Spectrum of elements and ethers

From Anthroposophy

The 'lower' elements and 'higher' ethers are the result of the previous evolutionary stages and arose through sacrifice of high spiritual beings that gave the substance for other lower spiritual beings to grow and develop. Our physical reality is made up from, or woven from these elements and ethers, though each of them represents a class of spiritual beings in itself.

In each planetary stage, an element-ether pair was created: two kinds of warmth on Old Saturn, air-light on Old Sun, water-chemical ether on Old Moon, and earth-life ether on Earth. See the Four elements

Each of these elements and ethers has its own set of laws, see the section about the formative forces for an example of how different these are from what is described as physical laws.

The four elements were known by all ancient religions and teachings from India, Egypt upto the Greek culture, can still be found in esoteric teachings in the middle ages, as well up to today in Alchemy or hermetics.

Elements and ethers are concepts mapping to the influences of spiritual beings such as Elementals of nature and the elementary kingdoms, they can be regarded as a sort of macroscopic label or shorthand to denote their distinct influences, in order to have a 'language' to describe what is underlying the the kingdoms of nature.

At the end of the 19th century, theosophy re-introduced the ancient indian term of the tattvas as the formative forces underlying the four elements (a.o. Rama Prasad), whilst contemporary scientists were exploring the vibrations of the so-called 'ether' as a theory of physics to understand matter (a.o. Oliver Lodge, Gustave Le Bon). More on this paradigm below under 'Aspects' for 'the ether', and on the topic page formative forces for 'tattvas'.


  • the cosmic ether consists of two parts: a) warmth, light , chemical, and life ethers b) a moral being of the cosmic ether present near the stars and planets. Man thus lives within the cosmic ether as moral essence (1922-11-12-GA266/3)
  • the spectrum of elements and ethers is differentiated between the Earth and the Sun (1910-08-23-GA122)
    • On Earth we have the elements up as far as warmth which permeates the Earth. In the Earth we have to look for the solid, fluid and gaseous elements; warmth is shared by both Earth and sun.
      • Light streams upon the Earth from the sun. The Earth only shares in light in so far as the beings in its environment (or the bodies in its environment) take part in the life of the Earth.
      • If we wish to locate the higher elementary states (light ether, chemical ether, and lifeether) we must place them in the sphere of the sun.
  • for the principle of differentiation
    • see Old Saturn for the example explanation of differentiation of inner warmth and outer warmth by the Archai
    • note - the spectrum of ethers and elements has to be overlaid by the evolutionary pattern of the different planetary stages of evolution creating the different planes or worlds of consciousness - see also Schema FMC00.143 on The elementary kingdoms
  • for an explanation on warmth, see Schiller (downloadeable in Further reading section below)
  • the life ether was called Honover in Persian times, in the Gospel of John it's called the Logos (as the 'meaning-filled tone belonging to the Being of the Sun') (1910-09-12-GA123)
  • evolutionary, the separation of the Sun with the Earth also implied a separation of the influences of the higher ethers that working on Man from the Earth before, and now from outside after. This changed again after the Mystery of Golgotha, and relates to the Christ Impulse on Earth, see Christ Module 11 - A new physics
  • ethers and geometrical forms of the corresponding formative forces or tattvas: sphere, triangle, rectangle and crescent moon; and the fifth (akasha or thought ether: two intersection spirals) (1906-12-01-GA266) - see formative forces


  • Note there is a difference between the ethers, and the (etheric) formative forces. This was the subject of a long standing 'dispute' between Gunther Wachsmuth and Ernst Marti, supported by ao Iwer Thor Lorenzen. Reference to Lorenzen's book on the subject. However see Schema FMC00.172 and Schema FMC00.172A to resolve the dichotomy.
  • The reference by Law (and Boehme) below describes the spectrum with warmth in the middle as the source of the other elements and ethers, see Schema FMC00.194 (and above on Schema FMC00.149 and lower left on Schema FMC00.583.


