts


gives a good overview of The three Logoi and threefold origin of Man


title: The second Logos

edited computer translation below, SWCC but with rephrasings for clarity

Note: there are two other lectures that connect to the descriptions below, both on the Human aura topic page, see 1904-01-12-GA090A and 1904-01-19-GA090A.

First of all, I want to warn against speaking too abstractly about the Logos. One is so tempted to speak in general terms of first, second and third logos. Beginners in particular like to talk about ‘logos’ straight away and want to discuss the whole world by arguing about what the first, second and third logos do.

That is not what we want to do.

[point one - L2 ]

We want to make it clear to ourselves what task the individual beings that develop have within the development of the world as a whole, whereby they become a member of the Logos.

Because we must be clear that, for example, when one stage of evolution evolves into another - for example, the Old Moon into the current Earth stage - that everything that took place during the Old Moon stage passes through a pralaya and comes into appearance again, and [goes into] an inverse pralaya. What happened before goes back into the Logos ... so it rests as it were in the Logos, does not sleep .. it is ready to receive a new task.

The best way to clarify this is to ask yourself: What will become of everything that is gradually forming during the various Conditions of Life and epochs in our current Earth development? What will become of all this?

When the Earthly evolution is over, the sum of these beings will be a coherent mass of new seeds, which will continue to develop in the next [planetary] stage. They will return once again to the Logos.

Everything that develops currently during our Earth stage of evolution, what remains and what passes through pralaya, will be a second Logos for the next stage. The result of a certain stage is the second Logos for the next stage.

Please bear in mind that it is better to ask yourself: What will the second logos be like? Instead of simply saying: first, second, third Logos. Stick to the concrete and realize that everything that comes over from one stage into another is the second Logos for the next stage.

[point two: L3+L2]

And now we divide the whole development during our Earthly stage of evolution into two parts. We have seven CoL (Conditions of Life, or 'rounds') to deal with.

First we take the first three and the first half of the fourth round. That is half of it. Right up to this point, when only half of the fourth round has passed, everything that has developed, that which has joined with the second Logos as the third Logos, has been expressed. ... [partial sentences removed - unclear due to gaps in the transcript] ...

Take plant seeds, put into the Earth. The seeds you sow are the second Logos.

The bed [and soil], the material or substance from which the new forms emerge, that is the third logos. It's what I would call world dust ...

The third logos is used to swell forms during the first half of the round development.

This is what Annie Besant calls the development of Form, the involution.

The second with the third logos build up the forms, from the outside in.

Man is built up from the outside. The Pitris [from Old Moon] have come over - second Logos . They fertilized the third Logos. From the fertilization of the third Logos by the second Logos arises the animal basis of human beings. This is the Lemurian/Lunar race until the middle of the fourth round [and up to the middle of the Lemurian epoch]

[point three: L3+L2 + L1]

And now the second impregnation occurs, of what has arisen up to this point. From the second and third Logos now arises, through the first Logos joining directly here, the further second [part of evolution] now arises. Thus arise [and follow] the second half of the fourth round and the three following rounds.

So that we must imagine:

  • The second Logos is that which comes over from outside,
  • it incorporates form [with the help of the third Logos], swells up. All shells are built up.
  • And now comes the fertilization from the first Logos. It radiates from within. This is the fertilization of the first Logos.


[point four: aura of Man]

This is what can be seen in the aura [of Man]

Until the fourth round, the aura is cloud-like [from the outside], until the Lemurian race.

In the middle of the Lemurian race [the] radiant image of the aura begins. And this is the influx of the first Logos. And this is what Annie Besant calls the development of Life or evolution. Life or evolution begins from within. ...

The human being of the Lemurian race has formed a physical shell, an astral shell and a kama-manas [lower I]. All this has been built up.

Now a black spot emerges. In the center above the head, indicating, as it were, the place from which the influx of the first Logos radiates.


Every evolutionary period has a very specific purpose of the Logos to carry out. Our present Earth stage intended Man from the outset, to bring Man to perfection. The present [Earth stage] has the definite task of designing Man from the beginning, and bringing him to development.

To this end, there is always a twofold fertilization:

  • The first is that the result of the previous evolutionary stage fertilizes itself. What emerges from the fertilization are the facts of the first half of the next evolutionary stage.
  • Then the second fertilization happens through the first Logos, and [provides the basis for] the second half of evolution.


  • One half goes from the outside to the inside and forms the Form.
  • The other goes from the inside out and forms Life.


[point five - L3]

I call the third logos world dust because everything that is rejected by the other worlds is absorbed into it.

