Transition between Earth and Future Jupiter
The Earth rounds perspective provides a view on the Conditions of Life and Form (CoL, CoF) after our current fourth mineral CoL and CoF will have concluded with the Seventh Epoch. See Schemas FMC00.057B and FMC00.298.
This is relevant because as Man spiritualizes, humanity will develop further beyond the purely mineral. In the Book of Revelation the next CoF corresponds to the seven bows or vials - see Schema FMC00.258.
At the end of Earth evolution, there will be Unification of humanity through Christ before the pralaya and transition to Future Jupiter. The Christ will be like a group soul made up of all compressed spiritual fruits of all previous incarnations of all human beings, that is: the collective of all spiritualized higher selves (see Man's higher triad) that were spiritualized, will be united into a spiritual body. (1914-07-16-GA155 below, and see also Unification and Second Adam). And after the pralaya this will the new center and start for the future solar system in the Future Jupiter evolutionary stage (1906-09-13-GA091).
A critical phase for the above to happen is referenced with the so-called Father impulse in the Sixth epoch, see notes to Schema FMC00.370 below (as well as drawn by Rudolf Steiner in Schema FMC00.185)
Inspirational quotes
Human beings will absorb the impulse of the Mystery of Golgotha for as long until the Earth will exist.
... what has been given to the Earth through the Word that Christ spoke, and was kindled in those who recognize him, this is the true essence of Earth existence.
.. the words of Christ concerning heaven and earth will endure.
“Heaven and Earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away.” (Matt. 24:35.)
.. when the whole of humanity has become an expression of the Christ, then that will represent the transition to a new step in world development. Then all powers that were in the world have been put out and used, and now these life forces can be involved in something new in the center of the world and a plan for a new cosmos. This new cosmos will stream out of this center in a new evolutionary stage, just like our current evolution has streamed out of a world center.
The end of our Earth development is only the end of the outbreathing of God.
Everything will be breathed in again in the center of the divine God, to find a new existence with the next outbreathing.
Schema FMC00.563: is a (temporary draft) notebook drawing for a Schema called 'Durchgang' to Maximilian Rebholz’ essay ‘Der Durchgang der Weltgedanken durch den Menschen‘ (1946-47). The drawing represents the scope and flow covered in this essay.
- How Man on Earth was brought forth as a result of cosmic world thoughts, that crystallized down with Earth from etheric points (see eg Schema FMC00.570) in the first half of the Earth planetary stage of evolution (see also Adam Kadmon and Giant Ymir)
- How the human being carries, in its I-consciousness and faculties of Thinking, Feeling and Willing (TFW) the seeds for future worlds.
- How the cosmic breathing process of in- and out- breathing takes place, with in the middle the pralaya, see also Occult Atom (and the future plan for humanity).
- How the old is dying, as the result of what has been generated by the out-breathing.
- How the Christ Impulse gave the injection of the new for a spiritual future as the old was and is dying (see ao Schema FMC00.400 and Schema FMC00.190)
- How Christ as Second Adam is the future group soul that will be the essence or seed that will carry over to form the basis for what is to come, in the next planetary stage of evolution Future Jupiter - see also Transition between Earth and Future Jupiter
- How what Man is contributing is part of what is ‘breathed in’ by the hierarchies (see eg Schema FMC00.593).
So the essay centers on the Earth stage and positions Man as to where he came from, and what will be his future. But also how Man contributes to the future cosmos as as Free Man Creator, carried by and through the spiritual hierarchies.
Schema FMC00.057B provides a context sketch: the end of the seventh epoch concludes the fourth mineral CoL, then three more CoL follow.
FMC00.298 is a synthetic table with descriptive quotes from various lectures on different aspects of the Earth's CoL (and CoF). Click to enlarge.
Schema FMC00.370 shows 'the big picture' of the development of humanity between the third and sixth epochs.