  • the concept of the ether was explored by renowed physicists at the end of the 19th century, as a way to explain nature and the duality between matter and wave phenomena. The idea was that all phenomena were the result of vibrations of 'the ether' at different levels, the most well known being light.
    • This hypothesis still makes sense, however one needs to position this into the 19th century which was extremely materialistic, and when natural sciences was investigating the nature of matter and phenomena such as light and radiation, the ether was imagined - erroneously - as very fine substance, just more fine than regular physical matter. Regarding the idea of a vibrating either, spiritual scientific sources such as Blavatsky, Harrison, Steiner referenced reputed scientists such as Oliver Lodge in this context. However this scientific idea of an ether did further evolve in the development of science, as it was overhauled by the stream of mathematical physics (relativity by Einstein, quantum physics by Schrodinger and De Broglie).
    • contemporary materialistic 'mineral science' considers the electromagnetic spectrum whereby the visible light is a small section of a spectrum ranging from high energy gamma rays and X-rays, over UV-visible-IR, to lower frequency/energy long microwaves and radio waves. As physics only considers the mineral element Earth, it views everything as electromagnetic waves. An alternate view is to consider that there is an ether vibrating at a wide range of frequencies, as a spiritual wave that is loosing energy and crashing into matter. The logical mind can imagine a cosmic breath exhaling from high energy (gamma rays, X-rays) over light to low energy.
  • Rudolf Steiner taught about the various ethers, spiritual beings underlying these formative forces (see the Elementary Kingdoms), and presented how the whole could be viewed in a framework as explained on Force substance representation
  • origin of the 'ether'
    • Aristotle was one of the earliest thinkers to propose the idea of an "aether" as the fifth element (quintessence). He believed that while earth, water, air, and fire made up the terrestrial world, the heavens were composed of a more refined, divine substance called aether. This was thought to fill the universe and be the medium through which celestial bodies moved.
    • René Descartes (1596–1650) later expanded on this idea, suggesting that space was filled with a "plenum" (a continuous medium) that facilitated the movement of light and planetary motion. Also Christiaan Huygens (1629–1695) proposed that light traveled as a wave through an invisible ether. And also Isaac Newton (1643–1727), despite favoring a particle theory of light, considered the possibility of an ether that might explain gravitational interactions.
    • In the 19th century, scientists believed that light, being a wave, required a medium to travel through, just like sound needs air or water. This led to the idea of the luminiferous ether, an invisible substance thought to pervade all space and act as the medium for light waves. James Clerk Maxwell (1831–1879) developed his famous equations for electromagnetism under the assumption that light waves propagated through such an ether. The Michelson-Morley experiment (1887) was a crucial test that attempted to detect the motion of Earth through this ether. The experiment found no evidence of ether, which cast doubt on its existence.
    • In the 20th century and current .. in 1905, Albert Einstein’s Special Theory of Relativity did away with the need for an ether by showing that light does not require a medium to propagate. Later developments in quantum mechanics and relativity replaced ether with the concept of the vacuum as a dynamic space filled with fluctuating energy fields. Today, some modern theories in quantum physics and cosmology (as vacuum energy, zero-point fields, and dark energy) echo the idea of a pervasive medium or 'ether' make-up influencing the universe.

Inspirational quotes


Nothing one-sided comes forth in the world. Everything that exists has two sides to it.

.. a transmutation, a bewitching of spiritual being is always connected with these processes of condensation and with the formation of gases and solids

.. look around at our world: we see solid rocks, flowing streams of water, we see water changing into rising mist: we see the air, we see all the solid, liquid, gaseous things and we see fire, so that at the foundation of all things we have nothing but warmth. All is warmth or fire — solidified fire .. all things were once upon a time warmth or fire; everything has been born out of fire.


Schema FMC00.084 gives an overview of the four elements and four ethers (there are two sorts of warmth hence the overlap).


Schema FMC00.172 elaborates on the simpler FMC00.172A (see: Force substance representation). It shows how on physical Earth, coarse substance is 'Matter', and fine substance becomes 'Force', in the language of physics in mineral science. However between coarse substance (atoms) is the fine substance (ethers, force), and both form a balance that sustains itself, a bit like an extension of the phase diagram in chemistry.


Schema FMC00.078 is added to read the left column of FMC00.084 (above) above with the symmetry in FMC00.006 (below), more info on the relationships represented by the colours in Planes or Worlds of Consciousness

Schema FMC00.194 shows how during the preceding planetary stages (and recapitulations on Earth), the elements and ethers were created, in a way that the spiritual hierarchies all remain present in the totality of the whole spectrum of elements and ethers.


Schema FMC00.225 is a summary of the GA132 lectures that sketch - in imaginative pictures - the spiritual principles underlying the appearance of the elements and ethers. These principles (sacrifice, bestowal, renunciation .. ) and imaginations provide deeper meaning and understanding of the 'philosophical principles' of the elements and ethers, i.e. the working of the spiritual hierarchies.

Schema FMC00.006A sketches the formation of the four elements in the physical domain and the current Condition of Form as a result of the third recapitulation, with its origin in previous evolutionary stages. See eg 1908-03-16-GA102. The schema FMC00.006 embedded in the lower right shows how a substance can appear in multiple 'form appearances', see also Potentization


Schema FMC00.149: gives a tabular synthesis showing the development of the Spectrum of elements and ethers and the development of our current Four kingdoms of nature as well as Man's developing Condition of Consciousness, see also Schema FMC00.583 on Man and nature's kingdoms in evolution

It shows how the plant and animal kingdoms evolved from the planetary stages of evolution: part of the development lagged behind and was not able to develop the next structural bodily principles, such as the astral on Old Moon, and the human 'I' on Earth.

Note: this schema has a Schema Commentary page, right click the schema number hyperlink to open in a new tab window.

gives a tabular synthesis showing the development of the Spectrum of elements and ethers and the development of our current Four kingdoms of nature as well as Man's developing Condition of Consciousness, see also Schema FMC00.583 on Man and nature's kingdoms in evolution It shows how the plant and animal kingdoms evolved from the planetary stages of evolution: part of the development lagged behind and was not able to develop the next structural bodily principles, such as the astral on Old Moon, and the human 'I' on Earth. Note: this schema has a Schema Commentary page, right click the schema number hyperlink to open in a new tab window.