[editor: see Schema FMC00.078 the 'wheel of planes' as described in 1904-02-02-GA090A and explained in 1904-11-10-GA089]

In order for plant seeds to grow and blossom, matter must first be brought in. The plant seed must be sunk into the soil, which is prepared for it, as it were, so that it can draw out the strength it needs.

It is the same with the third logos. It consists of matter filled with pure [source] power. The kamic entities attract the substance and form a cosmos.

The Eighth sphere gives off the material, [but] it is taken up into the new development when a new cosmos is created. The eighth sphere, the corpse of every cosmos, provides the material for the future.

[editor: see 1904-11-10-GA089]

At the end of its development, every world body becomes light purple and disappears. All seeds are contained in it ..

(You have to emancipate yourself from the concept of space. It does not reflect everything.)

[point 5 - L3]

I call the third logos world dust because everything that is rejected by the other worlds is absorbed into it.

[editor: see Schema FMC00.078 the 'wheel of planes' as described in 1904-02-02-GA090A and explained in 1904-11-10-GA089]

In order for plant seeds to grow and blossom, matter must first be brought in. The plant seed must be sunk into the soil, which is prepared for it, as it were, so that it can draw out the strength it needs.

It is the same with the third logos. It consists of matter filled with pure [source] power. The kamic entities attract the substance and form a cosmos.

The Eighth sphere gives off the material, [but] it is taken up into the new development when a new cosmos is created. The eighth sphere, the corpse of every cosmos, provides the material for the future.

[editor: see 1904-11-10-GA089]

At the end of its development, every world body becomes light purple and disappears. All seeds are contained in it ..

(You have to emancipate yourself from the concept of space. It does not reflect everything.)

[point 6 - Development of Man]


No more new forms are created from the third round. Outwardly, Man has reached the most perfect form.

The next thing the human being will achieve, is to make the other sheaths more perfect from the inside.

[editor: see Man's transformation and spiritualization]

Current fourth round

From the middle of the fourth round the forms are completed; now the influence on the astral body begins from within. So the repercussions on the astral body have already begun.

The fourth round will be completed, the fifth will come, and then [the] astral body will be affected more and more.

On the fifth round, the astral body will be like this. [figure]

He will have nothing but wheels in his astral body. The chakras rotate, as they already do today in those who are clairvoyant.

During the sixth round, the mental body develops. Not only will chakras move, but the mental body will shine more and more radiantly from within. Now it is the radiant mental body. This is complete on the sixth sphere.

In the seventh round the causal body is formed to the greatest perfection. It surpasses the boundary of the astral body until in the end there is nothing but the causal body. Namely, the rays will become effective causal bodies. .. At the end of the seventh round there is nothing but the causal body.

Until the fourth round, the third Logos works from the outside and the outer sheath is formed. In the brain, the tool is given for independent activity. From the brain, forces can flow out and set the chakras in motion again.

[point 7 - terminology]

That which comes from the previous development we call Prakriti, that which comes from the second half, Mahat, aand that which comes from the third, Purusha.

Body is Mahat, soul Prakriti, mind Purusha. [in the seed, Mahat and Purusha have disappeared, and Prakriti is carried on.]

[editor: see Schema FMC00.067C]

[point 8 - note]

The body becomes ready through the spirit dwelling in it. The body would not make mistakes if it were not seduced by the spirit. There is no physical sin.

There is nothing as perfect as your lungs, your stomach, your heart. If the mental faculties were as perfect as the organs, you would have reached spiritual perfection. The physical is not mistaken, the mineral is not mistaken at all. It cannot be wrong.

All sin is of a spiritual (astral) nature. Only a person who has given up restraining the kama can be cruel. Only from the middle of the Lemurian race is there a 'good and evil', not before.

Mind (spirit) and body are two perfect parts. In the middle of both lies Kama, the soul, which is the bearer of imperfection.

The body is the mind or spirit from outside, Mahat, the soul is Prakriti.


Elemental, sidereal and celestial deities, human development, and the zodiac.

Three currents:

  • 1/ If we follow the entire genesis of Man, we will remember that we are initially dealing with Pitris who come over from the Old Moon stage, for the Pitris are the actual human beings who came over in the seed and form the plant for the Earth. They have already shed the three kingdoms and we are dealing with lunar Pitris. That is the first factor.
  • 2/ The second is ‘what the Pitris are supposed to incarnate into’, which comes from the Earth itself, because the Old Moon forms are gone. It is a second current that must combine with the first.
  • 3/ And the third is that which came during the Lemurian epoch as ‘manasic fertilization’.