Below [in blue] the three major impulses (FMC00.185), with the descent of Man in the Lemurian epoch (into physical incarnation and gender), and [under the timeline in grey] the slow development of the sentient, intellectual and consciousness soul in the Lemurian and Atlantean epochs as a gift of the Spirits of Form (FMC00.046 below). As part of that [in red] the Luciferic infection with following Ahrimanic and Soratic influences.
Also [below in yellow] the Three pre-MoG interventions of Christ to steer the balanced development of the I across Man's bodily principles. Then, in the current epoch [see vertical light grey lines] the refined sentient, intellectual and consciousness souls in three cultural ages. This development was supported with the Krishna impulse and the Being of Elijah. Central in the whole development: the Mystery of Golgotha (MoG) and the resulting changes in the age of the consciousness soul. See oa FMC00.167 and Schema FMC00.013 on Transition between 4th and 14th century.
The resurrection at the MoG caused the start of the Second Adam development of future spiritualized humanity with Christ as group soul. The second apocalyptic seal illustrates this (FMC00.348) with the Mystical Lamb being the future group soul for humanity that originates from the group souls of humanity (FMC00.283 and FMC00.181).
Hence, the schema depicts the individuation from humanity in stages. For the reference to the three cultural ages of the Sixth epoch, and the Father impulse, see the Book of Revelation
Schema FMC00.258 links the structure and chapters of the Book of Revelation
Lecture coverage and references
How far have we come at the end of the seventh round? [Condition of Life of the Earth stage of evolution]
[editor: in this case what is described is that humanity will then become L2 the second logos to work on L3 third logos world dust, see Schema FMC00.067A and Schema FMC00.067B on Creation by the three Logoi. This situation is similar as the Pitris from Old Moon working in the first half of the Earth stage of evolution. The current humans that will become such Pitris will do the same on Future Jupiter.]
So far that we can rebuild from the outside everything that the spirit has built up from the inside.
So when we find new world dust, we will immediately build a body that will correspond to our level of development. We will build the 'people' of future stages of development!
But those who have lagged behind, who have not come so far, will have to build up the lowest forms; accordingly, they will be the ones who, as it were, build up the walls in the new world system from below, and the developed ones will intervene where there is work for them to do.
The I in us can never be lost; it only transforms. At present it thinks, and that is the highest ability it possesses today. We will animate the next beings again, but not with manasic Is, but with higher ones
see: Christ Module 7 - Cosmic dimension#1906-09-13-GA091
Shortened extract here:
.. when the whole of humanity has become an expression of the Christ, then that will represent the transition to a new step in world development.
Then all powers that were in the world have been put out and used,
and now these life forces can be involved in something new in the center of the world and a plan for a new cosmos.
This new cosmos will stream out of this center in a new evolutionary stage, just like our current evolution has streamed out of a world center.
The end of our Earth development is only the end of the outbreathing of God.
Everything will be breathed in again in the center of the divine God, to find a new existence with the next outbreathing.
It will permeate the totality of human souls, who will rise out of the corpse of the Earth, out of the earthly dross. The Christ Being, together with the totality of human souls, ascends further into the spiritual realms, in order later to come to the next incorporation of the Earth, which in spiritual science we call Future Jupiter
translation from rsarchive was tuned/improved
Human beings will absorb the impulse of the Mystery of Golgotha for as long until the Earth will exist.
Then there will come an interval between Earth and Future Jupiter. Such an intermediate period is always linked to the fact that not only the individual planet, but also everything around it change, pass over into chaos, go through a 'pralaya'.
It is not only the Earth itself that changes in a pralaya, but also the heaven that is part of it.
But what has been given to the Earth through the Word that Christ spoke, and was kindled in those who recognize him, this is the true essence of Earth existence.
And we gain a proper right understanding from the truth of this saying which indicated for us the course of development of the cosmos, how the earth and its heavenly aspect (seen frm an earthly perspective); is changed when the Earth has reached its goal and heaven and Earth have passed away.