Schema FMC00.572 is a sampler with a selection of introductory books to get started on the study of the elements and ethers and formative forces.

Upper row, from left, the theosophical book by Rama Prasad referenced by Rudolf Steiner, then two books by Gunther Wachsmuth (not undebated), three booklets by Ernst Marti and one by Iwer Thor Lorenzen. Lorenzen book has been translated in English by the FMC project.

Second row from left, foundational books by George Adams and Olive Whicher, on projective geometry, as applied the study of the plant kingdom, then building on that, the exciting work that by Lawrence Lawrence Edwards and Nick Thomas.

Note: this overview was uploaded at the very start of this FMC wiki on 15-Mar-2020 but as it had a separate filename, it has now been put into a Schema for consistency on the site.


Schema FMC00.306 is a meta schema sketches that brings together a number of perspectives in a mind map, for contemplation and in support of didactic discussions.

On the left: FMC00.149 shows a simple table for the solar system evolution in the context of the cosmic fractal, an ever evolving simultaneous evolution of the different spiritual hierarchies along the main three dimensions of evolution. Below FMC00.147 shows the key relations between the hierarchies and Man and the other kingdoms, and the elements and ethers. Above FMC00.194 shows the principle of how the principle of sacrifice of a higher hierarchy (see also FMC00.077 not shown here) gives rise to an enrichment of the solar system cosmos as new substance and forces arise: the hierarchies remain at work in these, so they are embedded all the way as further developments unfold. Middle right FMC00.084 shows an overview of the spectrum of elements and ethers used as shorthand labels for this underlying spiritual reality, as a language for contemporary spiritual science (just as the language of alchemy was used in the middle ages). Right FMC00.172 depicts how to understand the spectrum in the context of the force substance representation, and this can be contemplated along FMC00.194 to retain the link to spiritual hierarchies. Below FMC00.005 looks at how these ethers and elements are at work in Man, but with a relation to the etheric spheres (FMC00.003 not shown here).


Schema FMC00.306 is a simple diagram by Ernst Marti (see 'Further reading' section below) to illustrate the point that, just as the physical is made up of a spiritual form filled with substance (compare for example the Cleansed phantom and Model for hereditary physical body with Human physical body), also the etheric is not just the formative force but also includes a process component as is obvious from the process of potentization used in homeopathy. This explanation is relevant in developing an understanding of the etheric formative forces in Man (eg Human etheric body and The double) and the kingdoms of nature.

To put this in context, compare with ao


Lecture coverage and references

Coverage overview

Rudolf Steiner covered the warmth and light ethers in the first two scientific courses:

  • 1919-12-GA320 light course (10 lectures) as well as 1903-08-GA091 (7 lectures on Light and colour)
  • 1920-03-GA321 warmth course (14 lectures, but see also e.g. P.E. Schiller under references below)

Besides those two courses, an overall grasp can only be developed from the multitude of scattered lectures, as well as aspects covered in the third scientific course

Source extracts

Jakob Boehme

(1575-1624) had the concept of a 'dark ternary' and a 'light ternary' divided by a fourth property of fire or lightning (3 + 1 + 3 = 7).

William Law

(1686-1761) wrote 'The way to divine knowledge' (1752) to assist contemporary readers to a better understanding of Boehme's works. In the third dialogue the concept of the seven properties of nature is explained as (source: wikipedia)

.. the dark ternary of attraction, resistance and whirling became the ground of the “threefold materiality of earth, water and air (“an anguishing materiality”) out of which came the fourth property of nature as a “globe of fire and light” as the “true outbirth of the eternal fire”. Since this eternal fire is not a “moveable thing” and stands forever “in the midst of the seven properties” so the sun as the “true outburst of the eternal fire” is not a moveable thing and is therefore the centre and heart of the whole system, forever separating the first three properties from the three that follow, and thus changing the “three first forms of material wrath into the three last properties of the Kingdom of Heaven” .. the sun is the place that gives forth fire and light “till all material nature is dissolved”

Sir Oliver Lodge

It is the ether that gives place, through diverse modifications of its equilibrium, to all phenomena of the universe, from the impalpable light to the formidable masses of the worlds.


We're always surrounded by five ether streams in the world around us on Earth. They're called earth, water, fire, air and thought ethers. ....

The cross sections of the five etheric streams and their connections with color, taste, and body regions are as follows:

  • earth ether, square with only the corners distinct, yellow, sweet, bones and muscles;
  • water ether, crescent moon at fifth day, white, tart, digestion;
  • fire ether, equilateral triangle, red, hot, blood;
  • air ether, circle, green, sour, nerves;
  • thought (akasha) ether, two intersecting spirals — one is distinct, dark blue, bitter, lymph vessel system.

explains (p98-101) Johann Baptist van Helmont and his coining of the term 'gas' in his 'Ortus Medicinae'

"Hunc spiritum, incognitum hactenus, novo nomine gas voco" which means "Such spirit, which was not known until now, I will call gas"

That is the first time that this word appeared in this type of study or treatise.