In summary, how the three limbs come together:

  • 1/ The soul comes from the Old Moon,
  • 2/ the body comes from the Earth, it is formed from the Earth.
  • 3/ and the spirit comes from above as a divine impact.


These three currents or limbs are representatives of three entities:

  • 1/ human entity
  • 2/ subhuman entity
  • 3/ superhuman entity


  • 1/ The current from which the souls come, we call <planetary or sidereal gods>.
  • 2/ We call the three groups of which the body is composed elemental spirits.
  • 3/ We call the superhuman <divine entities> .. or <celestial gods> is what the mystic calls them.


[group 2]

2/ The human being's body is made up of elemental, subterranean spirits. They have gradually formed the bodies of minerals, plants, animals and Man to the point where he is glowed through by the planetary [gap in transcript] spirit. Only at the end of his development will he be spirit or Logos.

We must also understand other characteristic features.

We can characterize the elemental entities by saying that they have will, mind and thought in a single center. If we study all the elemental spirits that create in our evolution and ask: "What do you want?", this makes no sense. Because the common spirit has the will, the elemental spirit is the executor.

[editor: see Elementals of nature in context Golden Chain]

Likewise, it has a common consciousness - you cannot ask: "What do you feel?" Like the hand in humans. Therefore, the activity of the elemental spirits appears in the form of necessary natural laws. They appear without feeling and without will as necessities, because consciousness is at the center of the whole macrocosm.

[group 1]

1/ Now we come to the planetary or sidereal beings.

When they have reached the highest level, they have their feeling for themselves and their thoughts for themselves, but not yet their will for themselves.

When Man has arrived at the end of Earth evolution as a planetary Logos, he will be able to think and feel everything, but not to will.

This will only happen when he has spiritualized the next three planetary stages of evolution. Then we will be all-feeling and all-willing beings, (but not yet omnipotent beings).

However, Man is now gradually absorbing the will. It is precisely the element of will that is gradually emerging and has been developing freedom since the middle of the Lemurian period.



  • An elemental being is not free, neither in relation to [gap in transcript] plan.
  • The Logos is free in relation to his thoughts, when he reaches the highest peak of feeling; and
  • a divine spirit being is free in relation to thought, feeling and will.

This also explains why Christian esotericism does not attribute free will to Man, only to Man to a limited extent.

Angels carry out the will of God, they are messengers. They see that thought and feeling are in balance in the sidereal beings. The two are not yet mastered by the will, therefore still in conflict; they will bring them into full harmony by the will on the next planetary stage of evolution.

So that these planetary spirits in particular, who enter our Earth evolution, hold balance in thought and feeling, thus still sway to and fro, are not yet stable - thus Kama-Manas.

[group 3]

3/ The third degree of divine beings has stable equilibrium through the will that keeps them in balance.

If you follow this, you will say to yourself:

  • At the beginning of the first planet we have only elemental entities noticeable in their activity on the outside, for the Pitris are still children.
  • Then in the middle of the planetary development the influence of the sidereal entities begins and continues,
  • from the middle to the end is the impact of the celestial divine entities.


  • From the beginning, then, we have only a center consciousness for the planetary cosmos;
  • then a sidereal consciousness begins to develop,
  • and then a celestial divine one.

At the beginning one is conscious, and at the end all participate in the consciousness of the one;

at the beginning unity consciousness, at the end multiplicity consciousness.

Now we call the unity consciousness in the beginning ‘Ishwara’, and at the end we call such a being, endowed with consciousness like many, ‘Atma’.

.. so that we must imagine the whole evolution as a transition from the unity consciousness, the Ishwara, to the unity consciousness of the Atwar.

He is always giving off until symphony is reached.

[Zodiac signs]

If you now imagine the development, you have to say to yourself: we are initially dealing with an undivided Ishwara consciousness that has split somewhere until the dull I-consciousnesses emerges.

This point is referred to esoterically and astrologically as Libra.

So you can say: The statue of Libra means for the esotericist: the emergence of Atma from Ishwara.

And now an important moment in evolution occurs: that the being from which the I emerged is a duality, because it is a macrocosmic being.

The microcosm is the Atma embryo, and the macrocosm is that which acts from outside as Ishwara consciousness.

So that you now have, according to the constellation of Libra, where it then diverges, the duality: the virginal of the soul, the virgin Virgo, and what comes in from outside, the powerful. This can also be called the will, the lion, Leo.

And now we are already at the point where Leo and Virgo, which previously only asserted themselves in the realms of nature, gradually come to unite in the human being, the hermaphroditic human being, the twins Gemini.

Of course, between Leo and Virgo and Gemini the reversal must take place; what was outside must come inside, that is what Cancer means.