But the words of Christ concerning heaven and earth will endure. If one rightly understands the Gospels, and feels their innermost impulse, then one feels not only the truth but also the power of the Word which passes over into us as an energy, helps us stand firmly on the ground of thf Earth, and helps us look beyond the world when we absorb with full understanding the Word,
“Heaven and Earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away.” (Matt. 24:35.)
The words of Christ will never pass away, even if heaven and earth pass away. This may be said in accordance with occult knowledge, for the truths of the Mystery of Golgotha that have been spoken will still remain. The Mark Gospel kindles in our souls the knowledge of the truth that heaven and earth pass away, while what we can know about the Mystery of Golgotha will accompany us into the ages that are to come, even if heaven and earth will have passed away.
In his writings on the Phantom (Ch 5.), Maximilian Rebholz writes:
And this process of reunification continues through the fact, that at the end of earthly evolution, the Christ will unite all these thought-phantoms, which surround the earth as "spiritual haze structures", into a single form, from which - after passing through the Pralaya - the archetypal image of Future Jupiter would appear.…
and he quotes from
as follows:
and at the end of the ages the remains of our Earth incarnations will stand there … all the phantom-like beings… like a mighty tableau. … and what do they come to, taken as a whole? Because Christ unites them all … the remains of the single incarnations are all compressed together. … Compress what is rarefied and you will get density. Spirit also becomes dense, and so our collective Earth-incarnations are united into one spiritual body.
Here follows the extract of that lecture, well worthwhile to study and contemplate:
At the end of the Earth period .. .. at the end of the ages the remains of our Earth incarnations will stand there like a mighty tableau if we have not taken into us the living Christ.
Because Christ unites them all — Christ who belongs to all mankind in the present and in the future — the remains of the single incarnations are all compressed together. Every human soul lives in successive incarnations. From each incarnation certain relics or remains are left, as we have described. Further incarnations will leave other remains, and so on, up to the end of the Earth period. If these relics are permeated by Christ, they are compressed together. Compress what is rarefied and you will get density. Spirit also becomes dense, and so our collective Earth-incarnations are united into a spiritual body. This body belongs to us; we need it because we evolve onwards to Future Jupiter, and it will be the starting-point of our embodiment on Future Jupiter. At the end of the Earth period we shall stand there with the soul — whatever the particular karma of the soul may be — and we shall stand there before our earthly relics which have been gathered together by Christ, and we shall have to unite with them in order to pass over with them to Future Jupiter.
See also IAO for another perspective of what is described here.
lecture called: 'Heaven and Earth will pass away but my words will not pass away.'
see also Seeds for future worlds#1915-06-03-GA162
[intro section]
You all know that human evolution has arrived at the Earth stage only after passing through various previous stages, and that this Earth stage was preceded by the Old Moon stage. And we must remind ourselves of the fact that, in a certain sense, the former Old Moon stage is preserved in a later stage, is active therein; we can put it this way: that we are Earth men, but that we in a certain sense, carry the Old Moon man in us. We have developed from the Old Moon stage, yet the Old Moon-man lives in us, — he is, so to speak, part of us. We could show this in diagrammatic form thus ... or, in other words, we can say: we carry with us the Earth man, but the Earth man surrounds the Old Moon man. We can now proceed further, namely that the Old Moon man also encloses the Old Sun man, and the Old Sun man in turn encloses the Old Saturn man; so we carry within us, in addition to the Old Moon man, the Old Sun man and Old Saturn man also.
We must, of course, not imagine that this diagram in any sense reproduces the truth. In reality, of course, the Old Moon man does not sit inside as if he were surrounded by a shell; but if we wish to imagine the reality related to this ‘dual’ man, the matter stands thus, for example:
- that, which in a specific sense, belongs to the Earth, we would have to imagine as residing chiefly in the trunk, the lower and upper limbs and as far as the throat region.
- And if trying to imagine the Old Moon man we must visualize him as the surmounting head;
- the Old Sun man has certain — already disintegrating organs in the head,
- and the Old Saturn man has head organs now scarcely discernable.