This sentence teaches us quite a lot ... he had the feeling that we must address this transpararent substance as spirit ..

[continuation, also linking it to the term chaos, achaos, akasha]


The ancient teachers may have spoken thus: ‘Look at that burning object. See how the fire destroys it. Thou seest two things in that burning object.’

In those ancient times one was called smoke, and it may still be so called nowadays, and the other was called light, and the spiritual scientist saw the fire in the middle between light and smoke. The teacher said: ‘Out of the flame are born simultaneously light on the one side, smoke on the other.’

Now we must for once put very clearly before us a very simple but very far-reaching fact, which has to do with the light, which is born of fire. It is most probable that many people when asked whether they see the light would answer: ‘Yes, of course.’ And yet this answer is as false as possible; for, in truth, no physical eye can see light. Through light one sees objects which are solid, liquid, or gaseous, but the light itself one does not see. Imagine the whole of universal space illuminated by a light the source of which was somewhere behind you, where you could not see it and you were to look into the world spaces illuminated through and through by that light. Would you see the light? You would see absolutely nothing. You would first see something when some object was placed within that illuminated space. One does not see the light, one sees the solid, the watery, the gaseous, by means of the light. One does not see physical light with the physical eye. This is something which comes before the spiritual eye with particular clearness. Spiritual science says therefore: light makes everything visible, but is itself invisible.

This sentence is important: light is imperceptible. It cannot be perceived by the outer senses: one call perceive what is solid, liquid, or gaseous, finally one can perceive warmth or fire outwardly. This one can also begin to feel inwardly, but light itself one can no longer perceive outwardly. If you believe that when you see the sun you see light you are mistaken: you see a flaming body, a burning substance out of which the light streams. It could be proved to you that you have there gaseous, liquid, and earthy substances. You do not see light, you see that which is burning.

But spiritual science says we pass in ascending order from earth to water, from air to fire, and then to light, we pass thus from the outwardly recognisable world, from the visible world into the invisible, into the etheric-spiritual world. Fire stands on the border between the outwardly visible, material world, and that which is etheric and spiritual, which is no more outwardly visible or recognisable.

What happens to a body that is destroyed through fire? What happens when something burns?

When something burns, we see on one side light appear, which is outwardly imperceptible and which is operative in the spiritual world. Something that is not merely outer material gives forth the warmth and when it is strong enough to become a source of light it yields something invisible, something which cannot be recognised any more through the outer senses, but it must pay for this in smoke. From what was formerly translucent and transparent it has to bring forth something not transparent — something of the nature of smoke.

Thus you see how warmth or fire becomes differentiated, how it divides.

  • On one side it divides itself into light, with which it opens a way into the super-sensible world,
  • and in payment for that which it sends up as light into the super-sensible world, it must send something down into the material world, into the world of non-transparent, visible things.

Nothing one-sided comes forth in the world. Everything that exists has two sides to it. When light is produced through warmth, then turbid, dark matter appears on the other side. That is the teaching of primeval spiritual science.

But the process we have just described is only the outer side, the physical, material process. At the foundation of this physically material process there lies something essentially different.

When you have only warmth in some object which as yet does not shine, then this warmth which you perceive is itself the outer physical part but within it is something spiritual. When this warmth grows so strong that it begins to shine and smoke is formed, then some of the spirit which was in the warmth must go into the smoke. That spiritual part which was in the warmth and has passed into the smoke, which being gaseous and belonging to air is a lower element than warmth, that spiritual part is transmuted, bewitched, as it were, into smoke.

Thus with everything which like a turbid extract or a materialisation is deposited by the warmth, there is also associated what might be called the bewitching of some spiritual being.

We can explain it still more simply. Let us imagine that we reduce air to a watery condition. Air itself is nothing but solidified warmth, densified warmth in which smoke has been formed. The spiritual part which really wanted to be in the fire has been bewitched into smoke. Spiritual beings, which are also called elementals, are bewitched in all air, and will even be bewitched, banished, so to speak, to a lower existence, when air is changed into water. Hence spiritual science sees in everything that is outwardly perceptible something that has proceeded from an original condition of fire or warmth and which has turned into air, smoke, or gas, when the warmth began to condense into gas, gas into liquid, liquid into solid. ‘Look backwards,’ says the spiritual scientist, look at any solid substance. That solidity was once liquid, it is only in the course of evolution that it has become solid and the liquid was once upon a time gaseous and the gaseous formed itself as smoke, out of the fire.

But a transmutation, a bewitching of spiritual being is always connected with these processes of condensation and with the formation of gases and solids.

Let us now look around at our world: we see solid rocks, flowing streams of water, we see the water changing into rising mist: we see the air, we see all the solid, liquid, gaseous things and we see fire, so that at the foundation of all things we have nothing but fire. All is fire — solidified fire: gold, silver, copper, are solidified fire. All things were once upon a time fire; everything has been born out of fire. But in all that solidified realm, some bewitched spirits are dwelling.

How are those spiritual, divine beings who surround us able to produce solid matter as it is on our planet — to produce liquids, and air substances?