We have now predisposed it in the hermaphroditic human being, the duality that now emerges on the other side.

That which was formerly higher nature becomes lower nature: Taurus.

And now the ascent begins again, it goes up to Aries. What was a lower nature becomes the representative of justice - the legend of Jason.

The next thing is that righteousness does not remain on the outside, but takes hold of the inside: Kama, the water. We have the constellation of Pisces. Present moment.

The theosophical movement [gap in the transcript]

Then it goes on. Future: Aquarius, Sagittarius, Scorpio, and then comes Libra again.

New cycle from God to man. That which unfolds between Libra and Aries - Virgo, Leo, Cancer, Gemini, Taurus, Pisces - is the human development of our Earth that is open to the day.

On the other hand, we have the hidden development in the Godhead. It lies between Libra and Pisces.

So everything that lies on the other side is outwardly visible development, can be seen through G[gap in transcript].

Everything else lies on the outer side, when developing inwardly - night, southern half.

The one, the visible, is the content of science in a comprehensive sense.

The other half is the content of the mysteries.

Of course, only full science illuminates the whole. Therefore, theosophical development is the revelation of the other side, the actual night, which becomes day for those who enter it. Hence

  • the Sun appears in Virgo at Christmas, rising higher and higher,
  • at Easter the rebirth from Taurus to Aries,
  • and then it goes through Pisces to the full height of the Sun.

The two solstices happen in June (20 or 21) and December (21 or 22).

March 21 (Vernal equinox) and on September 23 (Autumnal equinox).

Occurs on June 21(Summer Solstice) and on Dec 22 (Winter Solstice).

1908-09-14-GA244 - Q&A 169.17

from p 268

the I as the meeting of 2nd Logos (Sun, 6/7th Mahat) and 3th Logos (Earth & Moon, 1/7th Mahat or Jehovah) in higher spirit world

See also Schema FMC00.067 above (and more on Creation by the three Logoi).

What is understood by the I?

This is called I, which came into being at the meeting of the second Logos with the third Logos in the highest spirit world.

One can see its true form only when one ascends as the old Indian disciple of the holy Rishis could ascend. The human earth-self can only arise from these forces.

The solar forces are the forces of the second Logos. The earth and moon forces are the forces of the third Logos.

That which is physically a separation is spiritually a meeting. The time of this meeting is the time of the separation of the sun, earth and moon.

One has present in the solar forces a part of the cosmic 'Mahats' as six-sevenths, one seventh is connected with the moon, that is Jehovah or Yahweh.

The force-substance representation

See Force substance representation

This conceptual representation starts with a few abstract prime concepts of substance and force that are used to 'explain', or show, the 'spectrum of spiritual substance and force' that lies behind the 'coarse' matter and forces that we know in the physical world around us. In that sense it links to and represents a conceptual extension of the spectrum of elements and ethers.

  • Primal substance (Father, being)
  • Primal force (Son, the wanting) <-> unity
  • from which Consciousness springs as divine thought, the thinking of the Logos (Spirit, the wanted) <-> manifoldedness

In this frame the descent into matter is projected, with a tension between both force and substance: the larger the force, the finer the substance, the more consistent the substance, the larger the tension.


Note 1 - Schemas FMC00.067 and FMC00.010A and Schema FMC00.062

Question 1:

On Schema FMC00.067:

Why does the outpouring of the Logos go to the spirit world (mental plane or devachan)?

See: explanation of the wheel of planes on Planes or Worlds of Consciousness

Question 2:

Schema FMC00.067 depicts the three outpourings by the logoi in a sequence: first the Third Logos, then the Second, and last and third the First Logos. This in line with Schema FMC00.064.

Now compare with Schema FMC00.010A above: here a sequence of First, Second and Third Logos is given along the seven planetary stages.

This seemingly offers a contradiction.

The following approach is proposed: to concurrently contemplate three perspectives:

1/ See Schema FMC00.171. The explanation of the Force Substance representation above describes how Consciousness arises as the wanted, the result from the will and life, from substance and force.

2/ Schema FMC00.060 and the explanations on The three Logoi, and how this goes over into Schema FMC00.061

3/ On Three dimensions of evolution: contemplate Consciousness, Life and Form as per Schema FMC00.057 (and Schema FMC00.093), merging it with the above.

Question 3

Schema FMC00.062 above triggers the question how this links to the spiritual hierarchies and specifically the First Hierarchy consisting of Seraphim, Cherubim and Thrones.

The answer is given by a combination of 1909-04-GA110 with schema FMC00.077A.

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References and further reading