[third hierarchy]
Thus, during the Old Moon stage this dreamer developed the only possible consciousness that could evolve on Old Moon. As Earth Man came, the dreamer entered into him; but his experiences in the Earth Man are developed into clear, conscious ideas, which, for them, are imaginations. Our dreams are transformed into imaginations. In other words: the dreamer in us becomes ideas for the angels, and they change these to imaginations: what man dreams, the angels imagine. (Diagram I.)
We may now go a step further to something that can be depicted by diagram, which this time is true to fact. The Man in us has a still duller consciousness, one similar to that of the plants (Diagram II). Thus, we carry not only the dreamer in us, but also a kind of plant man, who always sleeps like the plants. His dull imaginations are transmitted by the beings of the hierarchy of the archangels to inspirations. So: what the Old Sun man experiences in sleep, the archangels inspire.
In a still deeper sleep is our Old Saturn man; so deep is it that it can be likened to the sleep of the minerals. This Old Saturn man, in his turn, with his deep-sleep consciousness, gives the beings of the hierarchy of archai the material, the means to create intuitions. Hence: The Old Saturn Man in his deep sleep becomes intuition of the Archai (Diagram III).
And now it is necessary to be quite clear of the fact that imaginations, inspirations and intuitions are no mere abstract things like our own thoughts, concepts or feelings.
Imaginations are something very real, inspirations something still more real. For, inspirations do not remain pent up within a being, but resound out into the universe as the music of the spheres and are productive forces.
Intuitions are actualities entering the universe and filling it. The state or condition of the Old Saturn Man in his deep sleep is sent out into the worlds by the Archai as intuitions.
And so it is today.
But the Earth will pass through another evolutionary stage in the future. Then will the intuitions of the archai become more and more densified. In our own age they still are extremely attenuated forms, but as we progress from the fifth to sixth and seventh Earth periods these intuitions become denser.
The Earth will pass away, but these intuitions are preserved within the Archai. But when Future Jupiter begins to exist, these Archai advance to the rank of Spirits of Form, and the impulses they have learned to form during the Earth-stage now become actual forms; and because they are Old Saturn forms, they will be mineral.
Thus: at the end of the Earth stage these intuitions become densified cosmic impulses and later, forms. (Jupiter) (Diagram III.)
And when they become forms upon Future Jupiter, they constitute the mineral foundation of Future Jupiter.
During the second evolutionary half period of the Earth the Archai continuously work there — penetrate — into our Old Saturn man; they win for themselves the impulses which they then ray forth into the world; and these again send out forms, but these forms are the Future Jupiter: Future Jupiter will be constituted of nothing but these forms. We have in us the Old Saturn Man, but as this Old Saturn Man is in close connection with the activity of the Archai, he is the germ for Future Jupiter. Future Jupiter will obtain all his mineral foundation from the Old Saturn man we carry in us.
[and later]
- This Old Saturn man in his deep sleep through the archai will give rise to a mineral Jupiter.
- The experiences of the sleeping Old Sun man, mature at the end of the earth period, so as to furnish cosmic impulses for the Future Jupiterian plant world through the archangel.
- The dream conceptions of the Old Moon man (or the dreamer in man) becomes for Future Jupiter condensed imaginations, foundation of an animal kingdom through the angels.
- The conceptions of Earth man become impulses — through the soul-contents of the most evolved of humanity — for the evolution of humanity upon Future Jupiter.
see also Schema FMC00.357 on Seeds for future worlds.
It is one of the many meanings of the Mystery of Golgotha that with the Christ spirit something was given to the Earth that, when rightly understood, makes the name 'human being' again applicable to all earthly humanity. The real substance of Christianity, which has already been partially revealed through its teachings, will be explored by those who, in regard to Christ, seek in the spiritual world what Christ is continually revealing in accordance with his words: “I am with you always, to the close of the age.”
Related pages
- Christ Module 3 - Evolutionary framework
- Future Jupiter
- Cleansed phantom
- Occult atom
- Unification and Second Adam