Four kingdoms of nature
The current planetary stage of evolution called Earth has seven kingdoms of which we know four physical kingdoms: mineral, plant, animal kingdoms besides Man or the human being. The three other kingdoms are called the Elementary kingdoms that provide the formative forces working on the Earth's kingdoms - see also Golden Chain.
Man owes his ascent to the other kingdoms of nature, and will redeem them in the future, see Man and nature's kingdoms in evolution.
Inspirational quotes
John of Salisbury, in Metalogicon (Book 1, Ch 16)
Nature is rich and beautiful, and provides human indigence with her untold wealth ... with the result that the properties of things overflow into words.
Schema FMC00.518 illustrates the consciousness of the four kingdoms of nature at different planes of consciousness.
Only Man has individualized Human 'I' consciousness as he was and is in the process of detaching himself from the various granular levels of the group souls of humanity through the process of individuation and Development of the I.
In the animal kingdom, a collective of animals part of a certain species have their group soul on the astral plane, the working group of the animal group soul intelligence can be seen for example in flocks of birds and herds.
The plant kingdom has its group soul on the lower spirit plane. The astral body of the Earth forms the common astral body for the whole plant kingdom, the I of the plant is in the center of the Earth. The astral world does not penetrate the individual plant but merely touches it through the 'kiss of the Sun', which is the origin of the blossom causing the appearance of the flower.
The mineral kingdom is frozen and chaste and has the group soul in the higher spirit world.
FMC00.147 provides an overview to contemplate how the kingdoms of nature on Earth originate in previous evolutionary stages.
Schema FMC00.149: gives a tabular synthesis showing the development of the Spectrum of elements and ethers and the development of our current Four kingdoms of nature as well as Man's developing Condition of Consciousness, see also Schema FMC00.583 on Man and nature's kingdoms in evolution
It shows how the plant and animal kingdoms evolved from the planetary stages of evolution: part of the development lagged behind and was not able to develop the next structural bodily principles, such as the astral on Old Moon, and the human 'I' on Earth.
Note: this schema has a Schema Commentary page, right click the schema number hyperlink to open in a new tab window.
Schema FMC00.142B lifts out one aspect from Schema FMC00.142, graphically depicting the origin of nature's kingdoms as offsprings of the spiritual hierarchies in previous evolutionary stages.
Lecture coverage and references
.. writes (see 'The Hermetic and Alchemical Writings of Paracelsus', Book IV pg 135) that all kingdoms on Earth are spiritual, and actually all realities are spiritual in nature.
There is nothing corporeal but has latent within itself a spirit and life, which, as just now said,is none other than a spiritual thing.
But not only that lives which moves and acts, as men, animals, worms in the earth, birds under the sky, fishes in the sea, but also all corporeal and substantial things.
For here we should know that God, at the beginning of the creation of all things, creates no body whatever without its own spirit, which spirit it contains after an occult manner within itself. For what is the body without the spirit? Absolutely nothing.
see also Schema FMC00.415 and Schema FMC00.603
The things that concern Man cannot be found through the study of animals. I have often stressed this difference in public lectures, and should like to emphasise it still more here.
People are in the habit of thinking: an eye is an eye, an organ is an organ, lungs are lungs, a liver is a liver, and so forth.
But that is not so, the eye in Man is the organ which also exists in the animal world as eye, but with a modification: it is changed by the fact that in Man the I has been incorporated.
The same is the case with all other organs. And for the occurrences within the organs, especially in cases of disease, the permeation by the I is of much greater importance than what happens in the animal’s organs, where there is no such permeation.
This essential difference is still far too little regarded and men persist in off-hand pronouncements of this sort: “here I have a knife; well, a knife’s a knife, isn’t it? One knife is the same as another, so both, being knives, must have the same origin.” But suppose that one of these “identical” knives is a table knife, the other a razor. In that case the simple proposition that “a knife’s a knife” becomes untenable.
It is making the same mistake to explain the human eye and the animal eye by the same methods and terms. It is simply nonsense to seek for the explanation of anything in its mere external aspect; moreover such an approach is entirely barren as a foundation for study. Study founded on animal “material” simply hinders the adequate study of certain conditions in mankind; for it is only possible to form a just estimate of the dissimilarity here, by realising that in Man it is precisely the peripheral organs which are the most permeated by the I and moulded by it.
Related pages
- Worldview spiritual science
- Evolution
- Man and nature's kingdoms in evolution
- Mineral kingdom
- Plant kingdom
- Animal kingdom
- Man - the human being
References and further reading
- Raoul Heinrich Francé (1874-1943)
- Bios. Die Gesetze der Welt. (Grundlagen einer objektiven Philosophie IV-V. Teil) (1921)
- Das Leben im Boden. Das Edaphon (1995, a reprint of 'Das Edaphon - Untersuchungen zur Oekologie der bodenbewohnenden Mikroorganismen (1913) and 'Das Leben im Ackerboden' (1922))
- see also: Plant kingdom#More
- John Blackwood (1940-2015): Geometry in nature' (explaining the morphology of the natural world through projective geometry) (2012)