They send down their elemental spirits, those which live in the fire: they imprison them in air, in water and in earth. These are the emissaries, the elemental emissaries of the spiritual, creative, building beings. The elemental spirits first enter into fire. In fire they still feel comfortable — if we care to express it by images — and then they are condemned to a life of bewitchment. We can say looking around us: ‘These beings, whom we have to thank for all the things that surround us, had to come down out of the fire-element; they are bewitched in those things.’

Can we as men do anything to help those elemental spirits? This is the great question which was put by the Holy Rishis. Can we do anything to release, to redeem, all that is here, bewitched?


We have seen that the characteristic features of the Old Moon evolution were only able to come about through the separation of the Sun from the Moon. Then we have seen that during the Earth evolution it again became necessary for the sun to separate off from the Earth; we have seen that a duality is necessary for a life of full consciousness. The Earth element had to withdraw. But in such a withdrawal something else is also involved; the elementary conditions of the moon nature and of the sun nature change, become different. If you make a study of our present sun, even from a purely physical aspect you are obliged to say to yourselves: “The conditions which we have on Earth and which we call solid and liquid are not to be found in the physical sun.” The most you can say is that the sun still condenses to the gaseous state. This is recognised by modern physics. Such a separation of elementary conditions comes about through the severing of what was previously a unity.

We have seen that the Earth develops in such a way that a gradual densification downward takes place from warmth to solid, to earth, and that what is above as elementary existence light-ether, sound-ether, life-ether — seems to press inwards from without. But this description does not fit the part which goes out as the sun. It would be better therefore to say that there are seven states of elementary existence.

The first, the most rarefied state, which constitutes and brings about life; then what we call number, or sound-ether; then light-ether; then warmth-ether; then we have air, or the gaseous element, the watery element and finally the earthy or solid.

  • It is in the earth that we have to look mainly for the elements up as far as warmth. Warmth permeates the earth, whereas the earth only shares in light in so far as the beings in its environment — or if you like the bodies in its environment — take part in the life of the earth. Light streams upon the Earth from the sun.
  • If we wish to locate the three higher elementary states — light-ether, the ether of spiritual sound, and life-ether — we must place them in the sphere of the sun.

In the Earth we have to look for the solid, fluid and gaseous elements; warmth is shared by both Earth and sun.

1921-06-24-GA205 and 1921-06-26-GA205

In these lectures .. Rudolf Steiner describes four types of Earthly and Cosmic Laws, and takes the perspective as if an ancient Greek would converse with a contemporary scientist. The Greek would point out that all our current knowledge is just one type of knowledge or lawfullness, denoted with the element 'earth'.. Similarly, the second lawfullness, denoted with the element 'water', describes the etheric and its formative forces, not only in the plant kingdom but also in the inner movements or streams in the human being (forming the organs).


(SWCC), see also The two etheric streams

.. the human being is thoroughly organized and inwardly organized with respect to water, to air, and to warmth. He is also differentiated with regard to the ethers, but this differentiation is a fluctuating one. It is a continual occurrence, a continual interplay between

  • light and warmth ethers on the one hand, pressing centripetally from above downward, and
  • life and chemical ethers on the other hand, pressing centrifugally from below upward.

By this means the etheric configuration of the human being is formed. It is actually a transformation of the vortex formed by the mutual impact of these two kinds of ether. The shape that you encounter must be understood then, as a cooperation between these two kinds of ether.


Just as the lower elements of earth, water and air are inhabited by elemental beings, so are the higher elements of light ether, chemical ether and life ether.

However, these beings of the higher elements differ considerably from those of the lower ones. The beings of light, and particularly those of life, do not aim at becoming multitudes. The ones who strive the most to become multitudes are the beings of the earth element. The beings of the etheric element strive rather towards unity. It is difficult to differentiate them from one another; they do not express any individuality and rather strive to amalgamate.

Certain initiates in ancient times, through whom certain teachings of the Old Testament originated, turned their attention particularly towards the etheric elements. The strong tendency of these elements towards unification created an influence which resulted in the strict monotheism of Judaism.

The religion which is based on the worship of Jehovah originated mainly from a spiritual vision of the realm of the ethers. In this realm live spiritual beings who do not strive to separate from one another and become many individuals. Rather do they strive to grow together and disappear into one another; they seek to become a unity.

If these beings are disregarded by Man - i.e., if he does not turn to spiritual knowledge and the insight that what exists up in the sky is not merely the physical sun, but that with the sun's warmth and light etheric beings stream down to Earth; if Man's comprehension stops at the external material aspect, then the possibility exists that these beings will unite with ahrimanic powers.

In order for the Earth to become what it was originally intended to become, Man must wake up to the dangers that threaten from both sides—on the one hand, the danger that those beings who dwell in the lower elements will join forces with ahrimanic powers, and on the other, that the ahrimanic powers will unite with those of the higher elements in their striving for unity.

The significance of spiritual knowledge for Man's earthly destiny cannot be emphasized too strongly. Unless Man draws near to spiritual reality something completely different from what ought to happen will happen to the Earth. No matter how far or how deeply our sophisticated sciences of physics and chemistry investigate the material world around us, the fact remains that what is investigated will all disappear along with Earth existence itself. In the last resort, chemistry and physics have no value whatever beyond the Earth.

When the evolution of the Earth comes to an end, all mineral substances will turn to dust and dissolve in the cosmos. Only what pertains to the plant, animal and human world will pass over to the Future Jupiter existence. Therefore, all the magnificent achievements of these sciences are related only to what is transitory. It is essential that knowledge is attained of that which endures beyond the Earth


The cosmic ether out of which our etheric body is taken, has two parts:

  • The one part of this cosmic ether is made up of warmth ether, light ether, chemical ether, and life ether.
  • Underlying all of this, as the second part, is a moral being of the cosmic ether. This moral being is, however, present only near the stars and planets.

Thus, when you live on Earth, although you do not know it during the day, you are also within the cosmic ether as moral essence (thus in both parts). However, the moral is driven out from between the stars by the sunlight. The sunlight itself has within itself nothing less than the original source of the moral ether for us. Yet, whoile the Sun shines it drives, through its light, the moral essence out of the ether.


[Ahrimanic influence]

When we go out of the physical and etheric bodies we leave begind the religious and the moral. And because the moral cosmic order is gone from the ether, the ahrimanic being has access to this ether. This liar-spirit speaks to human beings during their sleep and represents good as evil and evil as good.

Creation of elements and ethers in planetary stages of evolution

Colours of the etheric

In 'Rudolf Steiner - Recollections by some of his pupils', F.W. Zeylmans talks about his first meeting with Rudolf Steiner and how he presented his findings regarding colours and sat there spellbound as he couldn't believe that anyone could give the answers to questions he could not even formulate properly.

The spectrum with the seven colours is only one part of the whole spectrum, the part that is visible in the solar system. To understand the whole spectrum one must draw a circle, and then there ar ethe sveen colours of the solar spectrum and on the other side the five peach-blossom colours. You ought really to have taken your start from these twelve. One sees these seven colours because there the astral body swims, as it were, in the colours. But the peach-blossom colour is so subtle and ethereal that it hardly appears at all in external nature; there the 'I' is living in the etheric; peach-blossom is actually the colour of the etheric.


Note 1 - About the electromagnetic spectrum


Mineral science

Based on the 20th century theories of physics that sees our reality as ether matter or energy-wave, the current materialistic paradigm of mineral science has settled to view to view the world and cosmos through the lens and concept of electromagnetic radiation and a spectrum of vibrational energies, extending

  • the spectrum of visual light (violet-blue to red), with
  • UV, X-rays, gamma rays in to high energies (short wavelengths) and
  • IR, microwave and radiowaves in the low energy (large wavelengths)

Furthermore, physics sees four fundamental forces that govern all interactions in the universe and are thought to be responsible for everything from holding atoms together to shaping galaxies. There is an ongoing quest to find a 'unified' theory as these four forces might be different aspects of a single fundamental force (in such effort, the electromagnetic and weak nuclear forces have been unified into the 'electroweak' force).

  • Gravitational force: weakest of the four but long range (to infinite), weakens with distance and governs the attraction between objects with mass. In the materialistic view of the cosmos it is believed to keep planets in orbit around stars and hold galaxies together. Physics looks for a fundamental particle (hypothetical graviton) and gravitational waves.
  • Electromagnetic force: much stronger (about 10³⁶ times stronger than gravity) and long range, weaker over distance, responsible for electric and magnetic interactions. It is believed to holds electrons in atoms and govern light, electricity, and magnetism through the photon carrier particle.
  • Strong nuclear force: strongest (10³⁸ times stronger than gravity) but extremely short-range (~10⁻¹⁵ meters, the size of a nucleus). It is believed to hold atomic nuclei together (protons and neutrons together in the atomic nucleus, overcome repulsion between positively charged protons) and responsible for nuclear energy and fusion in stars .. and work through the gluon elementary particle.
  • Weak nuclear force: weak (10²⁵ times stronger than gravity, but much weaker than the strong force) but extremely short range (~10⁻¹⁸ meters). It is believed to be responsible for radioactive decay and play a role in nuclear reactions that power the Sun, working through elementary particles such as W and Z bosons.


Taking a step back, in summary: physics describes things that are observed and measured in a certain paradigm and language:

  • when not at the level of macroscopic physical-mineral matter, energetic effects are described as waves, and
  • the energy aspects of physical matter are described as forces (of various strengths and ranges).


However .. things are not that simple:

.. it must be mentioned that, though the above is what is taught in schools and universities, theories are in constant evolution to try and explain what is observed and measured. Theoretical physics and its made-up mathematical thought forms are at least as esoteric and more far fetched that spiritual science.

Popular sources bottom line from the standard Lambda-CDM model of cosmology that posits: 'normal matter' represents 5% of what the universe is made up off, the rest being 'dark matter' 27% and 'dark energy' (68%) .. 95% of the universe is invisible to us and we can only see the effects, we call ik dark matter and energy not because it is black, but because it is a mystery'.

In more serious terms, the following extracts from wikipedia: "In the standard Lambda-CDM model of cosmology, the mass–energy content of the universe is 5% ordinary matter, 26.8% dark matter, and 68.2% a form of energy known as dark energy. Thus, dark matter constitutes 85% of the total mass, while dark energy and dark matter constitute 95% of the total mass–energy content."

Below are five concept-ideas, all information from wikipedia

  • dark energy is a proposed form of energy that affects the universe on the largest scales. Its primary effect is to drive the accelerating expansion of the universe and slow the rate of structure formation. The first observational evidence for dark energy's existence came from measurements of supernovae. ... Prior to this observation, scientists thought that the gravitational attraction of matter and energy in the universe would cause the universe's expansion to slow over time. Since the discovery of accelerating expansion, several independent lines of evidence have been discovered that support the existence of dark energy. ... The exact nature of dark energy remains a mystery, and many possible explanations have been theorized. In quantum field theory (QFT):
    • Vacuum energy is an underlying background energy that exists in space throughout the entire universe. The vacuum energy is a special case of zero-point energy that relates to the quantum vacuum.
    • Zero-point energy (ZPE) is the lowest possible energy that a quantum-mechanical system may have. Unlike in classical mechanics, quantum systems constantly fluctuate in their lowest energy state as described by the Heisenberg uncertainty principle. Therefore, even at absolute zero, atoms and molecules retain some vibrational motion. Apart from atoms and molecules, the empty space of the vacuum also has these properties. The notion of a zero-point energy is also important for cosmology, and physics currently lacks a full theoretical model for understanding zero-point energy in this context; in particular, the discrepancy between theorized and observed vacuum energy in the universe is a source of major contention.
  • dark matter is an invisible and hypothetical form of matter that does not interact with light or other electromagnetic radiation. Dark matter is implied by gravitational effects which cannot be explained by general relativity unless more matter is present than can be observed. Such effects occur in the context of formation and evolution of galaxies, gravitational lensing, the observable universe's current structure, mass position in galactic collisions, the motion of galaxies within galaxy clusters, and cosmic microwave background anisotropies. Dark matter is thought to serve as gravitational scaffolding for cosmic structures. And then there is also:
    • antimatter is defined as matter composed of the antiparticles (or "partners") of the corresponding particles in "ordinary" matter, and can be thought of as matter with reversed charge, parity, and time, known as CPT reversal. Antimatter occurs in natural processes like cosmic ray collisions and some types of radioactive decay, but only a tiny fraction of these have successfully been bound together in experiments to form antiatoms. .. In theory, a particle and its antiparticle (for example, a proton and an antiproton) have the same mass, but opposite electric charge, and other differences in quantum numbers. .. A collision between any particle and its anti-particle partner leads to their mutual annihilation .. There is strong evidence that the observable universe is composed almost entirely of ordinary matter, as opposed to an equal mixture of matter and antimatter. This asymmetry of matter and antimatter in the visible universe is one of the great unsolved problems in physics.

In short, the concepts proposed above are theoretical ideas to extend the knowledge framework of mineral science in a continuous way, that is compatible with the worldview's base assumptions. They are the 'missing variables' that are needed to try and adapt the current model so it does not break down vis-a-vis the observed facts. It is fair to conclude that it also says: "in fact we don't know, we don't have a clue"

One might also argue that the contents of these concept-ideas is not much more than a contemporary and complicated way to state what was the base idea of the 'ether' (see above: Spectrum of elements and ethers#Ether).

Spiritual science

The spiritual scientific perspective however puts forth a different understanding of light and colour, part of a larger paradigm or meta-representation as laid out on Force substance representation and this topic page.

Whereas mineral science believes the cosmos is made up of enery and physical-mineral matter, spiritual science puts forth the cosmos is spiritual and consists of a dynamic of interwoven spiritual beings with complex structures .. whereby physical-mineral matter is perceived by human beings due to the our sensory cognition and nervous system (see more on Cosmic fractal).

Therefore we see molecules or atoms, but actually this perception is intrinscally linked to the lens through which we view, see illustration Schema FMC00.403. The spectrum of elements and ethers is a language shorthand (like alchemy) to describe the workings of and in our world, as illustrated by Schema FMC00.305.

A crucial difference between the spiritual scientific perspective and the concept of the 'ether' (Spectrum of elements and ethers#Ether) is that the ether was thought of still as some kind of fine matter that fills the universe, in a materialistic way. That is also what mineral science holds with all the new concepts (see above), just filling the cosmos with mysterious types of energy (if it can't be matter). The Force substance representation can resolve this dichotomy, if one starts from the base hypothesis that the cosmos is spiritual in nature, and that the spectrum of elements and ethers was created as part of the solar system evolution and the evolution of spiritual beings in their dynamic. The latter is essential, and seems to stand at 90° to what mineral science can accept. So whereas the force-substance representation would still be something a current physicist could contemplate, the problem would be that it would not work if considered in a materialistic mindset.

Scope of this note

This note is about the mapping of both worlds or 'language systems' or 'representations' or 'paradigms'. In this note we can try to map what mineral science describes as results of the extensive research done worldwide, to the spiritual scientific paradigm.

If one accepts the fact that the human cognition (our human senses) represent a bandpass filter through we gaze at and experience reality, and that our physical instruments are but a human-engineered extension of that ..

then this opens our mind to the fact reality may be much wider and different than we we perceive in that small interval of our human cognition.

What current physics and mineral science does is extrapolate findings on Earth, with some thinking and mathematics, thereby assuming this should apply and describe the nature of the whole cosmos and creation. This is called the 'foolish extrapolation' - see Top five problems with current science and the discussion on Schema FMC00.275 on the Worldview topic page.

The starting point to 'resolve the dichotomy' or bridge the apparent gap is Schema FMC00.172A and Schema FMC00.172 on Force substance representation and directly linked to the Spectrum of elements and ethers as described on this topic page. After all the concept of the four or five elements is millenia old and was underlying the worldview in ancient greece and ancient india, it is only in current times it has been dumped due to a lack of understanding of what was and is truly meant with this paradigm (re Four elements#1921-06-24-GA205).

Furthermore, what is immediately apparent is that in mineral science, forces are described through a scalar single-dimensional figure such as energy content (frequency), without also assigning a formative effect to the force other than sustaining matter (atoms, elementary particles, ..). This is a fundamental difference, see Formative forces; Schema FMC00.306; and The elementary kingdoms: Schema FMC00.175A and FMC175 on that topic page link the nature of mineral substance to The nature of atoms through the higher ethers or etheric formative forces. This difference has far reaching consequences as mineral science cannot explain why trees grow the way they do, how chrystals chrystallize in such difference ways and forms, why we find spirals in nature, etc.


  • Earth
    • 'Schumann Resonance' refers to a set of electromagnetic resonant frequencies that occur in the Earth's ionosphere, supposedly caused by lightning strikes that create electromagnetic waves, which resonate within the cavity between the Earth's surface and the ionosphere. The fundamental frequency is about 7.83 Hz (with higher harmonics at approximately 14.3 Hz, 20.8 Hz, 27.3 Hz), and is often described as a/the 'frequency of Earth', as it is a natural electromagnetic phenomenon tied to the Earth's atmospheric cavity.
  • human brain waves
    • the activity in the human brain has been measured to map to different frequency ranges depending on the mental state:
      • delta waves: approx. 0,5/1 - 3/4 Hz <-> deep (dreamless) sleep, restoration, transcendence - see also: Three levels of sleep
      • theta waves: approx. 4 - 8 Hz <-> dreaming, trance, deep relaxation, visualization, problem solving
      • alpha waves: approx. 8/9 - 12/14 Hz <-> relaxed, calm, meditation, relaxation, creativity,
      • beta waves: approx. 12/15 - 30 Hz <-> waking consciousness: awake, thinking, concentration, normal alertness
      • gamma waves: approx. 30 - 100 Hz <-> insight, peak experiences
    • note: some theories suggest that Schumann resonance may have an effect on human brainwaves, as Alpha waves (8-14 Hz) and Theta waves (4-8 Hz) partially overlap with the fundamental Schumann resonance.

Related pages

References and further reading

  • Rama Prasad: ‘Nature’s finer forces’ (1889).
  • Gunther Wachsmuth (1893-1963)
    • The Etheric Formative Forces in Cosmos, Earth and Man: A Path of Investigation into the World of the Living - Volume 1 (1923 in DE, 1932 in EN)
    • The Ethereal World in Science, Art and Religion. From the Way of Man to Control the Image Forces - Volume 2 (1927 in DE, EN translation available by FMC project but not published yet)
  • Hermann von Baravalle (1898-1973)
    • Wärme und Kälte , Magnetismus und Elektrizität (1940)
  • Paul Eugen Schiller
  • Iwer Thor Lorenzen (1895-1976)
    • Elemente, Aether und Aetherleiber - im Lichte der von Rudolf Steiner begründeten Geisteswissenschaft (typoscript 1976, original published in DE in 2016, EN translation available by FMC project but not published yet)
  • Ernst Marti (1903-1985)
    • The four ethers: Contributions to Rudolf Steiner's science of the ethers, elements-ethers-formative forces (1974 in DE, 1984 in EN, also in NL)
    • The Etheric: Broadening Science through Anthroposophy - Volume 1: The World of the Ethers (1989 in DE, 2017 in EN)
    • The Etheric: Broadening Science through Anthroposophy – Volume 2: The World of Formative Forces (2020 in EN)

On the ether

  • Oliver Lodge (1851-1940)
    • The Ether of Space (1909)
    • Ether and Reality: A Series of Discourses on the Many Functions of the Ether of Space (1925)
  • Gustave Le Bon (1841-1931)
    • 'The Evolution of Matter' (1907, original in FR 1905 as 'L'Évolution de la Matière') - see online here, Chapters 3 and 5
    • La Naissance et l'évanouissement de la matière (1907) - not translated to date, but see 'The birth and disappearance of matter',see online youtube here
    • 'The Evolution of Forces '(1908, original in FR 1907 as 'L'Évolution des Forces')